Fixed problem where SDK becomes disabled after rescanning.
--- a/core/ Wed Jun 16 22:40:10 2010 -0500
+++ b/core/ Wed Jun 16 22:48:39 2010 -0500
@@ -203,7 +203,6 @@
// tell others about it
- scanCarbideSDKCache();
// Notify any plugins that want to know if the SDKManager has scanned plugins.
@@ -412,107 +411,6 @@
- protected void scanCarbideSDKCache(){
- DocumentBuilder docBuilder = null;
- try {
- docBuilder = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder();
- } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) {
- ResourcesPlugin.getPlugin().getLog().log(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, SDKCorePlugin.PLUGIN_ID, IStatus.ERROR, e.getMessage(), e));
- throw new RuntimeException(e);
- }
- try {
- File carbideSDKCacheFile = getCardbieSDKCacheFile();
- if (!carbideSDKCacheFile.exists()){
- try {
- FileUtils.writeFileContents(carbideSDKCacheFile, EMPTY_STRING.toCharArray(), null);
- } catch (CoreException e){
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- } else if (carbideSDKCacheFile.length() > 0) {
- Document lastKnownDoc = docBuilder.parse(carbideSDKCacheFile);
- NodeIterator ni = XPathAPI.selectNodeIterator(lastKnownDoc, "/sdks/sdk");
- for (Node n = ni.nextNode(); n != null; n = ni.nextNode()) {
- // get the unique ID
- NamedNodeMap attribs = n.getAttributes();
- String id = attribs.getNamedItem(SDK_CACHE_ID_ATTRIB).getNodeValue();
- // get whether or not the SDK is enabled
- String sdkEnabled = "true";
- Node sdkEnabledItem = attribs.getNamedItem(SDK_CACHE_ENABLED_ATTRIB);
- if (sdkEnabledItem != null)
- sdkEnabled = sdkEnabledItem.getNodeValue();
- // get the os version
- String osVersion = "";
- Node osVersionItem = attribs.getNamedItem(SDK_CACHE_OS_VERSION_ATTRIB);
- if (osVersionItem != null)
- osVersion = osVersionItem.getNodeValue();
- // get the sdk version
- String sdkVersion = "";
- Node sdkVersionItem = attribs.getNamedItem(SDK_CACHE_SDK_VERSION_ATTRIB);
- if (sdkVersionItem != null)
- sdkVersion = sdkVersionItem.getNodeValue();
- // get the custom EPOCROOT
- String epocRoot = null;
- Node epocrootItem = attribs.getNamedItem(SDK_CACHE_EPOCROOT_ATTRIB);
- if (epocrootItem != null)
- epocRoot = epocrootItem.getNodeValue();
- // get whether or not this SDK has been scanned
- String wasScanned = "false";
- Node sdkScannedItem = attribs.getNamedItem(SDK_SCANNED_FOR_PLUGINS);
- if (sdkScannedItem != null)
- wasScanned = sdkScannedItem.getNodeValue();
- ISymbianSDK sdk = getSDK(id, false);
- if (sdk != null){
- if (sdkEnabled.equalsIgnoreCase("true")){
- ((SymbianSDK)sdk).setEnabled(true);
- } else {
- ((SymbianSDK)sdk).setEnabled(false);
- }
- if (!osVersion.equals("")){
- if (Version.parseVersion(osVersion).getMajor() != 0){
- ((SymbianSDK)sdk).setOSVersion(Version.parseVersion(osVersion));
- }
- }
- if (epocRoot != null) {
- ((SymbianSDK)sdk).setEPOCROOT(epocRoot);
- }
- ISBSv1BuildInfo sbsv1BuildInfo = (ISBSv1BuildInfo)sdk.getBuildInfo(ISymbianBuilderID.SBSV1_BUILDER);
- ISBSv2BuildInfo sbsv2BuildInfo = (ISBSv2BuildInfo)sdk.getBuildInfo(ISymbianBuilderID.SBSV2_BUILDER);
- if (wasScanned.equalsIgnoreCase("true")){
- sbsv1BuildInfo.setPreviouslyScanned(true);
- sbsv2BuildInfo.setPreviouslyScanned(true);
- } else {
- sbsv1BuildInfo.setPreviouslyScanned(false);
- sbsv2BuildInfo.setPreviouslyScanned(false);
- }
- if (!sdkVersion.equals("")){
- if (Version.parseVersion(sdkVersion).getMajor() != 0){
- ((SymbianSDK)sdk).setSDKVersion(Version.parseVersion(sdkVersion));
- }
- }
- }
- } // for
- }
- } catch (TransformerException e) {
- } catch (SAXException e) {
- } catch (IOException e) {
- }
- }
public void updateCarbideSDKCache() {
if (!Platform.isRunning())