removed migrate page in welcome as links were no longer valid RCL_2_4
authorfturovic <>
Tue, 01 Dec 2009 10:22:24 -0600
changeset 601 5781339641f4
parent 600 1d4f79294d0b
child 602 7fc87e3b88bd
removed migrate page in welcome as links were no longer valid
--- a/core/	Fri Nov 20 11:46:52 2009 -0600
+++ b/core/	Tue Dec 01 10:22:24 2009 -0600
@@ -1,34 +1,28 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
-	<extensionContent 
-		id="" 
-		name="Carbide.c+ Development" 
-		alt-style="" 
-		style="carbide.css" 
-		path="migrate/@">
-		<group label="Carbide.c++ Development" id="carbide-cpp" style-id="content-group">
-			<link 
-				label="Switching to Carbide.c++" 
-				url=""  
-				id="carbide" 
-				style-id="content-link">
-				<text>Download this whitepaper to learn how Carbide.c++ compares to Microsoft Visual Studio and Nokia CodeWarrior for Symbian development.</text>
-			</link>
-			<link 
-				label="Carbide.c++ Shortcuts" 
-				url="http://org.eclipse.ui.intro/showHelpTopic?id=/"  
-				id="carbide-keys" 
-				style-id="content-link">
-				<text>Carbide.c++ shortcuts include support for Microsoft Visual Studio as well as Nokia CodeWarrior.</text>
-			</link>
-		</group>
-	</extensionContent>
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+	<extensionContent 
+		id="" 
+		name="Carbide.c+ Development" 
+		alt-style="" 
+		style="carbide.css" 
+		path="migrate/@">
+		<!-- Removed 20091201 since links are no longer valid
+		<group label="Carbide.c++ Development" id="carbide-cpp" style-id="content-group">
+			<link 
+				label="Carbide.c++ Shortcuts" 
+				url="http://org.eclipse.ui.intro/showHelpTopic?id=/"  
+				id="carbide-keys" 
+				style-id="content-link">
+				<text>Carbide.c++ shortcuts include support for Microsoft Visual Studio.</text>
+			</link>
+		</group>
+		-->
+	</extensionContent>