BUG 12339 - fixed missing debug icons
authorfturovic <frank.turovich@nokia.com>
Thu, 07 Oct 2010 13:14:04 -0500
changeset 2139 a56969492137
parent 2138 8b2d7ec68b92
child 2140 3cc835ea617d
BUG 12339 - fixed missing debug icons
--- a/core/com.nokia.carbide.cpp.doc.user/html/projects/tutorials/run_mode_debug_example_03.htm	Thu Oct 07 13:08:36 2010 -0500
+++ b/core/com.nokia.carbide.cpp.doc.user/html/projects/tutorials/run_mode_debug_example_03.htm	Thu Oct 07 13:14:04 2010 -0500
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 <p>In this example we demonstrate how to debug applications on a remote device using the Symbian Device (Install SIS) remote debug agent. This enables you to test  programs on the actual device it will operate on while observing its behavior using the Carbide debugger. The steps to do this include:</p>
     <li><a href="run_mode_debug_example_01.htm">Connect</a> target device to PC</li>
-    <li><a href="../trk/trk_installation_instr.htm">Install </a>CODA remote agent (v3.2.7) or later on the target device</li>
+    <li><a href="../trk/trk_installation_instr.htm">Install </a>CODA 4.x or later on the target device</li>
     <li><strong>Configure project for downloading</strong></li>
     <li><a href="../../tasks/projects/prj_build.htm">Debug</a> project on target device</li>
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
     		<p>We choose <strong>Phone Debug (armv5_udeb)</strong> for this example using the <strong>Manage Configurations</strong> icon on the toolbar, but yours name may differ based upon the SDK  selected for your project.</p>
             <p><img src="../images/debugging_project_07.png" alt="Select device target"></p>
-        <li>Click the Debug icon (<img src="../../reference/pref_carb_symbian_sdk.htm" alt="Debug icon" width="17" height="17" align="absmiddle">) on the toolbar.
+        <li>Click the Debug icon (<img src="../images/icon_debug.png" alt="Debug icon" width="17" height="17" align="absmiddle">) on the toolbar.
     		<p>This opens the <strong>New Launch Configuration Wizard</strong> dialog asking for additional information. For the first launch you must define the name of the package to install on the target device.</p>
             <p><img src="../images/debugging_project_08.png" alt="New Launch Configuration Wizard" width="538" height="434"></p>
             <ol type="a">
--- a/core/com.nokia.carbide.cpp.doc.user/html/projects/tutorials/run_mode_debug_example_04.htm	Thu Oct 07 13:08:36 2010 -0500
+++ b/core/com.nokia.carbide.cpp.doc.user/html/projects/tutorials/run_mode_debug_example_04.htm	Thu Oct 07 13:14:04 2010 -0500
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 <p>In this example we demonstrate how to debug applications on a remote device using the Symbian Device (Install SIS) remote debug agent. This enables you to test  programs on the actual device it will operate on while observing its behavior using the Carbide debugger. The steps to do this include:</p>
     <li><a href="run_mode_debug_example_01.htm">Connect</a> target device to PC</li>
-    <li><a href="run_mode_debug_example_02.htm">Install</a> CODA remote agent (v3.2.7) or later on the target device</li>
+    <li><a href="run_mode_debug_example_02.htm">Install</a> CODA 4.x or later on the target device</li>
     <li><a href="run_mode_debug_example_03.htm">Configure</a> project for downloading</li>
     <li><strong>Debug project on target device</strong></li>
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
         <li>Set breakpoints in the program.
         	<p><a href="../../debugger/breakpoints/toggling_breakpoints.htm">Set breakpoints</a> at the critical points in the program where you want to stop execution.</p>
-        <li>Click the Debug icon (<img src="../../reference/pref_carb_symbian_sdk.htm" alt="Debug icon" width="17" height="17" align="absmiddle">) to launch the program for debugging on the target device.
+        <li>Click the Debug icon (<img src="../images/icon_debug.png" alt="Debug icon" width="17" height="17" align="absmiddle">) to launch the program for debugging on the target device.
         	<p>Follow the steps in <a href="run_mode_debug_example_03.htm">Configure project for downloading</a> to build and launch the program for debugging.</p>
         <li>Use the Carbide debugger to examine program internals and control its execution.