BUG 10603 - some additional sophia references removed RCL_2_4
authorfturovic <frank.turovich@nokia.com>
Tue, 26 Jan 2010 13:46:54 -0600
changeset 820 cb335c7c0e4b
parent 818 e90ca1752642
child 825 50fdb7752268
BUG 10603 - some additional sophia references removed
--- a/core/com.nokia.carbide.cpp.doc.user/html/cheatsheets/stop_mode_cs.xml	Tue Jan 26 12:02:08 2010 -0600
+++ b/core/com.nokia.carbide.cpp.doc.user/html/cheatsheets/stop_mode_cs.xml	Tue Jan 26 13:46:54 2010 -0600
@@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<cheatsheet title="On-device Stop Mode Debugging Setup">
-	<intro>
-		<description>
-		Follow these steps to install on-device stop mode debug software and compilers, create ROM images, and define launch configurations.
-		</description> 
-	</intro> 
-	<item title="Install necessary compilers, SDKs, and create ROM image files" href="/com.nokia.carbide.cpp.doc.user/html/tasks/debugger/stop_mode_debug_precond.htm" >
-		<description>
-		Before you begin stop mode debugging, make sure all preconditions are met.
-		</description>
-	</item>
-	<item title="Define a Trace32 or Sophia Launch Configuration" href="/com.nokia.carbide.cpp.doc.user/html/reference/wnd_Trace32_config.htm" >
-		<description>
-		Define debug launch configurations for the selected project.
-		</description>
-	</item>
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<cheatsheet title="On-device Stop Mode Debugging Setup">
+	<intro>
+		<description>
+		Follow these steps to install on-device stop mode debug software and compilers, create ROM images, and define launch configurations.
+		</description> 
+	</intro> 
+	<item title="Install necessary compilers, SDKs, and create ROM image files" href="/com.nokia.carbide.cpp.doc.user/html/tasks/debugger/stop_mode_debug_precond.htm" >
+		<description>
+		Before you begin stop mode debugging, make sure all preconditions are met.
+		</description>
+	</item>
+	<item title="Define a Trace32 Launch Configuration" href="/com.nokia.carbide.cpp.doc.user/html/reference/wnd_Trace32_config.htm" >
+		<description>
+		Define debug launch configurations for the selected project.
+		</description>
+	</item>
--- a/core/com.nokia.carbide.cpp.doc.user/html/context_help/carbide_debug_dialogs_help.xml	Tue Jan 26 12:02:08 2010 -0600
+++ b/core/com.nokia.carbide.cpp.doc.user/html/context_help/carbide_debug_dialogs_help.xml	Tue Jan 26 13:46:54 2010 -0600
@@ -237,15 +237,6 @@
 		<topic label="Setting a Build Configuration"		href="html/tasks/projects/prj_set_build_tgt.htm" />
-	<context id="stopmode_sophiaconnection" >
-		<description>Specify the settings for Sophia debugging.</description>
-		<topic label="Sophia Target Interface Support"    	href="html/reference/wnd_sophia_config.htm" />
-		<topic label="Creating Launch Configurations"		href="html/tasks/projects/prj_debug_config.htm" />
-		<topic label="Setting a Build Configuration"		href="html/tasks/projects/prj_set_build_tgt.htm" />
-		<topic label="Launch Configuration Overview"  		href="html/projects/launch/launch_configs_overview.htm" />
-	</context>
 	<context id="stopmode_romimage" >
 		<description>Specify the ROM image details.</description>
@@ -287,12 +278,6 @@
 		<topic label="Launch Configuration Overview"  		href="html/projects/launch/launch_configs_overview.htm" />
-	<context id="wizard_sophia_page" >
-		<description>Specify Sophia configuration information.</description>
-		<topic label="Creating a Launch Configuration"				href="html/tasks/projects/prj_debug_config.htm" />
-		<topic label="Symbian OS Sophia Target Interface Support"	href="html/reference/wnd_sophia_config.htm" />
-	</context>
 	<context id="wizard_trace32_page" >
 		<description>Specify Trace32 configuration information.</description>
 		<topic label="Creating a Launch Configuration"		href="html/tasks/projects/prj_debug_config.htm" />
--- a/core/com.nokia.carbide.cpp.doc.user/html/context_help/eclipse_dialogs_help.xml	Tue Jan 26 12:02:08 2010 -0600
+++ b/core/com.nokia.carbide.cpp.doc.user/html/context_help/eclipse_dialogs_help.xml	Tue Jan 26 13:46:54 2010 -0600
@@ -1,376 +1,370 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!-- =============================================================================== -->
-<!-- Includes context help references for:                                           -->
-<!--    plugin="org.eclipse.debug.ui"                                                -->
-<!--    plugin="org.eclipse.ui"                                                      -->
-<!--    plugin="org.eclipse.ui.console"                                              -->
-<!--    plugin="org.eclipse.ui.ide"                                                  -->
-<!--    plugin="org.eclipse.ui.workbench"                                            -->
-<!-- =============================================================================== -->
-<!-- =============================================================================== -->
-<!-- PLUGIN: org.eclipse.debug.ui                                                    -->
-<!-- =============================================================================== -->
-	<!-- ============================================================== -->
-	<!-- DEBUG VIEW                                                     -->
-	<context id="debug_view_context" >
-		<description>The Debug view shows the target debugging information in a tree hierarchy.</description>
-		<topic label="Debug view"  						href="html/reference/view_debug.htm" />
-		<topic label="Controlling debugger execution"  	href="html/concepts/working_with_debugger.htm" />
-	</context>
-	<!-- ============================================================== -->
-	<!-- VARIABLES VIEW                                                 -->
-	<context id="variable_view_context" >
-		<description>Use the Variables view to manipulate the variables or variable hierarchy used in source code.</description>
-		<topic label="Variables view"             		href="html/reference/view_variables.htm" />
-		<topic label="Show Variables View"		  		href="html/tasks/variables/show_variables_view.htm" />
-		<topic label="Showing Global Variables"	  		href="html/tasks/variables/show_global_variables.htm" />
-	</context>
-	<!-- ============================================================== -->
-	<!-- BREAKPOINTS VIEW                                               -->
-	<context id="breakpoint_view_context"  >
-		<description>Use the Breakpoints view to examine, enable or disable the breakpoints in one or more build configurations.</description>
-		<topic label="Breakpoints view"  					href="html/reference/view_breakpoints.htm" />
-		<topic label="Breakpoints" 				            href="html/concepts/breakpoints.htm" />
-	</context>
-	<!-- ============================================================== -->
-	<!-- EXPRESSIONS VIEW                                               -->
-	<context id="expression_view_context" >
-		<description>Use the Expressions view to monitor and manipulate variables, structures, and arrays.</description>
-		<topic label="Expressions view"  				href="html/reference/view_expressions.htm" />
-		<topic label="Adding Expressions" 				href="html/tasks/expressions/expr_adding.htm" />
-		<topic label="Editing Expressions" 				href="html/tasks/expressions/expr_editding.htm" />
-		<topic label="Removing Expressions" 			href="html/tasks/expressions/expr_removing.htm" />
-	</context>
-	<context id="launch_configuration_view_context" >
-		<description>Use the Launch view to </description>
-		<topic label="Launch Configuration view"  							href="html/reference/.htm" />
-	</context>
-   -->
-	<!-- ============================================================== -->
-	<!-- REGISTERS VIEW                                                 -->
-	<context id="registers_view_context" >
-		<description>Use the Registers view to view general, FPU, and host-specific registers of the host computer, not the target device.</description>
-		<topic label="Registers view"  						href="html/reference/view_registers.htm" />
-		<topic label="Opening a Registers View"				href="html/tasks/registers/mem_reg_open_wnd.htm" />
-		<topic label="Viewing Registers"					href="html/tasks/registers/mem_reg_viewing.htm" />
-		<topic label="Changing Register Values"				href="html/tasks/registers/mem_reg_changing.htm" />
-	</context>
-	<!-- ============================================================== -->
-	<!-- MEMORY VIEW                                                    -->
-	<context id="MemoryView_context" >
-		<description>Use the Memory view to inspect and change process memory.</description>
-		<topic label="Memory view"  							href="html/reference/view_memory_wnd.htm" />
-		<topic label="Adding Memory Monitors"					href="html/tasks/memory/memory_monitor_adding.htm" />
-		<topic label="Adding Memory Renderings"					href="html/tasks/memory/memory_rendering_adding.htm" />
-		<topic label="Removing Memory Monitors or Renderings"	href="html/tasks/memory/memory_monitor_removing.htm" />
-	</context>
-	<!-- SOURCES -->
-	<context id ="source_container_lookup_tab" >
-	   <description>Specify where the debugger should look for source files.</description>
-	   <topic label="Source" href="../org.eclipse.cdt.doc.user/reference/cdt_u_run_dbg_srce.htm" />
-	</context>
-	<!-- COMMON -->
-	<context id ="launch_configuration_dialog_common_tab ">
-	   <description>Specify where the debugger should store the debug configuration.</description>
-	   <topic label="Common"	href="../org.eclipse.cdt.doc.user/reference/cdt_u_run_dbg_comm.htm" />
-	</context>
-	<context id="wizard_selection_page" >
-		<description>Select a launch type to create a launch configuration.</description>
-		<topic label="Creating a Launch Configuration"	href="html/tasks/projects/prj_debug_config.htm" />
-		<topic label="Launch Configurations"			href="html/concepts/launch_configuration.htm" />
-		<topic label="Launch Configuration Filter"		href="html/reference/launch_configuration_filter.htm" />
-		<topic label="Carbide Project Settings"		    href="html/reference/build_properties/pane_project_settings.htm" />
-	</context>
-	<context id="wizard_summary_page" >
-		<description>Review launch configuration information.</description>
-		<topic label="Creating a Launch Configuration"	href="html/tasks/projects/prj_debug_config.htm" />
-		<topic label="Launch Configurations"			href="html/concepts/launch_configuration.htm" />
-	</context>
-	<context id="wizard_sophia_page" >
-		<description>Specify Sophia configuration information.</description>
-		<topic label="Creating a Launch Configuration"				href="html/tasks/projects/prj_debug_config.htm" />
-		<topic label="Symbian OS Sophia Target Interface Support"	href="html/reference/wnd_sophia_config.htm" />
-	</context>
-	<context id="wizard_trace32_page" >
-		<description>Specify Trace32 configuration information.</description>
-		<topic label="Creating a Launch Configuration"		href="html/tasks/projects/prj_debug_config.htm" />
-		<topic label="Symbian OS Trace32 Support"			href="html/reference/wnd_Trace32_config.htm" />
-	</context>
-	<context id="wizard_trk_connection_page" >
-		<description>Specify TRK connection information.</description>
-		<topic label="Creating a Launch Configuration"		href="html/tasks/projects/prj_debug_config.htm" />
-	</context>
-	<context id="wizard_rom_image_page" >
-		<description>Specify ROM image information.</description>
-		<topic label="Creating a Launch Configuration"		href="html/tasks/projects/prj_debug_config.htm" />
-		<topic label="Launch Configurations"				href="html/concepts/launch_configuration.htm" />
-	</context>
-	<context id="get_sis_info_dialog" >
-		<description>Specify SIS information.</description>
-		<topic label="Set PKG File for Build Configuration"		href="html/reference/build_properties/pane_pkg_config.htm" />
-		<topic label="Creating a Launch Configuration"			href="html/tasks/projects/prj_debug_config.htm" />
-	</context>
-	<!--
-	<context id="debug_preference_page_context" >
-	</context>
-	 -->
-	<!--
-	<context id="debug_action_groups_views_preference_page_context" >
-	</context>
-	 -->
-	<!--
-	<context id="launch_history_preference_page_context" >
-	</context>
-	 -->
-	<!--
-	<context id="simple_variable_preference_page_context" >
-	</context>
-	 -->
-	<!-- DIALOGS  -->
-	<!--
-	<context id="launch_configuration_properties_dialog" >
-	</context>
-	 -->
-	<!--
-	<context id="single_launch_configuration_dialog" >
-	</context>
-	 -->
-	<!--
-	<context id="variable_selection_dialog_context" >
-	</context>
-	 -->
-	<!--
-	<context id="edit_source_lookup_path_dialog" >
-	</context>
-	 -->
-	<!--
-	<context id="source_container_lookup_tab" >
-	</context>
-	 -->
-	<!--
-	<context id="edit_source_lookup_path_dialog" >
-	</context>
-	 -->
-	<!--
-	<context id="add_source_container_dialog" >
-	</context>
-	 -->
-	<!--
-	<context id="project_source_container_dialog" >
-	</context>
-	 -->
-	<!--
-	<context id="folder_source_container_dialog" >
-	</context>
-	 -->
-	<!--
-	<context id="archive_source_container_dialog" >
-	</context>
-	 -->
-	<!--
-	<context id="multiple_source_selection_dialog" >
-	</context>
-	 -->
-	<!-- PROPERTY PAGES  -->
-	<!--
-	<context id="process_property_page_context" >
-	</context>
-	 -->
-	<!-- ============================================================== -->
-	<!-- LAUNCH CONFIGURATION DIALOG                                    -->
-	<context id="launch_configuration_dialog" >
-		<description>Use the Debug or Run panels to create launch configurations for your applications.</description>
-		<topic label="Creating Launch Configurations"			href="html/tasks/projects/prj_debug_config.htm" />
-	</context>
-	<!--
-	<context id="launch_configuration_dialog_common_tab" >
-	</context>
-	 -->
-	<!--
-	<context id="launch_configuration_dialog_perspective_tab" >
-	</context>
-	 -->
-	<!--    -->
-	<context id="launch_configuration_dialog_environment_tab" >
-        <description>Use the environment pane to add or remove environment variables.</description>
-		<topic label="Environment pane"  				href="html/reference/emulator/wnd_emulator_overview.htm" />
-	</context>
-	<!-- WORKING SET PAGE  -->
-	<!--
-	<context id="working_set_page_context" >
-	</context>
-	 -->	
-	<!--
-	<context id="debugger_editor_no_source_common" >
-	</context>
-	 -->	
-<!-- =============================================================================== -->
-<!-- PLUGIN: org.eclipse.ui                                                          -->
-<!-- =============================================================================== -->
-	<!-- ============================================================== -->
-	<!-- NEW WIZARD -->
-	<context id="new_wizard_selection_wizard_page_context" >
-		<description>Select the project, class, or file to create.</description>
-		<topic label="New Symbian OS ++ Projects" 				href="html/tasks/CreatingNewProjects.html"/>
-		<topic label="New Symbian OS C++ Classes"				href="html/tasks/projects/prj_adding_symbian_class.htm" />
-		<topic label="New Symbian OS MMP File"		        	href="html/reference/NewMMP_wizard.html" />
-	</context>
-	<!-- ============================================================== -->
-	<!-- IMPORT WIZARD                                                  -->
-	<context id="import_wizard_selection_wizard_page_context" >
-		<description>Select the type of file to import for debugging.</description>
-		<topic label="Importing Projects from a BLD.INF File"	href="html/tasks/ImportingProjects.html"/>
-		<topic label="Importing a Symbian Executable"  			href="html/reference/projects/prj_import_exe.htm" />
-		<topic label="Carbide.c++ Perspective" 					href="html/concepts/SymbianPerspective.html" />
-		<topic label="C/C++ Project and File Properties"		href="html/reference/ProjectPreferences.html" />
-	</context>
-    <context id="import_wizard_context">
-		<description>Import an executable for debugging.</description>
-		<topic label="Importing a Symbian Executable"  			href="html/tasks/projects/prj_import_exe.htm" />
-    </context>
-	<!-- ============================================================== -->
-	<!-- EXPORT WIZARD                                                  -->
-	<context id="export_wizard_selection_wizard_page_context" >
-		<description>Use the Console view to show the output of a process and provide keyboard input to a process.</description>
-		<topic label="Console view"  			href="html/reference/view_log.htm" />
-	</context>
-	<!-- KEYS
-	<context id="keys_preference_page_context" >
-		<description>Use the Console view to show the output of a process and provide keyboard input to a process.</description>
-		<topic label="Console view"  			href="html/reference/view_log.htm" />
-	</context>
-	-->
-<!-- =============================================================================== -->
-<!-- PLUGIN: org.eclipse.ui.console                                                  -->
-<!-- =============================================================================== -->
-	<!-- ============================================================== -->
-	<!-- CONSOLE VIEW                                                   -->
-	<context id="console_view_context" >
-		<description>Use the Console view to show the output of a process and provide keyboard input to a process.</description>
-		<topic label="Console view"  			href="html/reference/view_log.htm" />
-	</context>
-	<context id="console_preference_page_context" >
-	</context>
-	 -->
-<!-- =============================================================================== -->
-<!-- PLUGIN: org.eclipse.ui.ide                                                      -->
-<!-- =============================================================================== -->
-	<!-- ============================================================== -->
-	<!-- NEW PROJECT WIZARD PAGE                                        -->
-	<context id="new_project_wizard_page_context" >
-		<description>Select the project type to create.</description>
-		<topic label="Creating New Projects"		href="html/tasks/CreatingNewProjects.html" />
-	</context>
-<!-- =============================================================================== -->
-<!-- PLUGIN: org.eclipse.ui.workbench                                                -->
-<!-- =============================================================================== -->
-	<context id="system_summary_dialog_context" >
-		<description>Configuration details of this Carbide.c++ installation. May include useful information that should be included with a bug report.</description>
-	</context>
-	<context id="about_features_dialog_context" >
-		<description>This dialog shows configuration details for this Carbide.c++ installation.</description>
-	</context>
-    -->
-	<context id="about_plugins_dialog_context" >
-		<description>This dialog shows configuration details of this Carbide.c++ installation.</description>
-	</context>
-    -->
-	<context id="about_plugins_dialog_context" >
-		<description>2.This dialog shows configuration details of this Carbide.c++ installation.</description>
-	</context>
-	 -->
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!-- =============================================================================== -->
+<!-- Includes context help references for:                                           -->
+<!--    plugin="org.eclipse.debug.ui"                                                -->
+<!--    plugin="org.eclipse.ui"                                                      -->
+<!--    plugin="org.eclipse.ui.console"                                              -->
+<!--    plugin="org.eclipse.ui.ide"                                                  -->
+<!--    plugin="org.eclipse.ui.workbench"                                            -->
+<!-- =============================================================================== -->
+<!-- =============================================================================== -->
+<!-- PLUGIN: org.eclipse.debug.ui                                                    -->
+<!-- =============================================================================== -->
+	<!-- ============================================================== -->
+	<!-- DEBUG VIEW                                                     -->
+	<context id="debug_view_context" >
+		<description>The Debug view shows the target debugging information in a tree hierarchy.</description>
+		<topic label="Debug view"  						href="html/reference/view_debug.htm" />
+		<topic label="Controlling debugger execution"  	href="html/concepts/working_with_debugger.htm" />
+	</context>
+	<!-- ============================================================== -->
+	<!-- VARIABLES VIEW                                                 -->
+	<context id="variable_view_context" >
+		<description>Use the Variables view to manipulate the variables or variable hierarchy used in source code.</description>
+		<topic label="Variables view"             		href="html/reference/view_variables.htm" />
+		<topic label="Show Variables View"		  		href="html/tasks/variables/show_variables_view.htm" />
+		<topic label="Showing Global Variables"	  		href="html/tasks/variables/show_global_variables.htm" />
+	</context>
+	<!-- ============================================================== -->
+	<!-- BREAKPOINTS VIEW                                               -->
+	<context id="breakpoint_view_context"  >
+		<description>Use the Breakpoints view to examine, enable or disable the breakpoints in one or more build configurations.</description>
+		<topic label="Breakpoints view"  					href="html/reference/view_breakpoints.htm" />
+		<topic label="Breakpoints" 				            href="html/concepts/breakpoints.htm" />
+	</context>
+	<!-- ============================================================== -->
+	<!-- EXPRESSIONS VIEW                                               -->
+	<context id="expression_view_context" >
+		<description>Use the Expressions view to monitor and manipulate variables, structures, and arrays.</description>
+		<topic label="Expressions view"  				href="html/reference/view_expressions.htm" />
+		<topic label="Adding Expressions" 				href="html/tasks/expressions/expr_adding.htm" />
+		<topic label="Editing Expressions" 				href="html/tasks/expressions/expr_editding.htm" />
+		<topic label="Removing Expressions" 			href="html/tasks/expressions/expr_removing.htm" />
+	</context>
+	<context id="launch_configuration_view_context" >
+		<description>Use the Launch view to </description>
+		<topic label="Launch Configuration view"  							href="html/reference/.htm" />
+	</context>
+   -->
+	<!-- ============================================================== -->
+	<!-- REGISTERS VIEW                                                 -->
+	<context id="registers_view_context" >
+		<description>Use the Registers view to view general, FPU, and host-specific registers of the host computer, not the target device.</description>
+		<topic label="Registers view"  						href="html/reference/view_registers.htm" />
+		<topic label="Opening a Registers View"				href="html/tasks/registers/mem_reg_open_wnd.htm" />
+		<topic label="Viewing Registers"					href="html/tasks/registers/mem_reg_viewing.htm" />
+		<topic label="Changing Register Values"				href="html/tasks/registers/mem_reg_changing.htm" />
+	</context>
+	<!-- ============================================================== -->
+	<!-- MEMORY VIEW                                                    -->
+	<context id="MemoryView_context" >
+		<description>Use the Memory view to inspect and change process memory.</description>
+		<topic label="Memory view"  							href="html/reference/view_memory_wnd.htm" />
+		<topic label="Adding Memory Monitors"					href="html/tasks/memory/memory_monitor_adding.htm" />
+		<topic label="Adding Memory Renderings"					href="html/tasks/memory/memory_rendering_adding.htm" />
+		<topic label="Removing Memory Monitors or Renderings"	href="html/tasks/memory/memory_monitor_removing.htm" />
+	</context>
+	<!-- SOURCES -->
+	<context id ="source_container_lookup_tab" >
+	   <description>Specify where the debugger should look for source files.</description>
+	   <topic label="Source" href="../org.eclipse.cdt.doc.user/reference/cdt_u_run_dbg_srce.htm" />
+	</context>
+	<!-- COMMON -->
+	<context id ="launch_configuration_dialog_common_tab ">
+	   <description>Specify where the debugger should store the debug configuration.</description>
+	   <topic label="Common"	href="../org.eclipse.cdt.doc.user/reference/cdt_u_run_dbg_comm.htm" />
+	</context>
+	<context id="wizard_selection_page" >
+		<description>Select a launch type to create a launch configuration.</description>
+		<topic label="Creating a Launch Configuration"	href="html/tasks/projects/prj_debug_config.htm" />
+		<topic label="Launch Configurations"			href="html/concepts/launch_configuration.htm" />
+		<topic label="Launch Configuration Filter"		href="html/reference/launch_configuration_filter.htm" />
+		<topic label="Carbide Project Settings"		    href="html/reference/build_properties/pane_project_settings.htm" />
+	</context>
+	<context id="wizard_summary_page" >
+		<description>Review launch configuration information.</description>
+		<topic label="Creating a Launch Configuration"	href="html/tasks/projects/prj_debug_config.htm" />
+		<topic label="Launch Configurations"			href="html/concepts/launch_configuration.htm" />
+	</context>
+	<context id="wizard_trace32_page" >
+		<description>Specify Trace32 configuration information.</description>
+		<topic label="Creating a Launch Configuration"		href="html/tasks/projects/prj_debug_config.htm" />
+		<topic label="Symbian OS Trace32 Support"			href="html/reference/wnd_Trace32_config.htm" />
+	</context>
+	<context id="wizard_trk_connection_page" >
+		<description>Specify TRK connection information.</description>
+		<topic label="Creating a Launch Configuration"		href="html/tasks/projects/prj_debug_config.htm" />
+	</context>
+	<context id="wizard_rom_image_page" >
+		<description>Specify ROM image information.</description>
+		<topic label="Creating a Launch Configuration"		href="html/tasks/projects/prj_debug_config.htm" />
+		<topic label="Launch Configurations"				href="html/concepts/launch_configuration.htm" />
+	</context>
+	<context id="get_sis_info_dialog" >
+		<description>Specify SIS information.</description>
+		<topic label="Set PKG File for Build Configuration"		href="html/reference/build_properties/pane_pkg_config.htm" />
+		<topic label="Creating a Launch Configuration"			href="html/tasks/projects/prj_debug_config.htm" />
+	</context>
+	<!--
+	<context id="debug_preference_page_context" >
+	</context>
+	 -->
+	<!--
+	<context id="debug_action_groups_views_preference_page_context" >
+	</context>
+	 -->
+	<!--
+	<context id="launch_history_preference_page_context" >
+	</context>
+	 -->
+	<!--
+	<context id="simple_variable_preference_page_context" >
+	</context>
+	 -->
+	<!-- DIALOGS  -->
+	<!--
+	<context id="launch_configuration_properties_dialog" >
+	</context>
+	 -->
+	<!--
+	<context id="single_launch_configuration_dialog" >
+	</context>
+	 -->
+	<!--
+	<context id="variable_selection_dialog_context" >
+	</context>
+	 -->
+	<!--
+	<context id="edit_source_lookup_path_dialog" >
+	</context>
+	 -->
+	<!--
+	<context id="source_container_lookup_tab" >
+	</context>
+	 -->
+	<!--
+	<context id="edit_source_lookup_path_dialog" >
+	</context>
+	 -->
+	<!--
+	<context id="add_source_container_dialog" >
+	</context>
+	 -->
+	<!--
+	<context id="project_source_container_dialog" >
+	</context>
+	 -->
+	<!--
+	<context id="folder_source_container_dialog" >
+	</context>
+	 -->
+	<!--
+	<context id="archive_source_container_dialog" >
+	</context>
+	 -->
+	<!--
+	<context id="multiple_source_selection_dialog" >
+	</context>
+	 -->
+	<!-- PROPERTY PAGES  -->
+	<!--
+	<context id="process_property_page_context" >
+	</context>
+	 -->
+	<!-- ============================================================== -->
+	<!-- LAUNCH CONFIGURATION DIALOG                                    -->
+	<context id="launch_configuration_dialog" >
+		<description>Use the Debug or Run panels to create launch configurations for your applications.</description>
+		<topic label="Creating Launch Configurations"			href="html/tasks/projects/prj_debug_config.htm" />
+	</context>
+	<!--
+	<context id="launch_configuration_dialog_common_tab" >
+	</context>
+	 -->
+	<!--
+	<context id="launch_configuration_dialog_perspective_tab" >
+	</context>
+	 -->
+	<!--    -->
+	<context id="launch_configuration_dialog_environment_tab" >
+        <description>Use the environment pane to add or remove environment variables.</description>
+		<topic label="Environment pane"  				href="html/reference/emulator/wnd_emulator_overview.htm" />
+	</context>
+	<!-- WORKING SET PAGE  -->
+	<!--
+	<context id="working_set_page_context" >
+	</context>
+	 -->	
+	<!--
+	<context id="debugger_editor_no_source_common" >
+	</context>
+	 -->	
+<!-- =============================================================================== -->
+<!-- PLUGIN: org.eclipse.ui                                                          -->
+<!-- =============================================================================== -->
+	<!-- ============================================================== -->
+	<!-- NEW WIZARD -->
+	<context id="new_wizard_selection_wizard_page_context" >
+		<description>Select the project, class, or file to create.</description>
+		<topic label="New Symbian OS ++ Projects" 				href="html/tasks/CreatingNewProjects.html"/>
+		<topic label="New Symbian OS C++ Classes"				href="html/tasks/projects/prj_adding_symbian_class.htm" />
+		<topic label="New Symbian OS MMP File"		        	href="html/reference/NewMMP_wizard.html" />
+	</context>
+	<!-- ============================================================== -->
+	<!-- IMPORT WIZARD                                                  -->
+	<context id="import_wizard_selection_wizard_page_context" >
+		<description>Select the type of file to import for debugging.</description>
+		<topic label="Importing Projects from a BLD.INF File"	href="html/tasks/ImportingProjects.html"/>
+		<topic label="Importing a Symbian Executable"  			href="html/reference/projects/prj_import_exe.htm" />
+		<topic label="Carbide.c++ Perspective" 					href="html/concepts/SymbianPerspective.html" />
+		<topic label="C/C++ Project and File Properties"		href="html/reference/ProjectPreferences.html" />
+	</context>
+    <context id="import_wizard_context">
+		<description>Import an executable for debugging.</description>
+		<topic label="Importing a Symbian Executable"  			href="html/tasks/projects/prj_import_exe.htm" />
+    </context>
+	<!-- ============================================================== -->
+	<!-- EXPORT WIZARD                                                  -->
+	<context id="export_wizard_selection_wizard_page_context" >
+		<description>Use the Console view to show the output of a process and provide keyboard input to a process.</description>
+		<topic label="Console view"  			href="html/reference/view_log.htm" />
+	</context>
+	<!-- KEYS
+	<context id="keys_preference_page_context" >
+		<description>Use the Console view to show the output of a process and provide keyboard input to a process.</description>
+		<topic label="Console view"  			href="html/reference/view_log.htm" />
+	</context>
+	-->
+<!-- =============================================================================== -->
+<!-- PLUGIN: org.eclipse.ui.console                                                  -->
+<!-- =============================================================================== -->
+	<!-- ============================================================== -->
+	<!-- CONSOLE VIEW                                                   -->
+	<context id="console_view_context" >
+		<description>Use the Console view to show the output of a process and provide keyboard input to a process.</description>
+		<topic label="Console view"  			href="html/reference/view_log.htm" />
+	</context>
+	<context id="console_preference_page_context" >
+	</context>
+	 -->
+<!-- =============================================================================== -->
+<!-- PLUGIN: org.eclipse.ui.ide                                                      -->
+<!-- =============================================================================== -->
+	<!-- ============================================================== -->
+	<!-- NEW PROJECT WIZARD PAGE                                        -->
+	<context id="new_project_wizard_page_context" >
+		<description>Select the project type to create.</description>
+		<topic label="Creating New Projects"		href="html/tasks/CreatingNewProjects.html" />
+	</context>
+<!-- =============================================================================== -->
+<!-- PLUGIN: org.eclipse.ui.workbench                                                -->
+<!-- =============================================================================== -->
+	<context id="system_summary_dialog_context" >
+		<description>Configuration details of this Carbide.c++ installation. May include useful information that should be included with a bug report.</description>
+	</context>
+	<context id="about_features_dialog_context" >
+		<description>This dialog shows configuration details for this Carbide.c++ installation.</description>
+	</context>
+    -->
+	<context id="about_plugins_dialog_context" >
+		<description>This dialog shows configuration details of this Carbide.c++ installation.</description>
+	</context>
+    -->
+	<context id="about_plugins_dialog_context" >
+		<description>2.This dialog shows configuration details of this Carbide.c++ installation.</description>
+	</context>
+	 -->
--- a/core/com.nokia.carbide.cpp.doc.user/intro/tutorialsCarbideExtContent.xml	Tue Jan 26 12:02:08 2010 -0600
+++ b/core/com.nokia.carbide.cpp.doc.user/intro/tutorialsCarbideExtContent.xml	Tue Jan 26 13:46:54 2010 -0600
@@ -1,57 +1,57 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
-	<extensionContent 
-		id="com.nokia.carbide.cpp.doc.user-tutorials" 
-		name="Carbide.c+ Development" 
-		alt-style="carbide.properties" 
-		style="carbide.css" 
-		path="tutorials/@">
-		<group label="Carbide.c++ Development" id="carbide-cpp" style-id="content-group">
-			<link 
-				label="Create an application emulator debug example" 
-				url="http://org.eclipse.ui.intro/showHelpTopic?id=/com.nokia.carbide.cpp.doc.user/html/tasks/start/carbide_example.htm"  
-				id="carbide-sample" 
-				style-id="content-link">
-				<text>Learn how to create, build, and debug a program for the emulator called HelloCarbide using Carbide project templates.</text>
-			</link>
-			<link 
-				label="Create a simple DLL example" 
-				url="http://org.eclipse.ui.intro/showHelpTopic?id=/com.nokia.carbide.cpp.doc.user/html/concepts/SampleExampleProjectCreate.html"  
-				id="carbide-sample" 
-				style-id="content-link">
-				<text>Learn how to create a simple “Test1” DLL project.</text>
-			</link>
-			<link 
-				label="Create a run mode debugging application" 
-				url="http://org.eclipse.ui.intro/showHelpTopic?id=/com.nokia.carbide.cpp.doc.user/html/tasks/start/carbide_example_trk.htm"  
-				id="carbide-sample" 
-				style-id="content-link">
-				<text>Learn how create and build an application and debug it on a device using the App TRK on-device debug agent.</text>
-			</link>
-			<link 
-				label="Create a stop mode debugging application" 
-				url="http://org.eclipse.ui.intro/showHelpTopic?id=/com.nokia.carbide.cpp.doc.user/html/tasks/debugger/stop_mode_debug.htm"  
-				id="carbide-sample" 
-				style-id="content-link">
-				<text>Learn how to create and build an application and debug it on a device using JTAG debug software on Lauterbach or Sophia hardware.</text>
-			</link>
-			<link 
-				label="Using soft attach for on-device debugging example" 
-				url="http://org.eclipse.ui.intro/showHelpTopic?id=/com.nokia.carbide.cpp.doc.user/html/tasks/debugger/soft_attach_debug.htm"  
-				id="carbide-sample" 
-				style-id="content-link">
-				<text>Learn how to use soft attach to debug an image flashed to ROM or on a memory card.</text>
-			</link>
-		</group>
-	</extensionContent>
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+	<extensionContent 
+		id="com.nokia.carbide.cpp.doc.user-tutorials" 
+		name="Carbide.c+ Development" 
+		alt-style="carbide.properties" 
+		style="carbide.css" 
+		path="tutorials/@">
+		<group label="Carbide.c++ Development" id="carbide-cpp" style-id="content-group">
+			<link 
+				label="Create an application emulator debug example" 
+				url="http://org.eclipse.ui.intro/showHelpTopic?id=/com.nokia.carbide.cpp.doc.user/html/tasks/start/carbide_example.htm"  
+				id="carbide-sample" 
+				style-id="content-link">
+				<text>Learn how to create, build, and debug a program for the emulator called HelloCarbide using Carbide project templates.</text>
+			</link>
+			<link 
+				label="Create a simple DLL example" 
+				url="http://org.eclipse.ui.intro/showHelpTopic?id=/com.nokia.carbide.cpp.doc.user/html/concepts/SampleExampleProjectCreate.html"  
+				id="carbide-sample" 
+				style-id="content-link">
+				<text>Learn how to create a simple “Test1” DLL project.</text>
+			</link>
+			<link 
+				label="Create a run mode debugging application" 
+				url="http://org.eclipse.ui.intro/showHelpTopic?id=/com.nokia.carbide.cpp.doc.user/html/tasks/start/carbide_example_trk.htm"  
+				id="carbide-sample" 
+				style-id="content-link">
+				<text>Learn how create and build an application and debug it on a device using the App TRK on-device debug agent.</text>
+			</link>
+			<link 
+				label="Create a stop mode debugging application" 
+				url="http://org.eclipse.ui.intro/showHelpTopic?id=/com.nokia.carbide.cpp.doc.user/html/tasks/debugger/stop_mode_debug.htm"  
+				id="carbide-sample" 
+				style-id="content-link">
+				<text>Learn how to create and build an application and debug it on a device using JTAG debug software on Lauterbach hardware.</text>
+			</link>
+			<link 
+				label="Using soft attach for on-device debugging example" 
+				url="http://org.eclipse.ui.intro/showHelpTopic?id=/com.nokia.carbide.cpp.doc.user/html/tasks/debugger/soft_attach_debug.htm"  
+				id="carbide-sample" 
+				style-id="content-link">
+				<text>Learn how to use soft attach to debug an image flashed to ROM or on a memory card.</text>
+			</link>
+		</group>
+	</extensionContent>