Minor edits to message strings for clarity
authorfturovic <frank.turovich@nokia.com>
Mon, 22 Jun 2009 11:02:40 -0500 (2009-06-22)
changeset 282 0defae7487f0
parent 281 bae8d64e5ec7
child 283 cf38e8909d26
Minor edits to message strings for clarity
--- a/debuggercdi/com.nokia.cdt.debug.launch/src/com/nokia/cdt/internal/debug/launch/wizard/messages.properties	Mon Jun 22 10:01:59 2009 -0500
+++ b/debuggercdi/com.nokia.cdt.debug.launch/src/com/nokia/cdt/internal/debug/launch/wizard/messages.properties	Mon Jun 22 11:02:40 2009 -0500
@@ -1,118 +1,118 @@
-AppTRKLaunchWizard.1=New Application TRK Launch Configuration
-AppTRKLaunchWizard.2=Application TRK Launch Configuration
-AppTRKLaunchWizard.3=Application TRK is a debug agent that runs on released phones and allows you to debug your executables.  The debugger will download a Symbian OS installation file to the phone and install it prior to launching.
-AttachTRKLaunchWizard.1=New Attach to Process Launch Configuration
-AttachTRKLaunchWizard.2=Attach to Process Launch Configuration
-AttachTRKLaunchWizard.3=The debugger will attempt to debug a process already running on the phone.
-BuildOptionsSelectionPage.Title=Build Options Selection
-BuildOptionsSelectionPage.Description=Select build options before launching
-BuildOptionsSelectionPage.OptionsGroupLabel=Build (if required) before launching
-BuildOptionsSelectionPage.DisableButtonLabel=Disable auto build
-BuildOptionsSelectionPage.DisableButtonToolTip=Requires manually building project before launching (this may improve launch performance)
-BuildOptionsSelectionPage.EnableButtonLabel=Enable auto build
-BuildOptionsSelectionPage.EnableButtonToolTip=Always build project before launching (this may impact launch performance)
-BuildOptionsSelectionPage.WorkspaceSettingsButtonLabel=Use workspace settings
-BuildOptionsSelectionPage.WorkspaceSettingsButtonToolTip=Use workspace settings
-BuildOptionsSelectionPage.WorkspaceSettingsLinkLabel=<a>Configure Workspace Settings...</a>
-LaunchCreationWizard.0=New Launch Configuration Wizard
-LaunchCategorySelectionPage.title=Launch Categories
-LaunchCategorySelectionPage.description=Select a launch category.
-LaunchCategorySelectionPage.phoneDesc=Launches on a phone using System TRK or Application TRK.
-LaunchCategorySelectionPage.boardDesc=Launches on a development board or reference hardware using a JTAG connection.
-LaunchCategorySelectionPage.categoryLabel=Select where you want to launch
-LaunchWizardSelectionPage.0=Launch Wizard
-LaunchWizardSelectionPage.1=Launch Types
-LaunchWizardSelectionPage.2=Select a launch type.
-LaunchWizardSelectionPage.4=Select a launch type
-LaunchWizardSummaryPage.1=New Launch Configuration
-LaunchWizardSummaryPage.2=Launch with the new configuration "{0}"
-LaunchWizardSummaryPage.3=Click "Finish" to launch. \n\nYou can edit your launch settings and see more settings by choosing \n"Debug..." from the "Run" menu.
-LaunchWizardSummaryPage.4=Advanced settings
-LaunchWizardSummaryPage.SummaryHeading=Settings applied to new launch configuration:\n\n
-MainExecutableSelectionWizardPage.AllFilesLabel=All Files
-MainExecutableSelectionWizardPage.Title=Executable Selection
-MainExecutableSelectionWizardPage.Title.mainExe=Executable Selection
-MainExecutableSelectionWizardPage.Description=Select the process to launch
-MainExecutableSelectionWizardPage.NoExesError=An executable must be selected
-MainExecutableSelectionWizardPage.Description.mainExe=Select the main executable to target
-MainExecutableSelectionWizardPage.ExecutableFilesLabel=Executable Files
-MainExecutableSelectionWizardPage.ExeLabel=Process to launch:
-MainExecutableSelectionWizardPage.ExeLabel.mainExe=Main Executable:
-MainExecutableSelectionWizardPage.ExeToolTip=The executable for the process to launch
-MainExecutableSelectionWizardPage.ExeToolTip.mainExe=The main executable to target for the launch
-MainExecutableSelectionWizardPage.SelectExectuableTitle=Select Exectuable To Launch
-MainExecutableSelectionWizardPage.UsePathLabel.device=Specify device path of remote process to launch
-MainExecutableSelectionWizardPage.UsePathLabel.device.ToolTip=The specified process will be launched on the phone
-SophiaLaunchWizard.1=New Sophia STI Launch Configuration
-SophiaLaunchWizard.2=Sophia STI Launch Configuration
-SophiaLaunchWizard.3=Sophia STI is an external debugger that Carbide debugger communicates with, to debug any Symbian OS module on a target using a JTAG connection.
-SophiaWizardPage.0=Sophia Initialization Settings
-SophiaWizardPage.1=Choose the Sophia WTI DLL, the target initialization file and the processor for initializing the target through Sophia STI.
-SophiaWizardPage.10=Initialization Files (*.cfg) 
-SophiaWizardPage.11=Target Processor\:
-SophiaWizardPage.12=Choose the target processor from the list
-SophiaWizardPage.2=Sophia Target Interface (WTI.DLL)\:
-SophiaWizardPage.3=Choose the Sophia's WTI.DLL which is used by the Carbide debugger to connect to the target through Sophia target interface.
-SophiaWizardPage.4=Choose the Sophia Target Interface (WTI.DLL) library 
-SophiaWizardPage.5=DLL files (.dll)
-SophiaWizardPage.6=All files
-SophiaWizardPage.7=Target Initialization File\:
-SophiaWizardPage.8=Choose the target initialization file which is run by the Carbide debugger after connecting to the target.
-SophiaWizardPage.9=Choose the target initialization file 
-StopModeRomImageWizardPage.0=Symbian ROM Image Settings
-StopModeRomImageWizardPage.1=Choose either soft attach or debug from start option. With soft attach option, you can start debugging without changing the state of the target. Specify the ROM log file for debugging Symbian OS components.
-StopModeRomImageWizardPage.10=All Files
-StopModeRomImageWizardPage.11=Symbian ROM Image\:
-StopModeRomImageWizardPage.12=Specify Symbian OS ROM image that needs to be downloaded to RAM on the target.
-StopModeRomImageWizardPage.13=Choose Symbian ROM image file 
-StopModeRomImageWizardPage.14=Symbian ROM Image (*.img) Files (.img)
-StopModeRomImageWizardPage.15=Soft attach 
-StopModeRomImageWizardPage.16=Choose the soft attach option if you want to debug the target just by attaching without downloading the Symbian OS image.
-StopModeRomImageWizardPage.17=Debug from start address 
-StopModeRomImageWizardPage.18=Choose the debug from start option if you want to debug the target from the start address. 
-StopModeRomImageWizardPage.3=Start Address (in hex)\:
-StopModeRomImageWizardPage.4=Specify the target start address in hex, typically this is the start address of the ROM image.
-StopModeRomImageWizardPage.5=Symbian ROM Log File\:
-StopModeRomImageWizardPage.6=Specify the ROM log file for the ROM image that is going to be debugged. The ROM log file is generated when the ROM image is created.
-StopModeRomImageWizardPage.8=Choose Symbian ROM log file
-StopModeRomImageWizardPage.9=Symbian ROM Log Files
-SystemTRKLaunchWizard.1=New System TRK Launch Configuration
-SystemTRKLaunchWizard.2=System TRK Launch Configuration
-SystemTRKLaunchWizard.3=System TRK is a debug agent that runs on reference boards and prototype phones and allows you to debug your executables.  The debugger will download the executable files to the phone prior to launching. With System TRK, you can also debug the binaries included in the ROM image.
-TRKConnectionWizardPage.0=TRK Connection Settings
-TRKConnectionWizardPage.1=Select the remote connection to use to connect to TRK
-TRKConnectionWizardPage.2=Serial Port\:
-TRKConnectionWizardPage.3=Specify which serial port on your PC to use for TRK connection
-TRKConnectionWizardPage.NoConnectionError=A valid remote connection must be selected. If none exist, create a new one.
-TRKSISSelectionWizardPage.0=TRK SIS Selection
-TRKSISSelectionWizardPage.1=Select the SIS file to install
-TRKSISSelectionWizardPage.10=The file specified does not exist.
-TRKSISSelectionWizardPage.2=SIS File to Install\:
-TRKSISSelectionWizardPage.3=Specify which SIS file to install on the phone prior to launching
-TRKSISSelectionWizardPage.4=Modify SIS builder settings for build configuration
-TRKSISSelectionWizardPage.6=Select installation file
-TRKSISSelectionWizardPage.7=Installation Files
-TRKSISSelectionWizardPage.8=All Files
-Trace32LaunchWizard.1=New Trace32 Launch Configuration
-Trace32LaunchWizard.2=Trace32 Launch Configuration
-Trace32LaunchWizard.3=Trace32 is an external debugger that Carbide debugger communicates with, to debug any Symbian OS module on a target using a JTAG connection.
-Trace32WizardPage.0=Trace32 Initialization Settings
-Trace32WizardPage.1=Choose the cmm script file and the processor for initializing the target through Trace32.
-Trace32WizardPage.2=Trace32 Initialization Script (.cmm file)\:
-Trace32WizardPage.3=Choose the cmm script file for initializing the target
-Trace32WizardPage.4=Choose Trace32 CMM initialization script
-Trace32WizardPage.5=T32 CMM script (*.cmm) files 
-Trace32WizardPage.6=All files
-Trace32WizardPage.7=Target Processor\:
-Trace32WizardPage.8=Choose the target processor from the list
+AppTRKLaunchWizard.1=New Application TRK Launch Configuration
+AppTRKLaunchWizard.2=Application TRK Launch Configuration
+AppTRKLaunchWizard.3=Application TRK is a debug agent that runs on released phones and allows you to debug your executables. The debugger downloads the Symbian OS installation file to the phone and installs it prior to launching.
+AttachTRKLaunchWizard.1=New Attach to Process Launch Configuration
+AttachTRKLaunchWizard.2=Attach to Process Launch Configuration
+AttachTRKLaunchWizard.3=The debugger attempts to debug a process already running on the phone.
+BuildOptionsSelectionPage.Title=Build Options Selection
+BuildOptionsSelectionPage.Description=Select build options before launching
+BuildOptionsSelectionPage.OptionsGroupLabel=Build (if required) before launching
+BuildOptionsSelectionPage.DisableButtonLabel=Disable auto build
+BuildOptionsSelectionPage.DisableButtonToolTip=Requires manually building project before launching (this may improve launch performance)
+BuildOptionsSelectionPage.EnableButtonLabel=Enable auto build
+BuildOptionsSelectionPage.EnableButtonToolTip=Always build project before launching (this may impact launch performance)
+BuildOptionsSelectionPage.WorkspaceSettingsButtonLabel=Use workspace settings
+BuildOptionsSelectionPage.WorkspaceSettingsButtonToolTip=Use workspace settings
+BuildOptionsSelectionPage.WorkspaceSettingsLinkLabel=<a>Configure Workspace Settings...</a>
+LaunchCreationWizard.0=New Launch Configuration Wizard
+LaunchCategorySelectionPage.title=Launch Categories
+LaunchCategorySelectionPage.description=Select a launch category.
+LaunchCategorySelectionPage.phoneDesc=Launches on a phone using System TRK or Application TRK.
+LaunchCategorySelectionPage.boardDesc=Launches on a development board or reference hardware using a JTAG connection.
+LaunchCategorySelectionPage.categoryLabel=Select where you want to launch
+LaunchWizardSelectionPage.0=Launch Wizard
+LaunchWizardSelectionPage.1=Launch Types
+LaunchWizardSelectionPage.2=Select a launch type.
+LaunchWizardSelectionPage.4=Select a launch type
+LaunchWizardSummaryPage.1=New Launch Configuration
+LaunchWizardSummaryPage.2=Launch with the new configuration "{0}"
+LaunchWizardSummaryPage.3=Click "Finish" to launch. \n\nYou can edit your launch settings and see more settings by choosing \n"Debug..." from the "Run" menu.
+LaunchWizardSummaryPage.4=Advanced settings
+LaunchWizardSummaryPage.SummaryHeading=Settings applied to new launch configuration:\n\n
+MainExecutableSelectionWizardPage.AllFilesLabel=All Files
+MainExecutableSelectionWizardPage.Title=Executable Selection
+MainExecutableSelectionWizardPage.Title.mainExe=Executable Selection
+MainExecutableSelectionWizardPage.Description=Select the process to launch
+MainExecutableSelectionWizardPage.NoExesError=An executable must be selected
+MainExecutableSelectionWizardPage.Description.mainExe=Select the main executable to target
+MainExecutableSelectionWizardPage.ExecutableFilesLabel=Executable Files
+MainExecutableSelectionWizardPage.ExeLabel=Process to launch:
+MainExecutableSelectionWizardPage.ExeLabel.mainExe=Main Executable:
+MainExecutableSelectionWizardPage.ExeToolTip=The executable for the process to launch
+MainExecutableSelectionWizardPage.ExeToolTip.mainExe=The main executable to target for the launch
+MainExecutableSelectionWizardPage.SelectExectuableTitle=Select Exectuable To Launch
+MainExecutableSelectionWizardPage.UsePathLabel.device=Specify device path of remote process to launch
+MainExecutableSelectionWizardPage.UsePathLabel.device.ToolTip=The specified process will be launched on the phone
+SophiaLaunchWizard.1=New Sophia STI Launch Configuration
+SophiaLaunchWizard.2=Sophia STI Launch Configuration
+SophiaLaunchWizard.3=Sophia STI is an external debugger that Carbide debugger communicates with, to debug any Symbian OS module on a target using a JTAG connection.
+SophiaWizardPage.0=Sophia Initialization Settings
+SophiaWizardPage.1=Choose the Sophia WTI DLL, the target initialization file and the processor for initializing the target through Sophia STI.
+SophiaWizardPage.10=Initialization Files (*.cfg) 
+SophiaWizardPage.11=Target Processor\:
+SophiaWizardPage.12=Choose the target processor from the list
+SophiaWizardPage.2=Sophia Target Interface (WTI.DLL)\:
+SophiaWizardPage.3=Choose the Sophia's WTI.DLL which is used by the Carbide debugger to connect to the target through Sophia target interface.
+SophiaWizardPage.4=Choose the Sophia Target Interface (WTI.DLL) library 
+SophiaWizardPage.5=DLL files (.dll)
+SophiaWizardPage.6=All files
+SophiaWizardPage.7=Target Initialization File\:
+SophiaWizardPage.8=Choose the target initialization file which is run by the Carbide debugger after connecting to the target.
+SophiaWizardPage.9=Choose the target initialization file 
+StopModeRomImageWizardPage.0=Symbian ROM Image Settings
+StopModeRomImageWizardPage.1=Choose either soft attach or debug from start option. With soft attach option, you can start debugging without changing the state of the target. Specify the ROM log file for debugging Symbian OS components.
+StopModeRomImageWizardPage.10=All Files
+StopModeRomImageWizardPage.11=Symbian ROM Image\:
+StopModeRomImageWizardPage.12=Specify Symbian OS ROM image that needs to be downloaded to RAM on the target.
+StopModeRomImageWizardPage.13=Choose Symbian ROM image file 
+StopModeRomImageWizardPage.14=Symbian ROM Image (*.img) Files (.img)
+StopModeRomImageWizardPage.15=Soft attach 
+StopModeRomImageWizardPage.16=Choose the soft attach option to debug the target just by attaching without downloading the Symbian OS image.
+StopModeRomImageWizardPage.17=Debug from start address 
+StopModeRomImageWizardPage.18=Choose the debug from start option to debug the target from the start address. 
+StopModeRomImageWizardPage.3=Start Address (in hex)\:
+StopModeRomImageWizardPage.4=Specify the target start address in hex, typically this is the start address of the ROM image.
+StopModeRomImageWizardPage.5=Symbian ROM Log File\:
+StopModeRomImageWizardPage.6=Specify the ROM log file for the ROM image that is going to be debugged. The ROM log file is generated when the ROM image is created.
+StopModeRomImageWizardPage.8=Choose Symbian ROM log file
+StopModeRomImageWizardPage.9=Symbian ROM Log Files
+SystemTRKLaunchWizard.1=New System TRK Launch Configuration
+SystemTRKLaunchWizard.2=System TRK Launch Configuration
+SystemTRKLaunchWizard.3=System TRK is a debug agent that runs on reference boards and prototype phones and allows you to debug your executables. The debugger downloads the executable files to the phone prior to launching. With System TRK, you can also debug the binaries included in the ROM image.
+TRKConnectionWizardPage.0=TRK Connection Settings
+TRKConnectionWizardPage.1=Select the remote connection to use to connect to TRK
+TRKConnectionWizardPage.2=Serial Port\:
+TRKConnectionWizardPage.3=Specify which serial port on your PC to use for TRK connection
+TRKConnectionWizardPage.NoConnectionError=A valid remote connection must be selected. If none exist, create a new one.
+TRKSISSelectionWizardPage.0=TRK SIS Selection
+TRKSISSelectionWizardPage.1=Select the SIS file to install
+TRKSISSelectionWizardPage.10=The file specified does not exist.
+TRKSISSelectionWizardPage.2=SIS File to Install\:
+TRKSISSelectionWizardPage.3=Specify which SIS file to install on the phone prior to launching
+TRKSISSelectionWizardPage.4=Modify SIS builder settings for build configuration
+TRKSISSelectionWizardPage.6=Select installation file
+TRKSISSelectionWizardPage.7=Installation Files
+TRKSISSelectionWizardPage.8=All Files
+Trace32LaunchWizard.1=New Trace32 Launch Configuration
+Trace32LaunchWizard.2=Trace32 Launch Configuration
+Trace32LaunchWizard.3=Trace32 is an external debugger that Carbide debugger communicates with, to debug any Symbian OS module on a target using a JTAG connection.
+Trace32WizardPage.0=Trace32 Initialization Settings
+Trace32WizardPage.1=Choose the cmm script file and the processor for initializing the target through Trace32.
+Trace32WizardPage.2=Trace32 Initialization Script (.cmm file)\:
+Trace32WizardPage.3=Choose the cmm script file for initializing the target
+Trace32WizardPage.4=Choose Trace32 CMM initialization script
+Trace32WizardPage.5=T32 CMM script (*.cmm) files 
+Trace32WizardPage.6=All files
+Trace32WizardPage.7=Target Processor\:
+Trace32WizardPage.8=Choose the target processor from the list