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change update site to carbide211
2009-07-02, by cawthron
merge commit
2009-07-02, by timkelly
fix bug 9320
2009-07-02, by timkelly
merge tims changes
2009-07-01, by fturovic
[bug 9352] added emulation item, removed outdated paragraph, and converted auto to automatic
2009-07-01, by fturovic
moved UID and PI notes to right column of welcome page
2009-07-01, by fturovic
Fix bug 9212. Clarify an API.
2009-07-01, by timkelly
2009-07-01, by fturovic
[bug 9349] fixed broken link in XML file
2009-07-01, by fturovic
[bug 9345] Revised text to bold and revised new feature icons
2009-07-01, by fturovic
[bug 9252] revised link on setup page
2009-07-01, by fturovic
add clean command to icon makefiles
2009-07-01, by timkelly
[Bug 9392] Filter connection types with no compatible services from settings wizard (unless editing a connection of that type)
2009-07-01, by dadubrow
add clean command to actually delete mif file
2009-07-01, by timkelly
[Bug 8934] Ensure we create the devices.xml at the same location where we try to read it. Refactor copied method so single method called from SDKManager in core by SDKPreferencePage in ui. Ensure errors are reported in error log. Show dialog when unable to add SDK.
2009-07-01, by dadubrow
2009-06-30, by fturovic
[bug 9369] removed sales link from page
2009-06-30, by fturovic
[bug 9368] Updated images to show Project Explorer vice C/C++ Projects
2009-06-30, by fturovic
[bug 9367] Added test item to list and updated image to include test submenu
2009-06-30, by fturovic
add a deprecated API in CarbideCPPBuilder
2009-06-30, by timkelly
Fix API break, add back in generateAbldMakefileIfNecessary(ICarbideBuildConfiguration, CarbideCommandLauncher, IPath, boolean), but leave deprecated.
2009-06-30, by timkelly
merged Tims changes
2009-06-30, by fturovic
[bug 9366] melded TOC with menu options shown in manual
2009-06-30, by fturovic
bug 9343 fixed broken link
2009-06-29, by fturovic
minor edits to fix possessive error
2009-06-29, by fturovic
updated banner version to 2.1
2009-06-29, by fturovic
add documentation and hook up tray dialog for abld deps tracking query (bug 9227)
2009-06-30, by timkelly
initial commit
2009-06-30, by timkelly
tweak text of dependency tracking query dialog
2009-06-29, by timkelly
change version from 2.0 to 2.0.4 on
2009-06-29, by cawthron
[Bug 9335] Optimize checking for duplicate problem markers on the same resource + remove sleep and instead ensure unique creation time using internal platform apis
2009-06-29, by dadubrow
2009-06-29, by fturovic
added Dependency Tracking page to TOC with related context help update as well
2009-06-29, by fturovic
localize strings for new prefx checkbox
2009-06-29, by timkelly
add query dialog to promt user whether or not to allow carbid eto track dependencies (over existing abld-generated makefiles)
2009-06-29, by timkelly
initial commit
2009-06-29, by timkelly
replaced ampersand in title that caused build issues
2009-06-26, by fturovic
minor edits
2009-06-26, by fturovic
fixed bug 9326 by clarifying option choices and updating image
2009-06-26, by fturovic
compared css files and merged as necessary
2009-06-26, by fturovic
Fixed bug 9252 by updating link to point to FN site for hover help library plug-ins
2009-06-26, by fturovic
creating new project task needed reordering and updated images
2009-06-26, by fturovic
updated Diagnostic pref image
2009-06-25, by fturovic
2009-06-25, by fturovic
minor edits to bring compiler manual in sync with latest release
2009-06-25, by fturovic
Fix OS version for chnange in SDK
2009-06-25, by timkelly
2009-06-24, by fturovic
Merge SDK Support page with Working with SDKs and cleaned up broken links and references to deleted page
2009-06-24, by fturovic
updated Step color to match Symbian Yellow #FDCB2F
2009-06-24, by fturovic
removed empty Carbide Tools page and updated links and TOC
2009-06-24, by fturovic
added note to Hover Help bullet on downloading Developer Libraries for specific SDKs
2009-06-24, by fturovic
updated release date
2009-06-24, by fturovic
update test for plat macros to use newer SDK (S60 5th ed.)
2009-06-24, by timkelly
2009-06-24, by fturovic
updated release notes, bug fixes, and TOC to showinternal versions for tghe SymSee layoouts
2009-06-23, by fturovic
[Bug 8556] C-escape multi line copyright in#defines
2009-06-24, by dadubrow
move string utility function into utils class
2009-06-24, by dadubrow
put better assert failure message
2009-06-23, by timkelly
Updated H1 image color to SFO orange
2009-06-23, by fturovic
Added TRK improvements
2009-06-23, by fturovic
Bug 9328 - Import parses MMP files that are not selected, for each configuration selected
2009-06-23, by Steve Sobek
2009-06-22, by fturovic
added keywords to Build COnfig, Macros, and Project Settings property pages
2009-06-22, by fturovic
added keywords to Codescanner property page
2009-06-22, by fturovic
add parameter to import utils to select between builds (sbsv1 or sbsv2)
2009-06-22, by timkelly
Updated web resource links to point to SFO now
2009-06-22, by fturovic
Updated links to point to SFO instead of FN as well as minor edits
2009-06-22, by fturovic
Minor edits to message strings for clarity
2009-06-22, by fturovic
Build Options added to index
2009-06-22, by fturovic
Build Options context help added
2009-06-22, by fturovic
Updated New Launch Config and Launch Config Main pages
2009-06-22, by fturovic
[Bug 9322] Set help ID on control, not contents
2009-06-22, by dadubrow
[Bug 9282] Add creation stats reporting
2009-06-22, by dadubrow
fix a restore defaults glitch
2009-06-19, by timkelly
add initial engineering support for SBSv2 single file compilation.
2009-06-19, by timkelly
Turn off reference project tests until someone begins working on UI designer code since they need to be updated to work with latest versions of SDKs on build server.
2009-06-19, by dadubrow
Fix for Bug 8513.
2009-06-18, by stechong
BRANDING minor edits to color settings to match SFO colors
2009-06-18, by fturovic
minor edits to release notes
2009-06-18, by fturovic
Removed period from discover customization option
2009-06-18, by fturovic
2009-06-18, by fturovic
minor edits
2009-06-18, by fturovic
BUG 7946 - replaced Thunk with Chunk
2009-06-18, by fturovic
Fix bug 9310. Fix save problem with Platform Filter Prefs (sbsv2) and add Restore / Apply buttons.
2009-06-18, by timkelly
added note on Carbide extensions section in property dialogs
2009-06-17, by fturovic
moved and updated page with category wizard page
2009-06-17, by fturovic
added keywords to diagnostic log pref panel
2009-06-17, by fturovic
added new launch config wizard item to release notes
2009-06-17, by fturovic
BRANDING - updated splash to use official symbian colors
2009-06-17, by fturovic
updated body font to Verdana as per sfo guidelines
2009-06-17, by fturovic
updated release notes and bug fixes for 2.1
2009-06-17, by fturovic
argh, merge
2009-06-16, by fturovic
merge again, sigh
2009-06-16, by fturovic
2009-06-16, by fturovic
commit debugger changes
2009-06-16, by fturovic
Added indexing option to Carbide preferences page and updated image
2009-06-16, by fturovic
Added additional keywords to Carbide.c++ pref panel
2009-06-15, by fturovic
[Bug 9230] Don't force rebuilding cache unless pref is set to index only mmps from build
2009-06-16, by dadubrow
[Bug 9230] Get parent folder of rss/aif and not top level so we can still honor the index only build mmps pref + restore and deprecate original source root method since it was API and create a new one to use with pref behavior
2009-06-16, by dadubrow
2009-06-16, by dadubrow
Don't get hrh file timestamps more than once per second
2009-06-15, by dadubrow
fix bug 9268 (merge commit)
2009-06-15, by timkelly
fix bug 9268
2009-06-15, by timkelly
fix bug 9268
2009-06-15, by timkelly
fixed several problems with default launch values causing the apply button to become enabled when nothing had chaned - fixes bug #9275.
2009-06-15, by wpaul
2009-06-15, by wpaul
fixed problem with my last commit - fixes bug #9276.
2009-06-15, by wpaul
cosmetic change - add more margin to second group box
2009-06-15, by dadubrow
2009-06-12, by fturovic
Updated some broken links for Launch Configurations
2009-06-12, by fturovic
[Bug 9230] Only create source roots for build components, overridable by pref
2009-06-12, by dadubrow
[Bug 9230] Only create source roots for build components, overridable by pref
2009-06-12, by dadubrow
Bug#7946 - Edited OS Data view tooltips
2009-06-12, by fturovic
2009-06-12, by fturovic
Added keywords to Preprocess pref panel
2009-06-12, by fturovic
2009-06-12, by fturovic
Added keywords to SDK Pref and Platform Filtering preference panels
2009-06-12, by fturovic
added new API notes for ISymbianSDK
2009-06-11, by timkelly
fix bug 9032. Only scan SDKs for plugins once for an IDE configuration lifetime.
2009-06-11, by timkelly
2009-06-11, by wpaul
fixed a couple of problems where the apply button on the launch config dialog would become enabled by mistake.
2009-06-11, by wpaul
Added missing Launch Types header page and revised TOC entry
2009-06-11, by fturovic
Added new Launch Category section to New Launch Configuration wizard page
2009-06-11, by fturovic
Added keywords to Carbide.c++ pref panel
2009-06-11, by fturovic
Added keywords to Build pref panel
2009-06-11, by fturovic
Added test interface methods to access INF/MMP editor view models.
2009-06-11, by stechong
Added keywords to Codescanner preference panel
2009-06-09, by fturovic
Added keywords to News Reader pref panel
2009-06-09, by fturovic
Added keywords to UI Designer preference panel
2009-06-09, by fturovic
Added additional filter terms to System Search pref panel
2009-06-09, by fturovic
Added missing properties page containing filter definitions
2009-06-09, by fturovic
Added keywords for Hover Help pref panel filtering
2009-06-09, by fturovic
Added keywords for pref panel filtering
2009-06-09, by fturovic
Added keywords to pref panel for filtering
2009-06-09, by fturovic
Updated getErrorMessage() methods for accessing error messages from various INF and MMP editor pages.
2009-06-08, by stechong
fixed bug #9235.
2009-06-08, by wpaul
2009-06-08, by wpaul
added the new launch wizard UI and updated existing wizards to match. fixed bug where the launch wizard wasn't taking into account if a launch type supported the given mode (run/debug). fixed some problems with the refactor of the t32 and platsim into their own plugins.
2009-06-08, by wpaul
Added similiarly worded pointers between 2 versions of plugin_customization.ini
2009-06-04, by Steve Sobek
fix bug 9221. When calculating the project root, don't use sourcepaths that don't exist
2009-06-04, by timkelly
2009-06-04, by wpaul
added Carbide Extensions project property page (bug #9218).
2009-06-04, by wpaul
bug 8630 - updated TOC path as well
2009-06-04, by fturovic
2009-06-04, by fturovic
bug 8630 - revised page and images to clarify MMP file creation
2009-06-04, by fturovic
2009-06-04, by wpaul
minor cleanup.
2009-06-03, by wpaul
removed unnecessary context launch stuff and fixed up some warnings.
2009-06-03, by wpaul
fixed NPE if DE were to fail to load a symbol file.
2009-06-03, by wpaul
removed unnecesssary context launch code. cleaned up for easier platsim integration.
2009-06-03, by wpaul
cleaned up how we locate and load cwnative.dll and de.exe.
2009-06-03, by wpaul
merge heads
2009-06-03, by fturovic
changed TOC entry to Launch types
2009-06-03, by fturovic
Add refresh logging to core resources plugin
2009-06-02, by dadubrow
2009-06-01, by wpaul
executables view changes
2009-06-01, by wpaul
fix bug 9142. Fix PRODUCT_INCLUDE macros problems with deps tracking on cpp.exe
2009-06-01, by timkelly
fix bug 9188
2009-05-28, by timkelly
fix bug 9168
2009-05-27, by timkelly
Added testing interface methods to access error messages from various pages of the INF and MMP editor.
2009-05-27, by stechong
fix bug 8964
2009-05-26, by timkelly
update from Frank who says there were some duplicates
2009-05-22, by cawthron
fix error parser bug 9091
2009-05-21, by timkelly
removed unused file
2009-05-21, by timkelly
Use LinkedHashMap instead of Map to preserve build include order.
2009-05-21, by timkelly
updated run mode cheatsheet
2009-05-21, by fturovic
minor edits to cheatsheets
2009-05-21, by fturovic
merged heads
2009-05-21, by fturovic
removed composite setting from new cheatsheets
2009-05-21, by fturovic
use base platform name when calling bldmake bldfiles (rather than potential variant name)
2009-05-20, by timkelly
cleanup some API/javadoc. Add API changes for SBV support.
2009-05-20, by timkelly
[Bug 9031] set source roots at actual source root based on new cdt pref
2009-05-20, by Chad Peckham
merge commit
2009-05-20, by timkelly
clean up imports
2009-05-20, by timkelly
Merge commit
2009-05-20, by stechong
Improved test of saving to feed cache.
2009-05-20, by stechong
Fix for Bug 9092.
2009-05-20, by stechong
back out unwanted change in
2009-05-20, by dadubrow
merge commit
2009-05-20, by dadubrow
merge commmit
2009-05-20, by dadubrow
Turn on test extensions using remoteconnections.tests env var
2009-05-20, by dadubrow
added install remote agents cheatsheet
2009-05-20, by fturovic
added new remote connection cheatsheet
2009-05-19, by fturovic
Make sure abld commands use proper platform name, dependent on whether or not it's a Symbian Binary Variation.
2009-05-19, by timkelly
[Bug 9085] Add new TCP/IP connection type with port mappings and new service interface to optionally provide defaults.
2009-05-19, by dadubrow
[Bug 9085] Add new TCP/IP connection type with port mappings and new service interface to optionally provide defaults.
2009-05-19, by dadubrow
[Bug 9085] Add new TCP/IP connection type with port mappings and new service interface to optionally provide defaults.
2009-05-19, by dadubrow
1) Add EpocEngineHelper#hasFeatureVariantKeyword(...)
2009-05-19, by timkelly
trim MD5 has name to get ride of whitespace
2009-05-19, by timkelly
merged heads again
2009-05-18, by fturovic
Bug 9033 - added mmp file selection description to importing projects page
2009-05-18, by fturovic
Changed default MMP selection pattern in the bld.inf import wizard; fix for Bug 9033.
2009-05-18, by stechong
Updated news reader feed manager test cases.
2009-05-18, by stechong
updates for SBV support to build and compile with proper platform name and makefile. Updates to refactor support to get MD5 from build target mmp.
2009-05-15, by timkelly
merge changes
2009-05-15, by timkelly
turn off dump (accidental checkin)
2009-05-14, by timkelly
Disabled caching in Java URLConnection when fetching feedlisting file from server.
2009-05-14, by stechong
bug 8066 - revised image and option description for dynamic variants
2009-05-14, by fturovic
add new method for new API in ISymbianSDK
2009-05-13, by timkelly
Added testing interface for various widgets, dialogs and wizards associated with INF and MMP editors.
2009-05-12, by stechong
when adding prefix file for indexer and preprocessor for build, make sure to add the .var prefix file if different from the default.
2009-05-12, by timkelly
Fix message properties for new SBV parser stuff. Connect SBVPlatform hierarchy from the SBVCatalog.
2009-05-12, by timkelly
add support to add BUILD_INCLUDE system paths defined from build variants to project configurations.
2009-05-12, by timkelly
merge tim's changes to local
2009-05-12, by fturovic
merged splash change
2009-05-12, by fturovic
revised splash screen for 2.1
2009-05-07, by fturovic
more parsing and unit test support for binary variant parsing. all keywords now supported.
2009-05-12, by timkelly
more tests for binary variation .var file parsing. updated UI text per bug 8794
2009-05-11, by timkelly
preliminary tests for parsing .var files for Symbian Binary Variation
2009-05-11, by timkelly
Add preliminary parser support for Symbian Binary Variation support (ported from BSF support). See bug 8796
2009-05-11, by timkelly
Add support for getting the Symbian Binary Variation name for variant builds. Bug 8793.
2009-05-07, by timkelly
add FEATUREVARIANT MMP keyword, bug 8793
2009-05-06, by timkelly
add second line to about box for SymSEE build number
2009-04-29, by cawthron
add second line to about box for SymSEE build number
2009-04-29, by cawthron
merge heads
2009-04-29, by cawthron
add second line to about box for SymSEE build number
2009-04-29, by cawthron
bug 8619 - revised text to make updater page more generic and allow for future changes
2009-04-29, by fturovic
minor edits
2009-04-29, by fturovic
bug 8806 revision for 2.0.4
2009-04-28, by fturovic
bug 8806 initial update
2009-04-28, by fturovic
merge RCL_2_0 to MCL
2009-04-27, by Dan Podwall
merge from RCL_2_0 to MCL
2009-04-27, by Dan Podwall
merge heads from Austin sync
2009-04-25, by cawthron
Copyright notice
2009-04-24, by tzelaw
Overhaul of RCOMP/GCCE error parsing to fix 8901:
2009-04-24, by tzelaw
merged with Tims last change
2009-04-24, by fturovic
added final bugs fixed for 2.0.4
2009-04-24, by fturovic
fix bug 8711, parse buildinfo.txt for SF TB 91 & 92 kits.
2009-04-23, by timkelly
revised more header images
2009-04-23, by fturovic
revised header image to not be transparent
2009-04-23, by fturovic
removed excess border on splash screen
2009-04-23, by fturovic
removed excess white space aroudn splash
2009-04-23, by fturovic
fix bug 8914. endless sdk refresh when devices.xml is empty or has xml format error
2009-04-23, by timkelly
fix bug 8933, typo in developer library view title
2009-04-22, by Dan Podwall
bug 8923 fix, added note on proxy settings
2009-04-22, by fturovic
minor edits, updated header image
2009-04-22, by fturovic
added Carbide tool page with TOC entry
2009-04-22, by fturovic
merge changes for bug 8902 from RCL_2_0 to default
2009-04-21, by timkelly
merge franks changes with mine
2009-04-21, by timkelly
update cdk api docs for changes to bug 8902.
2009-04-21, by timkelly