/** Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).* All rights reserved.* This component and the accompanying materials are made available* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"* which accompanies this distribution, and is available* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".** Initial Contributors:* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.** Contributors:** Description: **/ // Turn a color property value string into // a color. The value is expected to either // be a comma delimited RGB or a system colorfunction colorFromString(laf, colorStr) { if (colorStr == null || colorStr == "") return null; var result = null; var elements = colorStr.split(","); if (elements.length == 3) { var valid = true; for (var i in elements) { var num = parseInt(elements[i]); if (isNaN(num)) valid = false; } if (valid) result = Colors.getColor(elements[0], elements[1], elements[2]); } else { result = laf.getColor(colorStr); } return result;}// Get the effective background color, assuming that everything is transparent// until we get to a component with an attribute describing how its// background will be drawnfunction getBackgroundColor(instance, laf) { var color = null; while (instance != null) { // children of form and settings list have parent-derived colors if (instance.parent != null && instance.parent.componentId == "com.nokia.sdt.series60.CAknForm") break; if (instance.parent != null && instance.parent.componentId == "com.nokia.sdt.series60.CAknSettingItemList") { color = laf.getColor("CAknSettingItemList.ContentBackground"); break; } var bgProperty = null; var bgColor = null; if (instance.component != null) { bgProperty = instance.component.attributes ["container-background-color-property-name"]; bgColor = instance.component.attributes ["container-background-color"]; } if (bgProperty != null) { color = colorFromString(laf, instance.properties[bgProperty]); if (color != null) { //println("used attribute for " + color); break; } } if (bgColor != null) { color = laf.getColor(bgColor); if (color != null) { //println("used property for " + color); break; } } instance = instance.parent; } if (color == null) { color = laf.getColor("EEikColorWindowBackground"); //println("using background color " + color); if (color == null) { color = Colors.getColor(255, 255, 255); } } return color;}/** * Return a reference to the IImageRenderingClass for static constant values access */IImageRendering = null;function getIImageRenderingClass() { if (IImageRendering == null) IImageRendering = getPluginClass("com.nokia.sdt.uimodel", "com.nokia.sdt.datamodel.images.IImageRendering"); return IImageRendering;}/** * Get the real size of an image from property. * This retrieves the unscaled image, which should * already be cached. * @param instance the instance * @param imageProperty the property, i.e. instance.properties.image * @param multiImageAbstractImageId for a multi-image property, the abstract image id * @return the Rectangle bounds, or null */function getImageBounds(instance, imageProperty, multiImageAbstractImageId) { var imageRendering = createImagePropertyRendering(); imageRendering.setImageProperty(instance, null, null); imageRendering.setImagePropertySource(imageProperty); imageRendering.setViewableSize(null); if (multiImageAbstractImageId) imageRendering.setMultiImagePropertyAbstractImageId(multiImageAbstractImageId); var imgData = imageRendering.getImageData(); if (imgData == null) return null; return new Rectangle(0, 0, imgData.width, imgData.height);}/** * Scale a size to fit in a given size * @param insize incoming size to scale * @param size the size to fit * @param preserveAspect true: keep aspect ratio, false: use instance size exactly * @return a Point */function getSizeScaledToSize(insize, size, preserveAspect) { if (!preserveAspect || size.x == 0 || size.y == 0) { return size; } if (insize.x == 0 || insize.y == 0) return insize; var iw, ih; if (size.x / size.y > insize.x / insize.y) { iw = insize.x * size.y / insize.y; ih = size.y; } else { iw = size.x; ih = insize.y * size.x / insize.x; } var scaled = new Point(iw, ih); //println("scaled to " + scaled); return scaled;}/** * Scale a bounds to fit in a given bounding rectangle, and centered therein. * @param inBounds incoming bounds to scale * @param bounds the bounds to fit * @param preserveAspect true: keep aspect ratio, false: use instance size exactly * @return a Rectangle */function getBoundsScaledToBounds(inBounds, bounds, preserveAspect) { var size = getSizeScaledToSize(new Point(inBounds.width, inBounds.height), new Point(bounds.width, bounds.height), preserveAspect); var scaled = new Rectangle((bounds.width - size.x) / 2, (bounds.height - size.y) / 2, size.x, size.y); //println("scaled to " + scaled); return scaled;}// Draw an image into the given rectangle in the gc// @param instance the instance// @param graphics the GC// @param rect the rectangle to draw to. If the rectangle is null// or the width/height are 0, no scaling is performed.// The x/y offset are used, if non-null, to offset the image.// @param doBlend true: blend smoothly with background (only works with solid background)// @return the Image, or nullfunction drawImage(instance, graphics, image, rect, doBlend) { if (image) { // show image in dialog //var dump = new ImageDump(null, image); //dump.open(); var imgRect = image.getBounds() //println("image is " + imgRect); var blended = ImageUtils.flattenAlphaMaskedImage(graphics.getDevice(), image, graphics.getBackground(), doBlend, true /* transparent */); // show blended image in dialog //var dump = new ImageDump(null, blended); //dump.open(); if (rect) { var imgRect = blended.getBounds() if (rect.width != 0 && rect.height != 0) graphics.drawImage(blended, 0, 0, imgRect.width, imgRect.height, rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height); else graphics.drawImage(blended, 0, 0, imgRect.width, imgRect.height, rect.x, rect.y, imgRect.width, imgRect.height); } else { graphics.drawImage(blended, 0, 0); } blended.dispose(); }}/** * Get the height of a font which properly encompasses its leading, * descent, and ascent. font.getHeight() is not quite accurate, for some reason... */function getFontHeight(font) { return font.formattedStringExtent("x", new Point(0, 0), 0, 0).y;}/** * Render an image to the gc * @param prototype a prototype implementing IImagePropertyRenderingInfo * @param instance the component instance holding the image property * @param laf the look and feel information * @param graphics the GC * @param x x offset of image (left) * @param y y offset of image (top) * @param propertyId the property path of the image compound property * @param doBlend true: blend image with background when flattening alpha * @param multiImageAbstractImageId if non-null, then the image property houses multiple images, and draw this one * (@see IMultiImagePropertyInfo) */function renderImage(prototype, instance, laf, graphics, x, y, propertyId, doBlend, multiImageAbstractImageId) { var imagePropertyRendering = createImagePropertyRendering(); imagePropertyRendering.setImageProperty(instance, propertyId, laf); imagePropertyRendering.setViewableSize(prototype.getViewableSize(instance, propertyId, laf)); imagePropertyRendering.setAlignmentWeights(prototype.getAlignmentWeights(instance, propertyId, laf)); imagePropertyRendering.setScaling(prototype.isScaling(instance, propertyId, laf)); imagePropertyRendering.setPreservingAspectRatio(prototype.isPreservingAspectRatio(instance, propertyId, laf)); if (doBlend) imagePropertyRendering.setTransparencyHandling(getIImageRenderingClass().TRANSPARENCY_FLATTEN_AND_BLEND); else imagePropertyRendering.setTransparencyHandling(getIImageRenderingClass().TRANSPARENCY_FLATTEN); if (multiImageAbstractImageId) imagePropertyRendering.setMultiImagePropertyAbstractImageId(multiImageAbstractImageId); imagePropertyRendering.render(graphics.getWrappedGC(), x, y);}/** * Get the bounds consumed by wrappable text, given a limiting width and * maximum number of lines. This detects newlines embedded in text. * @param string the text to measure * @param width width in pixels * @param font the font * @param flags mask of IFont.XXX flags (wrapping flags ignored!) * @param lineGap pixel gap b/t lines * @param maxLines maximum # lines to emit * @return Point (maxWidthUsed, requiredHeight) */function calculateWrappedTextSize(string, width, font, flags, lineGap, maxLines) { var lines = TextRendering.formatIntoLines(font, string, width, flags, maxLines); var fontHeight = font.getHeight(); var gappedLineHeight = fontHeight + lineGap; var maxWidth = 0; for (var i in lines) { var line = lines[i]; maxWidth = Math.max(maxWidth, font.stringExtent(line).x); } return new Point(maxWidth, lines.length * gappedLineHeight);}