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more v2.5 updates
2010-01-21, by fturovic
more v2.5 updates
2010-01-21, by fturovic
Scan for QtCore.dll rather than QtCore.lib for WINSCW (WINSCW UREL won't have .lib). This is needed so someone can build a debug configuration and have it output to the UREL folder for debugging emulator on UREL.
2010-01-21, by timkelly
tweak dialog for ensureConnection
2010-01-20, by dadubrow
Bug 10558 - add dialog for ensureConnection
2010-01-19, by dadubrow
Merge commit
2010-01-19, by Ed Swartz
Add buffering to cache files to fix bug #10318 and bug #10533
2010-01-19, by Ed Swartz
Fix bug 10467. Raptor startup issues when raptor crashes or hangs.
2010-01-18, by timkelly
updated workarounds and bugs for 2.5
2010-01-18, by fturovic
head merge
2010-01-18, by fturovic
additional 2.5 version updates
2010-01-18, by fturovic
don't show mmp changed dialog when junit tests are running.
2010-01-18, by wpaul
updated spalsh screen to 2.5
2010-01-18, by fturovic
daily merge
2010-01-18, by fturovic
fixed spelling error in page
2010-01-15, by fturovic
updated to version 2.5 and copyright 2010
2010-01-15, by fturovic
updated to version 2.5 and copyright 2010
2010-01-15, by fturovic
updated version info to 2.5 and copyrigh t0 2010
2010-01-15, by fturovic
updated new features in compiler manual
2010-01-15, by fturovic
initial draft of compiler b187 information
2010-01-14, by fturovic
updated links in Qt docs
2010-01-14, by fturovic
BUG 10446 - Corrected spelling in mmp editor file
2010-01-11, by fturovic
terminate the debug session when connection becomes disconnected
2010-01-15, by dadubrow
Merge rev 768 from default (fix for bug #10519)
2010-01-15, by Ed Swartz
don't unset current when in-use
2010-01-15, by dadubrow
Fix #10519, exception in MMP parser when encountering a Makefile
2010-01-15, by Ed Swartz
add release notes about WINSCW compiler 3.2.5 build 487
2010-01-15, by cawthron
don't show mmp changed dialog when junit tests are running.
2010-01-14, by wpaul
update javadoc
2010-01-14, by dadubrow
updated set and reset current depending on ready state
2010-01-14, by dadubrow
updated set and reset current depending on ready state
2010-01-14, by dadubrow
Refactor API and related from default connection to current + update heuristics
2010-01-13, by dadubrow
Refactor API and related from default connection to current + update heuristics
2010-01-13, by dadubrow
Refactor API and related from default connection to current + update heuristics
2010-01-13, by dadubrow
Change 'default' to 'current' in Remote Connections and status widget UI
2010-01-13, by Ed Swartz
modify IConnectionsManager and IClientServiceSiteUI2 apis + document in relnotes
2010-01-13, by dadubrow
Make setting default part of reconciler responsibility
2010-01-13, by dadubrow
Select the default connection when opening the Remote Connections view from the selector widget.
2010-01-12, by Ed Swartz
Catch any exception from a discovery agent so it doesn't kill the Remote Connections view
2010-01-12, by Ed Swartz
set the value from the selection
2010-01-11, by dadubrow
merge commit
2010-01-08, by dadubrow
fix bug with storing id for default connection
2010-01-08, by dadubrow
add sys trk checking for usb only and use with reconciler
2010-01-07, by dadubrow
2010-01-07, by cawthron
Remove @Override tags
2010-01-07, by dadubrow
Externalize strings
2010-01-06, by dadubrow
Add connection status reconciliation + fixes + tweaks
2010-01-06, by dadubrow
Add 'Classic' to all DE-based launch delegate names for which there exist EDC variants
2010-01-06, by Ed Swartz
Fix NPE when creating launch config manually
2010-01-06, by Ed Swartz
Don't log exception to console when sbs[.bat] cannot be found.
2010-01-05, by Ed Swartz
bug 10458 - change version from 2.3 to 2.4 in cpp feature and plugin
2010-01-05, by cawthron
Fix filesystem caching performance as in bug #10318
2010-01-05, by Ed Swartz
Improve startup performance by recreating SPN view in a Job
2010-01-05, by Ed Swartz
Improve performance of missing SDK test by only checking a few configurations
2010-01-05, by Ed Swartz
Fix bug in checking drive in EPOCROOT on Linux
2010-01-05, by Ed Swartz
Split test for debuggability and restrict # of contexts per SDK to 4 to improve speed
2010-01-05, by Ed Swartz
BUG 10333 - added note on using check for updates before running install new software
2010-01-04, by fturovic
Context menu tweaks
2010-01-04, by dadubrow
updated note on Qt from 2.0 to correct version 1.6
2010-01-04, by fturovic
Fix bug 7888
2009-12-30, by Ed Swartz
Set the other columns as explicitly using the default font, to work around the previous issue (but still pack columns, for consistency).
2009-12-30, by Ed Swartz
Bold font applies to entire row in Windows, so we need to pack columns when default changes.
2009-12-30, by Ed Swartz
In Remote Connections view, wire up indication of default connection and menu item for switching it.
2009-12-30, by Ed Swartz
Improve error checking and messages when default connection is inappropriate or no connections exist.
2009-12-30, by Ed Swartz
Fix up some issues found when using the random connected service provider. Also, move validation checks of IClientServiceSiteUI2 into a method of that interface, since we need to handle the case where the default connection is currently incompatible.
2009-12-30, by Ed Swartz
Wire up default connections in the core for #10418.
2009-12-30, by Ed Swartz
Initial work for bug #10418
2009-12-29, by Ed Swartz
Update comment about #10381
2009-12-29, by Ed Swartz
Fix bug 10381
2009-12-29, by Ed Swartz
Fix alignment of News Reader status widget to match the Connection Status one
2009-12-29, by Ed Swartz
More work to unify the behavior of the Remote Connections status and the News Reader status widgets (bug #10411).
2009-12-29, by Ed Swartz
Update UI for Remote Connections status widget and News Reader to behave the same (bug #10411)
2009-12-29, by Ed Swartz
Merge commit
2009-12-18, by Ed Swartz
Show in-use/not-in-use connection status icon, until real IConnectedStatus is available.
2009-12-18, by Ed Swartz
fix test
2009-12-18, by dadubrow
add test discovery agent
2009-12-18, by dadubrow
remove when not in use
2009-12-18, by dadubrow
Externalize strings
2009-12-18, by Ed Swartz
Change Raptorizing fix for bug #10290
2009-12-18, by Ed Swartz
Merge commit
2009-12-18, by Ed Swartz
Add bubble popup when dynamic connection added or removed
2009-12-18, by Ed Swartz
Enable connection name is set before firing listeners that might show it
2009-12-18, by Ed Swartz
update package name in schema
2009-12-18, by dadubrow
add logic for disconnect and reconnect
2009-12-18, by dadubrow
Attach listener to connection name changes, rename Device -> Connection
2009-12-18, by Ed Swartz
Update for IConnectionStatus changes
2009-12-18, by Ed Swartz
Fix connection listeners bug
2009-12-18, by Ed Swartz
Merge commit
2009-12-18, by Ed Swartz
Checkpoint commit
2009-12-18, by Ed Swartz
Adapt to package changes
2009-12-18, by Ed Swartz
Merge commit
2009-12-18, by Ed Swartz
Initial device status widget
2009-12-17, by Ed Swartz
rename connection status to avoid having to qualify when using with service status in same module
2009-12-18, by dadubrow
make disconnect api based on new connection interface
2009-12-18, by dadubrow
rename internal api package to internal.api
2009-12-18, by dadubrow
Add support for dynamic connections
2009-12-17, by dadubrow
more changes to remote connections for discovery + load extensions
2009-12-17, by dadubrow
update to 2.4
2009-12-17, by timkelly
update to 3.0
2009-12-17, by timkelly
Merge commit
2009-12-16, by Ed Swartz
Template setup fixes for #10290
2009-12-16, by Ed Swartz
Look for sbs or sbs.bat under SBS_HOME/bin first, instead of only looking at the PATH.
2009-12-16, by Ed Swartz
Some fixes to avoid rescanning and re-warning when sbs/sbs.bat cannot be found.
2009-12-16, by Ed Swartz
Detect errors from broken Perl scripts
2009-12-16, by Ed Swartz
fixed bug #10282.
2009-12-16, by wpaul
fixed bug #10282.
2009-12-16, by wpaul
Changes to remote connections
2009-12-16, by dadubrow
Changes to remote connections
2009-12-16, by dadubrow
updated release notes with info about IConnectionsManager
2009-12-16, by dadubrow
Merge commit
2009-12-14, by Ed Swartz
Extract path-manipulation utilities into PathUtils, to correspond with the same classes in EDC.
2009-12-14, by Ed Swartz
Fix bug 10166. Use rvct.h as fallback for rvct tools preinclude
2009-12-14, by timkelly