added new images for emulator example
authorfturovic <>
Thu, 17 Jun 2010 13:13:02 -0500
changeset 1490 811926adaf5e
parent 1489 d3e4dfeca859
child 1492 ece9b1251648
added new images for emulator example
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   <li><a href="breakpoints.htm">Breakpoints</a></li>
   <li><a href="build_targets.htm">Build Targets</a></li>
   <li><a href="macros_carbide.htm">Carbide Macros</a></li>
-  <li><a href="cvs.htm">Concurrent Versions System (CVS)</a></li>
   <li><a href="contextual_menus.htm">Context menu support</a></li>
   <li><a href="dependency_tracking.htm">Dependency Tracking</a></li>
   <li><a href="emulators.htm">Emulation Debugging</a></li>
@@ -41,6 +40,7 @@
   <li><a href="precompiled_headers.htm">Precompiled Headers</a></li>
   <li><a href="registers.htm">Registers</a></li>
   <li><a href="../tasks/WorkingwithSDKs.html">SDK Support</a></li>
+  <li><a href="cvs.htm">Software Configuration Management </a></li>
   <li><a href="symbols_pkg.htm">Symbols, .pkg</a></li>
   <li><a href="workspaces.htm">Workspace Information</a></li>
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 <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
 <h2>Debugging a Symbian OS Program</h2>
 <p>Use the Carbide.c++ debugger to debug a compiled Symbian OS program in an emulator or on-device. The same process works for other emulators and target devices as well.</p>
-<p class="note"><b>NOTE</b> This example uses the emulator included with the S60 5th Edition SDK. The steps are identical for on-device debugging, although a <span class="code">.sym</span> file is not needed for emulator builds.</p>
+<p class="note"><b>NOTE</b> This example uses the Symbian Emulator included with the Symbian^3 SDK. The steps are identical for on-device debugging, although a <span class="code">.sym</span> file is not needed for emulator builds.</p>
 <div class="step">
   <h4>Debugging a Symbian OS program</h4>
 <p class="note"><b>NOTE</b> You can only debug compiled programs. Use the <a href="../projects/prj_build.htm">Build Project</a> command to compile project sources into a binary file if you do not already have an executable in the project. A symbolics (<span class="code">.sym</span>) file is also required for debugging on a target device. Ensure that a <span class="code">.sym</span> file has been created. If you are importing an existing application, you may have to rebuild the application and create a related <span class="code">.sym</span> file. Make sure a <span class="code">.sym</span> file has been created in the output directory.</p>
     <li>Set a breakpoint in the MyProject program</li>
-    <p>Open the <span class="code">\src\MyProjectAppUI.cpp</span> file and <a href="../breakpoints/pgm_bp_setting.htm">set a breakpoint</a> in the <span class="code">HandleCommandL</span> routine.</p>
-    <p align="center"><img src="images/debug_set_breakpoint.png" width="707" height="253" /></p>
-  <p class="figure">Figure 1 - Breakpoint set in MyProjectAppUI::HandleCommandL routine. </p>
-  <li>Launch the Carbide debugger and S60 SDK Emulator</li>
-  <p><a href="../../debugger/debug/cmds_starting.htm">Start</a> the Carbide debugger which launches the S60 SDK Emulator, installs and launches the executable. For on-device debugging, the application is installed on the target device.</p>
-  <p>The HelloCarbide application launches (Figure 2). </p>
-    <p align="center"><img src="images/debug_s60_emulator_04.png" width="465" height="811" /></p>
-    <p class="figure">Figure 2 - MyProject application running on S60 Emulator </p>
+    <p>Open the <span class="code">\src\OortCloudAppUI.cpp</span> file and <a href="../breakpoints/pgm_bp_setting.htm">set a breakpoint</a> in the <span class="code">HandleCommandL</span> routine.</p>
+    <p align="center"><img src="images/debug_set_breakpoint.png" width="678" height="281" /></p>
+  <p class="figure">Figure 1 - Breakpoint set in COortCloudAppUI::HandleCommandL routine. </p>
+  <li>Launch the Carbide debugger and Symbian  Emulator</li>
+  <p><a href="../../debugger/debug/cmds_starting.htm">Start</a> the Carbide debugger which launches the Symbian  Emulator, then installs and launches the executable. For on-device debugging, the application is installed on the target device.</p>
+  <p>The OortCloud application launches (Figure 2). </p>
+    <p align="center"><img src="images/wnd_symbian_emulator_01.png" alt="Symbian Emulator" width="238" height="458"></p>
+    <p class="figure">Figure 2 - OortCloud application running on Symbian Emulator </p>
     <p class="note"><b>NOTE</b> For SDKs prior to the S60 5th Edition it may be necessary to locate the installed application and manually launch it in the emulator or on the target device.</p>
-    <li>Click the Options soft-key on the S60 Emulator to display the Options menu.</li>
+    <li>Click the Options soft-key on the Symbian Emulator to display the Options menu.</li>
 	<li>Choose the Message menu item and press the Select soft-key to send a message  (Figure 3).</li>
-	<p></p><p align="center"><img src="images/debug_s60_emulator_05.png" width="465" height="458" /></p>
-  <p class="figure">Figure 3 - Send Message to MyProject application </p>
+	<p></p><p align="center"><img src="images/wnd_symbian_emulator_02.png" alt="Menu selection" width="378" height="431"></p>
+  <p class="figure">Figure 3 - Send Message to OortCloud application </p>
   <p>The <span class="code">HandleCommandL</span> breakpoint  is hit in the program and control returns to the Carbide debugger (Figure 4). You can now set additional breakpoints, examine variables, or use the <a href="../../debugger/debug/viewing_debug.htm">Debug</a> view buttons to control the program. </p>
-  <p align="center"><img src="images/debug_s60_emulator_06.png" width="686" height="276" /></p>
-  <p class="figure">Figure 4 - Back in the CMyProjectAppUI::HandleCommandL routine</p>
+  <p align="center"><img src="images/wnd_symbian_emulator_03.png" alt="Breakpoint hit" width="678" height="281"></p>
+  <p class="figure">Figure 4 - Back in the COortCloudAppUI::HandleCommandL routine</p>
   <p>That's it for this basic introduction to debugging with Carbide.c++.</p>
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 <h2>Deploying Programs to Devices</h2>
 <p>Once you have completed the program and tested it with the emulator, it&#8217;s possible to create a <a href="../projects/prj_new_build_config.htm">new</a> build configuration for your device, <a href="../projects/prj_build.htm">build</a> it, then create a <span class="code">.sis</span> file and deploy it to a device.</p>
 <p>To upload a valid <span class="code">.sis</span> file to the target device you need software that communicates with the target device from your PC. Every Symbian phone ships with this connectivity software, which we will refer to generically as Symbian Connect. The actual name for the software is vendor dependent, so refer to your phone&rsquo;s documentation for the name.</p>
-<p>For example, most phones from Nokia that use  Symbian OS  come with <a href=",,72014,00.html">Nokia PC Suite</a>, which allows you to synchronize and transfer data between your compatible phone and a compatible PC via a compatible data cable or a wireless connection. </p>
+<p>For example, most phones from Nokia that use  Symbian OS  come with <a href="">Ovi&nbsp;Suite</a><a href=",,72014,00.html"></a>, which allows you to synchronize and transfer data between your compatible phone and a compatible PC via a compatible data cable or a wireless connection. </p>
 <p> Essentially, the Symbian Connect program provides a method of connecting a PC to the target device via USB, IrDA, Bluetooth, or other serial connection. Once you make a connection, you can upload your <span class="code">.sis</span> file to the target device and install the program. </p>
 <p class="note"><b>NOTE</b> A simple guide is provided to show the basic steps necessary to upload a .sis file to a target device. The actual steps required by the specific Symbian Connect program that ships with the SDK you are using may differ, so always refer to that phone &rsquo;s documentation for details.</p>
 <div class="step">
--- a/core/	Thu Jun 17 13:07:08 2010 -0500
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   <h4>Debugging a Run-mode Project using Application TRK </h4>
     <li>Import the Bld.inf to create a project using the Import wizard </li>
-    <p>In this example we are importing a project called Music, a complex project that includes several EXEs (MusicPlayer, MusicShop, MusicVisualizer). When we import, we select an ARM target.</p>
+    <p>In this example we are importing a project called Music, a complex project that includes several EXEs (MusicPlayer, MusicShop, MusicVisualizer). For the import, we select an ARM target.</p>
     <li>Go to the project Properties page and in the Carbide Build Configuration panel specify the PKG file in the <a href="../../reference/build_properties/pane_build_config_sis.htm">SIS Builder</a> tab </li>
     <li>Build the project (Ctrl+B) </li>
     <li>Verify that all the binaries built by the project appear  in the <a href="../../reference/view_executables.htm">Executables</a> view. </li>
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 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" />
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 <meta name="LASTUPDATED" content="06/17/05 11:09:43" />
-<title>Carbide.c++ Installation</title>
+<title>System Requirements</title>
 <link rel="StyleSheet" href="../../../book.css" type="text/css"/>
 <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
 <h2>System Requirements</h2>
-<p>You use the Carbide.c++ IDE in conjunction with a recognized SDK to develop Symbian software.</p>
+<p>You use the Carbide.c++ IDE in conjunction with a recognized SDK to develop Symbian OS software.</p>
 <p> In practice, whether you use an SDK, a developer kit (DevKit), or both depends on the edition of
     Carbide.c++ you have (see Table 1). Further, if you use an OS devkit,
-    it must be version  9.1b or higher for EKA2 with
-  Platform Security support.</p>
+  it must use SBSv2.</p>
 <h5>Table 1. Support packages used for development with each Carbide.c++ Editions </h5>
 <table width="100%"  border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0">
@@ -26,12 +25,12 @@
     <td rowspan="2" valign="middle"><p>An SDK or OS developer kit (DevKit) including:</p>
       <ul><li>9.x or higher for Platform Security </li>
-    <td height="65"><p>Targets: S60 5th Ed., Qt</p>
+    <td height="65"><p>Targets: Symbian ^3, S60 5th Ed., Qt</p>
       <p>Debugger: Emulators, on-device debugging</p>
     <p>UI Designer: create graphical interfaces quickly using standard UI components</p></td>
-    <td><p>Targets: S60 5th Ed., Qt</p>
+    <td><p>Targets: Symbian ^3, S60 5th Ed., Qt</p>
     <p>Debugger: Emulators, on-device debugging, device debugging in ROM, kernel debugging </p>
     <p>Performance Investigator: application performance data, memory usage, power usage, button event reporting </p></td>
@@ -56,21 +55,19 @@
     <th scope="row">Other Software </th>
-    <td><p>A Symbian OS&#8482; SDK and Perl:</p>
+    <td><p>A Symbian OS SDK and Perl:</p>
-          <li>S60 Platform SDKs (<a href=""></a>)
-            <ul>
-              <li>S60 5th Edition</li>
-              <li>S60 3rd Edition, FP1</li>
-              <li>S60 3rd Edition, MR </li>
-            </ul>
-        </li>
-        <li>Qt
-          (<a href=""></a>)
-          <ul>
-            <li>Qt SDK for S60</li>
-          </ul>
-        </li>
+          <li>Nokia Qt SDK
+              <ul>
+                      <li><a href="">Nokia Qt SDK</a></li>
+              </ul>
+          </li>
+      </ul>
+      <ul>
+          <li>Symbian, S60 platform, and S60 device SDKs <ul><li><a href="">Symbian ^3</a></li>
+                        <li>S60 5th Editio</li>
+                  </ul>
+            </li>
       <ul><li>Perl (<a href=""></a>)
@@ -78,14 +75,15 @@
               <li><a href="">ActivePerl-</a></li>
           <li>Symbian Connect software 
-          <p>Software that communicates between a PC and a target device. For example, <a href=",,72014,00.html">Nokia PC Suite</a>. </p></li>
+          <p>Software that communicates between a PC and a target device. For example, <a href="">Ovi&nbsp;Suite</a>. </p>
+          </li>
     <th scope="row">Disk Space </th>
         <li>800 MB for Carbide.c++</li>
-        <li>Up to 2.0 GB for each S60 SDK installation</li>
+        <li>Up to 2.0 GB for each  SDK installation</li>
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   <p class="note"><b>NOTE</b> Always run the <b>Help &gt; Check for Updates</b> wizard and install all updates before attempting to install  new software. This can prevent the occurrence of any dependency errors.</p>
     <li>Select <b class="step">Help &gt; Install New Software...</b> to display the Available Software pane of the Install dialog. 
-      <p align="center"><img src="images/p2_available_sw.png" width="616" height="544"></p>
+      <p align="center"><img src="images/p2_available_sw.png" width="737" height="667"></p>
       <p class="figure">Figure 1 - Install dialog - Available Software pane</p>
       <ol type="a">
         <li>Select an update site from the Work with drop down, or click Add... to enter a new site URL.</li>
@@ -30,18 +30,14 @@
         <li>Click Next</li>
-    <li>In the Install Details pane select the specific items to install from those displayed, then click Next.
-      <p align="center"><img src="images/p2_install_details_01.png" width="555" height="560"></p>
-      <p class="figure">Figure 2 - Install dialog - Install Details pane</p>
-      </li>
     <li>Review the items to install in the second Install Details pane<b>, then click Next.</b>
-      <p align="center"><img src="images/p2_install_details_02.png" width="555" height="560"></p>
-    <p class="figure">Figure 3 - Install dialog - second Install Details pane</p>
+      <p align="center"><img src="images/p2_install_details_01.png" width="737" height="667"></p>
+    <p class="figure">Figure 2 - Install dialog -  Install Details pane</p>
     <li>Accept  the license 
       terms, then click Finish.
-      <p align="center"><img src="images/p2_review_licenses.png" width="643" height="560"></p>
-    <p class="figure">Figure 4 - Install dialog -Review Licenses pane</p>
+      <p align="center"><img src="images/p2_review_licenses.png" width="737" height="667"></p>
+    <p class="figure">Figure 3 - Install dialog -Review Licenses pane</p>
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