BUG 11531 - good catch on missing options in dialogs, fixed images and names as appropriate
Binary file core/com.nokia.carbide.cpp.doc.user/html/projects/images/new_dll_project_04.png has changed
--- a/core/com.nokia.carbide.cpp.doc.user/html/projects/tutorials/new_proj_dll_example_01.htm Mon Sep 13 15:37:29 2010 -0500
+++ b/core/com.nokia.carbide.cpp.doc.user/html/projects/tutorials/new_proj_dll_example_01.htm Mon Sep 13 16:08:36 2010 -0500
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<li>In the Symbian OS SDKs page, select the SDK and build configurations for the project.<br />
<p>Here you can select from any SDK that is both installed and recognized by Carbide. If the SDK supports several build configurations (GCCE, RVCT, etc.) then you can pick and choose among them for your project.</p>
- <p><img src="../images/new_dll_project_04.png" alt="Symbian OS SDKs page"></p>
+ <p><img src="../images/new_dll_project_04.png" alt="Symbian OS SDKs page" width="573" height="550"></p>
<li>(Optional) Click Next to provide Basic Settings like author, copyright and other info for your project.</li>
<li>(Optional) Click Next to rename the Project Directories used to organize the project.</li>
Binary file core/com.nokia.carbide.cpp.doc.user/html/reference/images/import_bld_inf_03.png has changed
--- a/core/com.nokia.carbide.cpp.doc.user/html/reference/pref_carb_symbian_sdk.htm Mon Sep 13 15:37:29 2010 -0500
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<tr valign="top"><th width="221" class="Cell">Name</th><th width="584" class="Cell">Function</th></tr>
<tr valign="top">
<td class="Cell"><b>Symbian SDK's</b></td>
- <td class="Cell"><p>Lists all the installed and recognized SDKs that are supported by the IDE. SDKs no longer supported will not be shown. You can double-click on any <b>SDK ID</b> or <b>Location</b> entry to directly edit the fields information.</p>
+ <td class="Cell"><p>Lists all the installed and recognized SDKs that are supported by the IDE. SDKs no longer supported by Carbide are not shown. You can double-click the <b>SDK ID</b> or <b>Location</b> entry to edit them directly.</p>
<p>Checked SDKs indicate build configurations available for creating projects. Unchecked SDKs are not displayed when creating new projects. </p>
<p>SDKs shown in <span class="style2">RED</span> indicate a problem, usually no <span class="code">EPOCROOT</span> or unsupported Symbian OS version. </p>
<p>Click on a SDK name to see its <span class="code">EPOCROOT</span> location and build configuration status in the SDK Information area. </p>
--- a/core/com.nokia.carbide.cpp.doc.user/html/tasks/CreatingNewProjects.html Mon Sep 13 15:37:29 2010 -0500
+++ b/core/com.nokia.carbide.cpp.doc.user/html/tasks/CreatingNewProjects.html Mon Sep 13 16:08:36 2010 -0500
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<div class="step">
<h3>Creating New Symbian OS C++ Projects</h3>
- <li class="step">Select <b>File > New > Symbian OS C++ Project</b> to invoke the <b>New Project</b> wizard.</span></li>
+ <li class="step">Select <b>File > New > Symbian OS C++ Project</b> to invoke the <b>New Project</b> wizard.</li>
<p><img src="images/new_proj_step1.png" width="548" height="120" alt="" ></p>
- <li>The <b class="step">New Symbian OS C++ Project</b> wizard appears. Select a template related to an installed SDK.</li>
+ <li>The <b class="step">New Symbian OS C++ Project</b> wizard appears. Select a template to create a project that matches the intended final application.</li>
<p>A project template provides the initial source files and project settings appropriate for the chosen project type. A brief description of each template appears below the list. The project type determines the type of program that you are writing.</p>
<p class="note"><b>NOTE</b> If the selected template requires user input, additional wizard pages will collect data from the user before creating the project.</p>
<p>Checkmark the <b>Filter templates based on enabled SDKs</b> option to only list SDKs enabled in the <a href="../reference/pref_carb_symbian_sdk.htm">Symbian SDKs panel</a>. Uncheck this option to list SDKs that can be used with Carbide. Click <b>Next</b>.</p>
Binary file core/com.nokia.carbide.cpp.doc.user/html/tasks/images/new_proj_step4.png has changed
--- a/core/com.nokia.carbide.cpp.doc.user/html/tasks/sdks/sdk_search.htm Mon Sep 13 15:37:29 2010 -0500
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<li>Click Rescan All SDKs in the <a href="../../reference/pref_carb_symbian_sdk.htm">Symbian SDKs</a> preference panel </li>
- <p>Carbide rescans the hard drive searching for installed SDKs, adding them to the <b>Symbian SDKs</b> list. This is useful should you install a new SDK and don't restart Carbide.</p>
+ <p>Carbide rescans the system drives searching for installed SDKs, adding them to the <b>Symbian SDKs</b> list. This is useful should you install a new SDK and don't restart Carbide. Note you can also double-click an <b>SDK ID</b> or <b>Location</b> entry to edit directly.</p>
--- a/core/com.nokia.carbide.cpp.doc.user/tocCarbide.xml Mon Sep 13 15:37:29 2010 -0500
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<topic label="Debugger" href="html/reference/pref_carb_debugger.htm" />
<topic label="Diagnostic Logs" href="html/reference/pref_carb_diagnostic_logs.htm" />
<topic label="Preprocess" href="html/reference/pref_carb_preprocess.htm" />
- <topic label="Symbian Filtering Preferences" href="html/tasks/sdks/sdk_platform_filter.htm" />
+ <topic label="Build Configuration Filtering" href="html/tasks/sdks/sdk_platform_filter.htm" />
<topic label="Symbian SDKs" href="html/reference/pref_carb_symbian_sdk.htm" />
<topic label="Code Styles" href="html/reference/pref_cpp_code_style.htm" >
<topic label="Setting the Workspace Code Style" href="html/tasks/code_style_workspace.htm" />