Use the Debug dialog to create, edit, and manage a project's launch configurations. A launch configuration defines the settings used by the Carbide debugger to launch (Run) or debug programs. A project must have at least one launch configuration in order to debug a project and can have many more. Projects that have no launch configuration invoke the New Launch Configuration Wizard when either the Run or Debug command is selected.
Use the Debug dialog to create, edit, and manage a project's launch configurations. A launch configuration defines the settings used by the Carbide debugger to launch (Run) or debug programs. A project must have at least one launch configuration in order to debug a project and can have many more. Projects that have no launch configuration invoke the New Launch Configuration Wizard when either the Run or Debug command is selected.
Select the Run > Debug Configuration... menu option to open the Debug dialog.
The tabs shown in the Debug dialog vary depending upon the type of launch configuration highlighted in the configurations list. See Launch Configuration Overview for more information on the various launch configuration types.
The tabs shown in the Debug dialog vary depending upon the type of launch configuration highlighted in the configurations list. See Launch Configuration Overview for more information on the various launch configuration types.
Click Debug to start a new debug session using the selected launch configuration.
Figure 1 - Debug dialog (Symbian OS Emulation configuration shown)
The following features for Symbian development are provided within Carbide.c++:
Milestone 2
A new Carbide Portal view provides easier access to Carbide information, an extensions marketplace, and support.
A new Carbide.c++ Portal view provides easier access to Carbide information, an extensions marketplace, and support.
The Variables view and debug hover now supports the following Qt data types: QString, QByteArray, QSet, QHash, QMap, QVector, QList, QLinkedList and Qvariant.
Milestone 1
@@ -67,8 +67,8 @@
Plug-and-Play (PnP) On-device Debugging supported — debugging a target device just got easier. Using a USB cable, connect the PC to the target device, then launch Carbide.c++. Carbide locates the connected device and creates a remote connection setup to communicate with it. Build the program and launch it on the device to start the debugging session. Refer to Known PnP Issues for details if you experience problems.
PnP Phone Launch Wizard - If the project does not already have a launch configuration, the PnP Launch Wizard makes it easy to create one for phones. In addition the new Configure Launch Configuration dialog provides a quick summary of the remote connection for easy review and modification.
Plug-and-Play (PnP) On-device Debugging supported — debugging a target device just got easier. Using a USB cable, connect the PC to the target device, then launch Carbide.c++. Carbide locates the connected device and creates a remote connection setup to communicate with it. Build the program and launch it on the device to start the debugging session.
PnP Phone Launch Wizard - If the project does not already have a launch configuration, the PnP Launch Wizard makes it easy to create one for phones. In addition the new Configure Launch Configuration dialog provides a quick summary of the remote connection for easy review and modification.
Carbide automatically detects TRK on target phones and devices - Carbide now detects the presence of either Application or System TRK on a connected device when TRK 3.2.6 or later are installed. Earlier TRK versions do not support this recognition feature.
TRK improvements - TRK continues to evolve and now includes these improvements:
diff -r e2370dc6a296 -r 4809919782c0 core/
--- a/core/ Fri Sep 03 13:35:52 2010 -0500
+++ b/core/ Fri Sep 03 14:14:14 2010 -0500
@@ -14,11 +14,11 @@
org.eclipse.ui.preferencePages.Keys)")'>Keys preference panel to select a shortcut set or modify the current set for your convenience. The Default set is extended by the other key bindings for commands not covered in the Default set or where the new set uses different key bindings for a command.
The options include:
Carbide.c++ (default) – Carbide + Default standard set
Carbide.c++ (default) – Carbide + Default standard set
In addition, you can modify any of the assigned key bindings to use different keys to better suit your work style. See the Workbench User Guide > Reference > Preferences >Keys preference panel page for more information.