moved inf, mmp, remote conn, and views to project folder
authorfturovic <>
Wed, 06 Oct 2010 10:31:32 -0500
changeset 2131 ff0156b93599
parent 2130 16e8bfa397ad
child 2132 e08aff86e1bc
moved inf, mmp, remote conn, and views to project folder
--- a/core/	Sat Oct 02 12:36:21 2010 -0500
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     <li><a href="">11255</a> - The <strong>Run builds concurrently</strong> option now correctly passes '<span class="code">-j 1</span>' when disabled. </li>
     <li><a href="">11353</a> - Fixed a parsing issue where non-alphanumeric characters would halt the parsing process. </li>
     <li><a href="">11381</a> - Customizing a perspective should no longer generate an NPE. </li>
-    <li><a href="">11390</a> - Fixed an issue that would sometimes cause the Symbian OS SDK list to remain blank when creating a new template project. </li>
+    <li><a href="">11390</a> - Fixed an issue that would sometimes cause the Symbian SDK list to remain blank when creating a new template project. </li>
     <li><a href="">11397</a> - Fixed bug where program arguments were not being passed with run configurations. </li>
     <li><a href="">11416</a> - Fixed an issue where the debugger might crash when it encountered breakpoints in several projects.</li>
     <li><a href="">11442</a> - Compiler no longer interprets the string 'instantiated from here' as an error in GCC builds. </li>
--- a/core/	Sat Oct 02 12:36:21 2010 -0500
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 <h2>Getting Started</h2>
-		The Symbian OS plug-ins for the Eclipse environment help provide support
-		for developers to create and build C++ programs that run on Symbian OS. 
+		The Symbian plug-ins for the Eclipse environment help provide support
+		for developers to create and build C++ programs that run on Symbian. 
-		The plug-ins provide the following support to Symbian OS developers: 
+		The plug-ins provide the following support to Symbian developers: 
-			 <b>Project Support</b>: developers can create new Symbian OS
+			 <b>Project Support</b>: developers can create new Symbian
 			 projects  based on provided templates. Projects can also be
 			 <a href="../tasks/ImportingProjects.html">imported</a> from the traditional <span class="ProgramOutput">bld.inf</span>  file formats. 
-			 <b>Build Support</b>: The Symbian OS plug-ins eliminate the
-			 need to use command line build tools to ease Symbian OS development.
+			 <b>Build Support</b>: The Symbian plug-ins eliminate the
+			 need to use command line build tools to ease Symbian development.
 			 Programs can be built and run from within the IDE. The developer can
 			 also choose to build the binary automatically while saving the project. 
@@ -40,9 +40,9 @@
-		Documentation is available in the <b>C/C++ Development Toolkit User Guide</b> (CDT) for the  Symbian OS plug-ins that work with the C/C++ Development Toolkit (CDT). Programming for Symbian OS based platforms is described in the
+		Documentation is available in the <b>C/C++ Development Toolkit User Guide</b> (CDT) for the  Symbian plug-ins that work with the C/C++ Development Toolkit (CDT). Programming for Symbian based platforms is described in the
 		documentation supplied with the development kit that you use. Please consult
-		that documentation for further information on Symbian OS concepts and
+		that documentation for further information on Symbian concepts and
 		development processes.</p>
      <div id="footer">Copyright &copy; 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). All rights reserved. <br>License: <a href=""></a></div>
--- a/core/	Sat Oct 02 12:36:21 2010 -0500
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    <h2>MBM File</h2>
-	  MBM, or multi-bitmap, is a Symbian OS-specific bitmap file format. This
+	  MBM, or multi-bitmap, is a Symbian-specific bitmap file format. This
 		file contains multiple bitmaps and  can contain  bitmaps with masks and
 		bitmaps without masks. It optimizes the bitmap handling capability of Symbian
-		OS. The <a href="../reference/MMP_Editor.html">MMP Editor</a> (in <b>Sources</b> tab <b>&gt; Resources &gt; Bitmaps</b>) and <a href="../reference/view_sym_proj_nav.htm">Symbian Project Navigator</a> view provide support for creating and editing MBM
-   files. In the <a href="../reference/view_sym_proj_nav.htm">Symbian Project Navigator</a> view you can right-click on a scalable icon makefile (for example, <span class="code"></span>) and select <b>Add MBM/MIF Entry...</b> to open the Edit MBM/MIF Contents window.</p>
+		OS. The <a href="../projects/mmp/MMP_Editor.html">MMP Editor</a> (in <b>Sources</b> tab <b>&gt; Resources &gt; Bitmaps</b>) and <a href="../projects/views/view_sym_proj_nav.htm">Symbian Project Navigator</a> view provide support for creating and editing MBM
+   files. In the <a href="../projects/views/view_sym_proj_nav.htm">Symbian Project Navigator</a> view you can right-click on a scalable icon makefile (for example, <span class="code"></span>) and select <b>Add MBM/MIF Entry...</b> to open the Edit MBM/MIF Contents window.</p>
 	  The following information is required to add a bitmap without a mask: 
--- a/core/	Sat Oct 02 12:36:21 2010 -0500
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 	 This section explains the changes that can be done to an existing project
 	 and the tools provided to make those changes. Once you have created a new
 	 project or imported an existing project, you can make changes to that project.
-	 The tools provided to support this task are specific to Symbian OS development
-	 and are there to support the Symbian OS developers using the Eclipse IDE. 
+	 The tools provided to support this task are specific to Symbian development
+	 and are there to support the Symbian developers using the Eclipse IDE. 
 	 The tools that are available to support modification of existing project
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    <div class="step">
      <h4>Creating a DLL Project</h4>
-       <li>Click <b>File &gt; New &gt; Symbian OS C++ Project</b> to invoke the <b>New</b> <b>Symbian OS C++ Project</b> wizard.</li>
+       <li>Click <b>File &gt; New &gt; Symbian C++ Project</b> to invoke the <b>New</b> <b>Symbian C++ Project</b> wizard.</li>
        <li>Select Basic dynamically linked library (DLL) project template and click Next.</li>
        <p class="figure"><img src="../images/new_simple_project_01.png" width="409" height="503" alt="" /></p>
        <p class="figure">Figure 1. Select Basic DLL template</p>
        <li>Enter a project name and specify a workspace location to store the project. </li>
        <p align="center"><img src="../images/new_simple_project_02.png" width="430" height="319"alt="" /></p>
        <p align="center" class="figure">Figure 2. Project name and location information</p>
-       <li>Select the Symbian OS SDK and Build Configurations to use for this project, then click Next.</li>
+       <li>Select the Symbian SDK and Build Configurations to use for this project, then click Next.</li>
        <p align="center"><img src="../images/new_simple_project_03.png" width="403" height="397" alt="" /></p>
        <p class="figure">Figure 3. SDK selection for project</p>
        <li>Enter Specify UID2 as &#8220;0x0000008d&#8221;, your name as the Author and your Copyright notice.
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   <li>The debugger will target any executable not already started whenever a &quot;process load&quot; event occurs, resolving its breakpoints as well.</li>
 <h4>Debugging DLLs</h4>
-<p>One common debugging DLL use case is when the developer doesn't know which process calls the DLL. This makes it difficult to debug the DLL because you doesn't know which process to attach to nor start. Carbide enables DLL debugging  by simply attaching the DLL to any running process as long as the DLL is included in the <a href="../reference/view_executables.htm">Executables</a> view. See <a href="../tasks/processes/attach_to_process.htm">Attaching  to a Process</a> for more details.</p>
+<p>One common debugging DLL use case is when the developer doesn't know which process calls the DLL. This makes it difficult to debug the DLL because you doesn't know which process to attach to nor start. Carbide enables DLL debugging  by simply attaching the DLL to any running process as long as the DLL is included in the <a href="../projects/views/view_executables.htm">Executables</a> view. See <a href="../tasks/processes/attach_to_process.htm">Attaching  to a Process</a> for more details.</p>
 <h5>Other References</h5>
   <li><a href="../projects/launch/page_executables.htm">Executables</a></li>
--- a/core/	Sat Oct 02 12:36:21 2010 -0500
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 <h2>Breakpoints Overview</h2>
 <p>  A <b>breakpoint</b> is a marker set on a specific line of source code and is designed to halt program execution when encountered by the debugger. After you set a breakpoint at a key point in the program, you can halt its execution, examine its current state, and check register and variable values. You can also change values and alter the flow of normal program execution. Setting breakpoints helps you debug your program and verify its efficiency.</p>
 <p>A project can have multiple breakpoints set in the source code files. All breakpoints  in a project are shown in the <a href="../reference/view_breakpoints.htm">Breakpoints</a> view. Breakpoints are enabled or disabled on the currently selected line within  a source code editor by selecting the <b>Run &gt; Toggle Breakpoint</b> menu option, right-clicking the marker bar in the editor and selecting <b>Toggle Breakpoint</b>, or by pressing <span class="code">CTRL-SHIFT-B</span>.</p>
-<p>You can set a breakpoint on any executable line of code that the debugger can resolve. Lines containing comments and other non executable code cannot be assigned a breakpoint as they are normally stripped from the  compiled   binary. The debugger must load  the symbols for a module before it can attempt to resolve  breakpoints within the module. This is most easily done using the <a href="../reference/view_executables.htm">Executables</a> view to import a binary file, especially if the binary is not in the workspace. </p>
+<p>You can set a breakpoint on any executable line of code that the debugger can resolve. Lines containing comments and other non executable code cannot be assigned a breakpoint as they are normally stripped from the  compiled   binary. The debugger must load  the symbols for a module before it can attempt to resolve  breakpoints within the module. This is most easily done using the <a href="../projects/views/view_executables.htm">Executables</a> view to import a binary file, especially if the binary is not in the workspace. </p>
 <p>When the debugger attempts to resolve a breakpoint it will result in:</p>
   <li><b>resolved</b> &#8212; the symbols for the module  are loaded  and the breakpoint  located in the executable that&#8217;s currently being debugged, circle icon changes to flagged icon </li>
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
 <p>Other references </p>
-  <li><a href="../reference/view_executables.htm">Executables view</a></li>
+  <li><a href="../projects/views/view_executables.htm">Executables view</a></li>
   <li><a href="../tasks/breakpoints/pgm_bp_setting.htm">Setting Breakpoints</a></li>
   <li><a href="../tasks/breakpoints/pgm_bp_enable.htm">Enabling Breakpoints</a></li>
   <li><a href="../tasks/breakpoints/pgm_bp_disable.htm">Disabling Breakpoints</a></li>
--- a/core/	Sat Oct 02 12:36:21 2010 -0500
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   <li>a project</li>
   <li>a <a href="../projects/launch/launch_configs_overview.htm">build  configuration</a> -  a project level configuration that includes an  SDK and any related files required to compile and build the project </li>
-<p>Build configurations are defined when the project is created. A project can have any number of build configurations and more  can be <a href="../tasks/projects/prj_new_build_config.htm">added</a> as necessary. Each build configuration can have its own combination of tool settings to precisely control how it is defined and built. Build configurations are maintained in the project Properties window in the Carbide Build Configurations panel. To open the panel, select a project in the <a href="../reference/view_proj_explorer.htm">Project Explorer</a> or <a href="../reference/view_sym_proj_nav.htm">Symbian Project Navigator</a> view and select <b>Project &gt; Properties</b> or right-click and select Properties.</p>
+<p>Build configurations are defined when the project is created. A project can have any number of build configurations and more  can be <a href="../tasks/projects/prj_new_build_config.htm">added</a> as necessary. Each build configuration can have its own combination of tool settings to precisely control how it is defined and built. Build configurations are maintained in the project Properties window in the Carbide Build Configurations panel. To open the panel, select a project in the <a href="../projects/views/view_proj_explorer.htm">Project Explorer</a> or <a href="../projects/views/view_sym_proj_nav.htm">Symbian Project Navigator</a> view and select <b>Project &gt; Properties</b> or right-click and select Properties.</p>
 <p align="center"><img src="images/build_configs.png" width="801" height="350"></p>
 <p>You can select a build configuration in the <b>Active Configuration</b> group or use the <b>Project &gt; Active  Configuration</b> menu option  to <a href="../tasks/projects/prj_set_build_tgt.htm">set</a> which build configuration to launch when running or debugging a program. The currently selected project can be launched by clicking the <b>Run</b> (<img src="../images/icons/btn_run.png" width="16" height="16" align="absmiddle" />) or <b>Debug</b> (<img src="../projects/images/icon_debug.png" width="17" height="16" align="absmiddle" />) control on the tool bar to launch the project with the currently active build configuration. When no project is selected the last project debugged will be launched.</p>
 <p>If no <a href="../projects/launch/launch_configs_overview.htm">launch configuration</a> is present in the project, one is created on initial launch. Subsequent launches of the project will use either the last launch configuration or if more than one launch configuration exists, it uses the most correct one.</p>
--- a/core/	Sat Oct 02 12:36:21 2010 -0500
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 <body >
 <h2>Build System Overview </h2>
-<p>The Carbide.c++ build system provides a wrapper around the standard Symbian OS build process utilizing component description files (bld.inf) and project definition files (.mmp files). Because the Carbide.++ build system provides a visual view into this system, it will be useful for new developers to the Symbian OS to become familiar with the basic Symbian OS build process. Further information on the Symbian OS build system can be found in the <a href="">Symbian Developer Library</a> under the <b>Build Tools Guide</b> and <b>Build Tools Reference</b> sections. If you are already familiar with the Symbian OS build system then you should feel right at home with the Carbide.c++ builder user interface. </p>
-<p>In Carbide.c++, as in the Symbian OS, a project is described by a <span class="code">bld.inf</span> file. Hence, all projects must start with a <span class="code">bld.inf</span> file. Carbide.c++ supports either building all components of a project (including extension makefiles) or only building selected sub-components. This gives the developer the granularity to either build all of a project&#8217;s dependencies or, if you are working on very large projects, only building a small sub-component of a larger project. </p>
+<p>The Carbide.c++ build system provides a wrapper around the standard Symbian build process utilizing component description files (bld.inf) and project definition files (.mmp files). Because the Carbide.++ build system provides a visual view into this system, it will be useful for new developers to the Symbian to become familiar with the basic Symbian build process. Further information on the Symbian build system can be found in the <a href="">Symbian Developer Library</a> under the <b>Build Tools Guide</b> and <b>Build Tools Reference</b> sections. If you are already familiar with the Symbian build system then you should feel right at home with the Carbide.c++ builder user interface. </p>
+<p>In Carbide.c++, as in the Symbian, a project is described by a <span class="code">bld.inf</span> file. Hence, all projects must start with a <span class="code">bld.inf</span> file. Carbide.c++ supports either building all components of a project (including extension makefiles) or only building selected sub-components. This gives the developer the granularity to either build all of a project&#8217;s dependencies or, if you are working on very large projects, only building a small sub-component of a larger project. </p>
 <h4>Basic Build Commands </h4>
-<p>There are several methods of invoking the Symbian OS build tools on a project or source file. </p>
+<p>There are several methods of invoking the Symbian build tools on a project or source file. </p>
   <li><b>Build Project</b> - The is the default build process which invokes the call: calls <span class="code">'abld build &lt;platform&gt; &lt;target&gt;'</span>. The basic build process insures that the project definition makefiles are up to date and calls 'bldmake bldfiles' for the current platform where necessary. </li>
   <li><b>Compile</b> - This command simply compiles a single file for a project by calling its <span class="code">makefile</span> target directly.</li>
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 <p class="note"><b>NOTE</b> The debugger has a setting under the Run/Debug &gt; Launching preference page which performs a full build before the start of each debug session. If you prefer to do your own target build only you will want to turn the &#8220;Build (if required) before launching&#8221; setting off. </p>
 <h4>Command Line Arguments</h4>
-<p>The Carbide build system supports the use of command-line arguments for all stages of the build system. You can add these arguments in the <a href="../reference/build_properties/pane_build_config_args.htm">Arguments</a> pane of the 
+<p>The Carbide build system supports the use of command-line arguments for all stages of the build system. You can add these arguments in the <a href="../reference/build_properties/pane_build_config_args.htm">Arguments</a> pane of the
 <b>Carbide Build Configurations</b> panel in the <b>Properties for &lt;<i>project</i>&gt;</b> window.</p>
 <p>For example, to generate a SYM file for UREL build you need to add the <span class="code">-debug</span> argument to the <b>abld makefile</b> stage of the build process. </p>
 <p>Always refer to the <a href="">Symbian Developer Library</a> to learn which arguments are supported by the SDK used by the project. </p>
--- a/core/	Sat Oct 02 12:36:21 2010 -0500
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 <body >
 <p>This section of the User Guide provides an overview of the main concepts in
-Carbide to create and build programs for Symbian OS. </p>
-<p> The Symbian OS plug-ins are a set of Eclipse plug-ins that provide project,
-  SDK and build support for Symbian OS developers. The plug-ins extend the
+Carbide to create and build programs for Symbian. </p>
+<p> The Symbian plug-ins are a set of Eclipse plug-ins that provide project,
+  SDK and build support for Symbian developers. The plug-ins extend the
   functionality provided by Eclipse and the C/C++ Development Toolkit (CDT). </p>
-<p> The plug-ins simplify Symbian OS development by removing the need to use
-  command line build tools, and provide a graphical interface to Symbian OS
+<p> The plug-ins simplify Symbian development by removing the need to use
+  command line build tools, and provide a graphical interface to Symbian
   specific file formats, such as MBM. </p>
-<p> The plug-ins provide a new perspective, called the <a href="CarbidePerspective.html">Carbide.c++ Perspective</a>, on
+<p> The plug-ins provide a new perspective, called the <a href="../projects/views/perspective_carbide.htm">Carbide.c++ Perspective</a>, on
   the Eclipse workbench. This perspective enhances the standard CDT C/C++
   perspective by allowing you to select easily the SDKs and build target types
   that you want to use for each project. </p>
--- a/core/	Sat Oct 02 12:36:21 2010 -0500
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   <li><a href="../reference/view_breakpoints.htm">Breakpoints</a> view - enable, disable, remove, or select all breakpoints</li>
   <li><a href="../debugger/debug/viewing_debug.htm">Debug</a> view - restart, step into, over, or out of routines, terminate or suspend program execution </li>
   <li><a href="../reference/view_memory.htm">Memory</a> view - add or remove memory monitors </li>
-  <li><a href="../reference/view_proj_explorer.htm">Project Explorer</a> view - manage projects, build, delete, freeze, run, debug, and other common project commands</li>
+  <li><a href="../projects/views/view_proj_explorer.htm">Project Explorer</a> view - manage projects, build, delete, freeze, run, debug, and other common project commands</li>
   <li><a href="../reference/view_variables.htm">Variables</a> view - enable, disable, find, and change  the format or value of variables displayed</li>
 <p class="note"><b>TIP</b> Experiment using the context menu in various views to discover additional capabilities.</p>
--- a/core/	Sat Oct 02 12:36:21 2010 -0500
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 <p>Other revision systems are also supported but require the downloading of an Eclipse plug-in to add that capability to Carbide. Visit the <a href=""></a> sites to locate the  plug-ins you need.</p>
 <h2>Using SCM in Carbide</h2>
-<p>The SCM you install normally adds its commands to the <strong>Team</strong> sub-menu in the <a href="../reference/view_proj_explorer.htm">Project Explorer</a> view's context menu (Figure 1). Some SCM's install their own menu to Carbide. If this is the case, refer to the documentation included with the plug-in for details.</p>
+<p>The SCM you install normally adds its commands to the <strong>Team</strong> sub-menu in the <a href="../projects/views/view_proj_explorer.htm">Project Explorer</a> view's context menu (Figure 1). Some SCM's install their own menu to Carbide. If this is the case, refer to the documentation included with the plug-in for details.</p>
 <p align="center"><img src="../reference/images/menu_team_commands.png" alt="Team commands" width="739" height="607"></p>
 <p class="figure">Figure 1. Team sub-menu</p>
 <div class="step">
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 <body >
 <h2>Emulation Debugging </h2>
-<p>Symbian SDKs include an emulator that runs Symbian OS on a
-  Microsoft Windows host computer. The emulator provides the full range of Symbian OS
+<p>Symbian SDKs include an emulator that runs Symbian on a
+  Microsoft Windows host computer. The emulator provides the full range of Symbian
   functionality, letting you do most development tasks on a single desktop computer. The 
   emulator and the software you build for it with the Carbide.c++ software run natively on the Intel x86 family of processors.</p>
 <p> In many cases, you can build and debug a complete application using the emulator, then test the application on the actual device. There are cases however, where you cannot use
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
   <p class="code">C:\Symbian\&lt;version&gt;\&lt;sdk&gt;\Epoc32\release\winscw\udeb</p>
-<p>where <span class="code">Symbian</span> is the path containing the subdirectories and version number of the Symbian OS SDK.</p>
+<p>where <span class="code">Symbian</span> is the path containing the subdirectories and version number of the Symbian SDK.</p>
 <p class="note"><b>NOTE</b> The first time you launch an emulator it may take some time to appear. Remember that it is implementing the operating system on the target device and that some setup time is required. </p>
 <h5>Related tasks</h5>
--- a/core/	Sat Oct 02 12:36:21 2010 -0500
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 <p>Symbian projects are defined by an <code class="code">.mmp</code> file which specifies the essential elements of the project.  All details of the project lifecycle are handled by the IDE. There is no editable makefile the user can edit to modify the build behavior of the project.</p>
 <h5>Related reference</h5>
-  <li><a href="../reference/MMP_Editor.html">MMP Editor</a> </li>
+  <li><a href="../projects/mmp/MMP_Editor.html">MMP Editor</a> </li>
 <div class="step">
   <div id="footer">Copyright &copy; 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). All rights reserved. <br>License: <a href=""></a></div>
--- a/core/	Sat Oct 02 12:36:21 2010 -0500
+++ b/core/	Wed Oct 06 10:31:32 2010 -0500
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   <li>Install the N-Gage SDK on your PC</li>
   <li>Place your game project inside the N-Gage SDK</li>
   <li> In Carbide.c++, click<b> File &gt; <a href="../tasks/ImportingProjects.html">Import</a></b></li>
-  <li>Select <b>Symbian OS Bld.inf</b> <strong>File</strong> importer and navigate to your <span class="code">bld.inf</span>  file to import it </li>
+  <li>Select <b>Symbian Bld.inf</b> <strong>File</strong> importer and navigate to your <span class="code">bld.inf</span>  file to import it </li>
 <h4>Building the N-Gage project</h4>
 <p>Once the game project has been imported, use these steps to create an N-GAGE game file:</p>
@@ -54,14 +54,14 @@
       <p align="center" class="figure">Figure 4 - <b>Builder</b> dialog with new N-Gage Builder defined </p>
   <li>Click OK to close the <b>Properties for <i>project_name</i></b> window</li>
   <li>Build the project and its SISX file by selecting the <b>Project &gt; Build Project</b> menu item</li>
-  <p>The <a href="../reference/view_console.htm">Console</a> view shows information as the project  and it's SISX file are built and then the build of the installation file (<span class="code">N-GAGE</span>).</p>
+  <p>The <a href="../projects/views/view_console.htm">Console</a> view shows information as the project  and it's SISX file are built and then the build of the installation file (<span class="code">N-GAGE</span>).</p>
 <h3>For On-device Debugging </h3>
 <h4>Deploying the N-Gage project   to a device </h4>
 <p>Once you have an <span class="code">.N-GAGE</span> game file, you need to deploy it on the target device:</p>
   <li>Verify that you have a valid developer certificate on the target device given to you by the  Nokia R&amp;D Certificate Service. If not, get and install one.</li>
-  <li>Verify that you have CODA installed on the target device. If not, install it now using <a href="../reference/trk/wnd_new_connection_wizard.htm">On-Device Connections &gt; New Connection Wizard &gt; Install remote agents</a> pane.</li>
+  <li>Verify that you have CODA installed on the target device. If not, install it now using <a href="../projects/remote_conn/wnd_new_connection_wizard.htm">On-Device Connections &gt; New Connection Wizard &gt; Install remote agents</a> pane.</li>
 <li>Manually install the <span class="code">.N-GAGE</span>  file on the device</li>
 <h4>Debugging the Game project</h4>
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
   <li>Open <span class="note"><b>Window &gt; Preferences &gt; Run/Debug &gt;<img src="../images/command_link.png" width="16" height="12"> <a class="command-link" href='javascript:executeCommand("org.eclipse.ui.window.preferences(preferencePageId=org.eclipse.debug.ui.LaunchingPreferencePage)")'> Launching</a></b> preference panel </span>and disable the <b>Build (if required) before launching</b> option under the General Options group</li>
   <li>Right-click the project and choose <b>Debug As &gt; Debug Configuration</b> to open the <b><a href="../reference/wnd_debug_configuration.htm">Debug Cinfigurations</a></b> window</li>
-  <li><a href="../tasks/projects/prj_debug_config.htm">Create</a> an <b>Symbian OS Device (Install SIS)</b> launch configuration
+  <li><a href="../tasks/projects/prj_debug_config.htm">Create</a> an <b>Symbian Device (Install SIS)</b> launch configuration
       <li>In the <b><a href="../projects/launch/page_connection.htm">Connection</a></b> tab select the COM port used to connect to the device. </li>
       <li> In the <b><a href="../projects/launch/page_installation.htm">Installation</a></b> tab, verify that the game SISX file is correct </li>
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
   <li>Open <b>Window &gt; Preferences &gt;   Run/Debug &gt; Launching</b> and disable the <b>Build (if required) before launching</b> option under the General Options group</li>
   <li>Right-click the project and choose <b>Debug As &gt; Debug Configurations</b> to open the <b>Debug Configurations</b> window</li>
-  <li>Create an <b>Symbian OS Emulation </b> launch configuration</li>
+  <li>Create an <b>Symbian Emulation </b> launch configuration</li>
   <li>Click <b>Debug</b> to launch the emulator </li>
   <li>In the emulator, select <b>File &gt; Open</b>,  locate and select the <span class="code">.N-GAGE</span> installation file and click <b>Open</b> to install the project </li>
   <li>Open the Installation folder, launch the N-Gage runtime application</li>
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 <body >
 <h2>Precompiled Headers </h2>
-<p>Precompiled header support is available for Symbian OS projects that use the Nokia x86
+<p>Precompiled header support is available for Symbian projects that use the Nokia x86
 compiler. Precompiled header files use the <span class="code">.pch++ </span>extension and are only supported by emulator targets. </p>
 <p>By default, the x86 compiler compiles the <span class="code">.pch++</span> file before compiling any <span class="code">.cpp</span> files in a project. </p>
 <p>A precompiled header file (<span class="code">.pch++</span>) outputs to a new identically named file with the <span class="code">.mch</span> extension. For example, <span class="code">HelloWorld.pch++</span> outputs as <span class="code">HelloWorld.mch</span>. C++ source files must use the <span class="code">.pch++</span> extension.</p>
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 <h2><a name="general"></a>General registers</h2>
 <p>Registers are the register contents of the central processing unit (CPU) of the host computer or the targeted device. When debugging projects using the emulator, only the host computer x86 registers are visible in the <a href="../reference/view_registers.htm">Registers</a> view. When debugging projects on a device, only the target device registers are visible. </p>
-<p>In most cases, the contents of all the registers can be modified. However,  when debugging applications on a target device with Symbian OS Device (Install SIS), you cannot change the LR and SP registers.</p>
+<p>In most cases, the contents of all the registers can be modified. However,  when debugging applications on a target device with Symbian Device (Install SIS), you cannot change the LR and SP registers.</p>
 <p align="center"><img src="images/view_registers.png" width="463" height="260"></p>
 <p class="figure">Figure 1. Registers view with possible register types</p>
 <p>The types of registers can include:</p>
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     <th width="74%" scope="col">Available Templates </th>
-    <td><b>Generic Symbian OS </b></td>
+    <td><b>Generic Symbian </b></td>
       <li>Basic console application (EXE) - used for any SDK </li>
       <li>Basic dynamically linked library  (DLL) -  used for any SDK </li>
--- a/core/	Sat Oct 02 12:36:21 2010 -0500
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@@ -10,13 +10,13 @@
 		Eclipse and the C/C++ Development Toolkit (CDT) provides a rich
 		collection of views, editors, wizards and preference windows for performing C++
-		development. The Symbian OS plug-ins for Eclipse extend this user interface so
-		that you can perform the tasks involved in Symbian OS development from the
-		Eclipse workbench, instead of needing to use the Symbian OS command-line
+		development. The Symbian plug-ins for Eclipse extend this user interface so
+		that you can perform the tasks involved in Symbian development from the
+		Eclipse workbench, instead of needing to use the Symbian command-line
-		When you work with a Symbian OS C++ project, the workbench uses the <a href="CarbidePerspective.html">Carbide C/C++ perspective</a>, which will look
+		When you work with a Symbian C++ project, the workbench uses the <a href="../projects/views/perspective_carbide.htm">Carbide C/C++ perspective</a>, which will look
 		something like this:</p> 
      <div class="Figure">
@@ -29,22 +29,22 @@
 		Development Toolkit documentation. 
-		The Symbian OS plug-ins also add new wizards and editors. You can use
+		The Symbian plug-ins also add new wizards and editors. You can use
 		these to: 
-			 Create new Symbian OS projects using the New command, which is available on the File menu, and on the
-		  pop-up menus of the <a href="../reference/view_proj_explorer.htm">Project Explorer</a> and <a href="../reference/view_sym_proj_nav.htm">Symbian Project Navigator</a> views.</p> 
+			 Create new Symbian projects using the New command, which is available on the File menu, and on the
+		  pop-up menus of the <a href="../projects/views/view_proj_explorer.htm">Project Explorer</a> and <a href="../projects/views/view_sym_proj_nav.htm">Symbian Project Navigator</a> views.</p> 
 			 For more information, see <a href="../tasks/CreatingNewProjects.html">Creating New Projects</a>. 
-			 Import existing projects from Symbian OS bld.inf files using the Import command, which is
+			 Import existing projects from Symbian bld.inf files using the Import command, which is
 		  available on the File menu, and on the pop-up menus of the Project Explorer and Symbian Project Navigator views.</p> 
 			 For more information, see <a href="../tasks/ImportingProjects.html">Importing Projects from a Bld.Inf File</a>. 
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
-			 Add scalable graphics (MIF) and Symbian OS bitmaps (MBM) to projects, and edit these resources. You can add these using the New command, which is available on the File menu, and on the pop-up menus of the Project Explorer and Symbian Project Navigator views. MBM and MIF editors are provided to modify
+			 Add scalable graphics (MIF) and Symbian bitmaps (MBM) to projects, and edit these resources. You can add these using the New command, which is available on the File menu, and on the pop-up menus of the Project Explorer and Symbian Project Navigator views. MBM and MIF editors are provided to modify
 		  the resources.</p> 
 			 For more information, see <a href="../tasks/Multi-BitmapFile.html">Creating an MBM File</a>.		  </p> 
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 <h2>Carbide On-device Debug Agent</h2>
 <p>The <b>Carbide On-device Debug Agen</b>t (CODA) is a program that enables on-device debugging of  phone prototypes, reference boards, and retail phones. An on-device debug agent is a program that is installed on a phone or reference board. It communicates with the debugger using a serial-over-Bluetooth or serial-over-USB connection. Through this serial communication, the on-device debug agent acts as the interface between the Carbide.c++ debugger and the target device. The CODA provides: </p>
-  <li>Debug agent running on Symbian OS</li>
-  <li>Provides a stable &amp; integrated interface to Symbian OS</li>
+  <li>Debug agent running on Symbian</li>
+  <li>Provides a stable &amp; integrated interface to Symbian</li>
   <li>Used to debug applications on actual devices</li>
   <li>Can be built-in to the OS image or installed as a .sis file</li>
 <p>Using the on-device remote agent, one can use the Carbide.c++ IDE to debug programs running on phone hardware, making the debugging process much easier. The on-device debug agent works on all Nokia Qt SDK, Symbian^3, and Symbian TechView devkits.</p>
-<p>The <b>Symbian OS Device (Install SIS)</b> is stored online and available for download and installation using the <a href="../reference/trk/wnd_new_connection_wizard.htm">On-Device Connections &gt; New Connection Wizard &gt; Install remote agents</a> pane.</p>
+<p>The <b>Symbian Device (Install SIS)</b> is stored online and available for download and installation using the <a href="../projects/remote_conn/wnd_new_connection_wizard.htm">On-Device Connections &gt; New Connection Wizard &gt; Install remote agents</a> pane.</p>
 <p>Some of the key benefits to using an on-device debug agent include:</p>
   <li>Easy debugging via serial interface (Bluetooth, USB, IrDA, etc)</li>
@@ -26,9 +26,8 @@
 <p>There are two variations of the on-device debug agent, they are:</p>
-  <li><b>Symbian OS Device (Install SIS)</b>&#8212;supports application debugging only and available to developers creating applications for devices. Developers do not have access to system level routines,  system ROM,   other user application code, cannot modify the LR and SR registers, and must use a SIS file to debug an application.</li>
-  <li><b>Symbian OS Device</b>&#8212;
-  supports both application and limited ROM debugging (includes application executables and limited ROM based components (i.e. no device drivers) and available to original equipment manufacturers (OEM) for device creation and customization</li>
+  <li><b>Symbian Device (Install SIS)</b>&#8212;supports application debugging only and available to developers creating applications for devices. Developers do not have access to system level routines,  system ROM,   other user application code, cannot modify the LR and SR registers, and must use a SIS file to debug an application.</li>
+  <li><b>Symbian Device</b>&#8212; supports both application and limited ROM debugging (includes application executables and limited ROM based components (i.e. no device drivers) and available to original equipment manufacturers (OEM) for device creation and customization</li>
 <h5>Related tasks</h5>
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 <body >
 <h2>Working with Debugger Data</h2>
 <p>  This section explains how to work with data that the Carbide.c++ debugger generates. The following windows show various types of debugger data.</p>
-<ul><li><a href="../reference/view_console.htm">Console view</a> &mdash;shows messages generated during the debugging session</li>
+<ul><li><a href="../projects/views/view_console.htm">Console view</a> &mdash;shows messages generated during the debugging session</li>
 <div id="footer">Copyright &copy; 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). All rights reserved. <br>License: <a href=""></a></div>
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 <body >
 <h2>Workspace Information </h2>
 <p>A workspace is the default place to store and create resources like projects, folders, and files. These are then presented to the user in a perspective which enables the presentation and manipulation of the stored resources.</p>
-<p>When Carbide is launched it asks for a workspace to open (Figure 1). As you can have multiple workspaces, all independent from each other, choosing the workspace containing the projects to work on is important. Projects within a workspace are  shown in the Carbide workbench within the <a href="../debugger/variables/viewing_variables.htm">Project Explorer</a> and <a href="../reference/view_proj_explorer.htm">C/C++ Project</a> views. When you create a new project it is automatically added to the currently open workspace. You can import existing projects into a workspace from INF files.</p>
+<p>When Carbide is launched it asks for a workspace to open (Figure 1). As you can have multiple workspaces, all independent from each other, choosing the workspace containing the projects to work on is important. Projects within a workspace are  shown in the Carbide workbench within the <a href="../debugger/variables/viewing_variables.htm">Project Explorer</a> and <a href="../projects/views/view_proj_explorer.htm">C/C++ Project</a> views. When you create a new project it is automatically added to the currently open workspace. You can import existing projects into a workspace from INF files.</p>
 <p align="center"><img src="images/wnd_workspace_launcher.png" alt="Workspace Launcher dialog" width="630" height="291"></p>
 <p class="figure">Figure 1. Workspace Launcher dialog</p>
 <p class="note"><span class="style1">WARNING</span> Bld.inf imported projects are not copied, so do not delete the contents when deleting the project.</p>
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
 <p><span class="note">Carbide generates project support files, such as </span><span class="code">.project</span><span class="note"> and </span><span class="code">.cproject</span><span class="note"> and a </span><span class="code">.metadata</span><span class="note"> folder, which stores preferences.</span> Metadata files like &quot;.project&quot; are placed in the source tree. If adding these files to CVS causes a problem, these files may be excluded from CVS  using <b>Team &gt; Ignored Resources</b> preference panel to specify name patterns to exclude from version control.</p>
 <h4>Other references</h4>
-  <li><a href="CarbidePerspective.html">Carbide.c++ perspective </a></li>
+  <li><a href="../projects/views/perspective_carbide.htm">Carbide.c++ perspective </a></li>
   <li><a href="../reference/perspective_debug.htm">Debug perspective </a></li>
 <div id="footer">Copyright &copy; 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). All rights reserved. <br>License: <a href=""></a></div>
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 	<!-- DEBUG AS DIALOG -->
 	<!-- ADDED 2.5  -->
 	<context id="select_launch_method_dialog" >
-		<description>Select the type of Symbian OS device to debug.</description>
+		<description>Select the type of Symbian device to debug.</description>
 		<topic label="Emulator Launch"  				href="html/projects/launch/emulator_phone.htm" />
 		<topic label="Phone Launch"  					href="html/projects/launch/launch_phone.htm" />
 		<topic label="Reference Board Launch"  			href="html/projects/launch/board_phone.htm" />
@@ -287,7 +287,7 @@
 	<!-- ============================================================== -->
 	<!-- NEW WIZARD -->
 	<context id="new_wizard_selection_wizard_page_context" >
-		<label>Symbian OS</label>
+		<label>Symbian</label>
 		<description>Select the project, class, or file to create.</description>
 		<topic label="New Symbian OS ++ Projects" 				href="html/tasks/CreatingNewProjects.html"/>
 		<topic label="New Symbian OS C++ Classes"				href="html/tasks/projects/prj_adding_symbian_class.htm" />
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 <body >
 <h2> Breakpoint Status Indicators </h2>
 <p>Breakpoints must be located and resolved by the debugger before they can be hit. When a breakpoint is hit in the module, the debugger halts program execution and displays the state of the program in the <a href="../../reference/perspective_debug.htm">Debug</a> perspective. </p>
-<p>To hit a breakpoint during a debug session, the debugger must first load the symbols for an executable module and then attempt to resolve the breakpoints within the loaded module. Any module listed into the <a href="../../reference/view_executables.htm">Executables</a> view is available for loading by  a debug session. If a module is not present in the Executable view you'll need to import it before the debugger to load and resolve any breakpoints within that module. </p>
+<p>To hit a breakpoint during a debug session, the debugger must first load the symbols for an executable module and then attempt to resolve the breakpoints within the loaded module. Any module listed into the <a href="../../projects/views/view_executables.htm">Executables</a> view is available for loading by  a debug session. If a module is not present in the Executable view you'll need to import it before the debugger to load and resolve any breakpoints within that module. </p>
 <p>You  set a breakpoint on any executable line of code that the debugger can resolve. Lines containing comments and other non executable code cannot be assigned a breakpoint as they are normally stripped from the  compiled   binary. Carbide helps by preventing you from setting a breakpoint on a non-compilable line of code. </p>
 <p>When the debugger attempts to resolve a breakpoint the possible results are shown in Table 1.</p>
 <h5>Table 1 Breakpoint&mdash;type, icons, and states </h5>
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 <p class="note"><strong>NOTE</strong> Once a breakpoint is removed from the Breakpoints view it cannot be recovered using the Breakpoints view, it must be set in an editor or disassembly view. </p>
 <p>Breakpoints must first be loaded and resolved before they can be hit during a debug session. See <a href="resolving_breakpoints.htm">Resolving Breakpoint States</a> for more information on the various states a breakpoint can exhibit. </p>
 <p>See <a href="exporting_breakpoints.htm">Saving and importing breakpoints</a> for information on storing breakpoint data sets for sharing or re-use. </p>
-<p class="note"><strong>TIP</strong> If you find that a breakpoint is not being hit during a debug session, verify that the EXE or DLL is listed in the <a href="../../reference/view_executables.htm">Executables</a> view. </p>
-<p class="note"><strong>TIP</strong> If debugging a server launched by a client, you must attach to the server  process using the <a href="../../reference/view_symbian_kernel.htm">Symbian OS Data</a> view in order to hit the breakpoints in the server. Alternately, you can launch the server and  client as two independent EXEs using the same COM port and debug them that way.</p>
+<p class="note"><strong>TIP</strong> If you find that a breakpoint is not being hit during a debug session, verify that the EXE or DLL is listed in the <a href="../../projects/views/view_executables.htm">Executables</a> view. </p>
+<p class="note"><strong>TIP</strong> If debugging a server launched by a client, you must attach to the server  process using the <a href="../../reference/view_symbian_kernel.htm">Symbian Data</a> view in order to hit the breakpoints in the server. Alternately, you can launch the server and  client as two independent EXEs using the same COM port and debug them that way.</p>
 <h4>Other references</h4>
   <li><a href="breakpoints.htm">Breakpoints overview </a></li>
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 <p>Use the <b>Terminate</b> command (<img src="../../images/icons/btn_terminate.png" width="17" height="15" align="absmiddle" />) to stop or halt a program based on the type of debugging session underway. Terminate behavior includes: </p>
   <li><b>Emulator</b> - terminates program execution and ends the debug session</li>
-  <li><b>Symbian OS Device</b> - kills the process on the device and ends the debug session. To terminate without killing the process, use <a href="cmds_other.htm">Disconnect</a> instead. </li>
+  <li><b>Symbian Device</b> - kills the process on the device and ends the debug session. To terminate without killing the process, use <a href="cmds_other.htm">Disconnect</a> instead. </li>
   <li><b>Stop-mode soft attach</b> - suspends the attached process while other processes continue to run on the device. If only a single process is running on the device, the device CPU is suspended. Once the CPU is suspended you must launch a new debug session to resume the device CPU. </li>
 <p>This behavior differs from <a href="cmds_starting.htm">suspending</a> a program, as this temporarily suspends execution.</p>
@@ -41,9 +41,9 @@
 <h4>Other references</h4>
   <li><a href="debug.htm">Debugging overview</a> </li>
-  <li><a href="../../projects/launch/launch_emulator.htm">Symbian OS Emulator Launch</a></li>
-  <li><a href="../../projects/launch/launch_phone.htm">Symbian OS Phone Launch</a></li>
-  <li><a href="../../projects/launch/launch_board.htm">Symbian OS Reference Board Launch</a></li>
+  <li><a href="../../projects/launch/launch_emulator.htm">Symbian Emulator Launch</a></li>
+  <li><a href="../../projects/launch/launch_phone.htm">Symbian Phone Launch</a></li>
+  <li><a href="../../projects/launch/launch_board.htm">Symbian Reference Board Launch</a></li>
 <div id="footer">Copyright &copy; 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). All rights reserved. <br>License: <a href=""></a></div>
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 <h4><a name="STEP_INTO" id="STEP_OVER2"></a>Stepping into a routine</h4>
 <p>Use the <b>Step Into</b> command (<img src="../../images/icons/btn_stepinto.png" width="18" height="14" />) to execute one source-code statement at a time and follow execution into a routine call.</p>
-<p>When stepping through a program in a debug session the IDE attempts to match the program counter (PC) location in the executable with a known project source file. If there is no source file associated with the PC the debugger displays in the Debug view the current PC address of the thread (e.g. <span class="code">0x6002CC11(EUSER.DLL)()</span>) instead of the function name. At this point you can open the Disassembly view to step through the assembler code. This most commonly happens when trying to step into Symbian OS code. We recommend that you <a href="cmds_stepping.htm">Step Return</a> out of the OS code and back into your project to continue debugging.</p>
+<p>When stepping through a program in a debug session the IDE attempts to match the program counter (PC) location in the executable with a known project source file. If there is no source file associated with the PC the debugger displays in the Debug view the current PC address of the thread (e.g. <span class="code">0x6002CC11(EUSER.DLL)()</span>) instead of the function name. At this point you can open the Disassembly view to step through the assembler code. This most commonly happens when trying to step into Symbian code. We recommend that you <a href="cmds_stepping.htm">Step Return</a> out of the OS code and back into your project to continue debugging.</p>
   <li>Click the <b>Step Into</b> button (<img src="../../images/icons/btn_stepinto.png" width="18" height="14" />) in the <a href="viewing_debug.htm">Debug</a> view </li>
   <li>Right-click the thread in the <b>Debug</b> view and select <b>Step Into</b> from the  context menu</li>
--- a/core/	Sat Oct 02 12:36:21 2010 -0500
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@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
      <li>One of the SDKs is set as the &quot;default&quot; SDK</li>
      <li>The SDK must have  a valid <span class="code">EPOCROOT</span> setting</li>
-   <p>In any of the above are missing or incorrect, Carbide.c++ can not build a Symbian OS program. </p>
+   <p>In any of the above are missing or incorrect, Carbide.c++ can not build a Symbian program. </p>
  <h5 class="note">Adding Program Resources</h5>
--- a/core/	Sat Oct 02 12:36:21 2010 -0500
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 	<entry keyword="Bluetooth setup">
 	   <topic href="html/tasks/trk/trk_connection_bluetooth.htm" label="TRK"/>
     <entry keyword="Breakpoints">
        <topic href="html/concepts/breakpoints.htm"/>
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
        <topic href="html/concepts/working_with_bp_templates.htm"/>
 	<entry keyword="Breakpoints view">
 	   <topic href="html/reference/view_breakpoints.htm"/>
@@ -174,13 +174,13 @@
 <!-- D -->
 	<entry keyword="Data Viewer Plug-ins">
 	   <topic href="html/concepts/data_viewer_plugins.htm"/>
 	<entry keyword="Debug Preferences">
 	   <topic href="html/reference/pref_carb_debugger.htm"/>
@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@
 	   <topic href="html/reference/projects/launch/stop_mode.htm" label="Symbian OS Device Launch Configuration" />
 	   <topic href="html/reference/debugger_settings.htm" label="Debugger Settings"/>
 	<entry keyword="debugging">
 	   <topic label="Debugging a Program" href="html/tasks/debugger/work_debug_act_debug.htm" />
 	   <topic label="Debugging Applications" href="html/tasks/projects/prj_debug_console.htm" />
@@ -238,14 +238,14 @@
 	<entry keyword="DLL">
 	   <topic href="html/tasks/projects/prj_debug_dlls.htm"/>
 	   <topic label="Simple DLL Example" 		href="html/concepts/SampleExampleProjectCreate.html"/>
-	</entry>	
+	</entry>
 <!-- E -->
 	<entry keyword="emulator">
 	   <topic href="html/projects/launch/emulation.htm"/>
 	   <topic href="html/reference/pref_carb_build.htm"/>
-	</entry>	
+	</entry>
     <entry keyword="Environment variables">
        <topic href="html/reference/build_properties/pane_build_config_env.htm"/>
@@ -385,7 +385,7 @@
 	    <topic label="Symbian OS C++ Class" href="html/reference/new_symbian_class.htm" />
 	    <topic label="Symbian OS C++ Project" href="html/reference/new_symbian_project.htm" />
 	    <topic href="html/reference/menus/open_cmd_window.htm" />
 	    <topic href="html/reference/menus/open_explorer_window.htm" />
@@ -393,14 +393,14 @@
 		<topic href="html/tasks/projects/prj_build.htm" />
 		<topic href="html/tasks/projects/prj_clean.htm" />
 		<topic href="html/reference/menus/build_all_targets.htm" />
-		<topic href="html/reference/menus/compile_source.htm" />		
+		<topic href="html/reference/menus/compile_source.htm" />
 		<topic href="html/reference/menus/build_symbian_comp.htm" />
 		<topic href="html/reference/menus/clean_symbian_comp.htm" />
 		<topic href="html/reference/menus/freeze_symbian_comp.htm" />
 		<topic href="html/reference/menus/build_pkg_file.htm" />
 		<topic href="html/reference/ROM_build_settings.html" />
@@ -420,7 +420,7 @@
 	   <topic href="html/reference/MMP_Editor_mmp_tab.html" label="MMP File tab"/>
 	   <topic href="html/reference/MMP_Editor_resource_block.html" label="Resource Block"/>
 	<entry keyword="MMP Files">
 	   <topic href="html/concepts/mmpfiles.htm"/>
@@ -640,7 +640,7 @@
     <entry keyword="Symbian Project Navigator">
        <topic href="html/reference/view_sym_proj_nav.htm"/>
 	<entry keyword="Symbol Hint">
 	   <topic href="html/concepts/symbol_hints.htm"/>
--- a/core/	Sat Oct 02 12:36:21 2010 -0500
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 <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
-	<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
-	<title>Legal</title>
-    <link href="../book.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
+  <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
+  <title>Legal</title>
+  <link href="../book.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<h2>License Information</h2>
-<p>Copyright &copy; 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). All rights reserved. This component and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the License &quot;Symbian Foundation License v1.0&quot; which accompanies this distribution, and is available at the URL &quot;<a href=""></a>&quot;.  </p>
-<h5>Initial Contributors:  </h5>
-<p>Nokia Corporation - initial contribution</p>
-<p>Portions of this product are covered by the following licenses:</p>
-  <li>Eclipse 3.6 (available at <a href=""></a>)</li>
-  <li>Eclipse CDT 7.0 (available at <a href=""></a>)</li>
-  <li>Eclipse EMF 2.5 (available at <a href=""></a>) </li>
-  <li>Eclipse GEF 3.5 (available at <a href=""></a>) </li>
-  <li>Eclipse Remote System Explorer-1.0 (available at <a href=""></a>)</li>
-  <li>Eclipse System Search (available at <a href=""></a>)</li>
-  <li>Apache Xerces-2.2.0  (available at <a href=""></a>) </li>
-  <li>Apache Batick-1.6  (available at <a href=""></a>)</li>
-  <li>Apache HttpClient-3.1.0 (available at <a href=""></a>)</li>
-  <li>Mozilla Rhino 1.5r2 (available at <a href=""></a>) </li>
-  <li>OmniORB-4.0.4 (available at <a href=""></a>) </li>
-  <li>GNU Binutils (available at <a href=""></a>)</li>
-  <li>Python 2.5.1 (available from <a href=""></a>) </li>
-  <li>Psyco 1.5.2 (available from <a href=""></a>) </li>
+  <h2>License Information</h2>
+  <h5>COPYRIGHTS</h5>
+  <p>Copyright © 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). All rights reserved. This component and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the License "Symbian Foundation License v1.0" which accompanies this distribution, and is available at the URL "<a href=""></a>".</p>
+  <h5>Initial Contributors:</h5>
+  <p>Nokia Corporation - initial contribution</p>
+  <h5>NOTICES</h5>
+  <p>Portions of this product are covered by the following licenses:</p>
+  <ul>
+    <li>Eclipse 3.6 (available at <a href=""></a>)</li>
+    <li>Eclipse CDT 7.0 (available at <a href=""></a>)</li>
+    <li>Eclipse EMF 2.5 (available at <a href=""></a>)</li>
+    <li>Eclipse GEF 3.5 (available at <a href=""></a>)</li>
+    <li>Eclipse Remote System Explorer-1.0 (available at <a href=""></a>)</li>
+    <li>Eclipse System Search (available at <a href=""></a>)</li>
+    <li>Apache Xerces-2.2.0 (available at <a href=""></a>)</li>
+    <li>Apache Batick-1.6 (available at <a href=""></a>)</li>
+    <li>Apache HttpClient-3.1.0 (available at <a href=""></a>)</li>
+    <li>Mozilla Rhino 1.5r2 (available at <a href=""></a>)</li>
+    <li>OmniORB-4.0.4 (available at <a href=""></a>)</li>
+    <li>GNU Binutils (available at <a href=""></a>)</li>
+    <li>Python 2.5.1 (available from <a href=""></a>)</li>
+    <li>Psyco 1.5.2 (available from <a href=""></a>)</li>
+  </ul>
+  <p>&nbsp;</p>
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Binary file core/ has changed
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+<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
+<title>INF Editor</title>
+<link rel="StyleSheet" href="../../../book.css" type="text/css"/>
+   <body>
+   <h2>INF Editor - Overview Tab</h2>
+   <p>
+   The <b>INF Editor</b> allows you to view and modify Symbian project files and export files to be included in building your application. The settings displayed are those active for the active build configuration. However, changes made in the INF editor can be applied globally to all build configurations. Changes made in the INF editor are automatically written to the project's <span class="code">.INF</span> file. You can view the <span class="code">.INF</span> file by selecting the bld.inf tab located along the bottom of the INF editor.</p>
+	  The INF Editor is shown when an INF  file is
+   opened from the <a href="../views/view_proj_explorer.htm">Project Explorer</a> view or <a href="../views/view_sym_proj_nav.htm">Symbian Project Navigator</a> view by double-clicking on the file. The INF Editor is shown in Figure 1.</p>
+   <p align="center"><img src="../../reference/images/inf_editor_overview.png" width="727" height="626" /></p>
+   <p align="left" class="figure">Figure 1 - INF Editor</p>
+   <p></p>
+   <table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0"
+<tr valign="top"><th width="173" class="Cell">Name</th><th width="516" class="Cell">Function</th></tr><tr valign="top"><td class="Cell">
+		    <p>
+			   <b>Components</b></p></td><td class="Cell">
+			 <p>
+				Add components such as MMP and make files to be part of the normal build process.</p>
+			 <ul>
+			   <li><a href="../mmp/NewMMP_wizard.html">Create New MMP File</a> - creates a new  MMP file at the bottom of the Component list.</li>
+			   <li><a href="INF_Editor_addedit_mmp.html">Add Existing MMP File</a> - imports a MMP file at the bottom of the Component list.</li>
+			   <li><a href="INF_Editor_addedit_make.html">Add Existing Makefile</a> - adds a smake file to the bottom of the Component list. </li>
+			   <li><a href="INF_Editor_addedit_mmp.html">Edit</a> - Select a component and click Edit to apply the Tidy attribute or specify the Build as ARM option.</li>
+			   <li><a href="INF_Editor_file.html">Open</a> - Select a component and click Open to open the component in an editor window.</li>
+			   <li><strong>Up</strong> - Select a component and click Up to move the component up in the list.</li>
+			   <li><strong>Down</strong> - Select a component and click Down to move the component down in the list.</li>
+			   <li><strong>Remove</strong> - Select a component and click Remove to remove the component from the build process.</li>
+			 </ul></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td class="Cell">
+			 <p>
+				<b>Test Components</b> 
+			 </p></td><td class="Cell">
+			 <p>
+				Create, import, edit, open, move, or remove MMP and make files that are part of a test build process.</p></td></tr>
+   </table>
+   <h5>Other references</h5>
+	 <ul>
+      <li><a href="INF_Editor_addedit_mmp.html">INF Editor - Add/Edit MMP File</a></li>
+      <li><a href="INF_Editor_addedit_make.html">INF Editor - Add/Edit Make File</a></li>
+      <li><a href="INF_Editor_exports.html">INF Editor - Exports</a></li>
+    </ul>
+<div id="footer">     Copyright &copy; 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). All rights reserved.<br>
+   License: <a href=""></a></div>
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+<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
+<title>INF Editor - Create/Edit Make</title>
+<link rel="StyleSheet" href="../../../book.css" type="text/css"/>
+   <body>
+   <h2>INF Editor - Create / Edit Makefile Entry</h2>
+   <p align="left">The <b>Add Makefile entry</b> dialog (figure 1) is used to add a makefile to the build process. Enter or browse to the make file in the File path field and, if desired, apply the Tidy attribute or specify the Build as ARM option to the make file. </p>
+   <p align="center"><img src="../../reference/images/inf_editor_addMake.png" width="600" height="210" /></p>
+	 <p align="left" class="figure">Figure 1 - Add/Edit makefile entry</p>
+	 <h5>Table 1. Add/Edit Makefile entry &mdash; items</h5>
+	 <table width="796"
+border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
+       <tr valign="top">
+         <th width="186" class="Cell">Name</th>
+         <th width="600" class="Cell">Function</th>
+       </tr>
+	   <tr valign="top">
+	     <td class="Cell"><p> <b>File path</b></p></td>
+	     <td class="Cell"><p>Type the path and filename for the makefile to create or click <strong>Browse</strong> to set a path.</p>         </td>
+       </tr>
+	   <tr valign="top">
+	     <td class="Cell"><p><b>Tidy</b> </p></td>
+	     <td class="Cell"><p>Specify the tidy attribute if the release that an <span class="code">.mmp</span> file defines is internal to your component and not required by other components or for your component to execute.</p></td>
+       </tr>
+	   <tr valign="top">
+	     <td class="Cell"><b>Build as ARM</b></td>
+	     <td class="Cell">Specifies the <span class="code">build_as_arm</span> statement, which instructs an ARMV5 or later build to build the project for the ARM instruction set and not the THUMB instruction set.</td>
+       </tr>
+	   <tr valign="top">
+	     <td class="Cell"><b>Makefile format</b></td>
+	     <td class="Cell">Set the format of the makefile to be created.</td>
+       </tr>
+     </table>
+	 <h5>Other references</h5>
+	 <ul>
+      <li><a href="INF_Editor.html">INF Editor</a></li>
+      <li><a href="INF_Editor_exports.html">INF Editor - Exports</a></li>
+    </ul>
+<div id="footer">Copyright &copy; 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). All rights reserved. <br>License: <a href=""></a></div>
+   </body>
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+<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
+<title>INF Editor - Add/Edit MMP</title>
+<link rel="StyleSheet" href="../../../book.css" type="text/css"/>
+   <body>
+   <h2>INF Editor - Add / Edit MMP File Entry</h2>
+      The <b>Add MMP File Entry</b> dialog (figure 1) is used to add a mmp file and apply the Tidy, Manual, and Support attributes. 
+      <p align="center"><img src="../../reference/images/inf_editor_addMMP.png" width="600" height="200" /></p>
+   <p align="left" class="figure">Figure 1 - Add MMP File Entry</p>
+	 <h5>Table 1. Add MMP file entry &mdash; items</h5>
+	 <table width="796"
+border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
+       <tr valign="top">
+         <th width="186" class="Cell">Name</th>
+         <th width="600" class="Cell">Function</th>
+       </tr>
+       <tr valign="top">
+         <td class="Cell"><p> <b>File path</b></p></td>
+         <td class="Cell"><p>Type the path and filename for the MMP file to create or click Browse to set a path.</p></td>
+       </tr>
+       <tr valign="top">
+         <td class="Cell"><p><b>Tidy</b> </p></td>
+         <td class="Cell"><p>Specify the tidy attribute if the release that an .mmp file defines is internal to your component and  not required by other components or for your component to execute.</p></td>
+       </tr>
+       <tr valign="top">
+           <td class="Cell"><strong>Manual</strong></td>
+           <td class="Cell">Checkmark to indicate a test that requires manual interaction to complete.</td>
+       </tr>
+       <tr valign="top">
+           <td class="Cell"><strong>Support</strong></td>
+           <td class="Cell">Checkmark to not include the test in a batch file.</td>
+       </tr>
+     </table>
+   <h5>Other references</h5>
+	 <ul>
+      <li><a href="INF_Editor.html">INF Editor</a> </li>
+      <li><a href="INF_Editor_exports.html">INF Editor - Exports</a></li>
+    </ul>
+<div id="footer">Copyright &copy; 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). All rights reserved. <br>License: <a href=""></a></div>
+   </body>
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+<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
+<title>INF Editor Exports</title>
+<link rel="StyleSheet" href="../../../book.css" type="text/css"/>
+   <body>
+   <h2>INF Editor - Exports Tab</h2>
+   <p>
+   The <b>INF Editor Exports</b> pane lists files to be copied to the indicated destination path that are part of the normal build process. You can add files, edit paths, move files up or down in the list, or remove files from the list.</p>
+   <p align="center"><img src="../../reference/images/inf_editor_exports.png" width="656" height="456" /></p>
+   <p align="left" class="figure">Figure 1 - INF Editor - Exports Pane</p>
+   <h5>Table 1. Export tab &mdash; items</h5>
+   <table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0"
+     <tr valign="top">
+       <th width="173" class="Cell">Name</th>
+       <th width="516" class="Cell">Function</th>
+     </tr>
+     <tr valign="top">
+       <td class="Cell"><p> <b>Exports</b></p></td>
+       <td class="Cell"><p> Add, edit, arrange order, or remove files that will be part of the build process.</p>
+           <ul>
+             <li>Add  - Click to add a file to the list of files to be exported as part of the build process.</li>
+             <li>Edit - Select a file and click Edit to change the source and destination paths for the file.</li>
+             <li>Up - Select a file and click Up to move the file up in the list.</li>
+             <li>Down - Select a file and click Down to move the file down in the list.</li>
+             <li>Remove - Select a file and click Remove to remove the file from the build process. </li>
+         </ul></td>
+     </tr>
+     <tr valign="top">
+       <td class="Cell"><p> <b>Test Exports</b> </p></td>
+       <td class="Cell"><p> Add, edit paths, arrange order, or remove files that will be part of the test build process.</p></td>
+     </tr>
+   </table>
+   <p></p>
+   <h3><a name="addexport" id="addexport"></a>Add Export dialog</h3>
+   <p>Click the <b>Add</b> control to open the <b>Add Export</b> dialog (figure 2) to add a file to be exported to the destination path when the project is built.</p>
+   <p align="center"><img src="../../reference/images/inf_editor_addexport.png" width="447" height="229" /></p>
+   <p class="figure">Figure 2 - Add Export dialog</p>
+   <p></p>
+   <h5>Table 2. Add Export &mdash; items</h5>
+   <table width="796"
+border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
+     <tr valign="top">
+       <th width="186" class="Cell">Name</th>
+       <th width="600" class="Cell">Function</th>
+     </tr>
+     <tr valign="top">
+       <td class="Cell"><p> <b>Source path</b></p></td>
+       <td class="Cell"><p>Path and name of file to be exported.</p></td>
+     </tr>
+     <tr valign="top">
+       <td class="Cell"><p><b>Destination path</b> </p></td>
+       <td class="Cell"><p>Path location where file is to be exported.</p></td>
+     </tr>
+     <tr valign="top">
+       <td class="Cell"><b>Export is a zip file</b></td>
+       <td class="Cell">Check this option if the export is a zip file and you want to extract it on the destination path.</td>
+     </tr>
+   </table>
+   <h3>Edit Export dialog</h3>
+   <p>Click the <b>Edit</b> control to open the <b>Edit Export</b> dialog (figure 3) to edit the source and destination path of the selected file.</p>
+   <p align="center"><img src="../../reference/images/inf_editor_editexport.png" width="446" height="225" /></p>
+   <p align="left" class="figure">Figure 3 - Edit Export dialog</p>
+   <h5>Table 3. Edit Export &mdash; items</h5>
+	 <table width="796"
+border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
+       <tr valign="top">
+         <th width="186" class="Cell">Name</th>
+         <th width="600" class="Cell">Function</th>
+       </tr>
+       <tr valign="top">
+         <td class="Cell"><p> <b>Source path</b></p></td>
+         <td class="Cell"><p>Path and name of file to be exported.</p></td>
+       </tr>
+       <tr valign="top">
+         <td class="Cell"><p><b>Destination path</b> </p></td>
+         <td class="Cell"><p>Path location where file is to be exported.</p></td>
+       </tr>
+       <tr valign="top">
+         <td class="Cell"><b>Export is a zip file</b></td>
+         <td class="Cell">Check this option if the export is a zip file and you want to extract it on the destination path.</td>
+       </tr>
+     </table>
+	 <h5>Other references</h5>
+      <li><a href="INF_Editor.html">INF Editor</a></li>
+      <li><a href="INF_Editor_file.html">INF Editor - bld.inf</a></li>
+    </ul>
+<div id="footer">Copyright &copy; 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). All rights reserved. <br>License: <a href=""></a></div>
+   </body>
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+<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
+<title>BLD.INF File</title>
+<link rel="StyleSheet" href="../../../book.css" type="text/css"/>
+   <body>
+   <h2>INF Editor - BLD.INF Tab</h2>
+   <p>
+   The <b>bld.inf </b>pane shows the source text of the <span class="code">bld.inf</span> file. This file is automatically updated with changes made in the INF editor <a href="INF_Editor.html">Overview</a> and <a href="INF_Editor_exports.html">Exports</a> panes or changes can be made manually in this pane. Validation is provided in this window. For example, an error mark is displayed next to the line where an error occurs, as shown in Figure 1. Hover your mouse pointer over the error mark or red error markers in upper right column to display helpful error information.</p>
+   <p align="center"><img src="../../reference/images/inf_editor_file.png" width="656" height="488" /></p>
+   <p align="left" class="figure">Figure 1 - INF Editor - bld.inf Pane</p>
+   <p></p>
+   <h5>Related references</h5>
+	 <ul>
+      <li><a href="INF_Editor.html">INF Editor</a></li>
+      <li><a href="INF_Editor_exports.html">INF Editor - Exports</a></li>
+    </ul>
+<div id="footer">Copyright &copy; 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). All rights reserved. <br>License: <a href=""></a></div>
+   </body>
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 <h2>Applications  Launch Configuration</h2>
-<p>Use the <b>Symbian OS Device</b> launch configuration to launch projects using the best launch configuration match. When chosen, Carbide examines the project and determines which specific launch configuration  works best for the project, then launches it with the selected launch configuration. It is essentially identical to clicking the <b>Debug</b> icon (<img src="../../projects/images/icon_debug.png" width="17" height="16" align="absmiddle">) in the toolbar.</p>
+<p>Use the <b>Symbian Device</b> launch configuration to launch projects using the best launch configuration match. When chosen, Carbide examines the project and determines which specific launch configuration  works best for the project, then launches it with the selected launch configuration. It is essentially identical to clicking the <b>Debug</b> icon (<img src="../../projects/images/icon_debug.png" width="17" height="16" align="absmiddle">) in the toolbar.</p>
 <h4>Other references</h4>
   <li><a href="launch_configs_overview.htm">Launch Configuration Overview</a></li>
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 <h2>Attach to Process  Launch Configuration</h2>
-<p>Use the <b>Symbian OS Device (Attach to Process)</b> launch configuration to attach the debugger to an already running Symbian OS process or thread on a target device from within any project. This is useful for debugging servers running in RAM in a client-server relationship where the client relies on the presence of the server process to operate as one example. </p>
-<p>Attaching to a process requires a both target device running the Symbian OS and the presence of CODA on the device. <span class="note">You can also use the <a href="../../reference/view_symbian_kernel.htm">Symbian OS Data</a> view to attach to a process while debugging.</span> However, you can not attach to a process running on an emulator. </p>
-<p>If  the <a href="wiz_new_launch_config.htm">New Launch Configuration Wizard</a> created the Attach to Process launch configuration no changes are usually needed. The Attach to Process options match those of Symbian OS Device with one additional step, selection of the process to debug in the <b>Attach to Process</b> dialog. </p>
+<p>Use the <b>Symbian Device (Attach to Process)</b> launch configuration to attach the debugger to an already running Symbian process or thread on a target device from within any project. This is useful for debugging servers running in RAM in a client-server relationship where the client relies on the presence of the server process to operate as one example. </p>
+<p>Attaching to a process requires a both target device running the Symbian and the presence of CODA on the device. <span class="note">You can also use the <a href="../../reference/view_symbian_kernel.htm">Symbian Data</a> view to attach to a process while debugging.</span> However, you can not attach to a process running on an emulator. </p>
+<p>If  the <a href="wiz_new_launch_config.htm">New Launch Configuration Wizard</a> created the Attach to Process launch configuration no changes are usually needed. The Attach to Process options match those of Symbian Device with one additional step, selection of the process to debug in the <b>Attach to Process</b> dialog. </p>
 <p>To modify the  launch configuration settings, select the <b>Run &gt;  Debug As</b> menu option to open the <b>Debug</b> dialog. Select the Attach to Process configuration and click a tab to set specific options. Click <b>Apply</b> to save any option modifications. Click <b>Debug</b> to launch a debugging session using the new settings.</p>
 <p align="center"><img src="../images/wnd_debug_attach_process_launch_config.png" width="780" height="578"></p>
 <p class="figure">Figure 1. Attach to Process launch configuration in the Debug dialog </p>
-<p>The <b>Symbian OS Device (Attach to Process)</b> launch configuration panes include:</p>
+<p>The <b>Symbian Device (Attach to Process)</b> launch configuration panes include:</p>
   <li>The <a href="page_main.htm">Main</a> tab defines the project to be launched. Enter the name of the project in the Project field, and the executable name in the Executable field.</li>
   <li>The <a href="page_debugger.htm">Debugger</a> tab defines debug configurations, such as entry point to begin debugging, target options, and instruction set.</li>
   <li>The <a href="page_rom_log.htm">ROM Log </a> tab allows you to  specify where the ROM log file is stored and the <span class="code">Epoc32</span> directory.</li>
   <li>The <a href="page_executables.htm">Executables</a> tab allows you to specify which executables that you want to debug that are part of the project.</li>
-  <li>The <a href="../../reference/trk/wnd_new_connection_wizard.htm">Source</a> tab  (<i>standard CDT page</i>) defines the location of source files used to display source when debugging an application. By default, these settings are derived from the associated project's build path. You may override these settings here. </li>
+  <li>The <a href="../remote_conn/wnd_new_connection_wizard.htm">Source</a> tab  (<i>standard CDT page</i>) defines the location of source files used to display source when debugging an application. By default, these settings are derived from the associated project's build path. You may override these settings here. </li>
   <li>The <a href="wiz_new_launch_config.htm">Common</a> tab  (<i>standard CDT page</i>) defines general information about the launch configuration. You may choose to store the launch configuration in a specific file.</li>
 <h4>Other references</h4>
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   <p align="center"><img src="images/wnd_launch_config_blank.png" width="780" height="578" alt="Undefined launch configuration"/> </p>
   <p class="figure">Figure 1 - Initial blank Debug launch configuration window</p>
-  <li>Select a type of launch configuration (for example, Symbian OS Emulation), then click the New launch configuration icon to create a new
+  <li>Select a type of launch configuration (for example, Symbian Emulation), then click the New launch configuration icon to create a new
     configuration of that type.
     <p>A new configuration appears in the Configuration list under the
       appropriate section  using the project name and target to create the configuration name.</p>
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
       <li>Source (<i>Eclipse</i>) </li>
       <li>Common (<i>Eclipse</i>) </li>
-    <p>To debug something outside of the workspace, be sure to import the binary into the <a href="../../reference/view_executables.htm">Executables</a> view. </p>
+    <p>To debug something outside of the workspace, be sure to import the binary into the <a href="../views/view_executables.htm">Executables</a> view. </p>
   <li>Click Debug
     <p>The IDE launches the executable. If the launch configuration is set to change perspective, it  switches to the specified perspective. </p>
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 <h2>Emulator Launch Configuration</h2>
-<p>Select the <b>Symbian OS Emulator</b> launch configuration  to run or debug executables using an emulator.  </p>
-<p>If  the <a href="wiz_new_launch_config.htm">New Launch Configuration Wizard</a> was used to create a emulator launch configuration no changes are usually needed. To modify the  launch configuration settings, select the <b>Run &gt;  Debug As</b> menu option to open the <b>Debug</b> dialog. Select the Symbian OS Emulation launch configuration and click a tab to set specific options. Click <b>Apply</b> to save any option modifications. Click <b>Debug</b> to launch a debugging session using the new settings.</p>
+<p>Select the <b>Symbian Emulator</b> launch configuration  to run or debug executables using an emulator.  </p>
+<p>If  the <a href="wiz_new_launch_config.htm">New Launch Configuration Wizard</a> was used to create a emulator launch configuration no changes are usually needed. To modify the  launch configuration settings, select the <b>Run &gt;  Debug As</b> menu option to open the <b>Debug</b> dialog. Select the Symbian Emulation launch configuration and click a tab to set specific options. Click <b>Apply</b> to save any option modifications. Click <b>Debug</b> to launch a debugging session using the new settings.</p>
 <p align="center"><img src="../images/wnd_debug_emulation_launch_config.png" width="874" height="640"></p>
 <p class="figure">Figure 1 - Emulator  launch configuration in Debug dialog </p>
-<p>The <b>Debug</b>  window provides C/C++ emulator debug options when a Symbian OS Emulation launch configuration is created. The  settings included in the Symbian OS Emulation launch configuration are a combination of Carbide, CDT, and Eclipse options. The tabs in the window include: </p>
+<p>The <b>Debug</b>  window provides C/C++ emulator debug options when a Symbian Emulation launch configuration is created. The  settings included in the Symbian Emulation launch configuration are a combination of Carbide, CDT, and Eclipse options. The tabs in the window include: </p>
   <li>The <a href="page_main.htm">Main</a> tab defines the project to be launched. Enter the name of the project containing the class to launch in the project field, and the executable name in the the Executable field and the emulator or host application in the Emulator or host application field. </li>
   <li>The <a href="PLUGINS_ROOT/org.eclipse.cdt.doc.user/reference/cdt_u_run_dbg_arg.htm">Arguments</a> tab (<i>standard CDT page</i>) defines the arguments to be passed to the application and to the virtual machine (if any). You can also specify the working directory to be used by the launched application. </li>
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-<h2>Symbian OS Reference Board Launch</h2>
+<h2>Symbian Reference Board Launch</h2>
 <p>Use the <b>Debug As</b> dialog to select  the <b>New Launch Configuration Wizard</b> to create a  launch configuration for a development board or reference hardware using a JTAG connection. Currently there are two choices of debugger:</p>
-    <li><strong>Symbian OS Phone Launch</strong> &mdash; uses the Eclipse Debugger for C/C++ as the debugger engine which includes snapshots, improved variables view, and other features not available in the Classic debugger.</li>
-    <li><strong>Classic Symbian OS Reference Board Launch</strong> &mdash; uses the classic debugger engine.</li>
+    <li><strong>Symbian Phone Launch</strong> &mdash; uses the Eclipse Debugger for C/C++ as the debugger engine which includes snapshots, improved variables view, and other features not available in the Classic debugger.</li>
+    <li><strong>Classic Symbian Reference Board Launch</strong> &mdash; uses the classic debugger engine.</li>
 <p align="center"><img src="images/launch_board_01.png" width="346" height="435"></p>
 <p class="figure">Figure 1. Debug As dialog</p>
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
         <li>Select the <b>Run &gt; Debug</b> menu item, or click the Debug (<img src="../../reference/images/view_symbianOSbtn_debug.png" width="18" height="17" align="absmiddle">) icon, or press F11<br>
-        <li>Select the <b>Symbian OS Device</b> item, then click <b>OK</b></li>
+        <li>Select the <b>Symbian Device</b> item, then click <b>OK</b></li>
         <li>Select a <a href="wiz_new_launch_config.htm">Launch Type</a>, then click Next</li>
         <li>Complete each page in the New Launch Configuration Wizard for the chosen Launch Type. </li>
         <li>Review  the settings in the <a href="wiz_new_launch_config.htm">New Launch Configuration</a> page</li>
@@ -31,8 +31,8 @@
 <h5>Other references</h5>
-  <li><a href="launch_emulator.htm">Symbian OS Emulator Launch</a></li>
-  <li><a href="launch_phone.htm">Symbian OS Phone Launch</a></li>
+  <li><a href="launch_emulator.htm">Symbian Emulator Launch</a></li>
+  <li><a href="launch_phone.htm">Symbian Phone Launch</a></li>
 <div id="footer">Copyright &copy; 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). All rights reserved. <br>
   License: <a href=""></a></div>
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 <h4>Available Launch Configurations</h4>
 <p>Launch configurations come in several varieties, each designed for a specific purpose. You must choose one at the very start of the New Launch Configuration Wizard, so knowing the differences between them is important. Currently, the types to choose from include: </p>
-    <li><b><a href="stop_mode.htm">Symbian OS Device</a></b> &#8212; used to run or debug applications or ROM code on a target device using  CODA (Carbide On-device Debug Agent).  CODA is an application that runs on reference boards and prototype phones and allows you to debug  executables. The debugger will download files to the phone prior to launching.</li>
-    <li><b><a href="attach_process.htm">Symbian OS Device (Attach to Process)</a></b> &#8212; used to debug processes running on a target device for which a symbol file is available. This is available only for CODA and stop mode debugging.  This launch configuration is not available for emulator debugging.  Stop mode and CODA can both attach to a process from the <a href="../../reference/view_symbian_kernel.htm">Symbian OS Data</a> view.</li>
-    <li><b><a href="run_mode.htm">Symbian OS Device (Install SIS)</a></b> &#8212; used to run or debug applications on a target device using   CODA.  CODA is an application that runs on released phones and allows you to debug your executables. The debugger will download a Symbian OS installation file to the phone and install it prior to launching.</li>
-  <li><b><a href="emulation.htm">Symbian OS Emulator</a> </b>&#8212; used to run or debug executables on an emulator. </li>
-  <li><b><a href="emulation.htm">Symbian OS Simulator</a> </b>&#8212; used to run or debug executables on a simulator. </li>
+    <li><b><a href="stop_mode.htm">Symbian Device</a></b> &#8212; used to run or debug applications or ROM code on a target device using  CODA (Carbide On-device Debug Agent).  CODA is an application that runs on reference boards and prototype phones and allows you to debug  executables. The debugger will download files to the phone prior to launching.</li>
+    <li><b><a href="attach_process.htm">Symbian Device (Attach to Process)</a></b> &#8212; used to debug processes running on a target device for which a symbol file is available. This is available only for CODA and stop mode debugging.  This launch configuration is not available for emulator debugging.  Stop mode and CODA can both attach to a process from the <a href="../../reference/view_symbian_kernel.htm">Symbian Data</a> view.</li>
+    <li><b><a href="run_mode.htm">Symbian Device (Install SIS)</a></b> &#8212; used to run or debug applications on a target device using   CODA.  CODA is an application that runs on released phones and allows you to debug your executables. The debugger will download a Symbian installation file to the phone and install it prior to launching.</li>
+  <li><b><a href="emulation.htm">Symbian Emulator</a> </b>&#8212; used to run or debug executables on an emulator. </li>
+  <li><b><a href="emulation.htm">Symbian Simulator</a> </b>&#8212; used to run or debug executables on a simulator. </li>
 <h4>Other references</h4>
--- a/core/	Sat Oct 02 12:36:21 2010 -0500
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-<h2>Symbian OS Emulator Launch</h2>
+<h2>Symbian Emulator Launch</h2>
 <p>Use the <b>Debug As</b> dialog to select the <b>New Launch Configuration Wizard</b> that will create a launch configuration for the project. Currently there are two choices of debugger:</p>
-    <li><strong>Symbian OS Phone Launch</strong> &mdash; uses the Eclipse Debugger for C/C++ as the debugger engine which includes snapshots, improved variables view, and other features not available in the Classic debugger.</li>
-    <li><strong>Classic Symbian OS Reference Board Launch</strong> &mdash; uses the classic debugger engine.</li>
+    <li><strong>Symbian Phone Launch</strong> &mdash; uses the Eclipse Debugger for C/C++ as the debugger engine which includes snapshots, improved variables view, and other features not available in the Classic debugger.</li>
+    <li><strong>Classic Symbian Reference Board Launch</strong> &mdash; uses the classic debugger engine.</li>
 <p align="center"><img src="images/launch_phone_01.png" width="346" height="435" align="center"></p>
 <p class="figure">Figure 1. Debug As dialog</p>
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
     <li>Select the <b>Run &gt; Debug</b> menu item, or click the Debug (<img src="../../reference/images/view_symbianOSbtn_debug.png" width="18" height="17" align="absmiddle">) icon, or press F11<br>
-    <li>Select the <b>Symbian OS Emulator </b> item, then click <b>OK</b></li>
+    <li>Select the <b>Symbian Emulator </b> item, then click <b>OK</b></li>
     <li>Complete each page in the New Launch Configuration Wizard , then click Next</li>
     <li>Review  the settings in the <a href="wiz_new_launch_config.htm">New Launch Configuration</a> page</li>
     <li>Click <b>Debug</b> to download and debug the project on the emulator</li>
@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@
 <h5>Other references</h5>
-  <li><a href="launch_phone.htm">Symbian OS Phone Launch</a></li>
-  <li><a href="launch_board.htm">Symbian OS Reference Board Launch</a></li>
+  <li><a href="launch_phone.htm">Symbian Phone Launch</a></li>
+  <li><a href="launch_board.htm">Symbian Reference Board Launch</a></li>
 <div id="footer">Copyright &copy; 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). All rights reserved. <br>License: <a href=""></a></div>
--- a/core/	Sat Oct 02 12:36:21 2010 -0500
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-<h2>Symbian OS Device Launch</h2>
+<h2>Symbian Device Launch</h2>
 <p>Use the <b>Debug As</b> dialog to select the <b>New Launch Configuration Wizard</b> that will create a launch configuration for the project. Currently there are two choices of debugger:</p>
     <li><strong>Device</strong> &mdash; uses the Eclipse Debugger for C/C++ as the debugger engine which includes snapshots, improved variables view, and other features not available in the Classic debugger.</li>
-    <li><strong>Classic Symbian OS Reference Board Launch</strong> &mdash; uses the classic debugger engine.</li>
+    <li><strong>Classic Symbian Reference Board Launch</strong> &mdash; uses the classic debugger engine.</li>
 <p align="center"><img src="images/launch_phone_01.png" width="346" height="435"></p>
 <p class="figure">Figure 1. Debug As dialog</p>
@@ -37,8 +37,8 @@
 <h5>Other references</h5>
-  <li><a href="launch_emulator.htm">Symbian OS Emulator Launch</a></li>
-  <li><a href="launch_board.htm">Symbian OS Reference Board Launch</a></li>
+  <li><a href="launch_emulator.htm">Symbian Emulator Launch</a></li>
+  <li><a href="launch_board.htm">Symbian Reference Board Launch</a></li>
 <div id="footer">Copyright &copy; 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). All rights reserved. <br>License: <a href=""></a></div>
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 <h2>Launch Types</h2>
 <p>The following launch configuration types are available:</p>
-<ul><li><a href="stop_mode.htm">Symbian OS Device</a><a href="stop_mode.htm"></a></li>
-  <li><a href="attach_process.htm">Symbian OS Device (Attach to Process)</a><a href="attach_process.htm"></a></li>
-  <li><a href="run_mode.htm">Symbian OS Device (Install SIS)</a></li>
-  <li><a href="emulation.htm">Symbian OS </a><a href="emulation.htm">Emulator</a></li>
-  <li><a href="simulator.htm">Symbian OS Simulator</a></li>
+<ul><li><a href="stop_mode.htm">Symbian Device</a><a href="stop_mode.htm"></a></li>
+  <li><a href="attach_process.htm">Symbian Device (Attach to Process)</a><a href="attach_process.htm"></a></li>
+  <li><a href="run_mode.htm">Symbian Device (Install SIS)</a></li>
+  <li><a href="emulation.htm">Symbian </a><a href="emulation.htm">Emulator</a></li>
+  <li><a href="simulator.htm">Symbian Simulator</a></li>
 <h4>Other references</h4>
--- a/core/	Sat Oct 02 12:36:21 2010 -0500
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   <li><a href="#trk_stopmode">Stop-mode Debugger page</a> (<i>Device, Device (Attach to Process)</i>) </li>
 <h3><a name="emulator_mode" id="emulator_mode"></a>Emulation Debugger page </h3>
-<p>The <b>Symbian OS <a href="emulation.htm">Emulator</a></b> launch configurations the <b>Debugger</b> page to specify  entry point breaks and which  logs to output to the Console view.</p>
+<p>The <b>Symbian <a href="emulation.htm">Emulator</a></b> launch configurations the <b>Debugger</b> page to specify  entry point breaks and which  logs to output to the Console view.</p>
 <p align="center"><img src="images/page_debugger_emulation.png" width="685" height="219"></p>
 <p class="figure">Figure 1 - Debugger page showing emulation options </p>
 <h5>Table 1. Debugger page &mdash; emulation options </h5>
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
     <td><b>View program output </b></td>
-    <td><p>Enable to direct standard output messages to the   Emulation Program Output Console in the <a href="../../reference/view_console.htm">Console</a> view. </p>
+    <td><p>Enable to direct standard output messages to the   Emulation Program Output Console in the <a href="../views/view_console.htm">Console</a> view. </p>
         <p class="note"><b>NOTE</b> In the <span class="code">epoc.ini</span> file the option <span class="code">LogToFile</span> must also be set to <span class="code">1</span>.</p></td>
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
 <h3><a name="trk_runmode" id="trk_runmode"></a>Run-mode Debugger page </h3>
-<p>In a run-mode launch configuration like <b><a href="run_mode.htm">Symbian OS Device (Install SIS)</a></b>, you can specify an entry break point and how messages are handled as well as define the default instruction set. </p>
+<p>In a run-mode launch configuration like <b><a href="run_mode.htm">Symbian Device (Install SIS)</a></b>, you can specify an entry break point and how messages are handled as well as define the default instruction set. </p>
 <p align="center"><img src="images/page_debugger_run_mode.png" width="660" height="174"></p>
 <p class="figure">Figure 2 - Debugger page showing run-mode options  </p>
 <h5>Table 2. Debugger page &mdash; run-mode  options </h5>
@@ -64,12 +64,12 @@
     <td><b>View program output </b></td>
-    <td><p>Enable to direct standard output messages to the   <b>CODA Program Output Console</b> in the <a href="../../reference/view_console.htm">Console</a> view. </p>
+    <td><p>Enable to direct standard output messages to the   <b>CODA Program Output Console</b> in the <a href="../views/view_console.htm">Console</a> view. </p>
       <p class="note"><b>NOTE</b> In the <span class="code">epoc.ini</span> file the option <span class="code">LogToFile</span> must also be set to <span class="code">1</span>.</p>    </td>
 <h3><a name="trk_stopmode" id="trk_stopmode"></a>Stop-mode Debugger page </h3>
-<p>In  stop-mode launch configurations like <b><a href="stop_mode.htm">Symbian OS Device</a></b>,<b> </b>and <a href="attach_process.htm"><b>Symbian OS Device (Attach to Process)</b></a>, use the <b>Startup Options</b> to  attach to a target and debug or run from the specified start address. Then use <b>Target Options</b> to specify the target's processor type,  and set which initialization and memory configuration files to use in the debug session. </p>
+<p>In  stop-mode launch configurations like <b><a href="stop_mode.htm">Symbian Device</a></b>,<b> </b>and <a href="attach_process.htm"><b>Symbian Device (Attach to Process)</b></a>, use the <b>Startup Options</b> to  attach to a target and debug or run from the specified start address. Then use <b>Target Options</b> to specify the target's processor type,  and set which initialization and memory configuration files to use in the debug session. </p>
 <p align="center"><img src="images/page_debugger_stop_mode.png" width="578" height="174"></p>
 <p class="figure">Figure 3 - Debugger page showing stop-mode options  </p>
 <h5>Table 3. Debugger page &mdash; stop-mode  options </h5>
@@ -97,9 +97,9 @@
 <h4>Other references</h4>
-  <li><a href="run_mode.htm">Symbian OS Device (Install SIS) Launch Configuration</a></li>
+  <li><a href="run_mode.htm">Symbian Device (Install SIS) Launch Configuration</a></li>
   <li><a href="emulation.htm">Emulator  Launch Configuration</a></li>
-  <li><a href="stop_mode.htm">Symbian OS Device Launch Configuration </a></li>
+  <li><a href="stop_mode.htm">Symbian Device Launch Configuration </a></li>
 <div id="footer">Copyright &copy; 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). All rights reserved. <br>License: <a href=""></a></div>
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 <h2>Executables page </h2>
-<p>The <b>Executables</b> page specifies the executables   available to debug with your project based on the chosen rule. The Executables page gives you project level control over the executables associated with it. The page shows all the executables in the workspace or those imported into the Executables view from outside the workspace that can be debugged by this project. See the <a href="../../reference/view_executables.htm">Executables</a> view for information on controlling  executables from the workspace. </p>
+<p>The <b>Executables</b> page specifies the executables   available to debug with your project based on the chosen rule. The Executables page gives you project level control over the executables associated with it. The page shows all the executables in the workspace or those imported into the Executables view from outside the workspace that can be debugged by this project. See the <a href="../views/view_executables.htm">Executables</a> view for information on controlling  executables from the workspace. </p>
 <p align="center"><img src="images/page_executables.png" width="598" height="224"></p>
 <p class="figure">Figure 1 - Executables page (Device example) </p>
 <h5>Table 1.  Executable page &mdash;items </h5>
--- a/core/	Sat Oct 02 12:36:21 2010 -0500
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@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 <body >
 <h2>File Transfer page</h2>
-<p>The <b>File Transfer</b> page displays an auto-populated list of files for <a href="stop_mode.htm">Symbian OS Device</a> that the IDE transfers to the target device at the start of each launch. For RnD device images, the target location for files is normally <span class="code">c:\sys\bin</span> or another protected area. For production device images <a href="run_mode.htm">Symbian OS Device (Install SIS)</a> does not support the transfer of files to <span class="code">c:\sys\bin</span> or other protected areas.</p>
+<p>The <b>File Transfer</b> page displays an auto-populated list of files for <a href="stop_mode.htm">Symbian Device</a> that the IDE transfers to the target device at the start of each launch. For RnD device images, the target location for files is normally <span class="code">c:\sys\bin</span> or another protected area. For production device images <a href="run_mode.htm">Symbian Device (Install SIS)</a> does not support the transfer of files to <span class="code">c:\sys\bin</span> or other protected areas.</p>
 <p>Users can add, edit, or delete files in the list and sort   by clicking on a column header. By default, any file added is automatically checked for downloading to the device. Users can uncheck a file to remove it from the download list without removing the file itself.  CODA (Carbide On-device Debug Agent) users can  use this panel to download any type of file, like bitmaps, HTML, sounds, and more, to the phone and applicable to  CODA for transfering any files outside of the installation file.</p>
 <p align="center"><img src="images/page_file_transfer.png" width="598" height="224"></p>
 <p class="figure">Figure 1. File Transfer page</p>
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@
         <p> The target directories where files can be installed depends upon the type of device image you have on the device and which version of CODA you are using.      </p>
-          <li>Symbian OS Device (Install SIS) - public folders only on  production device images</li>
-          <li>Symbian OS Device - public and protected folders, like <span class="code">c:\sys\bin</span>, on  RnD device images</li>
+          <li>Symbian Device (Install SIS) - public folders only on  production device images</li>
+          <li>Symbian Device - public and protected folders, like <span class="code">c:\sys\bin</span>, on  RnD device images</li>
--- a/core/	Sat Oct 02 12:36:21 2010 -0500
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@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 <body >
 <h2>Installation page</h2>
-<p>The  <b>Installation</b> page specifies the .sis file to install on the target device when using <a href="run_mode.htm">Symbian OS Device (Install SIS)</a>. This is required when using  CODA with 9.x based SDK&rsquo;s.</p>
+<p>The  <b>Installation</b> page specifies the .sis file to install on the target device when using <a href="run_mode.htm">Symbian Device (Install SIS)</a>. This is required when using  CODA with 9.x based SDK&rsquo;s.</p>
 <p align="center"><img src="images/page_installation.png" width="670" height="301" /></p>
 <p class="figure">Figure 1. Installation page</p>
 <h5>Table 1. Installation page &mdash;items </h5>
--- a/core/	Sat Oct 02 12:36:21 2010 -0500
+++ b/core/	Wed Oct 06 10:31:32 2010 -0500
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
   <li><a href="#stop_mode">Stop-Mode Main page</a> (CODA) </li>
 <h3><a name="emulator_mode" id="emulator_mode"></a>Emulation Main page </h3>
-<p>The <b>Symbian OS <a href="emulation.htm">Emulator</a></b> launch configuration uses the <b>Main</b> page to define the process to be launched by the emulator. </p>
+<p>The <b>Symbian <a href="emulation.htm">Emulator</a></b> launch configuration uses the <b>Main</b> page to define the process to be launched by the emulator. </p>
 <p>The behavior that occurs when launching a debug session varies based upon the <a href="page_main.htm">SDK</a>. Normally, <a href="../../debugger/debug/cmds_starting.htm">starting</a> a debug session launches the emulator (<span class="code">epoc.exe</span>) and you must then navigate to your application and open it. However, starting a debug session for an .exe file will, in most cases, launch the .exe directly. This starts the emulator and then opens your application automatically. Note that some SDKs do not support this behavior. In those cases you must still open your application in the emulator manually.</p>
 <p align="center"><img src="images/page_debug_main.png" width="611" height="322"></p>
 <p class="figure">Figure 1. Main page (<i>Emulation shown</i>) </p>
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
     <td><b>Process to launch </b></td>
-    <td>The path to the emulator or executable to  launch. For Symbian OS 9.1 the emulator path is required. For Symbian OS 9.2 and later the path to the executable should be used.  Click <b>Browse</b> to select a different emulator. </td>
+    <td>The path to the emulator or executable to  launch. For Symbian 9.1 the emulator path is required. For Symbian 9.2 and later the path to the executable should be used.  Click <b>Browse</b> to select a different emulator. </td>
     <td><b>Build Configuration</b></td>
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
 <h3><a name="run_mode" id="run_mode"></a>Run-mode Main page </h3>
-<p>The <b><a href="run_mode.htm">Symbian OS Device (Install SIS) </a></b> launch configuration uses the <b>Main</b> page to defines the project and the process to launch on the target device. </p>
+<p>The <b><a href="run_mode.htm">Symbian Device (Install SIS) </a></b> launch configuration uses the <b>Main</b> page to defines the project and the process to launch on the target device. </p>
 <p align="center"><img src="images/page_main_run_mode.png" width="585" height="365"></p>
 <p class="figure">Figure 2 - Main page (<i>Device (Install SIS)</i><i> shown</i>) </p>
 <h5>Table 2.  Run-mode Main page &mdash;items </h5>
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
     <td><b>Use connection</b></td>
-    <td>Choose the remote connection type to associate with this launch configuration. Click <a href="../../reference/trk/wnd_new_conn_wiz_add.htm">New</a> to add a new connection, or <a href="../../reference/trk/wnd_new_conn_wiz_edit.htm">Edit</a> to modify the current one.</td>
+    <td>Choose the remote connection type to associate with this launch configuration. Click <a href="../remote_conn/wnd_new_conn_wiz_add.htm">New</a> to add a new connection, or <a href="../remote_conn/wnd_new_conn_wiz_edit.htm">Edit</a> to modify the current one.</td>
     <td><b>Build Configuration</b></td>
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@
 <h3><a name="stop_mode" id="stop_mode"></a>Stop-mode Main page </h3>
-<p>The <b><a href="stop_mode.htm">Symbian OS Device</a></b> launch configurations uses the <b>Main</b> page to defines the project and the executable to launch on the target device. </p>
+<p>The <b><a href="stop_mode.htm">Symbian Device</a></b> launch configurations uses the <b>Main</b> page to defines the project and the executable to launch on the target device. </p>
 <p align="center"><img src="images/page_main_stop_mode.png" width="604" height="385"></p>
 <p class="figure">Figure 3. Main page</p>
 <h5>Table 3. Stop-mode Main page &mdash; items</h5>
--- a/core/	Sat Oct 02 12:36:21 2010 -0500
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@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 <body >
 <h2>ROM Image page </h2>
-<p>Use the <b>ROM Image</b> page in a <a href="stop_mode.htm">Symbian OS Device</a> launch configuration to define startup options and ROM image download information.</p>
+<p>Use the <b>ROM Image</b> page in a <a href="stop_mode.htm">Symbian Device</a> launch configuration to define startup options and ROM image download information.</p>
 <p align="center"><img src="images/page_rom_image.png" width="583" height="327"></p>
 <p class="figure">Figure 1 - ROM Image page in launch configuration </p>
   <h5>Table 4. Launch configuration window&mdash;ROM Image  tab items</h5>
@@ -25,11 +25,11 @@
       <td><b>Symbian Rom Log File</b></td>
-      <td>Enter or browse to the Rom log file that is generated when the Symbian OS image is built. This is necessary for debugging any Symbian OS module.</td>
+      <td>Enter or browse to the Rom log file that is generated when the Symbian image is built. This is necessary for debugging any Symbian module.</td>
       <td><b>Symbian Epoc32 Directory </b></td>
-      <td><p>Enter or browse to the epoc32 directory for the Symbian OS kit that is being targeted for debugging. This is necessary for the debugger to resolve the full paths for each module in the log file since the log file does not contain the full paths.</p></td>
+      <td><p>Enter or browse to the epoc32 directory for the Symbian kit that is being targeted for debugging. This is necessary for the debugger to resolve the full paths for each module in the log file since the log file does not contain the full paths.</p></td>
       <td><b>Log unresolved modules</b></td>
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
       <td><b>Symbian Rom Image</b></td>
-      <td>Enter or browse to the Symbian OS image (.img file) that will be downloaded onto the target at the specified download address.</td>
+      <td>Enter or browse to the Symbian image (.img file) that will be downloaded onto the target at the specified download address.</td>
       <td><b>Download Address (hex) </b></td>
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@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" dir="ltr">
 <h2> ROM Log page</h2>
-<p>Use the <b>ROM Log</b> page in a <a href="stop_mode.htm">Symbian OS Device</a> launch configuration to specify where the ROM log file is stored and the Epoc32 directory. </p>
+<p>Use the <b>ROM Log</b> page in a <a href="stop_mode.htm">Symbian Device</a> launch configuration to specify where the ROM log file is stored and the Epoc32 directory. </p>
 <p align="center"><img src="images/page_rom_log.png" width="570" height="193"></p>
 <p class="figure">Figure 1. ROM Log page </p>
 <h5>Table 1. ROM Log page&mdash;items </h5>
--- a/core/	Sat Oct 02 12:36:21 2010 -0500
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@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 <body >
 <h2>x86 Exceptions page </h2>
-<p>  Use the <b>x86 Exceptions</b> page in the <a href="emulation.htm">Symbian OS Emulator</a> launch configuration to set  the x86 exceptions  the debugger should catch. If you want the debugger to catch all the exceptions, enable all of the options in this page. However, if you prefer to handle only certain exceptions, enable only those options that reflect the exceptions you want to handle.</p>
+<p>  Use the <b>x86 Exceptions</b> page in the <a href="emulation.htm">Symbian Emulator</a> launch configuration to set  the x86 exceptions  the debugger should catch. If you want the debugger to catch all the exceptions, enable all of the options in this page. However, if you prefer to handle only certain exceptions, enable only those options that reflect the exceptions you want to handle.</p>
 <p align="center"><img src="images/page_x86_exceptions.png" width="622" height="277" /></p>
 <p align="center" class="figure">Figure 1 - x86 Exceptions page</p>
 <h5>Table 1. x86 Exceptions page &mdash;items </h5>
--- a/core/	Sat Oct 02 12:36:21 2010 -0500
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@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
   <li><a href="page_rom_image.htm">ROM Image</a></li>
   <li><a href="page_rom_log.htm">ROM Log</a></li>
   <li><a href="page_x86_exceptions.htm">x86 Exceptions</a></li>
-  <li><a href="../../reference/trk/wnd_new_connection_wizard.htm">Source</a> (<i>standard CDT page</i>) </li>
+  <li><a href="../remote_conn/wnd_new_connection_wizard.htm">Source</a> (<i>standard CDT page</i>) </li>
   <li><a href="wiz_new_launch_config.htm">Common</a> (<i>standard CDT page</i>) </li>
 <div id="footer">Copyright &copy; 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). All rights reserved. <br>License: <a href=""></a></div>
--- a/core/	Sat Oct 02 12:36:21 2010 -0500
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@@ -8,12 +8,12 @@
-<h2>Symbian OS Device (Install SIS)  Launch Configuration (Run-mode) </h2>
-<p>Select the <b>Symbian OS Device (Install SIS)</b>  launch configuration to debug or run applications on a target device using the  CODA (Carbide On-Device Debug Agent).  CODA is an application that runs on released phones and allows you to debug your executables. The debugger will download a Symbian OS installation file to the phone and install it prior to launching.</p>
-<p>If  the <a href="wiz_new_launch_config.htm">New Launch Configuration Wizard</a> was used to create the  CODA launch configuration no changes are usually needed. To modify the  launch configuration settings, select the <b>Run &gt;  Debug As</b> menu option to open the <b>Debug</b> dialog. Select the Symbian OS Device (Install SIS) configuration and click a tab to set specific options. Click <b>Apply</b> to save any option modifications. Click <b>Debug</b> to launch a debugging session using the new settings.</p>
+<h2>Symbian Device (Install SIS)  Launch Configuration (Run-mode) </h2>
+<p>Select the <b>Symbian Device (Install SIS)</b>  launch configuration to debug or run applications on a target device using the  CODA (Carbide On-Device Debug Agent).  CODA is an application that runs on released phones and allows you to debug your executables. The debugger will download a Symbian installation file to the phone and install it prior to launching.</p>
+<p>If  the <a href="wiz_new_launch_config.htm">New Launch Configuration Wizard</a> was used to create the  CODA launch configuration no changes are usually needed. To modify the  launch configuration settings, select the <b>Run &gt;  Debug As</b> menu option to open the <b>Debug</b> dialog. Select the Symbian Device (Install SIS) configuration and click a tab to set specific options. Click <b>Apply</b> to save any option modifications. Click <b>Debug</b> to launch a debugging session using the new settings.</p>
 <p align="center"><img src="../images/wnd_debug_AppTRK_launch_config.png" width="986" height="640"></p>
 <p class="figure">Figure 1. Device  launch configuration in the Debug dialog </p>
-<p>The  <b>Symbian OS Device (Install SIS)</b> launch configuration panes include: </p>
+<p>The  <b>Symbian Device (Install SIS)</b> launch configuration panes include: </p>
   <li>The <a href="page_main.htm">Main</a> tab defines the project to be launched. Enter the name of the project in the Project field, and the executable name in the Executable field.</li>
   <li>The <a href="PLUGINS_ROOT/org.eclipse.cdt.doc.user/reference/cdt_u_run_dbg_arg.htm">Arguments</a> tab (<i>standard CDT page</i>) lets you specify the program arguments that an application uses.</li>
--- a/core/	Sat Oct 02 12:36:21 2010 -0500
+++ b/core/	Wed Oct 06 10:31:32 2010 -0500
@@ -8,12 +8,12 @@
-<h2>Symbian OS Device Launch Configuration (Stop-mode) </h2>
-<p>Select the <b>Symbian OS Device </b> launch configuration provides C/C++ stop-mode debug options. The  settings included in these launch configuration are a combination of Carbide, CDT, and Eclipse options. </p>
-<p>If  the <a href="wiz_new_launch_config.htm">New Launch Configuration Wizard</a> was used to create the <b>Symbian OS Device</b> launch configuration no changes are usually needed. To modify the  launch configuration settings, select the <b>Run &gt;  Debug As</b> menu option to open the <b>Debug</b> dialog. Select the <b>Symbian OS Device</b> or <b>Symbian OS Device (Attach to Process)</b> configuration and click a tab to set specific options. Click <b>Apply</b> to save any option modifications. Click <b>Debug</b> to launch a debugging session using the new settings.</p>
+<h2>Symbian Device Launch Configuration (Stop-mode) </h2>
+<p>Select the <b>Symbian Device </b> launch configuration provides C/C++ stop-mode debug options. The  settings included in these launch configuration are a combination of Carbide, CDT, and Eclipse options. </p>
+<p>If  the <a href="wiz_new_launch_config.htm">New Launch Configuration Wizard</a> was used to create the <b>Symbian Device</b> launch configuration no changes are usually needed. To modify the  launch configuration settings, select the <b>Run &gt;  Debug As</b> menu option to open the <b>Debug</b> dialog. Select the <b>Symbian Device</b> or <b>Symbian Device (Attach to Process)</b> configuration and click a tab to set specific options. Click <b>Apply</b> to save any option modifications. Click <b>Debug</b> to launch a debugging session using the new settings.</p>
 <p align="center"><img src="../images/wnd_debug_trace32_launch_config.png" width="866" height="635"></p>
-<p class="figure">Figure 1. <b>Symbian OS Device</b> launch configuration in the Debug dialog </p>
-<p>The <b>Symbian OS Device</b> launch configuration panes include: </p>
+<p class="figure">Figure 1. <b>Symbian Device</b> launch configuration in the Debug dialog </p>
+<p>The <b>Symbian Device</b> launch configuration panes include: </p>
   <li>The <a href="page_main.htm">Main</a> tab defines the project to be launched. Enter the name of the project in the Project field, and the executable name in the Executable field.</li>
   <li>The <a href="page_debugger.htm">Debugger</a> tab defines debug configurations, such as entry point to begin debugging and target options.</li>
--- a/core/	Sat Oct 02 12:36:21 2010 -0500
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@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 <body >
 <h2>New Launch Configuration Wizard </h2>
-<p>The <b>New Launch Configuration Wizard</b> launches when no launch configuration exists for a build configuration in a project. Wherever possible the <b>New Launch Configuration </b> wizard gathers the information from the project and asks additional questions based on the type of launch configuration chosen. For example, a launch configuration using Symbian OS Device (Install SIS) requires different information than  one targeted for Symbian OS Device. </p>
+<p>The <b>New Launch Configuration Wizard</b> launches when no launch configuration exists for a build configuration in a project. Wherever possible the <b>New Launch Configuration </b> wizard gathers the information from the project and asks additional questions based on the type of launch configuration chosen. For example, a launch configuration using Symbian Device (Install SIS) requires different information than  one targeted for Symbian Device. </p>
 <p>Every project consists of one or more build configurations as listed under the <b>Build project</b> icon (<img src="../images/icon_build_project.png" alt="Build project icon" width="17" height="17" align="absmiddle">) of the toolbar or in the <a href="../../tasks/projects/prj_new_build_config.htm">Add/Remove Carbide Build Configuration</a> dialog. Every build configuration needs a launch configuration to enable debugging. Launch configurations can be shared between  build configurations. The <b>New Launch Configuration Wizard</b> detects when a build configuration doesn't have an associated launch configuration and guides you through the setup process.</p>
 <p align="center"><img src="images/menu_build_target.png" width="428" height="224"></p>
 <p class="figure">Figure 1. Build configurations for the chosen project appear under the Build icon</p>
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@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
 <h4>Other references</h4>
-  <li><a href="launch_phone.htm">Symbian OS Phone Launch</a></li>
+  <li><a href="launch_phone.htm">Symbian Phone Launch</a></li>
 <div id="footer">Copyright &copy; 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). All rights reserved. <br>License: <a href=""></a></div>
--- a/core/	Sat Oct 02 12:36:21 2010 -0500
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@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
 <h4>Other references</h4>
-  <li><a href="launch_phone.htm">Symbian OS Phone Launch</a></li>
+  <li><a href="launch_phone.htm">Symbian Phone Launch</a></li>
 <div id="footer">Copyright &copy; 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). All rights reserved. <br>License: <a href=""></a></div>
--- a/core/	Sat Oct 02 12:36:21 2010 -0500
+++ b/core/	Wed Oct 06 10:31:32 2010 -0500
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
 <h4>Other references</h4>
-  <li><a href="launch_phone.htm">Symbian OS Phone Launch</a></li>
+  <li><a href="launch_phone.htm">Symbian Phone Launch</a></li>
 <div id="footer">Copyright &copy; 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). All rights reserved. <br>License: <a href=""></a></div>
--- a/core/	Sat Oct 02 12:36:21 2010 -0500
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@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
     <td><b>Connect to device</b></td>
-    <td><p>Shows the current remote connection setting used to communicate with the Symbian OS phone or device. Click <b>Change...</b> to open the <a href="wnd_change_connection.htm">Change Connection</a> page of the <b>New Launch Configuration Wizard</b> to modify the connection settings.</p>        </td>
+    <td><p>Shows the current remote connection setting used to communicate with the Symbian phone or device. Click <b>Change...</b> to open the <a href="wnd_change_connection.htm">Change Connection</a> page of the <b>New Launch Configuration Wizard</b> to modify the connection settings.</p>        </td>
     <td><b>Debug process</b></td>
--- a/core/	Sat Oct 02 12:36:21 2010 -0500
+++ b/core/	Wed Oct 06 10:31:32 2010 -0500
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
 <p>By default, Carbide creates a debug launch configuration the first time you launch the debugger based on current project settings. If additional information is required, like a port ID, the <a href="wnd_config_launch_config.htm">New Launch Configuration Wizard</a>  appears asking for the additional information. </p>
 <p>The tabs in the window vary depending upon the currently selected launch configuration.</p>
 <p align="center"><img src="images/wnd_debug_overview.png" width="879" height="592"></p>
-<p align="center" class="figure">  Figure 1 - Debug or launch configuration window (Symbian OS Emulator view)</p>
+<p align="center" class="figure">  Figure 1 - Debug or launch configuration window (Symbian Emulator view)</p>
 <h5>Table 1. Debug Configuration window &mdash; common items</h5>
 <table width="94%"  border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
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@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
+<title>MMP Editor</title>
+<link rel="StyleSheet" href="../../../book.css" type="text/css"/>
+   <body>
+   <h2>MMP Editor</h2>
+   <p>
+   The MMP Editor <strong>Overview</strong> tab allows you to view and modify your project definitions.  Changes made in the MMP editor are automatically written to the project's .MMP file. You can view the .mmp file by selecting the <em>project_name</em>.mmp tab located along the bottom of the MMP editor.</p>
+   <p>
+	  The MMP Editor is shown when an MMP  file is
+   opened from the <a href="../views/view_proj_explorer.htm">Project Explorer</a> or <a href="../views/view_sym_proj_nav.htm">Symbian Project Navigator</a> views. The MMP Editor is shown in Figure 1. MMP editor fields are validated for existing or correct entries. For example, if the UID 2 field is blank the label is highlighted in red. If an error exists in the mmp file, the line where the error occurs is marked and also displayed in the Problems view.</p>
+   <p align="center"><img src="../../reference/images/mmp_editor.png" width="675" height="406" /></p>
+   <p align="left" class="figure">Figure 1 - MMP Editor Overview tab</p>
+   <table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0"
+	 <tr valign="top"><th width="190" class="Cell">Name</th><th width="955" class="Cell">Function</th></tr><tr valign="top"><td class="Cell">
+		    <p>
+			   <b>Target name</b></p></td><td class="Cell">
+			 <p>
+				Enter the name of the target file.			 </p></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td class="Cell">
+			 <p>
+				<b>Target type</b>			 </p></td><td class="Cell">
+			 <p>
+				Select the type of target file from the dropdown list. The list of supported target types are provided by SBSv2 build system. The number and type of targets may change depending upon the chosen SDK.</p></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td class="Cell">
+			 <p>
+				<b>UID 2</b>			 </p></td><td class="Cell">
+			 <p>UID 2 is a unique identifier number that identifies the type of interface that the project implements. The values are defined by Symbian:</p>
+			 <ul>
+			   <li>For GUI applications, it is always 0x100039CE</li>
+			   <li>For static interface DLLs, the UID 2 is always 0x1000008d</li>
+			   <li>For polymorphic DLLs, the UID2 is defined by the framework which is being implemented</li>
+			 </ul>
+			 </td></tr><tr valign="top"><td class="Cell">
+			 <p>
+				<b>UID 3</b>			 </p></td><td class="Cell">
+			 <p>
+				Application UID (or UID3) is used to uniquely identify the binary (EXE or DLL) within the system. The purpose of UID 3 is to prevent one executable from interfering the operation of another executable.</p></td></tr>
+			 <tr valign="top">
+			     <td class="Cell"><p> <b>Common tasks</b> </p></td>
+			     <td class="Cell"><p> This group provides links to the User and System include path options located in the Options window. </p></td>
+       </tr>
+			 <tr valign="top"><td class="Cell">
+			 <p>
+				<b>Project definition</b>			 </p></td><td class="Cell">
+			 <p>
+				The Project definition group provides links to the Sources, Libraries, and Options windows. You can also select the Sources, Libraries, and Options tabs to open the related window. </p></td></tr>
+   </table>
+   <p>Any changes made to the MMP file either in Carbide or using an external editor are detected. If the build is for emulation, these changes are detected and used automatically. </p>
+	 <p>For other build types like GCCE you are  presented with the <b>Modified MMP Files Detected</b> dialog (Figure 2) and asked which build action to take for each MMP file that has changed. Set the build option for each listed MMP file and click <b>OK</b>.</p>
+	 <p align="center"><img src="../../reference/images/wnd_modified_mmp_files.png" width="617" height="300"></p>
+	 <p align="left" class="figure">Figure 2 - Modified MMP Files Detected dialog </p>
+	 <p align="left">The options  are  identical to the workspace setting <b>Default action to take when MMP files are modified </b>option in the <b>Build</b> preference panel. Click the <b>Configure Workspace Settings...</b> to open the <a href="../../reference/pref_carb_build.htm">Build</a><b> </b>preference panel to set the default build options for the workspace. The options  can also be modified at the  project level in the <b>Properties for &lt;<i>project</i>&gt; &gt; </b><a href="../../reference/build_properties/prop_carb_project_settings.htm">Carbide Project Settings</a> panel. </p>
+	 <h5>Related references</h5>
+       <ul>
+      <li><a href="MMP_Editor_sources.html">MMP Editor Sources window</a></li>
+      <li><a href="MMP_Editor_libraries.html">MMP Editor Libraries window</a></li>
+      <li><a href="MMP_Editor_options.html">MMP Editor Options window</a></li>
+      <li><a href="MMP_Editor_mmp_tab.html">MMP File Window</a></li>
+    </ul>
+<div id="footer">Copyright &copy; 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). All rights reserved. <br>License: <a href=""></a></div>
+   </body>
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+<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
+<title>MMP Editor Libraries</title>
+<link rel="StyleSheet" href="../../../book.css" type="text/css"/>
+   </head>
+   <body>
+   <h2>MMP Editor &gt; Libraries</h2>
+   <p>
+   The MMP editor libraries window lists the libraries used by the currently selected build configuration in the selected project. The MMP editor libraries window is shown in Figure 1. Click on a library group to expand the list of libraries and show the related control buttons. You can add, remove or edit the list of libraries for each group. You can also move libraries up or down in the list.</p>
+   <p align="center"><img src="../../reference/images/mmp_editor_libraries.png" width="648" height="436" /></p>
+   <p align="left" class="figure">Figure 1 - MMP Editor Libraries window</p>
+   <p></p>
+   <table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0"
+	 <tr valign="top"><th width="173" class="Cell">Name</th><th width="516" class="Cell">Function</th></tr><tr valign="top"><td class="Cell">
+		    <p>
+			   <b>Libraries</b></p></td><td class="Cell">
+			 <p>
+				Specify import libraries to be included in all builds.</p></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td class="Cell">
+			 <p>
+				<b>Static libraries</b></p></td><td class="Cell">
+			 <p>
+				Specify additional static libraries to be used in all builds.</p></td></tr>
+			 <tr valign="top">
+			   <td class="Cell"><b>Debug libraries</b></td>
+			   <td class="Cell">Specify additional libraries to be used for debug builds only.</td>
+     </tr>
+			 <tr valign="top">
+			   <td class="Cell"><b>Win32 libraries</b></td>
+			   <td class="Cell">Specify additional libraries for Win32 builds only.</td>
+     </tr>
+			 <tr valign="top">
+			   <td class="Cell"><b>ASSP libraries</b></td>
+			   <td class="Cell">Specify libraries for ASSP builds. If you are not linking to the Symbian kernel you can ignore this section.</td>
+     </tr>
+   </table>
+	 <h5>Related references</h5>
+    <ul>
+      <li><a href="MMP_Editor.html">MMP Editor</a></li>
+      <li><a href="MMP_Editor_sources.html">MMP Editor Sources window</a></li>
+      <li><a href="MMP_Editor_options.html">MMP Editor Options window</a></li>
+      <li><a href="MMP_Editor_mmp_tab.html">MMP File Window</a></li>
+    </ul>
+<div id="footer">Copyright &copy; 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). All rights reserved. <br>License: <a href=""></a></div>
+   </body>
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+<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
+<title>MMP Editor MMP File</title>
+<link rel="StyleSheet" href="../../../book.css" type="text/css"/>
+   <body>
+   <h2>MMP File Window</h2>
+   <p>
+   The <strong>MMP</strong> file tab in the MMP editor window shows the source text of the mmp file. Changes made directly in the mmp file are reflected in related tabs of the MMP editor and changes made in editor tabs are written to the mmp file. Errors are identified in red and  markers are placed in mmp files at the locations errors exist.</p>
+   <p align="center"><img src="../../reference/images/mmp_editor_mmpfile.png" width="677" height="440" /></p>
+   <p align="left" class="figure">Figure 1 - MMP Editor MMP File</p>
+   <p></p>
+   <h5>Related references</h5>
+    <ul>
+      <li><a href="MMP_Editor.html">MMP Editor</a></li>
+      <li><a href="MMP_Editor_sources.html">MMP Editor Sources window</a></li>
+      <li><a href="MMP_Editor_libraries.html">MMP Editor Libraries window</a></li>
+      <li><a href="MMP_Editor_options.html">MMP Editor Options window</a></li>
+    </ul>
+<div id="footer">Copyright &copy; 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). All rights reserved. <br>License: <a href=""></a></div>
+   </body>
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+<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
+<title>MMP Editor Options</title>
+<link rel="StyleSheet" href="../../../book.css" type="text/css"/>
+   <body>
+   <h2>MMP Editor Options Window</h2>
+   <p>
+   The MMP editor options window allows you to edit compiler, linker, and runtime settings. The MMP editor options window is shown in Figure 1.</p>
+   <p align="center"><img src="../../reference/images/mmp_editor_options.png" width="944" height="477" /></p>
+   <p align="left" class="figure">Figure 1 - MMP Editor Options window</p>
+   <p></p>
+   <table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0"
+	 <tr valign="top"><th width="173" class="Cell">Name</th><th width="516" class="Cell">Function</th></tr><tr valign="top"><td class="Cell">
+		    <p>
+			   <b>Runtime</b></p></td><td class="Cell">
+			 <p>
+				This group allows you to define various runtime options.</p>
+			 <p><b>Capabilities</b> - Click the Choose... button to select Capabilities. A capability is an access token that corresponds to permission to access sensitive system resources. Platform security permits access to sensitive APIs according to capabilities. Capabilities are used to specify what functionality an application is trusted to use; they are allocated to the application at build time and are policed at run time. Once the capabilities are assigned to the application, they cannot be changed. Thus an application has a set of unalterable capabilities that describe what access the application has to the APIs.</p>
+			 <p>There are three suggested ways to establish which capabilities an application requires.</p>
+			 <ul>
+			   <li>The first method is initially to allocate capabilities based on the general operations that the application performs. For example, an instant messaging application would probably require NetworkServices to access the Internet and ReadUserData to read the user&rsquo;s contacts.</li>
+			   <li>The second method is to use the Symbian Developer Library, which lists the capabilities required by each API. Note that some APIs may be marked as &ldquo;Dependent&rdquo;, meaning that the need for the capability depends on the parameters being passed. For example, accessing a file in an application&rsquo;s private data area requires no capabilities, but accessing a file in \sys\bin requires the <span class="code">AllFiles</span> capability.</li>
+			   <li>The third method is to run the application in the emulator, analyzing the debug file (in the system temporary directory) for capability violations. The output will state the API that caused the violation and what capability was expected.</li>
+			 </ul>
+			 <p><b>Minimum heap size</b> - Set the heap size that you need.</p>
+			 <p><b>Maximum heap size</b> - Set the heap size that you need.</p>
+			 <p><b>Stack  size</b> - Set the stack size that you need.</p>
+			 <p><b>Process priority </b> - Select the process priority from the dropdown list.</p>
+			 <p><b>Secure ID</b> - Enter the Secure ID. The SID is used to determine which private directory a process can access. It is also used to identify the caller applications. An application's SID is defined within its .mmp file, and is used to uniquely identify the application. SID values are requested from the Symbian Signed Web site (  The Software Installer (SWI) is responsible for ensuring that SIDs are locally unique, i.e., that no two applications have the same SID value on a particular target device.</p>
+			 <p><b>Vendor ID</b> - Enter the Vendor ID. This ID uniquely identifies the source of the application. If an application needs a VID, it must be certified. Noncertified applications must use a VID of 0 (KNullUid), which is the value applied by default.</p>
+			 <p><b>Enable debugging (Symbian 9.4+) </b>- Activate to enable on-device debugging for Symbian 9.4 and later. When activated, the <span class="code">DEBUGGABLE_UDEBONLY</span> flag is added to the project .MMP file. </p>
+			 <p><b>Paging Mode  (Symbian 9.3+)</b> - specify the paging mode to: not specified, paged, or unpaged. </p></td>
+	 </tr><tr valign="top"><td class="Cell">
+			 <p>
+				<b>Compiler Settings</b></p></td><td class="Cell">
+			 <p>
+				<b>User includes</b> - Use the Add, Edit, and Remove buttons to add, edit, or remove the paths to the user header files used to compile source files. Use the Up and Down buttons to arrange the list of paths. </p>
+			 <p><b>System includes</b> - Use the Add, Edit, and Remove buttons to add, edit, or remove the paths to the system header files used to compile source files. Use the Up and Down buttons to arrange the list of paths.</p>
+			 <p><b>Macros</b> - Use the Add, Edit, and Remove buttons to add, edit, or remove a macro identifier. Use the Up and Down buttons to arrange the list of macro identifiers.</p>
+			 <p><b>Compiler options</b> - Use the Add, Edit, and Remove buttons to add, edit, or remove compiler options. In the Edit Compiler Options dialog, select the tool chain (for example: ARMCC, CW, GCC, GCCE, or MSVC) and enter your custom options.</p>
+			 <p><b>Linker options</b> - Use the Add, Edit, and Remove buttons to add, edit, or remove linker options. In the Edit Linker Options dialog, select the tool chain (for example: ARMCC, CW, GCC, GCCE, or MSVC) and enter your custom options.</p>
+			 <p><b>Per-variant include dependencies</b> - Check this option to include dependencies for a specific variant when building a target. For example build a release variant with optimized code, a debug variant with debugging info and a profiling variant with timing hooks.</p>
+			 <p><b>Disable optimizations in debug builds</b> - Check this option to disable optimizations when building a debug version of your application. Since optimization changes the code created by the compiler, it is best to optimize your code after you have fully tested and debugged it. If a program works in a debug build, but fails in a release build, it is likely that one of the compiler optimizations is exposing a defect in your source code. To isolate the problem, you should disable selected optimizations for each source code file, until you locate the file and the optimization that is causing the problem.</p></td>
+	 </tr>
+			 <tr valign="top">
+			   <td class="Cell"><b>Linker</b></td>
+			   <td class="Cell"><p><b>Linker definition file</b> - Select a linker definition file or click Browse... to locate a definition file.</p>
+		       <p><b>Export unfrozen</b> - Check this option to tell the build process that exports are not yet frozen.</p>
+		       <p><b>Don't export library</b> - Check this option to not export a copy of the library. </p>
+		       <p><b>No strict .def file</b> - Check this option to specify no strict linker definition file.</p>
+		       <p><b>Compress target executable</b> - Check this option to compress the target executable. </p>
+		       <p><b>Link as internal name</b> - Specify an internal name.</p>
+		       <p><b>Win32 base address</b> - Specify the Win32 base address.</p></td>
+     </tr>
+			 <tr valign="top">
+			   <td class="Cell"><b>Kernel</b></td>
+			   <td class="Cell"><p><b>ASSP ABI </b>- Check this option to build the ASSP application binary interface. </p>
+		       <p><b>ASSP exports</b> - Check this option to enable ASSP exports. </p></td>
+     </tr>
+   </table>
+	 <h5>Related references</h5>
+    <ul>
+      <li><a href="MMP_Editor.html">MMP Editor</a></li>
+      <li><a href="MMP_Editor_libraries.html">MMP Editor Libraries window</a></li>
+      <li><a href="MMP_Editor_sources.html">MMP Editor Sources window</a></li>
+      <li><a href="MMP_Editor_mmp_tab.html">MMP File Window</a></li>
+    </ul>
+<div id="footer">Copyright &copy; 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). All rights reserved. <br>License: <a href=""></a></div>
+   </body>
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+<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
+<title>MMP Editor Resource Block</title>
+<link rel="StyleSheet" href="../../../book.css" type="text/css"/>
+   </head>
+   <body>
+   <h2>MMP Editor Resource Block</h2>
+   <p>
+   The MMP editor resource block dialog allows you to add or remove resource files to your project. The Edit Resource Block dialog is shown in Figure 1.  You can add, remove or edit resource files to be included with your project.</p>
+   <p align="center"><img src="../../reference/images/mmp_editor_resrcblock.png" width="444" height="350" /></p>
+   <p align="left" class="figure">Figure 1 - MMP Editor Resource Block Dialog</p>
+   <p></p>
+   <table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0"
+	 <tr valign="top"><th width="173" class="Cell">Name</th><th width="516" class="Cell">Function</th></tr><tr valign="top"><td class="Cell">
+		    <p>
+			   <b>Project RSS files</b></p></td><td class="Cell">
+			 <p>
+				Select or browse to the resource file to be included in all builds.</p></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td class="Cell">
+			 <p>
+				<b>RSS file path</b></p></td><td class="Cell">
+			 <p>
+				Enter the path to the resource file. </p></td></tr>
+			 <tr valign="top">
+			   <td class="Cell"><b>Target file name</b></td>
+			   <td class="Cell">Enter the target file name.</td>
+     </tr>
+			 <tr valign="top">
+			   <td class="Cell"><b>Target file path</b></td>
+			   <td class="Cell">Select the target file path, such as the executable directory or /resource directory on the target device.</td>
+     </tr>
+			 <tr valign="top">
+			   <td class="Cell"><b>UID 2</b></td>
+			   <td class="Cell">Enter the unique identifier. UID2 may need to be a specific value for some kinds of DLLs, especially those used by plug-in frameworks.</td>
+     </tr>
+			 <tr valign="top">
+			   <td class="Cell"><b>UID 3 </b></td>
+			   <td class="Cell"><p>Enter the unique identifier. In the current implementation of platform security, UID3 is used as the Secure ID if SECUREID is not specified in the .mmp file. If it is specified, UID3 will be used to identify the application as its original purpose.</p>
+		       <p>However, the SID is used to determine which private directory a process can access as well as to identify the caller applications, whereas the UID is used to uniquely identify an application. It is theoretically possible that these two identifiers could have different values, but to avoid confusion Symbian recommends that a SECUREID not be specified in the application's MMP file; UID3 should always be specified instead.</p></td>
+     </tr>
+			 <tr valign="top">
+			   <td class="Cell"><b>Generate header file</b></td>
+			   <td class="Cell">Check this option to generate a header file for the resource files.</td>
+     </tr>
+   </table>
+	 <h5>Related references</h5>
+    <ul>
+      <li><a href="MMP_Editor.html">MMP Editor</a></li>
+      <li><a href="MMP_Editor_sources.html">MMP Editor Sources window</a></li>
+      <li><a href="MMP_Editor_libraries.html">MMP Editor Libraries window</a></li>
+      <li><a href="MMP_Editor_options.html">MMP Editor Options window</a></li>
+    </ul>
+<div id="footer">Copyright &copy; 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). All rights reserved. <br>License: <a href=""></a></div>
+   </body>
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+<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
+<title>MMP Editor Sources</title>
+<link rel="StyleSheet" href="../../../book.css" type="text/css"/>
+   <body>
+   <h2>MMP Editor Sources Window</h2>
+   <p>
+   The MMP editor sources window lists the C++ and resource files that you can select to be compiled. The MMP editor sources window is shown in Figure 1.</p>
+   <p align="center"><img src="../../reference/images/mmp_editor_sources.png" width="701" height="504" /></p>
+   <p align="left" class="figure">Figure 1 - MMP Editor Sources window </p>
+   <p></p>
+   <table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0"
+	 <tr valign="top"><th width="245" class="Cell">Name</th>
+	 <th width="790" class="Cell">Function</th>
+	 </tr><tr valign="top"><td class="Cell">
+		    <p>
+			   <b>C/C++ sources</b></p></td><td class="Cell">
+			 <p>
+				Select the C/C++ files to be compiled with your project.			 </p></td></tr>
+	 <tr valign="top">
+         <td class="Cell"><b>Missing C/C++ sources</b></td>
+	     <td class="Cell">Shows a list of  missing source files referenced by project MMP files.</td>
+       </tr>
+	 <tr valign="top"><td class="Cell">
+		    <p>
+			<b>Resources</b></p></td><td class="Cell">
+			 <p>
+				Add, remove, or edit resources, bitmaps, and languages  to  compile with your project.</p></td></tr>
+   </table>
+   <h5>Related references</h5>
+    <ul>
+      <li><a href="MMP_Editor.html">MMP Editor</a></li>
+      <li><a href="MMP_Editor_libraries.html">MMP Editor Libraries window</a></li>
+      <li><a href="MMP_Editor_options.html">MMP Editor Options window</a></li>
+      <li><a href="MMP_Editor_mmp_tab.html">MMP File Window</a></li>
+    </ul>
+<div id="footer">Copyright &copy; 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). All rights reserved. <br>License: <a href=""></a></div>
+   </body>
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+<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
+<title>MMP Selection</title>
+<link rel="StyleSheet" href="../../../book.css" type="text/css"/>
+   <body>
+   <h2>MMP Selection</h2>
+   <p>
+   The MMP Selection dialog displays a list of mmp project files that your source files should be added to for debugging specific components. </p>
+   <p align="center"><img src="../../reference/images/MMP_selection.png" width="326" height="381" /></p>
+   <p align="left" class="figure">Figure 1 - MMP Selection Dialog</p>
+   <p></p>
+   <div id="footer">Copyright &copy; 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). All rights reserved. <br>License: <a href=""></a></div>
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+<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
+<title>New Symbian OS MMP File</title>
+<link rel="StyleSheet" href="../../../book.css" type="text/css"/>
+   <body>
+   <h2>New Symbian MMP File</h2>
+   <p>
+   Use the <b>Symbian MMP File</b> wizard (figure 1) to create a new MMP project file for the currently selected project. Symbian projects are defined by an <code class="code">.mmp</code> file which specifies the essential project elements of a Symbian project. All details of the project lifecycle are handled by the IDE. There is no editable makefile the user can edit to modify the build behavior of the project.</p>
+   <div class="step">
+     <h4>Creating a New Symbian MMP File</h4>
+     <ol>
+         <li>To open the New wizard to create a MMP File:
+           <ul>
+             <li>Select the File &gt; New &gt; Other... menu item (Figure 1)</li>
+           </ul>
+           <blockquote>
+             <p align="center"><img src="../../reference/images/MMP_wizard.png" width="525" height="500" /></p>
+             <p align="left" class="figure">Figure 1 - Select a wizard page in the New window</p>
+             <p>OR</p>
+           </blockquote>
+           <ul>
+             <li>Select the File &gt; New &gt; Symbian MMP File... menu item (Figure 2)</li>
+           </ul>
+         </li>
+         <blockquote>
+           <p align="center"><img src="../../reference/images/MMP_wizard2.png" width="525" height="500" /></p>
+           <p align="left" class="figure">Figure 2 - MMP File page in the New MMP File window</p>
+       </blockquote>
+         <li>On the Select the wizard page, select Symbian &gt; Symbian MMP File, then click Next (Figure 1)</li>
+         <li> On the MMP File page, enter the destination project folder and specify file name</li>
+         <li>Click Finish</li>
+     </ol>
+     <p>The new MMP file is created in the destination folder and shown in the MMP editor.</p>
+   </div>
+   <h5>Related references</h5>
+      <li><a href="MMP_Editor.html">MMP Editor</a></li>
+      <li><a href="MMP_Editor_sources.html">MMP Editor Sources window</a></li>
+      <li><a href="MMP_Editor_libraries.html">MMP Editor Libraries window</a></li>
+      <li><a href="MMP_Editor_options.html">MMP Editor Options window</a></li>
+      <li><a href="MMP_Editor_mmp_tab.html">MMP File Window</a></li>
+   </ul>
+<div id="footer">Copyright &copy; 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). All rights reserved. <br>License: <a href=""></a></div>
+   </body>
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+<title>Exporting Remote Connections</title>
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+<body >
+<h2>Exporting Remote Connections</h2>
+<p>You can export remote connection settings for sharing and import  settings created by others using the  Import/Export commands.</p>
+  <li><b>Exporting Remote Connections</b></li>
+  <li><a href="exporting_remote_conns.htm">Importing Remote Connections</a></li>
+<p>To export one or more remote connections:</p>
+  <li>Click the <b>File &gt; Export..</b>. menu option.</li>
+  <li>Select the <b>Remote Connections &gt; Remote Connections Data</b> wizard in the Select page (Figure 1), then click <b>Next</b>.</li>
+<p align="center"><img src="../../reference/images/export_rc_01_select.png" width="525" height="550"></p>
+<p class="figure">Figure 1. Select page showing Remote Connections Data wizard</p>
+  <li>Choose file and remote connections to export (Figure 2) in the <b>Export Remote Connections Data</b> page.</li>
+<p align="center"><img src="../../reference/images/export_rc_02_export_data.png" width="525" height="550"></p>
+<p class="figure">Figure 2. Enable remote connections to export to chosen file</p>
+  <li>Click <b>Finish</b> to save the selected remote connections to the file.</li>
+<h5>Related references</h5>
+  <li><a href="wnd_on_device_setup.htm">On-Device Connections</a></li>
+  <li><a href="wnd_new_conn_install_tab.htm">Install latest CODA</a> </li>
+<div id="footer">Copyright &copy; 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). All rights reserved. <br>License: <a href=""></a></div>
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+<title>Importing Remote Connections</title>
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+<h2>Importing Remote Connections</h2>
+<p>You can export remote connection settings for sharing and import  settings created by others using the  Import/Export commands.</p>
+  <li><a href="importing_remote_conns.htm">Exporting Remote Connections</a></li>
+  <li><b>Importing Remote Connections</b></li>
+<p>To import one or more remote connections:</p>
+  <li>Click the <b>File &gt; Import..</b>. menu option.</li>
+  <li>Select the <b>Remote Connections &gt; Remote Connections Data</b> wizard in the Select page (Figure 1), then click <b>Next</b>.</li>
+<p align="center"><img src="../../reference/images/import_rc_01_select.png" width="525" height="550"></p>
+<p class="figure">Figure 1. Select page showing Remote Connections Data wizard</p>
+  <li>Choose file and remote connections to export (Figure 2) in the <b>Import Remote Connections Data</b> page.</li>
+<p align="center"><img src="../../reference/images/import_rc_02_import_data.png" width="525" height="550"></p>
+<p class="figure">Figure 2. Enable remote connections to import</p>
+  <li>Click <b>Finish</b> to import the selected remote connections into Carbide.</li>
+<h5>Related references</h5>
+  <li><a href="wnd_on_device_setup.htm">On-Device Connections</a></li>
+  <li><a href="wnd_new_conn_install_tab.htm">Install latest CODA</a> </li>
+<div id="footer">Copyright &copy; 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). All rights reserved. <br>License: <a href=""></a></div>
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+<h2>Remote Connections view</h2>
+<p>Use  the <strong>Remote Connections</strong> view to monitor, create, edit, or remove  common  connection settings for remote agents. Remote agents provide support for debugging, profiling, trace, and more. The connection types currently supported include:</p>
+    <li>Bluetooth &mdash; available for  debug support </li>
+    <li>Serial &mdash; mainly for boards with a serial interface</li>
+    <li>USB &mdash; available for both debug and trace support </li>
+<p>The columns in the <strong>Remote Connections</strong> view include:</p>
+  <li>Connection/Services - connection name defined by you and remote agent type</li>
+  <li>Type - connection type, i.e. Bluetooth, USB, TCP/IP, etc.</li>
+  <li>Status - current connection status, i.e. Available, Not Accessible, Ready, etc.</li>
+  <li>Description - provides information on the current connection test status.</li>
+<p align="center"><img src="../../reference/images/view_remote_connections.png" width="679" height="166"></p>
+<p class="figure">Figure 1 - Remote Connections view</p>
+<p>When the view is closed or another perspective opened, a small display  appears in the trim area in the lower-right corner of the workspace showing the current active remote connection. Click the connection name to  open the drop-down menu where you can open the Remote Connections view or switch between  connections.</p>
+<p align="center"><img src="../../reference/images/trim_remote_conns.png" width="212" height="44"></p>
+<p class="figure">Figure 2. Available remote connection trim indicator</p>
+<h3>Remote Connections view toolbar icons</h3>
+<p>The following commands appear on the toolbar within the Remote Connections view: </p>
+<table width="800"  border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
+  <tr>
+    <th width="28%" scope="col">Item</th>
+    <th width="13%" scope="col">Icon</th>
+    <th width="59%" scope="col">Explanation</th>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+      <td><strong>Toggle periodic service testing</strong></td>
+      <td><div align="center"><img src="../../reference/images/icon_periodic_testing.png" alt="Periodic testing icon" width="18" height="18"></div></td>
+      <td>Toggles service testing on or off.</td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td><strong>Refresh Connections</strong></td>
+    <td><center>
+      <img src="../../reference/images/icon_remote_connection_refresh.png" width="18" height="18">
+    </center>    </td>
+    <td><p>Click to update the connection list status.</p>    </td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td><strong>New Connection</strong></td>
+    <td><center>
+      <img src="../../reference/images/icon_remote_connection_new.png" width="18" height="17">
+    </center>    </td>
+    <td>Click to open the New  Connection wizard to add a connection.</td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td><strong>Edit Connection</strong></td>
+    <td><center>
+      <img src="../../reference/images/icon_remote_connection_edit.png" width="18" height="17">
+    </center>    </td>
+    <td><p>Click to edit the selected remote connection.</p>    </td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+      <td><strong>View menu</strong></td>
+      <td><div align="center"><img src="../../reference/images/icon_menu_white.png" alt="View menu" width="12" height="12"></div></td>
+      <td>Select the connection types to monitor for remote connections.</td>
+  </tr>
+<h3>Remote Connections view Status icons</h3>
+<p>The following status indicators appear in the Remote Connections view: </p>
+<table width="800"  border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
+  <tr>
+    <th width="28%" scope="col">Item</th>
+    <th width="13%" scope="col">Icon</th>
+    <th width="59%" scope="col">Explanation</th>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td><strong>Connection</strong></td>
+    <td><center>
+      <img src="../../reference/images/icon_rc_connection.png" width="16" height="16">
+    </center></td>
+    <td><p>Indicates an inactive remote connection setting.</p></td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td><strong>Not Active</strong></td>
+    <td><center>
+      <img src="../../reference/images/icon_rc_not_active.png" width="17" height="17">
+    </center></td>
+    <td>Indicates an inactive connection type.</td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td><strong>Ready / Available</strong></td>
+    <td><center>
+      <img src="../../reference/images/icon_rc_available.png" width="17" height="18">
+    </center></td>
+    <td><p>Indicates an active remote connection is ready or that a particular connection type is available.</p></td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td><b>Not Accessible</b></td>
+    <td><center>
+      <img src="../../reference/images/icon_rc_not_accessible.png" width="16" height="16">
+    </center>    </td>
+    <td><p>Cannot access the connection type within the connection setup. This could be due to one of the following conditions:</p>
+        <ul>
+            <li>Nokia Ovi/PC Suite is not installed (Carbide uses their drivers to connect to remote devices)</li>
+            <li>User did not select Ovi/PC Suite mode on the device</li>
+            <li>CODA (Carbide On-device Debug Agent)   is not installed on the device</li>
+        </ul>        
+        <p>If all the above is setup the remote device should automatically appear when it is connected to the PC. The Description field contains useful debug information that can help solve the issue as well. </p></td>
+  </tr>
+<h3>Remote Connections view context menu options</h3>
+<p>Based on the current selection, one or more of the following commands appear on the context menu when you right-click within the Remote Connections view. For example, if no connections are defined, only the <b>New Connection</b> command is available on the context menu. </p>
+<p align="center"><img src="../../reference/images/context_menu_remote_conn_view.png" width="246" height="141"></p>
+<p class="figure">Figure 3 - Remote Connections context menu</p>
+<table width="800"  border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
+  <tr>
+    <th width="30%" scope="col">Item</th>
+    <th width="11%" scope="col">Icon</th>
+    <th width="59%" scope="col">Explanation</th>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td><span class="style1">New Connection...</span></td>
+    <td><center>
+      <img src="../../reference/images/icon_remote_connection_new.png" width="20" height="18">
+    </center>    </td>
+    <td>Select to open the New  Connection wizard to add a connection.</td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td><span class="style1">Rename</span></td>
+    <td>&nbsp;</td>
+    <td>Select to rename the currently selected connection.</td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td><span class="style1">Edit  Settings...</span></td>
+    <td><center>
+      <img src="../../reference/images/icon_remote_connection_edit.png" width="19" height="19">
+    </center>    </td>
+    <td><p>Select to edit the selected remote connection settings.</p></td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td><span class="style1">Delete</span></td>
+    <td><center>
+      <img src="../../reference/images/icon_remote_connection_delete.png" width="17" height="16">
+    </center>    </td>
+    <td><p>Select to delete the selected connection from the connection list.</p></td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td><span class="style1">Help for...</span></td>
+    <td><center>
+        <img src="../../reference/images/icon_remote_connection_docs.png" width="19" height="17">
+    </center></td>
+    <td>Select to open the Help view for connection information.</td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td><span class="style1">Make Current</span></td>
+    <td>&nbsp;</td>
+    <td>Make the selected connection the current connection.</td>
+  </tr>
+<h5>Related references</h5>
+  <li><a href="wnd_on_device_setup.htm">On-Device Connections</a><a href="wnd_on_device_setup.htm"></a></li>
+  <li><a href="wnd_new_conn_install_tab.htm">Install latest CODA</a></li>
+  <li><a href="../../tasks/trk/trk_plug_n_play_01.htm">Plug-n-Play CODA Setup</a></li>
+<div id="footer">Copyright &copy; 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). All rights reserved. <br>License: <a href=""></a></div>
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+<title>Install Remote Agents pane</title>
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+<h2>Install Remote Agents</h2>
+<p>Use  the <strong>Install Remote Agents</strong> pane to select the latest remote agent version  to download and install to the device. </p>
+<p align="center"><img src="../../reference/images/tab_new_conn_install_agent.png" width="525" height="576"></p>
+<p class="figure">Figure 2 - New Connection wizard Install remote agents page</p>
+<p>Table 1. Install Remote Agents pane</p>
+<table width="100%"  border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
+  <tr>
+    <th width="30%" scope="col">Item</th>
+    <th width="59%" scope="col">Explanation</th>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td><strong>Install remote agents</strong></td>
+    <td><p>A list of the most current versions of remote agents sorted by SDK and version. Select the version most compatable with the device. For example, a device running S60 5.0 needs a version of the CODA software compiled for that SDK. </p>
+        <p>Additional information about the selected entry is displayed to the right to help you choose the correct version of CODA for the target device. </p></td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td><strong>Save</strong></td>
+    <td>Click <strong>Save</strong> to store a local copy of the currently selected CODA to disk. You can then manually install the file to your devices using the method of your choice. </td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td><strong>Install</strong></td>
+    <td><p>Click <strong>Install</strong> to download and install the CODA selected in the Install remote agents list. A progress bar is shown if the install operation requires more than a few seconds to complete. </p>
+      <p class="note"><b>NOTE</b> Drivers installed by PC Suite or Ovi Suite are required in order for Install to download a remote agent onto the target device.</p>
+    <p class="note"><strong>NOTE</strong> The SIS and SISX file types must be associated with an installer application like Nokia PC Suite or Ovi Suite in order to install them onto the device. Use the Save command above to perform a manual install to the device if you don't have an installer application. </p></td>
+  </tr>
+<h5>Related references</h5>
+  <li><a href="wnd_on_device_setup.htm">On-Device Connections</a></li>
+  <li><a href="wnd_new_connection_wizard.htm">Setup Connection</a></li>
+  <li><a href="wnd_on_device_check_tab.htm">Test Connection</a></li>
+<div id="footer">Copyright &copy; 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). All rights reserved. <br>
+  License: <a href=""></a></div>
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+<body >
+<h2>Install Remote Agents pane</h2>
+<p>Use  the <strong>Install Remote Agents</strong> pane to select the latest remote agent version  to download and install to the device. </p>
+<p align="center"><img src="../../reference/images/tab_new_conn_install_agent.png" alt="" width="525" height="576"></p>
+<p class="figure">Figure 2 - New Connection wizard Serial Connection Settings page</p>
+<p>Table 3. Serial Connection Setting page - Install Remote Agents tab</p>
+<table width="100%"  border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
+  <tr>
+    <th width="30%" scope="col">Item</th>
+    <th width="59%" scope="col">Explanation</th>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td><strong>Install Remote Agents</strong></td>
+    <td><p>A list of the most current versions of remote agents sorted by SDK and version. Select the version most compatable with the device. For example, a device running S60 3.1.0 needs a version of the CODA software compiled for that SDK. </p>
+        <p>Additional information about the selected entry is displayed to the right to help you choose the correct version of CODA for the target device. </p></td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td><strong>Save</strong></td>
+    <td>Click <strong>Save</strong> to store a local copy of the currently selected CODA to disk. You can then manually install the file to your devices using the method of your choice. </td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td><strong>Install</strong></td>
+    <td><p>Click <strong>Install</strong> to download and install the CODA selected in the Install latest CODA list. A progress bar is shown if the install operation requires more than a few seconds to complete. </p>
+        <p class="note"><strong>NOTE</strong> The SIS and SISX file types must be associated with an installer application like Nokia PC Suite in order to install them onto the device. Use the Save command above to perform a manual install to the device if you don't have an installer application. </p></td>
+  </tr>
+<h5>Related references</h5>
+  <li><a href="wnd_on_device_setup.htm">On-Device Connections</a></li>
+  <li><a href="wnd_on_device_check_tab.htm">Set Connection Settings </a></li>
+<div id="footer">Copyright &copy; 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). All rights reserved. <br>License: <a href=""></a></div>
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+<title>Adding, Editing, and Deleting Connections</title>
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+<body >
+<h2>Adding, Editing, and Deleting Connections</h2>
+<p>Use  the <strong>Remote Connections</strong> view to monitor, create, edit, or remove  common remote connection settings.</p>
+  <li><a href="#CONN_EDIT">Edit connection name and type</a></li>
+  <li><a href="#CONN_SET">Set Connection Settings pane</a></li>
+  <li><a href="#INSTALL">Install Remote Agents pane</a></li>
+<h3><strong><a name="CONN_EDIT" id="INSTALL3"></a></strong>Edit connection name and type</h3>
+<p>Use the <b>Edit connection name and type</b> page to assign a name and connection type to the new connection setup.</p>
+<p align="center"><img src="../../reference/images/wnd_new_connection_wizard_01.png" width="464" height="560"></p>
+<p class="figure">Figure 1 - New Connection wizard Edit connection name and type page</p>
+<p>Table 1. Edit connection name and type page - options</p>
+<table width="100%"  border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
+  <tr>
+    <th width="28%" scope="col">Item</th>
+    <th width="59%" scope="col">Explanation</th>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+      <td><strong>Connection Type</strong></td>
+      <td>Select the type of connection this setup will use.</td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td><strong>Connection Name</strong></td>
+    <td><p>Enter a name for the connection.</p>    </td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td><strong>Connection Settings</strong></td>
+    <td><p>Select the connection port to use for this connection setting.</p>    </td>
+  </tr>
+<h3><strong><a name="CONN_SET" id="INSTALL2"></a></strong>Set Connection Settings pane</h3>
+<p>Use  the <b>Set Connection Settings</b> pane to compare the version of remote agent installed on the device with the latest version available for Carbide. In this pane you can:</p>
+  <li>Set  the device OS used by the device and supported by the selected remote agent</li>
+  <li>Allow easy serial port selection when connecting to a device </li>
+  <li>Verify that you have the latest remote agent installed on a device</li>
+<p align="center"><img src="../../reference/images/wnd_new_connection_wizard_02.png" width="464" height="560"></p>
+<p class="figure">Figure 2 - New Connection wizard Serial Connection Settings page</p>
+<p>Table 2. Serial Connection Setting page - Set Connection Settings tab</p>
+<table width="100%"  border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
+  <tr>
+    <th width="30%" scope="col">Item</th>
+    <th width="59%" scope="col">Explanation</th>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td><strong>Device OS (used to determine installer version)</strong></td>
+    <td>Select the OS used on the device.</td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td><b>Select a service to test</b></td>
+    <td>Click to select a listed service for testing.</td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td><strong>Initiate Service Testing</strong></td>
+    <td><p>Click <strong>Initiate Service Testing</strong> to query the remote agent software on the device for its version number. It then compares the version number found with the latest version available for Carbide. A progress bar will appear should the Check CODA version operation requires more than a few seconds.</p>
+        <p class="note"><strong>NOTE</strong> The PC must have an internet connection to perform a remote agent version check.</p>
+      <p>Once the comparison is complete the Status text is updated with the result and further instructions as required.</p>
+      <p align="center"><img src="../../reference/images/wnd_on_device_setup_install_new_version.png" width="466" height="67"></p>
+      <p align="left">If a connection fails, the errors normally fall into these two categories: </p>
+      <ul>
+          <li><strong>connection failure</strong> - this usually indicates the chosen COM port  is not open. Try selecting a different COM port, specifically one with a name attached to it (<span class="code">COM4 - BthModem0</span>) for the type of connection you are using (USB or Bluetooth). Repeat as necessary until you get a successful response. </li>
+        <li><strong>CODA not responding</strong> - this indicates that the COM port is open but CODA is not responding. First, verify that CODA is up and running on the device. Second, CODA may be listening on a different COM port, so choose another named COM port and try again.</li>
+      </ul>
+      <p align="left">&nbsp;</p></td>
+  </tr>
+<h3><strong><a name="INSTALL" id="INSTALL"></a>Install Remote Agents</strong> pane</h3>
+<p>Use  the <strong>Install Remote Agents</strong> pane to select the latest remote agent version  to download and install to the device. </p>
+<p align="center"><img src="../../reference/images/wnd_new_connection_wizard_03.png" width="464" height="560"></p>
+<p class="figure">Figure 2 - New Connection wizard Serial Connection Settings page</p>
+<p>Table 3. Serial Connection Setting page - Install Remote Agents tab</p>
+<table width="100%"  border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
+  <tr>
+    <th width="30%" scope="col">Item</th>
+    <th width="59%" scope="col">Explanation</th>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td><strong>Install Remote Agents</strong></td>
+    <td><p>A list of the most current versions of remote agents sorted by SDK and version. Select the version most compatable with the device. For example, a device running S60 5.x needs a version of the CODA software compiled for that SDK. </p>
+        <p>Additional information about the selected entry is displayed to the right to help you choose the correct version of CODA for the target device. </p></td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td><strong>Save</strong></td>
+    <td>Click <strong>Save</strong> to store a local copy of the currently selected CODA to disk. You can then manually install the file to your devices using the method of your choice. </td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td><strong>Install</strong></td>
+    <td><p>Click <strong>Install</strong> to download and install the CODA selected in the Install latest CODA list. A progress bar is shown if the install operation requires more than a few seconds to complete. </p>
+        <p class="note"><strong>NOTE</strong> The SIS and SISX file types must be associated with an installer application like Nokia PC Suite in order to install them onto the device. Use the Save command above to perform a manual install to the device if you don't have an installer application. </p></td>
+  </tr>
+<h5>Related references</h5>
+  <li><a href="wnd_on_device_setup.htm">On-Device Connections</a></li>
+  <li><a href="wnd_new_conn_install_tab.htm">Install latest CODA</a> </li>
+<div id="footer">Copyright &copy; 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). All rights reserved. <br>License: <a href=""></a></div>
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+<title>Editing connections</title>
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+<h2>Editing connections</h2>
+<p>Use  the <strong>Remote Connections</strong> view to monitor, create, edit, or remove  common remote connection settings.</p>
+  <li><a href="#CONN_EDIT">Edit connection name and type</a></li>
+  <li><a href="#CONN_SET">Set Connection Settings pane</a></li>
+  <li><a href="#INSTALL">Install Remote Agents pane</a></li>
+<h3><strong><a name="CONN_EDIT" id="INSTALL3"></a></strong>Edit connection name and type</h3>
+<p>Use the <b>Edit connection name and type</b> page to assign a name and connection type to the new connection setup.</p>
+<p align="center"><img src="../../reference/images/tab_new_conn_setup_conn.png" width="525" height="576"></p>
+<p class="figure">Figure 1 - New Connection wizard Edit connection name and type page</p>
+<p>Table 1. Edit connection name and type page - options</p>
+<table width="100%"  border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
+  <tr>
+    <th width="28%" scope="col">Item</th>
+    <th width="59%" scope="col">Explanation</th>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+      <td><strong>Conection Type</strong></td>
+      <td>Select the type of connection this setup will use.</td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td><strong>Connetion name</strong></td>
+    <td><p>Enter a name for the connection.</p>    </td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td><strong>Supported Services</strong></td>
+    <td><p>Shows a list of services supported by the connection type chosen.</p>    </td>
+  </tr>
+<h3><strong><a name="CONN_SET" id="INSTALL2"></a></strong>Set Connection Settings pane</h3>
+<p>Use  the <b>Set Connection Settings</b> pane to compare the version of remote agent installed on the device with the latest version available for Carbide. In this pane you can:</p>
+  <li>Set  the device OS used by the device and supported by the selected remote agent</li>
+  <li>Allow easy serial port selection when connecting to a device </li>
+  <li>Verify that you have the latest remote agent installed on a device</li>
+<p align="center"><img src="../../reference/images/tab_new_conn_test_conn.png" width="525" height="576"></p>
+<p class="figure">Figure 2 - New Connection wizard Set Connection Settings tab</p>
+<p>Table 2. Bluetooth Setting page - Set Connection Settings tab</p>
+<table width="100%"  border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
+  <tr>
+    <th width="30%" scope="col">Item</th>
+    <th width="59%" scope="col">Explanation</th>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td><strong>Serial Port </strong></td>
+    <td>A dropdown list of serial ports with known identifiers for selecting the communication port used by the PC to communicate with the device. A named COM port (<span class="code">COM4 - BthModem0</span>) indicates an active port. Unnamed port numbers have usually not been opened and assigned by the PC.</td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td><b>Baud Rate</b></td>
+    <td>a dropdown list of baud rates common to serial connections.</td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td><strong>Device OS </strong></td>
+    <td><p>A dropdown list of device OSes that are supported by the remote  agent  software. Select the OS used by the device before running a check. </p></td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td><b>Select a service to test</b></td>
+    <td>Click to select a listed service for testing.</td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td><strong>Test Service Status</strong></td>
+    <td><p>Click <strong>Initiate service testing</strong> to query the remote agent software on the device for its version number. It then compares the version number found with the latest version available for Carbide. A progress bar will appear should the Check CODA version operation requires more than a few seconds.</p>
+        <p class="note"><strong>NOTE</strong> The PC must have an internet connection to perform a remote agent version check.</p>
+      <p>Once the comparison is complete the Status text is updated with the result and further instructions as required.</p>
+      <p align="center"><img src="../../reference/images/wnd_on_device_setup_install_new_version.png" width="466" height="67"></p>
+      <p align="left">If a connection fails, the errors normally fall into these two categories: </p>
+      <ul>
+          <li><strong>connection failure</strong> - this usually indicates the chosen COM port  is not open. Try selecting a different COM port, specifically one with a name attached to it (<span class="code">COM4 - BthModem0</span>) for the type of connection you are using (USB or Bluetooth). Repeat as necessary until you get a successful response. </li>
+        <li><strong>CODA not responding</strong> - this indicates that the COM port is open but CODA is not responding. First, verify that CODA is up and running on the device. Second, CODA may be listening on a different COM port, so choose another named COM port and try again.</li>
+      </ul>
+      <p align="left">&nbsp;</p></td>
+  </tr>
+<h3><strong><a name="INSTALL" id="INSTALL"></a>Install Remote Agents</strong> pane</h3>
+<p>Use  the <strong>Install Remote Agents</strong> pane to select the latest remote agent version  to download and install to the device. </p>
+<p align="center"><img src="../../reference/images/tab_new_conn_install_agent.png" width="525" height="576"></p>
+<p class="figure">Figure 2 - New Connection wizard Install remote agents tab</p>
+<p>Table 3. Bluetooth Setting page - Install Remote Agents tab</p>
+<table width="100%"  border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
+  <tr>
+    <th width="30%" scope="col">Item</th>
+    <th width="59%" scope="col">Explanation</th>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td><strong>Install remote agents</strong></td>
+    <td><p>A list of the most current versions of remote agents sorted by SDK and version. Select the version most compatable with the device. For example, a device running S60 3.1.0 needs a version of the CODA software compiled for that SDK. </p>
+        <p>Additional information about the selected entry is displayed to the right to help you choose the correct version of CODA for the target device. </p></td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td><strong>Save</strong></td>
+    <td>Click <strong>Save</strong> to store a local copy of the currently selected CODA to disk. You can then manually install the file to your devices using the method of your choice. </td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td><strong>Install</strong></td>
+    <td><p>Click <strong>Install</strong> to download and install the CODA selected in the Install latest CODA list. A progress bar is shown if the install operation requires more than a few seconds to complete. </p>
+        <p class="note"><strong>NOTE</strong> The SIS and SISX file types must be associated with an installer application like Nokia PC Suite in order to install them onto the device. Use the Save command above to perform a manual install to the device if you don't have an installer application. </p></td>
+  </tr>
+<h5>Related references</h5>
+  <li><a href="wnd_on_device_setup.htm">On-Device Connections</a></li>
+  <li><a href="wnd_new_conn_install_tab.htm">Install latest CODA</a> </li>
+<div id="footer">Copyright &copy; 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). All rights reserved. <br>License: <a href=""></a></div>
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+<h2>Setup Connection</h2>
+<p>Use the <b>Edit Connection</b> page to assign a connection type, name, and connection settings to the new connection setup.</p>
+<p align="center"><img src="../../reference/images/tab_new_conn_setup_conn.png" width="525" height="576"></p>
+<p class="figure">Figure 1 - New Connection wizard Setup Connection tab</p>
+<p>Table 1. Setup Connection page - options</p>
+<table width="100%"  border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
+  <tr>
+    <th width="28%" scope="col">Item</th>
+    <th width="59%" scope="col">Explanation</th>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td><strong>Connection Type</strong></td>
+    <td><p>Select the type of connection and its supported services from the drop down list of options. The types of connections include:</p>
+      <ul>
+        <li>Bluetooth - serial port connection through Bluetooth</li>
+        <li>Serial - serial port connection through a COM serial port</li>
+        <li>USB - serial port connection through USB that  supports CODA 4.x</li>
+      </ul>
+      <p>And the supported services may include:</p>
+      <ul>
+        <li>CODA</li>
+        <li>Tracing</li>
+        <li>and others</li>
+    </ul></td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td><strong>Connection Name</strong></td>
+    <td><p>Enter a name for the connection.</p>    </td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td><strong>Connection Settings</strong></td>
+    <td><p>Shows a list of services supported by the connection type chosen.</p>
+      <ul>
+        <li>Bluetooth - serial port connection through Bluetooth</li>
+        <li>Serial - serial port connection through a COM serial port</li>
+        <li>USB - serial port connection through USB that  supports CODA 4.x</li>
+    </ul></td>
+  </tr>
+<h5>Related references</h5>
+  <li><a href="wnd_on_device_setup.htm">On-Device Connections</a></li>
+  <li><a href="wnd_on_device_check_tab.htm">Test Connection</a></li>
+  <li><a href="wnd_new_conn_install_tab.htm">Install Remote Agents</a></li>
+<div id="footer">Copyright &copy; 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). All rights reserved. <br>License: <a href=""></a></div>
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+<title>Test Connection</title>
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+<h2>Test Connection</h2>
+<p>Use  the <b>Set Connection Settings</b> pane to compare the version of remote service installed on the device with the latest version available for Carbide. A remote service is any software on the device that can communicate with Carbide. This includes CODA (Carbide On-device Debug Agent), Trace, Performance Investigator, and other services. In this pane you can:</p>
+<ul><li>Set  the device OS used by the device and supported by the remote service</li>
+  <li>Verify that Carbide can communicate with the remote service via the chosen connection setting</li>
+  <li>Verify that you have the latest version of the remote service  installed on the device</li>
+<p>Options presented may differ based on the type of connection setting  chosen.</p>
+<p align="center"><img src="../../reference/images/tab_new_conn_test_conn.png" width="525" height="576"></p>
+<p class="figure">Figure 1 - Test Connection  pane in the New Connection dialog </p>
+<h5>Table 1<span class="figure"> Test Connection </span> pane &mdash; items</h5>
+<table width="100%"  border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
+  <tr>
+    <th width="29%" scope="col">Item</th>
+    <th width="57%" scope="col">Explanation</th>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td><strong>Device OS (used to determine installer version)</strong></td>
+    <td><p>A dropdown list of device OSes that are supported by  CODA. Select the OS used by the device before running a check. </p>    </td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td><strong>Select a service to test</strong></td>
+    <td>Select the remote service type to query on the remote device.</td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td><b>Initiate service testing</b></td>
+    <td><p>Click <b>Initiate service testing</b> to query the  remote software on the device for its version number. It then compares the version number found with the latest version available for Carbide. A progress bar will appear when the operation requires more than a few seconds.</p>
+      <p class="note"><strong>NOTE</strong> The PC must have an internet connection to perform a remote service version check.</p>
+      <p>Once the comparison is complete the Status text is updated with the result and further instructions as required.</p>
+      <p align="center"><img src="../../reference/images/wnd_on_device_setup_install_new_version.png" width="466" height="67"></p>
+      <p align="left">If a connection fails, the errors normally fall into these two categories: </p>
+      <ul>
+        <li><strong>connection failure</strong> - this usually indicates the chosen COM port  is not open. Try selecting a different COM port, specifically one with a name attached to it (<span class="code">COM4 - BthModem0</span>) for the type of connection you are using (USB or Bluetooth). Repeat as necessary until you get a successful response. </li>
+        <li><strong>Service not responding</strong> - this indicates that the COM port is open but the remote service is not responding. First, verify that remote service is up and running on the device. Second, the remote service may be listening on a different COM port, so choose another named COM port and try again.</li>
+      </ul>      </td>
+  </tr>
+<h5>Related references</h5>
+  <li><a href="wnd_on_device_setup.htm">On-Device Connections</a></li>
+  <li><a href="wnd_new_connection_wizard.htm">Setup Connection</a></li>
+  <li><a href="wnd_on_device_check_tab.htm">Install Remote Agents</a></li>
+<div id="footer">Copyright &copy; 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). All rights reserved. <br>
+  License: <a href=""></a></div>
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+<body >
+<h2>On-Device Connections </h2>
+<p>Use the <strong>New Connection</strong> wizard to verify and update Carbide software services on a device. Click the <strong>New Connection...</strong> icon (<img src="../../reference/images/icon_remote_connection_new.png" alt="New Connection icon" width="18" height="17" align="absmiddle">) in the <a href="view_remote_connection.htm">Remote Connections</a> view toolbar  to open. Current services available include CODA, Tracing, and others. The following tabs are present:</p>
+  <li><a href="wnd_new_connection_wizard.htm">Setup Connection</a> - define connection type, name and settings</li>
+  <li><a href="#CONN_SET">Test Connection</a> - verify connection operates as intended</li>
+  <li><a href="wnd_new_conn_install_tab.htm">Install	Remote Agents</a> - download and install remote agents</li>
+<p align="center"><img src="../../reference/images/tab_new_conn_setup_conn.png" width="525" height="576"></p>
+<p class="figure">Figure 1 - New Connection dialog</p>
+<h5>Related references</h5>
+  <li><a href="wnd_new_connection_wizard.htm">Setup Connection</a></li>
+  <li><a href="wnd_on_device_check_tab.htm">Test Connection</a></li>
+  <li><a href="wnd_new_conn_install_tab.htm">Install Remote Agents</a></li>
+<div id="footer">Copyright &copy; 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). All rights reserved. <br>
+  License: <a href=""></a></div>
--- a/core/	Sat Oct 02 12:36:21 2010 -0500
+++ b/core/	Wed Oct 06 10:31:32 2010 -0500
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
     <li><a href="new_proj_from_template_02.htm">Building</a> an executable based on the project sources</li>
     <li><a href="new_proj_dll_example_03.htm">Debugging</a> the DLL using  the Carbide debugger</li>
-<p class="note"><b>NOTE</b> There must be at least one recognized SDK installed before you can create a project. See the <a href="../../reference/pref_carb_symbian_sdk.htm">Symbian SDKs</a> preference panel to determine if the installed SDKs are recognized by Carbide.c++ IDE. If the SDK you have installed is not recognized, you may still be able to <a href="../../tasks/sdks/sdk_add.htm">add</a> it to the Discovered Symbian OS SDK list.</p>
+<p class="note"><b>NOTE</b> There must be at least one recognized SDK installed before you can create a project. See the <a href="../../reference/pref_carb_symbian_sdk.htm">Symbian SDKs</a> preference panel to determine if the installed SDKs are recognized by Carbide.c++ IDE. If the SDK you have installed is not recognized, you may still be able to <a href="../../tasks/sdks/sdk_add.htm">add</a> it to the Discovered Symbian SDK list.</p>
 <h4>Other references</h4>
     <li><a href="new_proj_from_template_00.htm">Emulator Application Projects</a></li>
--- a/core/	Sat Oct 02 12:36:21 2010 -0500
+++ b/core/	Wed Oct 06 10:31:32 2010 -0500
@@ -15,20 +15,20 @@
     <li><a href="new_proj_dll_example_02.htm">Building</a> the DLL object code based on the project sources</li>
     <li><a href="new_proj_dll_example_03.htm">Debugging</a> the DLL using  the Carbide debugger</li>
-<p class="note"><b>NOTE</b> There must be at least one recognized SDK installed before you can create a project. See the <a href="../../reference/pref_carb_symbian_sdk.htm">Symbian SDKs</a>preference panel to determine if the installed SDKs are recognized by Carbide.c++ IDE. If the SDK you have installed is not recognized, you may still be able to <a href="../../sdks/sdk_add.htm">add</a> it to the Discovered Symbian OS SDK list.</p>
+<p class="note"><b>NOTE</b> There must be at least one recognized SDK installed before you can create a project. See the <a href="../../reference/pref_carb_symbian_sdk.htm">Symbian SDKs</a>preference panel to determine if the installed SDKs are recognized by Carbide.c++ IDE. If the SDK you have installed is not recognized, you may still be able to <a href="../../sdks/sdk_add.htm">add</a> it to the Discovered Symbian SDK list.</p>
-<p>In this tutorial you'll create a simple DLL project using the <strong>New Symbian OS C++ Project</strong> wizard, attach it to the HelloWorld project created <a href="new_proj_from_template_00.htm">here</a>, then debug it.</p>
+<p>In this tutorial you'll create a simple DLL project using the <strong>New Symbian C++ Project</strong> wizard, attach it to the HelloWorld project created <a href="new_proj_from_template_00.htm">here</a>, then debug it.</p>
 <div class="step">
     <h4><strong></strong>Creating a DLL project from a template</h4>
-        <li>Click the <strong>File &gt; New &gt; Symbian OS C++ Project</strong> menu option.<br />
-                <p>The <strong>New Symbian OS C++ Project</strong> window appears to guide you through project creation process.</p>
+        <li>Click the <strong>File &gt; New &gt; Symbian C++ Project</strong> menu option.<br />
+                <p>The <strong>New Symbian C++ Project</strong> window appears to guide you through project creation process.</p>
             <p><img src="../images/new_dll_project_02.png" alt="New DLL project" width="525" height="503"></p>
         <li>Select a template from the available options, then click <strong>Next</strong>.<br />
-                <p>Select the template for the type of project you want to create. For this example we chose the <strong>Generic Symbian OS > Baisc dynamically linked library (DLL)</strong> template. Note that as you select a template a brief description appears below the list explaining it attributes.</p>
+                <p>Select the template for the type of project you want to create. For this example we chose the <strong>Generic Symbian > Baisc dynamically linked library (DLL)</strong> template. Note that as you select a template a brief description appears below the list explaining it attributes.</p>
-        <li>Use the <strong>New Symbian OS C++ Project</strong> page to define the project name and build system.<br />
+        <li>Use the <strong>New Symbian C++ Project</strong> page to define the project name and build system.<br />
                 <p><img src="../images/new_dll_project_03.png" alt="New Symbian OS C++ Project page" width="525" height="503"></p>
             <ol type="a">
                     <li>Type a name into the <strong>Project name</strong> text box.<br />
@@ -43,14 +43,14 @@
                 <li>Click <strong>Next</strong>.</li>
-        <li>In the Symbian OS SDKs page, select the SDK and build configurations for the project.<br />
+        <li>In the Symbian SDKs page, select the SDK and build configurations for the project.<br />
             <p>Here you can select from any SDK that is both installed and recognized by Carbide. If the SDK supports several build configurations (GCCE, RVCT, etc.) then you can pick and choose among them for your project.</p>
         	<p><img src="../images/new_dll_project_04.png" alt="Symbian OS SDKs page" width="573" height="550"></p>
         <li>(Optional) Click Next to provide Basic Settings like author, copyright and other info for your project.</li>
         <li>(Optional) Click Next to rename the Project Directories used to organize the project.</li>
         <li>Click Finish.<br>
-            <p>Carbide uses the selected project template and your settings to create the DLL project in the <a href="../../reference/view_proj_explorer.htm">Project Explorer</a> view.</p>
+            <p>Carbide uses the selected project template and your settings to create the DLL project in the <a href="../views/view_proj_explorer.htm">Project Explorer</a> view.</p>
             <p><img src="../images/new_dll_project_07.png" alt="DLL project in Project Explorer view"></p>
--- a/core/	Sat Oct 02 12:36:21 2010 -0500
+++ b/core/	Wed Oct 06 10:31:32 2010 -0500
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
-        <p>Once compiling is complete use the <a href="../../reference/view_proj_explorer.htm">Project Explorer</a>, <a href="../../reference/pref_carb_symbian_sdk.htm">Problems</a>, <a href="../../reference/view_console.htm">Console</a>, and <a href="../../reference/view_executables.htm">Executables</a> views to locate and resolve any problems generated during the build. See Step 2 <a href="new_proj_from_template_02.htm">here</a> for more details.</p>
+        <p>Once compiling is complete use the <a href="../views/view_proj_explorer.htm">Project Explorer</a>, <a href="../../reference/pref_carb_symbian_sdk.htm">Problems</a>, <a href="../views/view_console.htm">Console</a>, and <a href="../views/view_executables.htm">Executables</a> views to locate and resolve any problems generated during the build. See Step 2 <a href="new_proj_from_template_02.htm">here</a> for more details.</p>
         <p><img src="../images/dll_build_project.png" alt="Project Explorer showing DLL project" width="257" height="281"></p>
--- a/core/	Sat Oct 02 12:36:21 2010 -0500
+++ b/core/	Wed Oct 06 10:31:32 2010 -0500
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
     <li><a href="new_proj_from_template_03.htm">Defining</a> a launch configuration for running or debugging the application</li>
     <li><a href="new_proj_from_template_04.htm">Controlling and debugging</a> the running program using  the Carbide debugger</li>
-<p class="note"><b>NOTE</b> There must be at least one recognized SDK installed before you can create a project. See the <a href="../../reference/pref_carb_symbian_sdk.htm">Symbian SDKs</a>preference panel to determine if the installed SDKs are recognized by Carbide.c++ IDE. If the SDK you have installed is not recognized, you may still be able to <a href="../../sdks/sdk_add.htm">add</a> it to the Discovered Symbian OS SDK list.</p>
+<p class="note"><b>NOTE</b> There must be at least one recognized SDK installed before you can create a project. See the <a href="../../reference/pref_carb_symbian_sdk.htm">Symbian SDKs</a>preference panel to determine if the installed SDKs are recognized by Carbide.c++ IDE. If the SDK you have installed is not recognized, you may still be able to <a href="../../sdks/sdk_add.htm">add</a> it to the Discovered Symbian SDK list.</p>
 <h4>Other references</h4>
 <ul><li><a href="new_proj_from_template_00.htm">DLL Projects</a></li>
     <li><a href="run_mode_debug_example_00.htm">Remote Target Debugging (Run-mode)</a></li>
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 <div class="step">
     <h4><strong></strong>Creating projects from a template</h4>
-        <li>Click the <strong>File &gt; New &gt; Symbian OS C++ Project</strong> menu option.<br />
-        	<p>The <strong>New Symbian OS C++ Project</strong> window appears to guide you through project creation process.</p>
+        <li>Click the <strong>File &gt; New &gt; Symbian C++ Project</strong> menu option.<br />
+        	<p>The <strong>New Symbian C++ Project</strong> window appears to guide you through project creation process.</p>
             <p><img src="../images/new_project_template_01.png" alt="New Symbian OS C++ Project window" width="525" height="503"></p>
         <li>Select a template from the available options, then click <strong>Next</strong>.<br />
         	<p>Select the template for the type of project you want to create. For this example we chose the <strong>S60 > GUI Application</strong> template. Note that as you select a template a brief description appears below the list explaining it attributes.</p>
-        <li>Use the <strong>New Symbian OS C++ Project</strong> page to define the project name and build system.<br />
+        <li>Use the <strong>New Symbian C++ Project</strong> page to define the project name and build system.<br />
         	<p><img src="../images/new_project_template_02.png" width="525" height="503"></p>
             <ol type="a">
                 <li>Type a name into the <strong>Project name</strong> text box.<br />
@@ -43,13 +43,13 @@
                 <li>Click <strong>Next</strong>.</li>
-        <li>In the Symbian OS SDKs page, select the SDK and build configurations for the project.<br />
+        <li>In the Symbian SDKs page, select the SDK and build configurations for the project.<br />
         	<p>Here you can select from any SDK that is both installed and recognized by Carbide. If the SDK supports several build configurations (GCCE, RVCT, etc.) then you can pick and choose among them for your project.</p>
         <li>(Optional) Click Next to provide Basic Settings like author, copyright and other info for your project.</li>
         <li>(Optional) Click Next to rename the Project Directories used to organize the project.</li>
         <li>Click Finish.<br>
-            <p>Carbide uses the selected project template and your settings to create a new project in the <a href="../../reference/view_proj_explorer.htm">Project Explorer</a> view.</p>
+            <p>Carbide uses the selected project template and your settings to create a new project in the <a href="../views/view_proj_explorer.htm">Project Explorer</a> view.</p>
--- a/core/	Sat Oct 02 12:36:21 2010 -0500
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 <p><strong></strong>Once you have a project in hand, the next thing to do is compile or build it into object code.</p>
 <p>Building projects consists of a sbs or abld-based build system that wraps build functionality around existing SDK build tools that invoke <span class="code">makmake</span> commands (e.g. <span class="code">makmake bldfiles</span> and <span class="code">sbs build</span>).</p>
-<p> The plug-ins provide extra functionality to set up suitable build configurations for Symbian OS C++ projects.  The initial selection of a build configuration is done when you create a project, as described in <a href="new_proj_from_template_01.htm">Creating New Projects from Templates</a>. You can later <a href="../../tasks/projects/prj_set_build_tgt.htm">change</a> the Active Build Configuration. The Build Configurations also provides a command (<b>Project &gt; <a href="../../reference/menus/build_all_targets.htm">Build All Configurations</a></b>) to build all the selected build configurations in a batch.</p>
-<p> Building Symbian OS C++ projects can involve the use of Symbian OS specific tools, such as the Symbian OS resource compiler. For detailed information on such tools, see the documentation for the SDK that you are using.</p>
+<p> The plug-ins provide extra functionality to set up suitable build configurations for Symbian C++ projects.  The initial selection of a build configuration is done when you create a project, as described in <a href="new_proj_from_template_01.htm">Creating New Projects from Templates</a>. You can later <a href="../../tasks/projects/prj_set_build_tgt.htm">change</a> the Active Build Configuration. The Build Configurations also provides a command (<b>Project &gt; <a href="../../reference/menus/build_all_targets.htm">Build All Configurations</a></b>) to build all the selected build configurations in a batch.</p>
+<p> Building Symbian C++ projects can involve the use of Symbian specific tools, such as the Symbian resource compiler. For detailed information on such tools, see the documentation for the SDK that you are using.</p>
 <p>You build  projects to process the source files that comprise a program and
     generate object code. The compiler flags syntax errors in the source files. Use the <a href="../../reference/ProjectPreferences.html">Properties for &lt;project_name&gt; </a> window to control how the project is built. The following methods build a project:</p>
@@ -45,14 +45,14 @@
-        <p>Choosing any of the above actions causes Carbide to build the selected project. A <strong>Build Project</strong> dialog  (below) and a progress bar appear during a lengthy build operation. All build output  is shown in a <a href="../../reference/view_console.htm">Console</a> view while build errors and warnings appear in the Problems view.</p>
+        <p>Choosing any of the above actions causes Carbide to build the selected project. A <strong>Build Project</strong> dialog  (below) and a progress bar appear during a lengthy build operation. All build output  is shown in a <a href="../views/view_console.htm">Console</a> view while build errors and warnings appear in the Problems view.</p>
         <p align="left"><img src="../images/dlg_build_project_progress.png" alt="Build Project progress dialog" width="532" height="233"></p>
         <p>Whether a full build or incremental build is requested, Carbide forwards the request to the SDK make system. The SDK make system determines if anything needs to be
             built. Carbide  always checks that makefiles are up-to-date and
             dependencies present.</p>
         <p>The project is also built if you make a change to it and then click <b>Debug</b>. It may be useful to automatically save modified resources before a manual build process by enabling the <b>Save automatically before build</b> option in the <b>Window &gt; Preferences &gt; General &gt;</b> <img src="../../images/command_link.png" width="16" height="12"> <a class="command-link" href='javascript:executeCommand("org.eclipse.ui.window.preferences(preferencePageId=org.eclipse.ui.preferencePages.Workbench)")'> Workspace</a> preference panel. </p>
         <p class="note"><b>NOTE</b> If you want to turn off building before launching, uncheck the <b>Build (if required) before launching</b> option in the <b>Window &gt; Preferences &gt; Run/Debug &gt;<img src="../../images/command_link.png" width="16" height="12"> <a class="command-link" href='javascript:executeCommand("org.eclipse.ui.window.preferences(preferencePageId=org.eclipse.debug.ui.LaunchingPreferencePage)")'> Launching</a></b> preference panel.</p>
-        <p>When performing a build, output is displayed in the <a href="../../reference/view_console.htm">Console</a> view. If you do not want to clear the console before each build you need to uncheck the option <b>Always clear console before building</b> in the <b> Console</b> panel. This option is enabled by default. You can access this panel by selecting <b>Window &gt; Preferences &gt; C/C++ &gt; Build &gt;<img src="../../images/command_link.png" width="16" height="12"> <a class="command-link" href='javascript:executeCommand("org.eclipse.ui.window.preferences(preferencePageId=org.eclipse.cdt.ui.preferneces.CBuildConsolePreferernces)")'> Console</a></b> preference panel (below).</p>
+        <p>When performing a build, output is displayed in the <a href="../views/view_console.htm">Console</a> view. If you do not want to clear the console before each build you need to uncheck the option <b>Always clear console before building</b> in the <b> Console</b> panel. This option is enabled by default. You can access this panel by selecting <b>Window &gt; Preferences &gt; C/C++ &gt; Build &gt;<img src="../../images/command_link.png" width="16" height="12"> <a class="command-link" href='javascript:executeCommand("org.eclipse.ui.window.preferences(preferencePageId=org.eclipse.cdt.ui.preferneces.CBuildConsolePreferernces)")'> Console</a></b> preference panel (below).</p>
         <p align="left"><img src="../images/pref_cdt_build_console.png" alt="Console preference panel" width="635" height="554"></p>
         <p>Not clearing the console is useful when you are performing multiple builds, such as a regular project build, building a project package (.pkg) file, and building a ROM image. For example, if you do not clear the console before each build, then a subsequent build will not overwrite information from a previous build.</p>
@@ -73,11 +73,11 @@
                	    <p><img src="../images/new_build_project_problems_view.png" alt="Executables view" width="797" height="210"></p>
                 <li>Examine the Console view for more specific details on  an error or warning message<br />
-                    <p>Use the <a href="../../reference/view_console.htm">Console</a> view to see where a specific problem occured during the build.</p>
+                    <p>Use the <a href="../views/view_console.htm">Console</a> view to see where a specific problem occured during the build.</p>
                	    <p><img src="../images/new_build_project_console_view.png" alt="Executables view" width="797" height="210"></p>
                 <li>Examine the Executables view for  missing source files<br />
-                    <p>Use the <a href="../../reference/view_executables.htm">Executables</a> view to see what source files were used during the build. Sources shown in gray are those Carbide cannot find. Missing sources in an SDK not built on your machine are common, but missing sources that you created can be resolved.</p>
+                    <p>Use the <a href="../views/view_executables.htm">Executables</a> view to see what source files were used during the build. Sources shown in gray are those Carbide cannot find. Missing sources in an SDK not built on your machine are common, but missing sources that you created can be resolved.</p>
                	    <p><img src="../images/new_build_project_executables_view.png" alt="Executables view" width="713" height="210"></p>
--- a/core/	Sat Oct 02 12:36:21 2010 -0500
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 <body >
 <h2>Configure project for debugging</h2>
-<p>In this example we demonstrate how to debug applications on a remote device using the Symbian OS Device (Install SIS) remote debug agent. This enables you to test  programs on the actual device it will operate on while observing its behavior using the Carbide debugger. The steps to do this include:</p>
+<p>In this example we demonstrate how to debug applications on a remote device using the Symbian Device (Install SIS) remote debug agent. This enables you to test  programs on the actual device it will operate on while observing its behavior using the Carbide debugger. The steps to do this include:</p>
     <li><a href="run_mode_debug_example_01.htm">Connect</a> target device to PC</li>
     <li><a href="../trk/trk_installation_instr.htm">Install </a>CODA remote agent (v3.2.7) or later on the target device</li>
--- a/core/	Sat Oct 02 12:36:21 2010 -0500
+++ b/core/	Wed Oct 06 10:31:32 2010 -0500
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 <body >
 <h2>Debug project on target device</h2>
-<p>In this example we demonstrate how to debug applications on a remote device using the Symbian OS Device (Install SIS) remote debug agent. This enables you to test  programs on the actual device it will operate on while observing its behavior using the Carbide debugger. The steps to do this include:</p>
+<p>In this example we demonstrate how to debug applications on a remote device using the Symbian Device (Install SIS) remote debug agent. This enables you to test  programs on the actual device it will operate on while observing its behavior using the Carbide debugger. The steps to do this include:</p>
     <li><a href="run_mode_debug_example_01.htm">Connect</a> target device to PC</li>
     <li><a href="run_mode_debug_example_02.htm">Install</a> CODA remote agent (v3.2.7) or later on the target device</li>
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+<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"><html><head>
+<title>Carbide.c++ perspective</title>
+<link rel="StyleSheet" href="../../../book.css" type="text/css"/>
+   <body>
+     <h2>Carbide.c++ perspective</h2>
+	 <p>
+	 The <img src="../../images/command_link.png" width="16" height="12" /> <a class="command-link" href='javascript:executeCommand("org.eclipse.ui.perspectives.showPerspective(")'>Carbide C/C++</a> perspective is a set of tools and layout of views provided for Symbian development. This perspective is designed to work with Symbian C++ projects. The commonly used views include:</p>
+	 <ul>
+	   <li><a href="view_proj_explorer.htm">Project Explorer</a> view -   display<span><span>s   C/C++ projects located in the current workspace</span></span></li>
+	   <li><a href="view_sym_proj_nav.htm">Symbian Project Navigator</a> view - shows all files that belong to the
+		  current build configuration </li>
+		<li><a href="../../hints_tips.htm">Editor</a> view - one or more source code editor windows </li> 
+	    <li><a href="../../concepts/PLUGINS_ROOT/org.eclipse.cdt.doc.user/reference/cdt_u_outline_view.htm">Outline</a> view -   displays an outline of a structured C/C++ file that is currently open in the editor view </li>
+	    <li><a href="view_carbide_portal.htm">Carbide.c++ Portal</a> editor - provides Carbide news,  release information, additional extensions, and support options</li>
+	    <li><a href="../../concepts/PLUGINS_ROOT/org.eclipse.cdt.doc.user/reference/cdt_u_problems_view.htm">Problems</a> view - displays build errors </li>
+		<li><a href="view_console.htm">Console</a> view -   shows the output of a process and allows you to provide keyboard input to a 
+        <li><a href="view_executables.htm">Executables</a> view - provides a dynamic list of executables and their related source files</li>
+	    <li><a href="../remote_conn/view_remote_connection.htm">Remote Connections</a> view &ndash; use to monitor, create, edit, or remove  common  connection settings</li>
+	 </ul>
+   <p align="center"><img src="../images/perspective_carbide.png" alt="Carbide.c++ perspective" width="955" height="675"></p>
+   <p class="figure">Figure 1 - Carbide C/C++ perspective </p>
+	 <p class="note"><b>NOTE</b> Click the <img src="../../images/icons/double_arrow_icon.png" width="12" height="9" /> icon to show additional options that may not be visible in the perspective view.</p>
+   <p>For more information on perspectives see <b>Workbench User Guide &gt; Concepts &gt; <a href="../../concepts/PLUGINS_ROOT/org.eclipse.platform.doc.user/concepts/concepts-4.htm">Perspectives</a></b>, and for views see  <b>C/C++ Development User Guide &gt; Reference
+     &gt; <a href="../../concepts/PLUGINS_ROOT/org.eclipse.cdt.doc.user/reference/cdt_o_views.htm">C/C++ Views and Editors</a></b>.</p>
+	 <p>
+		For more details on the Symbian Build Configurations, see 
+	 <a href="../../concepts/build_configurations.htm">Active Configurations</a>. </p>
+	 <h5>Related references</h5>
+	 <ul>
+	   <li>  <a href="../../reference/perspective_debug.htm">Debug	Perspective</a></li>
+       <li><a href="view_proj_explorer.htm">Project Explorer</a> view</li>
+       <li><a href="view_sym_proj_nav.htm">Symbian Project Navigator</a> view </li>
+   </ul>
+	 <div id="footer">Copyright &copy; 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). All rights reserved. <br>License: <a href=""></a></div>
+   </body>
+   </html>
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+<title>Carbide.c++ Portal  view</title>
+<link rel="StyleSheet" href="../../../book.css" type="text/css"/>
+<body >
+<h2>Carbide.c++ Portal  view</h2>
+<p>The <strong>Carbide.c++ Portal</strong>  view provides a single point of information on Carbide news, new releases, additional extensions, and support. The<strong> Carbide.c++ Portal</strong><strong> </strong>view is shown by clicking <strong>Help &gt; Carbide.c++ Portal</strong>.</p>
+<p align="center"><img src="../../reference/images/view_carbide_portal.png" width="840" height="548"></p>
+<p class="figure">Figure 1. Customize page in the Carbide.c++ Portal view</p>
+<p>If the <b>Show Installed</b> option is checkmarked, the list only shows the extensions  currently installed. To show more information on a specific extension click the <img src="../../reference/images/icon_show_overview.png" alt="Show Overview icon" width="18" height="18" align="absmiddle"> (Show Overview) icon (Figure 2).</p>
+<p align="center"><img src="../../reference/images/view_show_overview_popup.png" width="748" height="349"></p>
+<p class="figure">Figure 2. Extension information popup </p>
+<h2>Install section</h2>
+<p>The Install section provides options for installing additional Carbide extensions.</p>
+<h5>Table 1. Install options </h5>
+<table width="83%"  border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
+    <tr>
+        <th width="29%" scope="col">Item</th>
+        <th width="63%" scope="col">Explanation</th>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+        <td><b>Install...</b></td>
+        <td>Installs only the checked items in the extension list.</td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+        <td><b>Refresh</b></td>
+        <td><p>Refreshes the plug-in list.</p></td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+        <td><strong>Select all</strong></td>
+        <td>Marks all extensions for installation.</td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+        <td><strong>Deselect all</strong></td>
+        <td>Unchecks all extensions to prevent installation.</td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+        <td><strong>Advanced install...</strong></td>
+        <td>Launches the <strong>Install New Software</strong> wizard.</td>
+    </tr>
+<h2>Migrate section</h2>
+<p>The Migrate section provides options for saving or restoring the custom settings.</p>
+<h5>Table 2. Migrate options </h5>
+<table width="83%"  border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
+    <tr>
+        <th width="29%" scope="col">Item</th>
+        <th width="63%" scope="col">Explanation</th>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+        <td><b>Export...</b></td>
+        <td>Click to export the current feature configuration.</td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+        <td><b>Import...</b></td>
+        <td><p>Click to import a saved feature configuration settings file.</p></td>
+    </tr>
+<h2>Settings section  </h2>
+<p>The Settings section provides access to several common ways to customize the Carbide program.</p>
+<h5>Table 3. Settings options </h5>
+<table width="83%"  border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
+    <tr>
+        <th width="29%" scope="col">Item</th>
+        <th width="63%" scope="col">Explanation</th>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+        <td><b>Capabilities</b></td>
+        <td>Click to open the <b>Capabilities</b> preference panel where you can control which product components.</td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+        <td><b>Code Style</b></td>
+        <td>Click to open the <b>Code Style</b> preference panel to customize the C/C++ editor appearance and behavior.</td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+        <td><b>Key Bindings</b></td>
+        <td>Click to open the <b>Keys</b> preference panel to customize program key bindings.</td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+        <td><b>Proxies</b></td>
+        <td>Click to open the <b>Network Connections</b> preference panel to change proxy settings.</td>
+    </tr>
+<h5>Related references </h5>
+  <li><a href="perspective_carbide.htm">Carbide C/C++ perspective</a></li>
+  <li><a href="../../tasks/installing_extensions.htm">Installing Extensions</a></li>
+<div id="footer">Copyright &copy; 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). All rights reserved. <br>
+  License: <a href=""></a></div>
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+<meta name="LASTUPDATED" content="06/17/05 11:09:43" />
+<title>Console View</title>
+<link rel="StyleSheet" href="../../../book.css" type="text/css"/>
+<body >
+<h2>Console view </h2>
+<p>The <b>Console</b> view display<span><span>s the output of a process and allows you to provide keyboard input to a process</span></span>. There are numerous consoles available, see the Open Console dropdown list for those available to you. Most are enabled from various project panels in Carbide. </p>
+<p align="center"><img src="../../images/views/view_console_build.png" width="778" height="203" /></p>
+<p class="figure">Figure 1 - Console view showing build console information</p>
+<p>To view <span class="code">RDebug::Printf</span> output in the <b>Console</b> view when targeting devices, ensure that the following <a href="../launch/page_debugger.htm">Debugger</a> options are matched with settings in the <span class="code">epoc.ini</span> file. </p>
+  <li>Set <span class="code">LogToDebugger 1</span> to use the <b>View program output</b> option </li>
+  <li>Set <span class="code">LogToFile 1</span> to enable the <b>View emulator output</b> option</li>
+<h5>Table 1 Console view&mdash;items </h5>
+<table width="100%"  border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
+  <tr>
+    <th width="29%" scope="col">Item</th>
+    <th width="14%" scope="col">Icon</th>
+    <th width="57%" scope="col">Explanation</th>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td><b>Scroll Lock </b></td>
+    <td><div align="center"><img src="../../images/icons/console_scroll_lock_icon.png" width="15" height="18" /></div></td>
+    <td>Toggles the scrolling of the console view contents. </td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td><b>Clear Console </b></td>
+    <td><div align="center"><img src="../../images/icons/console_clear_console_icon.png" width="19" height="18" /></div></td>
+    <td>Clears all content in the Console view.</td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td><b>Pin Console </b></td>
+    <td><div align="center"><img src="../../images/icons/console_pin_console_icon.png" width="19" height="18" /></div></td>
+    <td><p>Toggles the behavior of the console. When enabled the current console content is fixed all the time instead of scrolling out of sight. When disabled, the console changes according to the action. </p>
+    </td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td><b>Display Selected Console </b></td>
+    <td><div align="center"><img src="../../images/icons/console_display_selected_icon.png" width="30" height="18" /></div></td>
+    <td>Changes the contents of the current console view to show the selected console output. </td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td><b>Open Console </b></td>
+    <td><div align="center"><img src="../../images/icons/console_open_console_icon.png" width="30" height="18" /></div></td>
+    <td><p>Opens a new  console to display  the log for:</p>
+      <ul>
+        <li>Platform Security Diagnostics</li>
+        <li>New Windows System Messages Console </li>
+        <li>New Emulation Program Output Console</li>
+        <li>New CODA Program Output Console</li>
+        <li>New CODA Communications Log Console</li>
+        <li>New Symbian Rom Log Console</li>
+        <li>New Emulator Output Console</li>
+        <li>CVS</li>
+        <li>New Console View</li>
+      </ul>
+      <p>Remember  that <i>program output</i> is console output from the running binary  and <i>communications log</i> is the messages sent between CODA and the on-device debug agent. </p>      
+      <p class="note"><b>NOTE</b> You can pin any message log view so that it does not lose focus.</p></td>
+  </tr>
+<div id="footer">Copyright &copy; 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). All rights reserved. <br>License: <a href=""></a></div>
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+<title>Executables view</title>
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+<body >
+<h2>Executables view </h2>
+<p>  The <b>Executables</b> view provides a dynamic list of executables and their related source files. The Executables view makes it easy to:</p>
+  <li>target all binaries for debugging because the symbolics are automatically loaded when a bld.inf is imported or a project is created from a template</li>
+  <li>debug a binary that is not part of a project in the workspace by importing it into the Executables view to load the symbolics</li>
+  <li> debug a process running on a device by <a href="../../tasks/processes/attach_to_process.htm">attaching</a> to the process and importing the binaries associated with the process into the Executables view to load the symbolics. For example, you to debug a library loaded by the process, you would need to import the libary and the process executable. </li>
+  <li>remove binaries when a project is closed or deleted from the workspace</li>
+  <li>remove  binaries  imported from outside the workspace by clicking the <b>Remove the selected executables</b> icon (<img src="../../reference/images/icon_delete_launch_config.png" width="17" height="16" align="absmiddle">) or deleting the binary from the Executables project in the <a href="view_proj_explorer.htm">Project Explorer</a> view </li>
+  <li>locate and manage which source and resource files are associated with each executable. Paths shown in black text have been resolved, those in gray text cannot be found. </li>
+  <li>identify and correct any path issues with missing source files (shown in gray text). Double-click the missing source file to open a <b>Locate File</b> editor view which enables you to find the missing file. </li>
+  <li>view routines and header files used by the source file. Click the tree control to expand or collapse a list of included header files and routine names for fast navigation. </li>
+  <li>find and set breakpoints, watchpoints, and eventpoints in source files. Double-click a source file to open it in an editor view and to review the status of its breakpoints. </li>
+<p>In addition, an <b>Executables</b> project is created in the <a href="view_proj_explorer.htm">Project Explorer</a> view. The binaries shown in the Executables project can be deleted which also removes them from the Executables view. For binaries outside the workspace you must import them into the Executables view so their symbolics can be used during the debug session. <span class="note">You can also drag and drop executables into the view. </span></p>
+<p class="note"><b>NOTE</b> To debug ROM DLLs with Symbian Device or in stop mode, always specify the <a href="../launch/page_rom_log.htm">ROM Log file</a> in the project's launch configuration. </p>
+<p align="center"><img src="../../reference/images/view_executables.png" width="813" height="309" /></p>
+<p class="figure">Figure 1 - Executables view</p>
+<p align="left">The <strong>Executables</strong> view consists of the <strong>Executable Name</strong> and <strong>Source File Name</strong> panes describled in the table below. Use the <strong>Columns</strong> button in the toolbar to show or hide specific columns in each pane. Columns can be sorted and rearranged in the order desired. </p>
+<h5>Table 1. Executables view  information </h5>
+<table width="88%"  border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
+  <tr>
+    <th width="17%" scope="col">Pane</th>
+    <th width="83%" scope="col">Explanation</th>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td><b>Executable Name </b></td>
+    <td><p>Displays a list of  executables in the workspace as well as other files added by the user. Select an executable to update the Source File Name pane with related files. The executable information shown  can include: </p>
+      <ul>
+        <li><b>Executable Name</b> - (default) Name of the exectable file.</li>
+        <li><b>Executable Project</b> - (default) The project  associated with the executable.</li>
+        <li><b>Executable Location</b> - (default) The current location of the executable.</li>
+        <li><b>Executable Size</b> - The executable size shown in bytes.</li>
+        <li><b>Executable Date</b> - The source file&prime;s modification date.</li>
+        <li><b>Executable Type</b> - The executable type (.exe, etc.) </li>
+      </ul>
+      <p>Click the Columns icon (<img src="../../images/icons/btn_columns.png" width="14" height="14" align="absmiddle" />) to set which columns to show in this pane.</p></td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td><b>Source File Name </b></td>
+    <td><p>Displays a list of  source files for the selected executable as extracted from the symbol table. The source file information shown can include: </p>
+      <ul>
+        <li><b>Source File Name</b> - (default) Name of the source file used by the executable. If no binary files are in the project the message <b>No source files found in &lt;project_name&gt;</b> is shown. </li>
+        <li><b>Source File Location</b> - (default) The current location of the source file. If the path is shown in gray text the source file was not located. To locate it, double-click to open a new editor, then click Locate File... to locate the missing file. The new path is compared to the old one and all files located in the same directory are automatically updated to use the new path.</li>
+        <li><b>Source File Original Location </b> - (default) The original location of the source file which may be different than the current location. </li>
+        <li><b>Source File Size</b> - The executable size shown in bytes.</li>
+        <li><b>Source File </b><b>Date </b>- The source file&prime;s modification date.</li>
+        <li><b>Source File Type</b> - The source type (.h, .inc, etc.) </li>
+      </ul>
+      <p>Expand a file&prime;s tree control to view the functions and header files used by the file. Double-click to open the source file for editing or to set breakpoints. </p>
+      <p>Click the Columns icon (<img src="../../images/icons/btn_columns.png" width="14" height="14" align="absmiddle" />) to set which columns to show in this pane.</p></td>
+  </tr>
+<h4>Executables view toolbar icons</h4>
+<p>The table below lists the unique icons displayed in the <strong>Executables</strong> view toolbar. </p>
+<h5>Table 2. Executables view toolbar options </h5>
+<table width="88%"  border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
+  <tr>
+      <th width="16%" scope="col">Command</th>
+      <th width="32%" scope="col">Name</th>
+      <th width="52%" scope="col">Description</th>
+  </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td><div align="center"><img src="../../images/icons/btn_restart.png" width="20" height="18" /></div></td>
+      <td><div align="left">Refresh the list of executables</div></td>
+      <td>Click to refresh the executables list. </td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td><div align="center"><img src="../../images/icons/btn_import_executables.png" width="18" height="15" /></div></td>
+      <td>Import an executable file </td>
+      <td>Click to select and import an executable not in the workspace into the executables list. </td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td><center>
+        <img src="../../reference/images/icon_delete_launch_config.png" width="17" height="16">
+      </center>
+      </td>
+      <td>Remove the selected executables</td>
+      <td>Click to remove one or more selected executables from the executables list. You will see a alert if the executable cannot be removed.</td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td><div align="center"><img src="../../images/icons/btn_columns.png" width="14" height="14" /></div></td>
+      <td>Columns</td>
+      <td>Opens the  <b>Configure Columns</b> dialog for configuring which columns  appear in the Executable and Source File panes. </td>
+    </tr>
+<h5>Other references</h5>
+  <li><a href="../../reference/perspective_debug.htm">Debug perspective </a></li>
+  <li><a href="../../concepts/autotargeting.htm">Auto-Targeting of Executables</a></li>
+  <li><a href="../../tasks/processes/attach_to_process.htm">Attaching to a Process</a></li>
+<div id="footer">Copyright &copy; 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). All rights reserved. <br>License: <a href=""></a></div>
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+<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
+<title>MIF Editor</title>
+<link rel="StyleSheet" href="../../../book.css" type="text/css"/>
+   <body>
+<h2>MBM/MIF Editor</h2>
+	 <p>The <b>MIF Editor</b> allows you to create or edit the <span class="code">.mif</span> files list of scalable icons (<span class="code">.svg</span>)
+     included in  a S60 v3.0 and later GUI projects as well as standard <span class="code">.bmp</span> files. A .mif file is a MSX Interchange Format (MIF) file that should be built by the project.</p>
+   <p class="note"><b>NOTE</b> This editor is only supported by the S60 3.0  and later SDKs.</p>
+	 <p class="note"><b>NOTE</b> For resources that are included after creating a project, you should ensure that the output location is set correctly by viewing the file properties. The output location is set to &quot;<span class="code">{EPOCROOT}\epoc32\include</span>&quot; by default, so if an alternate location is required you can set this in the file properties.</p>
+   <p align="center" class="Image"><img src="../../tasks/projects/images/mif_file_symprojnav.png" width="299" height="292"></p>
+		<p class="figure">Figure 1 - MIF File in the Symbian Project Navigator view</p>
+   <p>The <b>MIF Editor</b> appears when a MIF  file is
+   opened for editing. To open the editor double-click on a .mif file in the <a href="view_sym_proj_nav.htm">Symbian Project Navigator</a> view (figure 1), or select a scalable icon makefile (for example, <span class="code"></span>), right-click and select the <b>Add MBM/MIF Entry</b> command.</p>
+   <p align="center"><img src="../../tasks/projects/images/MBM_MIF_editor.png" width="900" height="600"> </p>
+   <p class="figure">Figure 2 - MBM/MIF Editor</p>
+		<h5>Table 1. MBM/MIF Editor &mdash;Items</h5>
+		<table width="94%"  border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
+          <tr>
+            <th width="32%" scope="col">Item</th>
+            <th width="68%" scope="col">Explanation</th>
+          </tr>
+          <tr>
+            <td><b>Target File </b></td>
+            <td><p>Specifies the <span class="code">EPOCROOT</span> relative path for the compiled images. Click the Default button to set the target file based on the SDK and project name. </p></td>
+          </tr>
+          <tr>
+            <td><b>Header File </b></td>
+            <td>Shows the generated header file. Select the Header option in the Header Generation group to create a default .mbg file. The path cannot be edited in this field. </td>
+          </tr>
+          <tr>
+            <td><b>Header Generation</b></td>
+            <td><p>Options include:</p>
+                <ul>
+                  <li>No header - If selected, no .mbg header will be generated. </li>
+                  <li>Header - If selected, a .mbg header will be generated.</li>
+              </ul></td>
+          </tr>
+          <tr>
+            <td><b>Up</b></td>
+            <td>Select an image in the list and click Up to move the selection one position up in the list.</td>
+          </tr>
+          <tr>
+            <td><b>Down</b></td>
+            <td><p>Select an image in the list and click Down to move the selection one position down in the list. </p></td>
+          </tr>
+          <tr>
+            <td><b>Pair Image and Mask </b></td>
+            <td>Select two adjacent unpaired BMP image entries in the list and click this button to combine the images together into image/mask pairs.</td>
+          </tr>
+          <tr>
+            <td><b>Split Image and Mask </b></td>
+            <td>Select a paired BMP image in the list and click this button to split the image into image and mask entries. </td>
+          </tr>
+          <tr>
+            <td><b>Swap Image and Mask </b></td>
+            <td>Select a paired BMP image in the list and click this button to swap the image and mask files and format information in paired image entries. </td>
+          </tr>
+          <tr>
+            <td><b>Add From Project </b></td>
+            <td>Click this button to open the <b>Add Images from Project</b> dialog to reference available images in the project.</td>
+          </tr>
+          <tr>
+            <td><b>Add From Filesystem </b></td>
+            <td>Click this button to open the <b>Add Images From Filesystem</b> dialog to locate and reference existing images in the filesystem or copy images to the project.</td>
+          </tr>
+          <tr>
+            <td><b>Remove</b></td>
+            <td>Select an image and click <b>Remove</b> to remove image entry from the list. This does not delete file from directory.</td>
+          </tr>
+          <tr>
+            <td><b>Color depth </b></td>
+            <td>Select the bit depth used to encode the image at build time.</td>
+          </tr>
+          <tr>
+            <td><b>Mask depth </b></td>
+            <td><p>Select the bit depth used to encode the mask at build time. Options include:</p>
+                <ul>
+                  <li>n/a - Do not apply mask depth to images </li>
+                  <li>1 - A 1-bit mask treats pixels as &quot;on/off&quot; bits, where black is opaque and white is transparent. </li>
+                  <li>8 - An 8-bit mask is treated as alpha values, where black is transparent and white is opaque.</li>
+              </ul></td>
+          </tr>
+          <tr>
+            <td><b>Color format </b></td>
+            <td>Select Color to encode the image(s) as color or select Grayscale to encode the image(s) as grayscale.</td>
+          </tr>
+          <tr>
+            <td><b>Set from image </b></td>
+            <td>Click this button to auto-detect the image depth, mask depth, and color/grayscale setting from the image contents.</td>
+          </tr>
+          <tr>
+            <td><b>Preview</b></td>
+            <td>A preview of the image as it will appear at runtime. </td>
+          </tr>
+        </table>
+		<p>&nbsp;</p>
+   <div id="footer">Copyright &copy; 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). All rights reserved. <br>License: <a href=""></a></div>
+   </body>
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+<meta name="LASTUPDATED" content="06/17/05 11:09:43" />
+<title>Project Explorer View</title>
+<link rel="StyleSheet" href="../../../book.css" type="text/css"/>
+<body >
+<h2>Project Explorer view </h2>
+<p>  The <b>Project Explorer</b> view (Figure 1) display<span><span>s  relevant C/C++ projects located in the current workspace using a tree structure</span></span>. Use this view to manage all the projects located in the current workspace. The view is customizable and takes advantage of working sets. </p>
+<p>The content of a project is dependent upon how it was created in the workspace.</p>
+<p align="center"><img src="../../reference/images/view_project_explorer.png" alt="Project Explorer view" width="281" height="424"></p>
+<p class="figure">Figure 1 - Project Explorer view showing projects in the current workspace</p>
+<p>The directories that appear in the project include:</p>
+  <li><b>sis</b>&#8212;the storage location for the final output files. The output file is linked from the top level of the project with a file of the same name.  Both the binary and link files can be expanded to show the source files used to build the program.</li>
+  <li><b>Includes</b>&#8212;a listing of all the include files used to build the project.</li>
+  <li><b>Executables</b> - a listing of debuggable executables imported into the <a href="view_executables.htm">Executables</a> view </li>
+  <li><b>User specified</b>&#8212;many other directories like <span class="code">src</span>, <span class="code">inc</span>, <span class="code">data</span>, and others are used to store specific types of project files. The names used for the directories are defined in the <a href="../../reference/ProjectDirectories.html">Project Directories</a> page when the project is created. </li>
+  <p class="note"><b>NOTE</b> Only the directories specified by the mmp file are created during import. </p>
+<p>The files that appear in the project directories can be either:</p>
+  <li><b>files</b> (<img src="../../reference/images/icon_project_file.png" width="15" height="16" align="absmiddle" />)&#8212;these files are located in the workspace within the project directories. Double-click a file icon to open it for editing.</li>
+  <li><b>folder links</b>&#8212;these are links pointing to folders that enable the project to support  cvs related sources. </li>
+<p>See  <b>C/C++ Development User Guide &gt; Reference &gt; C/C++ Views and Editors &gt; <a href="../../reference/PLUGINS_ROOT/org.eclipse.cdt.doc.user/reference/cdt_u_project_explorer_view.htm">Project Explorer view</a></b> for more info. </p>
+<h5>Related references</h5>
+  <li><a href="perspective_carbide.htm">Carbide C/C++ Perspective  </a></li>
+<div id="footer">Copyright &copy; 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). All rights reserved. <br>License: <a href=""></a></div>
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+<title>Symbian Project Navigator view</title>
+<link rel="StyleSheet" href="../../../book.css" type="text/css"/>
+<script language="JavaScript" src="../../reference/PLUGINS_ROOT/"></script>
+<body >
+<h2>Symbian Project Navigator  view</h2>
+<p>The <img src="../../images/command_link.png" border="0" alt="" /> <a class="command-link" href='javascript:executeCommand("org.eclipse.ui.views.showView(")'>Symbian Project Navigator</a> view shows all files that belong to the
+current build configuration. This view lists the Symbian projects in your current workspace and their corresponding *.inf file (typically <span class="code">bld.inf</span>). The *.inf file contains the related MMP project files, which are also listed in a tree structure.  You can collapse or expand the list for each MMP to see which sources  belong to each MMP.</p>
+<p>To open this view select <b>Window &gt; Show View &gt; Symbian Project Navigator</b>, or select <b>Window &gt; Show View &gt; Other ...</b> and expand the Carbide.c++ folder then choose Symbian Project Navigator. </p>
+<p>Figure 1 shows the Symbian Project Navigator view.</p>
+<p align="center"><img src="../../reference/images/view_sym_proj_nav.png" width="281" height="340" alt=""/></p>
+<p class="figure">Figure 1 - Symbian Project Navigator view</p>
+<h5>Table 1. Symbian Project Navigator view &mdash; shortcut  menu</h5>
+<table width="88%"  border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
+  <tr>
+    <th width="30%" scope="col">Item</th>
+    <th width="9%" scope="col">Icon</th>
+    <th width="61%" scope="col">Explanation</th>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td><b>Toggle SOURCEPATH </b></td>
+    <td><div align="center"><img src="../../reference/images/icon_sourcepath_filter.png" width="18" height="15"></div></td>
+    <td>Toggles the display between showing the <span class="code">SOURCEPATH</span> folders contained in the MMP file and showing the <span class="code">Bld.inf</span> structure. </td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td><b>Toggle MMPs</b></td>
+    <td><div align="center"><img src="../../reference/images/icon_mmp_filter.png" width="20" height="17"></div></td>
+    <td>Toggle the display to show all MMP files or  the MMP files associated with the current build configuration. </td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td><b>Toggle MMP Order</b></td>
+    <td><center>
+      <img src="../../reference/images/icon_svn_mmp_order.png" width="21" height="20">
+    </center>
+    </td>
+    <td>Toggle to show the  MMPs list in alphabetical or build order. The default setting is build order.</td>
+  </tr>
+<h5>Related references</h5>
+<ul><li><a href="../../reference/view_symbian_kernel.htm">Symbian View</a></li>
+  <li><a href="../../debugger/debug/viewing_debug.htm">Debug View</a></li>
+<div id="footer">Copyright &copy; 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). All rights reserved. <br>License: <a href=""></a></div>
--- a/core/	Sat Oct 02 12:36:21 2010 -0500
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   <li><a href="qt_creating_projs_05.htm">Select Qt modules to include in project</a></li>
   <li><a href="qt_creating_projs_06.htm">Set application UID</a></li>
-<p class="note"><b>NOTE</b> There must be at least one recognized SDK installed before you can create a project. See the <a href="../reference/pref_carb_symbian_sdk.htm">Symbian SDKs panel</a> to determine if the installed SDKs are recognized by Carbide.c++ IDE. If the SDK you have is not recognized, you may still be able to it to the Discovered Symbian OS SDK list.</p>
+<p class="note"><b>NOTE</b> There must be at least one recognized SDK installed before you can create a project. See the <a href="../reference/pref_carb_symbian_sdk.htm">Symbian SDKs panel</a> to determine if the installed SDKs are recognized by Carbide.c++ IDE. If the SDK you have is not recognized, you may still be able to it to the Discovered Symbian SDK list.</p>
 <h3><b>Launch the New Qt Project Wizard</b></h3>
-<p>Select the <b>File &gt; New &gt; New Qt Project</b> menu item to open the <b>New Qt Symbian OS C++ Project</b> dialog.</p>
+<p>Select the <b>File &gt; New &gt; New Qt Project</b> menu item to open the <b>New Qt Symbian C++ Project</b> dialog.</p>
 <p align="center"><img src="images/qt_wiz_01_project_type.png" width="500" height="500"></p>
-<p class="figure">Figure 1. Qt project wizard - New Qt Symbian OS C++ Project page</p>
+<p class="figure">Figure 1. Qt project wizard - New Qt Symbian C++ Project page</p>
 <h4>Other references</h4>
   <li><a href="qt_overview.htm">Qt Project Support</a></li>
--- a/core/	Sat Oct 02 12:36:21 2010 -0500
+++ b/core/	Wed Oct 06 10:31:32 2010 -0500
@@ -18,11 +18,11 @@
   <li><a href="qt_creating_projs_05.htm">Select Qt modules to include in project</a></li>
   <li><a href="qt_creating_projs_06.htm">Set application UID</a></li>
-<p class="note"><b>NOTE</b> There must be at least one recognized SDK installed before you can create a project. See the <a href="../reference/pref_carb_symbian_sdk.htm">Symbian SDKs panel</a> to determine if the installed SDKs are recognized by Carbide.c++ IDE. If the SDK you have is not recognized, you may still be able to <a href="../tasks/sdks/sdk_add.htm">add</a> it to the Discovered Symbian OS SDK list.</p>
+<p class="note"><b>NOTE</b> There must be at least one recognized SDK installed before you can create a project. See the <a href="../reference/pref_carb_symbian_sdk.htm">Symbian SDKs panel</a> to determine if the installed SDKs are recognized by Carbide.c++ IDE. If the SDK you have is not recognized, you may still be able to <a href="../tasks/sdks/sdk_add.htm">add</a> it to the Discovered Symbian SDK list.</p>
 <h3>Select type of Qt project</h3>
 <p>Use the<b> Select a type of project</b> page in the <b>New Qt Project Wizard</b> to choose a Qt project template that will be used to generate the new project, then click <b>Next</b>. Note that the templates shown are filtered to </p>
 <p align="center"><img src="images/qt_wiz_01_project_type.png" width="500" height="500"></p>
-<p class="figure">Figure 1. Qt project wizard - New Qt Symbian OS C++ Project page</p>
+<p class="figure">Figure 1. Qt project wizard - New Qt Symbian C++ Project page</p>
 <h4>Other references</h4>
   <li><a href="qt_overview.htm">Qt Project Support</a></li>
--- a/core/	Sat Oct 02 12:36:21 2010 -0500
+++ b/core/	Wed Oct 06 10:31:32 2010 -0500
@@ -19,11 +19,11 @@
   <li><a href="qt_creating_projs_05.htm">Select Qt modules to include in project</a></li>
   <li><a href="qt_creating_projs_06.htm">Set application UID</a></li>
-<p class="note"><b>NOTE</b> There must be at least one recognized SDK installed before you can create a project. See the <a href="../reference/pref_carb_symbian_sdk.htm">Symbian SDKs panel</a> to determine if the installed SDKs are recognized by Carbide.c++ IDE. If the SDK you have is not recognized, you may still be able to <a href="../tasks/sdks/sdk_add.htm">add</a> it to the Discovered Symbian OS SDK list.</p>
+<p class="note"><b>NOTE</b> There must be at least one recognized SDK installed before you can create a project. See the <a href="../reference/pref_carb_symbian_sdk.htm">Symbian SDKs panel</a> to determine if the installed SDKs are recognized by Carbide.c++ IDE. If the SDK you have is not recognized, you may still be able to <a href="../tasks/sdks/sdk_add.htm">add</a> it to the Discovered Symbian SDK list.</p>
 <h3><b>Enter project name and  location</b></h3>
-<p>Use the <b>New Qt Symbian OS C++ Project</b> page in the <b>Qt Project Wizard</b> to define the projects name and where it should be saved, then click <b>Next</b>. In Qt projects, the name of the project folder must match the project name. </p>
+<p>Use the <b>New Qt Symbian C++ Project</b> page in the <b>Qt Project Wizard</b> to define the projects name and where it should be saved, then click <b>Next</b>. In Qt projects, the name of the project folder must match the project name. </p>
 <p align="center"><img src="images/qt_wiz_02_project_name.png" width="500" height="500"></p>
-<p class="figure">Figure 1. Qt project wizard - New Qt Symbian OS C++ Project page</p>
+<p class="figure">Figure 1. Qt project wizard - New Qt Symbian C++ Project page</p>
 <table width="100%"  border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
     <th width="27%" scope="col">Item</th>
--- a/core/	Sat Oct 02 12:36:21 2010 -0500
+++ b/core/	Wed Oct 06 10:31:32 2010 -0500
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
   <li><a href="qt_creating_projs_06.htm">Set application UID</a></li>
 <p class="note"><b>NOTE</b> If everything is built correctly, the <span class="code">QtCore.lib</span> should be in your SDK's <span class="code">&lt;platform&gt; &lt;target&gt; UDEB</span> directory.  If this library is missing, then the SDK will not show up as a supported SDK-target in the build configurations. </p>
-<p class="note"><b>NOTE</b> There must be at least one recognized SDK installed before you can create a project. See the <a href="../reference/pref_carb_symbian_sdk.htm">Symbian SDKs panel</a> to determine if the installed SDKs are recognized by Carbide.c++ IDE. If the SDK you have is not recognized, you may still be able to <a href="../tasks/sdks/sdk_add.htm">add</a> it to the Discovered Symbian OS SDK list.</p>
+<p class="note"><b>NOTE</b> There must be at least one recognized SDK installed before you can create a project. See the <a href="../reference/pref_carb_symbian_sdk.htm">Symbian SDKs panel</a> to determine if the installed SDKs are recognized by Carbide.c++ IDE. If the SDK you have is not recognized, you may still be able to <a href="../tasks/sdks/sdk_add.htm">add</a> it to the Discovered Symbian SDK list.</p>
 <h3><b>Select SDKs for build targets</b></h3>
 <p>Use the <b>Build Targets</b> page of the <b>Qt Project Wizard</b> to select one or more Qt SDKs to include in the project, then click <b>Next</b>.</p>
 <p align="center"><img src="images/qt_wiz_03_build_targets.png"></p>
--- a/core/	Sat Oct 02 12:36:21 2010 -0500
+++ b/core/	Wed Oct 06 10:31:32 2010 -0500
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
   <li><b>Select Qt modules to include in project</b></li>
   <li><a href="qt_creating_projs_06.htm">Set application UID</a></li>
-<p class="note"><b>NOTE</b> There must be at least one recognized SDK installed before you can create a project. See the <a href="../reference/pref_carb_symbian_sdk.htm">Symbian SDKs panel</a> to determine if the installed SDKs are recognized by Carbide.c++ IDE. If the SDK you have is not recognized, you may still be able to <a href="../tasks/sdks/sdk_add.htm">add</a> it to the Discovered Symbian OS SDK list.</p>
+<p class="note"><b>NOTE</b> There must be at least one recognized SDK installed before you can create a project. See the <a href="../reference/pref_carb_symbian_sdk.htm">Symbian SDKs panel</a> to determine if the installed SDKs are recognized by Carbide.c++ IDE. If the SDK you have is not recognized, you may still be able to <a href="../tasks/sdks/sdk_add.htm">add</a> it to the Discovered Symbian SDK list.</p>
 <h3><b>Select Qt modules to include in project</b></h3>
 <p>Use the <b>Qt Modules</b> page to select one or more Qt modules to include with the project, then click <b>Next</b>.</p>
 <p align="center"><img src="images/qt_wiz_04_qt_modules.png" width="500" height="500"></p>
--- a/core/	Sat Oct 02 12:36:21 2010 -0500
+++ b/core/	Wed Oct 06 10:31:32 2010 -0500
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
   <li><a href="qt_creating_projs_05.htm">Select Qt modules to include in project</a></li>
   <li><b>Set application UID</b></li>
-<p class="note"><b>NOTE</b> There must be at least one recognized SDK installed before you can create a project. See the <a href="../reference/pref_carb_symbian_sdk.htm">Symbian SDKs panel</a> to determine if the installed SDKs are recognized by Carbide.c++ IDE. If the SDK you have is not recognized, you may still be able to <a href="../tasks/sdks/sdk_add.htm">add</a> it to the Discovered Symbian OS SDK list.</p>
+<p class="note"><b>NOTE</b> There must be at least one recognized SDK installed before you can create a project. See the <a href="../reference/pref_carb_symbian_sdk.htm">Symbian SDKs panel</a> to determine if the installed SDKs are recognized by Carbide.c++ IDE. If the SDK you have is not recognized, you may still be able to <a href="../tasks/sdks/sdk_add.htm">add</a> it to the Discovered Symbian SDK list.</p>
 <h3><b>Set application UID</b></h3>
 <p>Use the <b>Basic Settings</b> page of the <b>Qt Project Wizard </b>to define an Application UID to the executable. Click <b>Random</b> to generate a  unique UID for program testing purposes. Click <b>Finish</b> when ready to create the project.</p>
 <p align="center"><img src="images/qt_wiz_05_basic_settings.png"></p>
--- a/core/	Sat Oct 02 12:36:21 2010 -0500
+++ b/core/	Wed Oct 06 10:31:32 2010 -0500
@@ -18,9 +18,9 @@
   <li><b>Choose build targets</b></li>
 <p class="note"><b>NOTE</b> If everything is built correctly, the <span class="code">QtCore.lib</span> should be in your SDK's <span class="code">&lt;platform&gt; &lt;target&gt; UDEB</span> directory.  If this library is missing, then the SDK will not show up as a supported SDK-target in the build configurations. </p>
-<p class="note"><b>NOTE</b> There must be at least one recognized SDK installed before you can create a project. See the <a href="../reference/pref_carb_symbian_sdk.htm">Symbian SDKs panel</a> to determine if the installed SDKs are recognized by Carbide.c++ IDE. If the SDK you have is not recognized, you may still be able to <a href="../tasks/sdks/sdk_add.htm">add</a> it to the Discovered Symbian OS SDK list.</p>
+<p class="note"><b>NOTE</b> There must be at least one recognized SDK installed before you can create a project. See the <a href="../reference/pref_carb_symbian_sdk.htm">Symbian SDKs panel</a> to determine if the installed SDKs are recognized by Carbide.c++ IDE. If the SDK you have is not recognized, you may still be able to <a href="../tasks/sdks/sdk_add.htm">add</a> it to the Discovered Symbian SDK list.</p>
 <h3>Select .pro file to import</h3>
-<p>Use the<b> Build Targets </b> page in the <b>File Import Wizard</b> to select which SDKs and build configurations to associate with the project,  then click <b>Finish</b>. The <span class="code">.pro</span> file is imported and a new project created in the <a href="../reference/view_proj_explorer.htm">Project Explorer</a> view.</p>
+<p>Use the<b> Build Targets </b> page in the <b>File Import Wizard</b> to select which SDKs and build configurations to associate with the project,  then click <b>Finish</b>. The <span class="code">.pro</span> file is imported and a new project created in the <a href="../projects/views/view_proj_explorer.htm">Project Explorer</a> view.</p>
 <p align="center"><img src="images/qt_import_03_build_targets.png"></p>
 <p class="figure">Figure 1. File Import wizard - Build Targets page</p>
 <table width="100%"  border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
--- a/core/	Sat Oct 02 12:36:21 2010 -0500
+++ b/core/	Wed Oct 06 10:31:32 2010 -0500
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 <body >
 <h2>Qt Perspective </h2>
-<p>The Qt C/C++ perspective defines a set of common views that make developing Qt programs faster and easier. It is essentially the same as the <a href="../concepts/CarbidePerspective.html">Carbide C/C++ perspective</a> except that the <a href="../reference/view_sym_proj_nav.htm">Symbian Project Navigator</a> view is removed, and the following views  added: </p>
+<p>The Qt C/C++ perspective defines a set of common views that make developing Qt programs faster and easier. It is essentially the same as the <a href="../projects/views/perspective_carbide.htm">Carbide C/C++ perspective</a> except that the <a href="../projects/views/view_sym_proj_nav.htm">Symbian Project Navigator</a> view is removed, and the following views  added: </p>
   <li>Qt C/C++ Action Editor</li>
   <li>Qt C/C++ Object Inspector</li>
--- a/core/	Sat Oct 02 12:36:21 2010 -0500
+++ b/core/	Wed Oct 06 10:31:32 2010 -0500
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 			 </p></td><td class="Cell">
 				Appears for projects that require a 32-bit unique ID to identify the vendor of the
-				executable. In versions of Symbian OS with platform security, a program can
+				executable. In versions of Symbian with platform security, a program can
 				read a VID at runtime to check that a binary comes from a particular source. In
 				most cases, the VID should be zero, meaning that source of the executable is
 				not required for any security checks. 
--- a/core/	Sat Oct 02 12:36:21 2010 -0500
+++ b/core/	Wed Oct 06 10:31:32 2010 -0500
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 		The <b>MBM Editor</b> allows you to specify the bitmaps that
-		should be included in a Symbian OS multi-bitmap (MBM) file. Use of MBM files for general purpose graphics is restricted to using <span class="filename">.bmp</span> files and works for versions 2.x and later releases of the Symbian OS SDKs. For more
+		should be included in a Symbian multi-bitmap (MBM) file. Use of MBM files for general purpose graphics is restricted to using <span class="filename">.bmp</span> files and works for versions 2.x and later releases of the Symbian SDKs. For more
 		information, see <a href="../concepts/MBMDefWizard.html">MBM File</a> and <a href="../tasks/Multi-BitmapFile.html">Creating a MBM File</a>.   </p>
 		The MBM Editor is shown when an MBM file is
--- a/core/	Sat Oct 02 12:36:21 2010 -0500
+++ b/core/	Wed Oct 06 10:31:32 2010 -0500
@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@
 	   <li><a href="menus/open_cmd_window.htm">Open Command Window</a></li>
 	   <li><a href="menus/open_explorer_window.htm">Show in Explorer</a></li>
 	   <li><a href="../concepts/cvs.htm">Software Configuration Management</a></li>
-	   <li><a href="../tasks/projects/prj_adding_symbian_class.htm">Symbian OS Class</a></li>
-	   <li><a href="../tasks/CreatingNewProjects.html">Symbian OS C++ Project</a></li>
+	   <li><a href="../tasks/projects/prj_adding_symbian_class.htm">Symbian Class</a></li>
+	   <li><a href="../tasks/CreatingNewProjects.html">Symbian C++ Project</a></li>
 <div id="footer">Copyright &copy; 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). All rights reserved. <br>License: <a href=""></a></div>
--- a/core/	Sat Oct 02 12:36:21 2010 -0500
+++ b/core/	Wed Oct 06 10:31:32 2010 -0500
@@ -14,10 +14,10 @@
 		The <strong>New C++ Class</strong> wizard allows a developer to add a new C++ class to
 		existing or new header and source files. This wizard is supplied by the C/C++
-		Development Toolkit (CDT), and is not customised for Symbian OS development.
+		Development Toolkit (CDT), and is not customised for Symbian development.
 		However, as it is not currently described in the C/C++ Development Toolkit User
 		Guide, you may find this extra information about it useful.</p>
-    <p>See <a href="../tasks/projects/prj_adding_symbian_class.htm">Adding a Symbian OS Class</a> for information on adding Symbian-based classes to a project. </p>
+    <p>See <a href="../tasks/projects/prj_adding_symbian_class.htm">Adding a Symbian Class</a> for information on adding Symbian-based classes to a project. </p>
 	 To invoke the wizard, click <strong>File &gt; New &gt; Class </strong>from the menu bar. The <strong>New C++ Class </strong> window appears. </p> 
     <div class="Figure">
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@
 	   <h5>Related tasks</h5>
          <li><a href="../tasks/AddingClasses.html">Adding Classes</a></li>
-         <li><a href="../tasks/projects/prj_adding_symbian_class.htm">Adding Symbian OS Classes </a></li>
+         <li><a href="../tasks/projects/prj_adding_symbian_class.htm">Adding Symbian Classes </a></li>
 <div id="footer">Copyright &copy; 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). All rights reserved. <br>License: <a href=""></a></div>
--- a/core/	Sat Oct 02 12:36:21 2010 -0500
+++ b/core/	Wed Oct 06 10:31:32 2010 -0500
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 		The<b>Properties for &lt;<i>project_name</i>&gt;</b><strong> </strong>window allows you to change a project's build configurations, macros, and other project settings.</p> 
-		To change the settings for a project, right-click the project from the	   <a href="view_proj_explorer.htm">Project Explorer</a> or <a href="view_sym_proj_nav.htm">Symbian Project Navigator</a> views, and choose <b>Properties</b> from the context menu. The <b>Properties for &lt;<i>project_name</i>&gt;</b> window then show all the project settings. If
+		To change the settings for a project, right-click the project from the	   <a href="../projects/views/view_proj_explorer.htm">Project Explorer</a> or <a href="../projects/views/view_sym_proj_nav.htm">Symbian Project Navigator</a> views, and choose <b>Properties</b> from the context menu. The <b>Properties for &lt;<i>project_name</i>&gt;</b> window then show all the project settings. If
 		you alter the settings, then the settings are applied as
 	 defaults for all files in the project. </p>
    <p>The Carbide.c++ panels include:</p>
--- a/core/	Sat Oct 02 12:36:21 2010 -0500
+++ b/core/	Wed Oct 06 10:31:32 2010 -0500
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 <div class="Head1">
-<h2>Symbian OS SDKs</h2>
+<h2>Symbian SDKs</h2>
 <div class="Bodytext">
 <p> You can set the SDKs and Build Configurations in this page. The available SDKs shown are determined by the settings in the <a href="pref_carb_symbian_sdk.htm">SDK Preferences</a> page. </p>
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
           <tr valign="top">
             <td class="Cell"><b>Filter SDKs based on selected template </b></td>
-            <td class="Cell">By default, the Symbian OS SDKs page only displays the templates related to the SDKs used by the project. Uncheck to view all available templates. </td>
+            <td class="Cell">By default, the Symbian SDKs page only displays the templates related to the SDKs used by the project. Uncheck to view all available templates. </td>
--- a/core/	Sat Oct 02 12:36:21 2010 -0500
+++ b/core/	Wed Oct 06 10:31:32 2010 -0500
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
    <p>Use the <b>ROM Builder</b> pane to specify commands and a working directory for building a GUI ROM Image. The tool used to build GUI ROM images is called buildrom and can typically be found in your SDK path, for example in the <span class="code">\Symbian\9.4\S60_5rd\Epoc32\tools</span> directory. The tool used to build text shell images is called ROM. The ROM image generated from the ROM build process specifies a base address for the image to run at. This might be an address in RAM or ROM. The image must be downloaded to the device at this address.</p>
    <p>Building a ROM requires that the following are available, or have been successfully created:</p>
-     <li> Symbian OS components making up a set of releasables</li>
+     <li> Symbian components making up a set of releasables</li>
      <li> a Bootstrap binary image</li>
      <li> a text file specifying how the ROM image is to be built.</li>
--- a/core/	Sat Oct 02 12:36:21 2010 -0500
+++ b/core/	Wed Oct 06 10:31:32 2010 -0500
@@ -22,12 +22,12 @@
     <td><b>BldMake Arguments </b></td>
-    <td><p>Enter arguments into the various text boxes to customize the <b>bldmake</b> process. See the Symbian OS documentation for a complete list of arguments for these commands. </p>
+    <td><p>Enter arguments into the various text boxes to customize the <b>bldmake</b> process. See the Symbian documentation for a complete list of arguments for these commands. </p>
     <td><b>Abld Arguments </b></td>
-    <td><p>Enter arguments into the various text boxes to customize the <b>abld</b> process.  See the Symbian OS documentation for a complete list of arguments for these commands. </p>
+    <td><p>Enter arguments into the various text boxes to customize the <b>abld</b> process.  See the Symbian documentation for a complete list of arguments for these commands. </p>
     <p class="note"><b>NOTE</b> To create a SYM file for UREL builds, enter <span class="code">-debug</span> into the <b>makefile</b> text box in the Abld Arguments group. </p></td>
--- a/core/	Sat Oct 02 12:36:21 2010 -0500
+++ b/core/	Wed Oct 06 10:31:32 2010 -0500
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
 <p>  The <b>Paths and Symbols  </b> pane shows the paths and symbols used to the build the project index. This is a read-only list based on the setting of the <b>Build configuration for the indexer</b> option in the <b>C/C++ General</b> &gt; <a href="PLUGINS_ROOT/org.eclipse.cdt.doc.user/reference/cdt_u_prop_general_idx.htm">Indexer</a> panel. Carbide now caches the paths and symbols which persist between debug sessions. If any of the files like bld.inf, MMP, or any of their <span class="code">include</span> files change, the list is automatically recalculated and CDT notified. </p>
 <p>To change what appears in the list:</p>
-  <li>In the <a href="../MMP_Editor.html">MMP Editor</a> - add macros, user, or system include  </li>
+  <li>In the <a href="../../projects/mmp/MMP_Editor.html">MMP Editor</a> - add macros, user, or system include  </li>
   <li>Using the Macro File defined in the <a href="prop_carb_macro_settings.htm">Macro Settings</a> panel </li>
 <p>You can also specify a macro file using the <a href="prop_carb_macro_settings.htm">Macro Settings</a> page in the <b>Properties for <i>project</i></b> dialog. </p>
--- a/core/	Sat Oct 02 12:36:21 2010 -0500
+++ b/core/	Wed Oct 06 10:31:32 2010 -0500
@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@
 <h3><a name="PUAnchor" id="PUAnchor"></a>Partial Upgrade Files</h3>
-<p>The SIS Builder supports the generation of partial upgrade .SIS files. A dialog appears when a SIS file exceeds 250k in size that describes the partial upgrade feature with a link to the SIS Builder page. Partial upgrade files enable Carbide to generate and download to the device only those portions of the application that have changed, enabling faster debug cycles. It does this using the SIS partial upgrade (PU) flag to mark the SIS file as a replacement or addition to the original SIS file. Debugging of large applications using Symbian OS Device (Install SIS) is enhanced as the entire application no longer needs to be installed on the device each time a change is made. </p>
-<p>When the Partial update option is checked for a SIS file, both a complete and partial SIS files are generated. This ensures that the full SIS file is kept in sync with the partial upgrade SIS file. The partial upgrade SIS files are placed in the same folder as the full SIS file when stored in a project directory, or in the root of the project directory when the SIS file exists outside of the project. You can see where a partial upgrade file is created by examining the <b>Partial upgrade sis/sisx path</b> in the <a href="../../projects/launch/page_installation.htm">Installation</a> tab of the launch configuration. Links to the partial upgrade files are added to the project within the <a href="../view_proj_explorer.htm">Project Explorer</a> view.</p>
+<p>The SIS Builder supports the generation of partial upgrade .SIS files. A dialog appears when a SIS file exceeds 250k in size that describes the partial upgrade feature with a link to the SIS Builder page. Partial upgrade files enable Carbide to generate and download to the device only those portions of the application that have changed, enabling faster debug cycles. It does this using the SIS partial upgrade (PU) flag to mark the SIS file as a replacement or addition to the original SIS file. Debugging of large applications using Symbian Device (Install SIS) is enhanced as the entire application no longer needs to be installed on the device each time a change is made. </p>
+<p>When the Partial update option is checked for a SIS file, both a complete and partial SIS files are generated. This ensures that the full SIS file is kept in sync with the partial upgrade SIS file. The partial upgrade SIS files are placed in the same folder as the full SIS file when stored in a project directory, or in the root of the project directory when the SIS file exists outside of the project. You can see where a partial upgrade file is created by examining the <b>Partial upgrade sis/sisx path</b> in the <a href="../../projects/launch/page_installation.htm">Installation</a> tab of the launch configuration. Links to the partial upgrade files are added to the project within the <a href="../../projects/views/view_proj_explorer.htm">Project Explorer</a> view.</p>
 <p class="note"><b>NOTE</b> Internally, the .PKG file format of a partial upgrade file is identical to a complete .PKG file with two exceptions, 1) the file list only includes the names of files changed, and 2) the PU flag is set.</p>
 <p>Partial upgrade files are deleted and only full SIS/SISX files are generated when:</p>
--- a/core/	Sat Oct 02 12:36:21 2010 -0500
+++ b/core/	Wed Oct 06 10:31:32 2010 -0500
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 <body >
 <h2>Set PKG File for  Build Configuration</h2>
-<p>The <b>Set PKG File for  Build Configuration</b> dialog appears when an <strong>Symbian OS Device (Install SIS)</strong> build configuration does not include a PKG file. Use it to assign a PKG file to the project's current build configuration that will be used to create a project's SIS installation file. If you define a launch configuration used for on-device debugging with the CODA debug agent, you will need to specify a PKG file for the project. A PKG file primarily provides a list of program and resource files to install on the device.</p>
+<p>The <b>Set PKG File for  Build Configuration</b> dialog appears when an <strong>Symbian Device (Install SIS)</strong> build configuration does not include a PKG file. Use it to assign a PKG file to the project's current build configuration that will be used to create a project's SIS installation file. If you define a launch configuration used for on-device debugging with the CODA debug agent, you will need to specify a PKG file for the project. A PKG file primarily provides a list of program and resource files to install on the device.</p>
 <p align="center"><img src="../images/set_pkg.png" width="544" height="359" /></p>
 <p class="figure">Figure 1 - Set PKG File for Build Configuration</p>
 <h5>Table 1 Items </h5>
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
     <td><p>Enter or browse to certificate.</p>
-    <p class="note"><b>NOTE</b> On Symbian OS 9.x builds, if the key/cert pair are not defined, <span class="code">makekeys</span> will be called and temporary ones will be generated for you to      &quot;self-sign&quot; the application. Self-signed applications should be in the
+    <p class="note"><b>NOTE</b> On Symbian 9.x builds, if the key/cert pair are not defined, <span class="code">makekeys</span> will be called and temporary ones will be generated for you to      &quot;self-sign&quot; the application. Self-signed applications should be in the
     0xE0000000-0xEFFFFFFF range.</p></td>
--- a/core/	Sat Oct 02 12:36:21 2010 -0500
+++ b/core/	Wed Oct 06 10:31:32 2010 -0500
@@ -44,9 +44,9 @@
         <li><b>Certificate</b> &ndash; Enter or browse to certificate</li>
         <li><b>Key</b> &#8212; Enter or browse to  key</li>
-      <p class="note"><b>NOTE</b> On Symbian OS 9.x builds, if the key/cert pair are not defined, <span class="code">makekeys</span> will be called and temporary ones will be generated for you to      &quot;self-sign&quot; the application. Self-signed applications should be in the
+      <p class="note"><b>NOTE</b> On Symbian 9.x builds, if the key/cert pair are not defined, <span class="code">makekeys</span> will be called and temporary ones will be generated for you to      &quot;self-sign&quot; the application. Self-signed applications should be in the
         0xE0000000-0xEFFFFFFF range.</p>
-      <p class="note"><b>NOTE</b> All Symbian OS Device (Install SIS) build configuration require a PKG file. If none is found in the active project then you will be asked to <a href="pane_pkg_config.htm">choose</a> one.</p>      </td>
+      <p class="note"><b>NOTE</b> All Symbian Device (Install SIS) build configuration require a PKG file. If none is found in the active project then you will be asked to <a href="pane_pkg_config.htm">choose</a> one.</p>      </td>
 <h5>Related reference </h5>
--- a/core/	Sat Oct 02 12:36:21 2010 -0500
+++ b/core/	Wed Oct 06 10:31:32 2010 -0500
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
    <p class="note"><b>NOTE</b> You can also rebuild a project's index by selecting a project, then right-click  and select the <b>Rebuild Index</b> menu item. </p>
    <p align="center" class="Image"><img src="images/pref_indexer.png" alt="Indexer preference panel" width="680" height="775"></p>
    <p align="left" class="figure">Figure 1 - C/C++ Indexer  in Preferences</p>
-   <p align="left" class="Image">The project  indexer is accessed by selecting a project in the <a href="view_proj_explorer.htm">Project Explorer</a> or <a href="view_sym_proj_nav.htm">Symbian Project Navigator</a> view and selecting <b>Project &gt; Properties &gt; C/C++ General &gt; Indexer</b> (figure 2).</p>
+   <p align="left" class="Image">The project  indexer is accessed by selecting a project in the <a href="../projects/views/view_proj_explorer.htm">Project Explorer</a> or <a href="../projects/views/view_sym_proj_nav.htm">Symbian Project Navigator</a> view and selecting <b>Project &gt; Properties &gt; C/C++ General &gt; Indexer</b> (figure 2).</p>
    <p align="center" class="Image"><img src="images/pref_indexer_properties.png" alt="Indexer properties panel" width="680" height="628"></p>
    <p align="left" class="figure">Figure 2 - Indexer panel in  Properties for project_name</p>
    <table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0"
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 <body >
 <h2>ABLD Actions </h2>
-<p>Use the <b>ABLD</b> menu option to invoke an specific <span class="code">abld</span> command on the selected project or file. ABLD is available under  <b>Symbian Build &gt; ABLD</b> or by right-clicking a project or file in the <a href="../view_proj_explorer.htm">Project Explorer</a>, <a href="../view_sym_proj_nav.htm">Symbian Project Navigator</a>, and <a href="../view_disassembly.htm">Disassembly</a> views and choosing <b>ABLD &gt; <i>command</i></b>. When executed any arguments specified in the <a href="../build_properties/pane_build_config_args.htm">Carbide Build Configurations</a> pane for the command are passed to the selected tool. </p>
+<p>Use the <b>ABLD</b> menu option to invoke an specific <span class="code">abld</span> command on the selected project or file. ABLD is available under  <b>Symbian Build &gt; ABLD</b> or by right-clicking a project or file in the <a href="../../projects/views/view_proj_explorer.htm">Project Explorer</a>, <a href="../../projects/views/view_sym_proj_nav.htm">Symbian Project Navigator</a>, and <a href="../view_disassembly.htm">Disassembly</a> views and choosing <b>ABLD &gt; <i>command</i></b>. When executed any arguments specified in the <a href="../build_properties/pane_build_config_args.htm">Carbide Build Configurations</a> pane for the command are passed to the selected tool. </p>
 <p align="center"><img src="../images/menu_symb_abld.png" width="890" height="204"></p>
 <p class="figure">Figure 1 - Available ABLD actions</p>
 <p>The available commands include:</p>
--- a/core/	Sat Oct 02 12:36:21 2010 -0500
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 <body >
 <h2>Build All Configurations </h2>
-<p>Select a project in the  <a href="../view_proj_explorer.htm">Project Explorer</a>  or <a href="../view_sym_proj_nav.htm">Symbian Project Navigator</a> view, then:</p>
+<p>Select a project in the  <a href="../../projects/views/view_proj_explorer.htm">Project Explorer</a>  or <a href="../../projects/views/view_sym_proj_nav.htm">Symbian Project Navigator</a> view, then:</p>
     <li>Click <b>Project &gt; Build All Configurations</b> (<span class="code">CTRL+ALT+A</span>) , or</li>
     <li>Right-click the project name and select <strong>Symbian Build &gt; Build All Configurations</strong></li>
--- a/core/	Sat Oct 02 12:36:21 2010 -0500
+++ b/core/	Wed Oct 06 10:31:32 2010 -0500
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 <body >
 <h2>Build Package (.pkg) File</h2>
-<p>Select a <span class="code">.PKG</span> file in a project&prime;s <em>/sis</em> folder in the <a href="../view_proj_explorer.htm">Project Explorer</a> view and right-click to display the context menu. Select <b>Symbian Build &gt; Build PKG File</b> to build the package file and create the .sis installation file. This option is also available from an editor view when the file is open. The <span class="code">makesis</span> tool uses the package file and packs all the required resources together into a SIS installation file. The <a href="../view_console.htm">Console</a> view displays the processing output.  The .sis and .sisx files will appear in the project's <em>/sis</em> folder.</p>
+<p>Select a <span class="code">.PKG</span> file in a project&prime;s <em>/sis</em> folder in the <a href="../../projects/views/view_proj_explorer.htm">Project Explorer</a> view and right-click to display the context menu. Select <b>Symbian Build &gt; Build PKG File</b> to build the package file and create the .sis installation file. This option is also available from an editor view when the file is open. The <span class="code">makesis</span> tool uses the package file and packs all the required resources together into a SIS installation file. The <a href="../../projects/views/view_console.htm">Console</a> view displays the processing output.  The .sis and .sisx files will appear in the project's <em>/sis</em> folder.</p>
 <p align="center"><img src="../images/build_pkg_file.png" width="543" height="117" /></p>
 <p align="center" class="figure">Figure 1. Build PKG File context menu </p>
 <h5>Other references</h5>
--- a/core/	Sat Oct 02 12:36:21 2010 -0500
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@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 <link rel="StyleSheet" href="../../../book.css" type="text/css"/></head>
 <body >
 <h2>Build Symbian Component </h2>
-<p>Select a .mmp or .mk  file in the <a href="../view_proj_explorer.htm">Project Explorer</a> or <a href="../view_sym_proj_nav.htm">Symbian Project Navigator</a> view, then right-click and select<b> Symbian Build &gt; Build Symbian Component</b> (<span class="code">CTRL+ALT+P</span>) to build the selected component file or makefile. You can also right-click the file in an editor view to use the same option. </p>
+<p>Select a .mmp or .mk  file in the <a href="../../projects/views/view_proj_explorer.htm">Project Explorer</a> or <a href="../../projects/views/view_sym_proj_nav.htm">Symbian Project Navigator</a> view, then right-click and select<b> Symbian Build &gt; Build Symbian Component</b> (<span class="code">CTRL+ALT+P</span>) to build the selected component file or makefile. You can also right-click the file in an editor view to use the same option. </p>
 <p align="center"><img src="../images/build_symbian_comp.png" width="580" height="197" /></p>
 <p align="center" class="figure">Figure 1. Build Symbian Component menu item </p>
--- a/core/	Sat Oct 02 12:36:21 2010 -0500
+++ b/core/	Wed Oct 06 10:31:32 2010 -0500
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 <body >
 <h2>Clean Symbian Component </h2>
-<p>You can select a MMP or MK  file in the <a href="../view_proj_explorer.htm">Project Explorer</a> or <a href="../view_sym_proj_nav.htm">Symbian Project Navigator</a> view and right-click to select <b>Symbian Build &gt; Clean Symbian Component</b> (<span class="code">CTRL+ALT+X</span>) to clean the selected MMP project file or makefile. You can also right-click the file in an editor view to use the same option. The cleaning process removes the object and make files, and output files. The files that are removed by this command include all the intermediate files created during compilation and all the executables and import libraries created by the linker.</p>
+<p>You can select a MMP or MK  file in the <a href="../../projects/views/view_proj_explorer.htm">Project Explorer</a> or <a href="../../projects/views/view_sym_proj_nav.htm">Symbian Project Navigator</a> view and right-click to select <b>Symbian Build &gt; Clean Symbian Component</b> (<span class="code">CTRL+ALT+X</span>) to clean the selected MMP project file or makefile. You can also right-click the file in an editor view to use the same option. The cleaning process removes the object and make files, and output files. The files that are removed by this command include all the intermediate files created during compilation and all the executables and import libraries created by the linker.</p>
 <p align="center"><img src="../images/clean_symbian_comp.png" width="580" height="200" /></p>
 <p align="center" class="figure">Figure 1. Clean Symbian Component context menu </p>
 <h5>Other references</h5>
--- a/core/	Sat Oct 02 12:36:21 2010 -0500
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 <body >
-<p>Select a .c, .cpp, or .cia source file in the <a href="../view_proj_explorer.htm">Project Explorer</a> or <a href="../view_sym_proj_nav.htm">Symbian Project Navigator</a> view, right-click the file and choose <b> Symbian Build &gt; Compile</b> (<span class="code">CTRL+ALT+C</span>) to compile it. This is also available from within a C/C++ editor view. You can use the shift or control key to select one or more of these file types across the same or different projects. The build progress is displayed in the Console view.</p>
+<p>Select a .c, .cpp, or .cia source file in the <a href="../../projects/views/view_proj_explorer.htm">Project Explorer</a> or <a href="../../projects/views/view_sym_proj_nav.htm">Symbian Project Navigator</a> view, right-click the file and choose <b> Symbian Build &gt; Compile</b> (<span class="code">CTRL+ALT+C</span>) to compile it. This is also available from within a C/C++ editor view. You can use the shift or control key to select one or more of these file types across the same or different projects. The build progress is displayed in the Console view.</p>
 <p align="center"><img src="../images/menu_symb_compile.png" alt="Compile source" width="580" height="231"></p>
 <p class="figure">Figure 1 - Right-click to compile a source file </p>
 <h5>Other references</h5>
--- a/core/	Sat Oct 02 12:36:21 2010 -0500
+++ b/core/	Wed Oct 06 10:31:32 2010 -0500
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 <body >
 <h2>Freeze Exports </h2>
-<p>Right-click  a project in the <a href="../view_proj_explorer.htm">Project Explorer</a> or <a href="../view_sym_proj_nav.htm">Symbian Project Navigator</a> view, then  choose <b> Symbian Build &gt; Freeze Exports</b>. This command calls the appropriate <b>abld</b> command  and a .def file is generated. This  enables released versions of DLLs to freeze their exports, ensuring backward compatibility of a library.</p>
+<p>Right-click  a project in the <a href="../../projects/views/view_proj_explorer.htm">Project Explorer</a> or <a href="../../projects/views/view_sym_proj_nav.htm">Symbian Project Navigator</a> view, then  choose <b> Symbian Build &gt; Freeze Exports</b>. This command calls the appropriate <b>abld</b> command  and a .def file is generated. This  enables released versions of DLLs to freeze their exports, ensuring backward compatibility of a library.</p>
 <p align="center"><img src="../images/menu_symb_freeze_exports.png" width="543" height="115"></p>
 <p class="figure">Figure 1. Choosing Freeze Exports on a project </p>
 <h5>Other references</h5>
--- a/core/	Sat Oct 02 12:36:21 2010 -0500
+++ b/core/	Wed Oct 06 10:31:32 2010 -0500
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 <body >
 <h2>Freeze Symbian Component </h2>
-<p>Right-click  a Symbian OS MMP file in the <a href="../view_proj_explorer.htm">Project Explorer</a>, or <a href="../view_sym_proj_nav.htm">Symbian Project Navigator</a> view, then  choose <b> Symbian Build &gt; Freeze Symbian  Component</b> (<span class="code">CTRL+ALT+F</span>). You can also right-click the file in an editor view to use the same option. This command only freezes the selected MMP file and not the entire project.</p>
+<p>Right-click  a Symbian MMP file in the <a href="../../projects/views/view_proj_explorer.htm">Project Explorer</a>, or <a href="../../projects/views/view_sym_proj_nav.htm">Symbian Project Navigator</a> view, then  choose <b> Symbian Build &gt; Freeze Symbian  Component</b> (<span class="code">CTRL+ALT+F</span>). You can also right-click the file in an editor view to use the same option. This command only freezes the selected MMP file and not the entire project.</p>
 <p align="center"><img src="../images/menu_symb_freeze_comp.png" width="580" height="201"></p>
 <p class="figure">Figure 1. Choosing Freeze Symbian  Component on a file </p>
 <h5>Other references</h5>
--- a/core/	Sat Oct 02 12:36:21 2010 -0500
+++ b/core/	Wed Oct 06 10:31:32 2010 -0500
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 <body >
 <h2>Carbide Menus </h2>
-<p>Carbide has several menu options unique to developing Symbian OS applications and other shortcuts. Most project related commands are grouped under the Symbian Build option in context menus, while others appear under specific menus like Run or Project. </p>
+<p>Carbide has several menu options unique to developing Symbian applications and other shortcuts. Most project related commands are grouped under the Symbian Build option in context menus, while others appear under specific menus like Run or Project. </p>
   <li><strong>File &gt; New </strong> menu options
           <li>Qt Project</li>
-          <li><a href="../../tasks/projects/prj_adding_symbian_class.htm">Symbian OS C++ Class</a></li>
-          <li><a href="../../tasks/CreatingNewProjects.html">Symbian OS C++ Project</a></li>
-          <li><a href="../NewMMP_wizard.html">Symbian OS MMP File</a></li>
+          <li><a href="../../tasks/projects/prj_adding_symbian_class.htm">Symbian C++ Class</a></li>
+          <li><a href="../../tasks/CreatingNewProjects.html">Symbian C++ Project</a></li>
+          <li><a href="../../projects/mmp/NewMMP_wizard.html">Symbian MMP File</a></li>
   <li><strong>Right-click <em>object</em> &gt; Symbian Build</strong> menu options
--- a/core/	Sat Oct 02 12:36:21 2010 -0500
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 <body >
-<p>Right-click to select a .c, .cpp, or .cia source file in the <a href="../view_proj_explorer.htm">Project Explorer</a> or <a href="../view_sym_proj_nav.htm">Symbian Project Navigator</a> view,  and choose <b> Symbian Build &gt; Preprocess </b>  to preprocess the file. You define the preprocess command in the <a href="../pref_carb_preprocess.htm">Preprocess preference panel</a>. This is also available from within a C/C++ editor view. You can use the shift or control key to select one or more of these file types across the same or different projects. The preprocess progress is displayed in the <a href="../view_console.htm">Console</a> view.</p>
+<p>Right-click to select a .c, .cpp, or .cia source file in the <a href="../../projects/views/view_proj_explorer.htm">Project Explorer</a> or <a href="../../projects/views/view_sym_proj_nav.htm">Symbian Project Navigator</a> view,  and choose <b> Symbian Build &gt; Preprocess </b>  to preprocess the file. You define the preprocess command in the <a href="../pref_carb_preprocess.htm">Preprocess preference panel</a>. This is also available from within a C/C++ editor view. You can use the shift or control key to select one or more of these file types across the same or different projects. The preprocess progress is displayed in the <a href="../../projects/views/view_console.htm">Console</a> view.</p>
 <p align="center"><img src="../images/menu_symb_preprocess.png" alt="Preprocess menu option" width="580" height="202"></p>
 <p class="figure">Figure 1. Choosing to Preprocess a file </p>
 <h5>Other references</h5>
--- a/core/	Sat Oct 02 12:36:21 2010 -0500
+++ b/core/	Wed Oct 06 10:31:32 2010 -0500
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    The <b>Carbide.c++ File Updater</b> window appears when you open older Carbide.c++  projects that require updating. This most often occurs when new features are added to the project file format. The example in figure 1 shows the Carbide.c++ File Updater window with a v1.1 project that needs updating. In this case the updater  updates the template 
    projects from Carbide.c++ 1.1 to the latest template version. Projects that are already up-to-date are not affected by the updater process. New projects automatically use the most current project format.</p>
    <p>If your projects have up-to-date <span class="code">bld.inf</span> and <span class="code">MMP</span> files, it is recommended that you delete the existing Carbide.c++ projects and simply re-import them from the <span class="code">bld.inf</span> file. This ensures that the project file format is up-to-date. </p>
-   <p>You can also select projects in the <a href="view_proj_explorer.htm">Project Explorer</a> or <a href="view_sym_proj_nav.htm">Symbian Project Navigator</a> views and choose <b>Project &gt; Update Projects</b> command to display the Carbide.c++ File Updater window.</p>
+   <p>You can also select projects in the <a href="../projects/views/view_proj_explorer.htm">Project Explorer</a> or <a href="../projects/views/view_sym_proj_nav.htm">Symbian Project Navigator</a> views and choose <b>Project &gt; Update Projects</b> command to display the Carbide.c++ File Updater window.</p>
    <p align="center"><img src="images/project_update_files.png" width="568" height="569" /></p>
    <p align="left" class="figure">Figure 1 - Carbide.c++ File Updater </p>
    <h3><a name="uid" id="uid"></a>UI Designer Projects</h3>
--- a/core/	Sat Oct 02 12:36:21 2010 -0500
+++ b/core/	Wed Oct 06 10:31:32 2010 -0500
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   <li><a href="../debugger/debug/viewing_debug.htm">Debug view</a> - displays information about a suspended process during a debug session</li>
   <li><a href="view_variables.htm">Variables view</a> - allows manipulation of variables used in source code</li>
   <li><a href="view_breakpoints.htm">Breakpoints view</a> - allows manipulation of breakpoints and watchpoints</li>
-  <li><a href="view_symbian_kernel.htm">Symbian OS Data view</a> - shows kernel data in the Symbian OS running on the device being debugged</li>
-  <li><a href="view_executables.htm">Executables</a> view - provides a dynamic list of executables and their related source files</li>
+  <li><a href="view_symbian_kernel.htm">Symbian Data view</a> - shows kernel data in the Symbian running on the device being debugged</li>
+  <li><a href="../projects/views/view_executables.htm">Executables</a> view - provides a dynamic list of executables and their related source files</li>
   <li><a href="PLUGINS_ROOT/org.eclipse.cdt.doc.user/reference/cdt_u_editor_view.htm">Editor</a> view - one or more source code editor windows </li>
   <li><a href="PLUGINS_ROOT/org.eclipse.cdt.doc.user/reference/cdt_u_outline_view.htm">Outline</a> view - displays an outline of a structured C/C++ file that is currently open in the 
     editor view </li>
-  <li><a href="view_console.htm">Console</a> view - display<span><span>s the output of a process</span></span>, like  the execution of your program, or other outputs </li>
+  <li><a href="../projects/views/view_console.htm">Console</a> view - display<span><span>s the output of a process</span></span>, like  the execution of your program, or other outputs </li>
   <li><a href="PLUGINS_ROOT/org.eclipse.platform.doc.user/reference/ref-31.htm">Tasks</a> view - <span>displays </span>tasks that you manually add</li>
 <p>And can include:</p>
@@ -39,12 +39,12 @@
 &gt; <a href="PLUGINS_ROOT/org.eclipse.cdt.doc.user/reference/cdt_o_views.htm">C/C++ Views and Editors</a></b>.</p>
 <h5>Related references</h5>
-  <li> <a href="../concepts/CarbidePerspective.html">Carbide C/C++ Perspective</a></li>
+  <li> <a href="../projects/views/perspective_carbide.htm">Carbide C/C++ Perspective</a></li>
   <li><a href="../debugger/debug/viewing_debug.htm">Debug view</a></li>
   <li><a href="view_variables.htm">Variables view</a></li>
   <li><a href="view_breakpoints.htm">Breakpoints view</a></li>
   <li><a href="view_memory.htm">Memory view</a></li>
-  <li><a href="view_symbian_kernel.htm">Symbian OS Data view</a></li>
+  <li><a href="view_symbian_kernel.htm">Symbian Data view</a></li>
 <div id="footer">Copyright &copy; 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). All rights reserved. <br>License: <a href=""></a></div>
--- a/core/	Sat Oct 02 12:36:21 2010 -0500
+++ b/core/	Wed Oct 06 10:31:32 2010 -0500
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
     <td><p class="style4">Manage dependency tracking (improves build speed) </p></td>
     <td><p>Enable to have Carbide manage the dependency tracking for source and resource files. Carbide does this by separating out the generation of dependency information from the makefile and managing the entire process.  All builds now can quickly compare whether new dependency information is required due to changes in a source file and only build those that need updating. </p>
-    <p>If not enabled, the Symbian OS command line build system handles all dependency tracking by generating the dependency information in the makefiles. Because it does this for all project files, regardless of the number of changes, it can result in a performance penalty. A single edit in a MMP file  forces a complete regeneration of the makefile dependency information for all project files. </p>    </td>
+    <p>If not enabled, the Symbian command line build system handles all dependency tracking by generating the dependency information in the makefiles. Because it does this for all project files, regardless of the number of changes, it can result in a performance penalty. A single edit in a MMP file  forces a complete regeneration of the makefile dependency information for all project files. </p>    </td>
     <td><p><strong>Show a dialog to modify build actions when modified MMPs are detected </strong></p></td>
--- a/core/	Sat Oct 02 12:36:21 2010 -0500
+++ b/core/	Wed Oct 06 10:31:32 2010 -0500
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
     <th width="57%" scope="col">Explanation</th>
-    <td><b>Keep Symbian OS project files (bld.inf/mmp) in sync with project changes</b></td>
+    <td><b>Keep Symbian project files (bld.inf/mmp) in sync with project changes</b></td>
     <td>Select this option to update project files (bld.inf and mmp) when you add, remove, rename or move files and directories in your current workspace.</td>
--- a/core/	Sat Oct 02 12:36:21 2010 -0500
+++ b/core/	Wed Oct 06 10:31:32 2010 -0500
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
     <td><b>Time interval for auto-refreshing OS View</b></td>
-    <td>Determines how often to refresh data in the <a href="view_symbian_kernel.htm">Symbian OS Data</a> view which is available to the developer when using CODA or stop-mode debugging. </td>
+    <td>Determines how often to refresh data in the <a href="view_symbian_kernel.htm">Symbian Data</a> view which is available to the developer when using CODA or stop-mode debugging. </td>
 <div class="step">
--- a/core/	Sat Oct 02 12:36:21 2010 -0500
+++ b/core/	Wed Oct 06 10:31:32 2010 -0500
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
     <td><b>Diagnostic Logs</b> </td>
-    <td>A list of the log files that can be generated. Log files are stored in the project but are not visible in the <a href="view_proj_explorer.htm">Project Explorer</a> or C/C++ Project views. </td>
+    <td>A list of the log files that can be generated. Log files are stored in the project but are not visible in the <a href="../projects/views/view_proj_explorer.htm">Project Explorer</a> or C/C++ Project views. </td>
     <td><b>Clear Logs </b></td>
--- a/core/	Sat Oct 02 12:36:21 2010 -0500
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@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 <p>One thing to note is that Carbde.c++ no longer requires the <span class="code">devices.xml</span> file to recognize and use SDKs. Insteads it now caches this information for later use. If the SDK contains an entry for the <span class="code">devices.xml</span> Carbide will use it.</p>
     access <strong>Symbian SDKs</strong> preferences preference panel, select <b>Window &gt; Preferences &gt; Carbide.c++ &gt; Symbian SDKs</b>. </p>
-<p class="note"><b>NOTE</b> There must be at least one recognized SDK installed before you can create a project.  If the SDK you have installed is not recognized, you may still be able to add it to the Discovered Symbian OS SDK list. See <a href="../tasks/start/carbide_requirements.htm">Carbide.c++ Requirements</a> for a list of supported SDKs. </p>
+<p class="note"><b>NOTE</b> There must be at least one recognized SDK installed before you can create a project.  If the SDK you have installed is not recognized, you may still be able to add it to the Discovered Symbian SDK list. See <a href="../tasks/start/carbide_requirements.htm">Carbide.c++ Requirements</a> for a list of supported SDKs. </p>
    <p align="center" class="Image"><img src="images/prefs_symbian_sdks.png" alt="Symbian SDKs preference panel" width="719" height="525"></p>
      <p align="center" class="figure">Figure 1. Symbian SDKs preference panel </p>
    <table width="800" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
            <td class="Cell"><b>Symbian SDK's</b></td>
            <td class="Cell"><p>Lists all the installed and recognized SDKs that are supported by the IDE. SDKs no longer supported by Carbide are not shown. You can double-click the <b>SDK ID</b> or <b>Location</b> entry to edit them directly.</p>
              <p>Checked SDKs indicate build configurations available for creating projects. Unchecked SDKs are not displayed when creating new projects. </p>
-             <p>SDKs shown in <span class="style2">RED</span>  indicate  a problem, usually no <span class="code">EPOCROOT</span> or unsupported Symbian OS version. </p>
+             <p>SDKs shown in <span class="style2">RED</span>  indicate  a problem, usually no <span class="code">EPOCROOT</span> or unsupported Symbian version. </p>
              <p>If you see a <span class="style3">BAD_SDK_ROOT</span> error message in the Location column, it indicates you have a build configuration with an SDK ID unknown to Carbide. To correct this you can either 1) remove the bad configurations from all the projects in your current workspace or 2) fix the location with the proper path and rescan your SDKs. If you delete an SDK with <span class="code">BAD_SDK_ROOT</span> before removing it's configuration the SDK will continue to appear in the Symbian SDKs until the configurations are fixed or removed.</p>
              <p>Click on a SDK name to see its <span class="code">EPOCROOT</span> location and build configuration status in the SDK Information area. </p>           </td>
--- a/core/	Sat Oct 02 12:36:21 2010 -0500
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 	 <p>Carbide supports the use of code styles in projects via the C/C++  <img src="../images/command_link.png" alt="" width="16" height="12" border="0" /> <a class="command-link" href='javascript:executeCommand("org.eclipse.ui.window.preferences(preferencePageId=org.eclipse.cdt.ui.preferences.CodeFormatterPreferencePage)")'> Code Style</a> preference panel. Use a code style profile to set specific smart typing features, like indentation, tabs or spaces, and many more options. There are several built-in code styles like GNU, Whitesmith, and others, while Carbide supplies these  additional styles:</p>
-	   <li><b>Symbian OS</b> &#8212; settings are based on the <a href="">Symbian OS C++ coding standards</a></li>
+	   <li><b>Symbian</b> &#8212; settings are based on the <a href="">Symbian C++ coding standards</a></li>
 	   <li><b>S60</b> &#8212; settings are based on the <strong>C++ Developer's Library &gt; </strong><a href="">C++ Coding Conventions</a></li>
        <li><strong>Qt</strong> &mdash; settings for Qt projects</li>
--- a/core/	Sat Oct 02 12:36:21 2010 -0500
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 <p>  This section provides reference information on the Carbide IDE including:</p>
-    <li><a href="INF_Editor.html">INF Editor</a></li>
-    <li><a href="MMP_Editor.html">MMP Editor</a></li>
+    <li><a href="../projects/inf/INF_Editor.html">INF Editor</a></li>
+    <li><a href="../projects/mmp/MMP_Editor.html">MMP Editor</a></li>
     <li>Preference Panels
             <li><a href="pref_carb_build.htm">Build</a></li>
@@ -28,19 +28,19 @@
             <li><a href="view_breakpoints.htm">Breakpoints</a></li>
-            <li><a href="view_carbide_portal.htm">Carbide.c++ Portal</a></li>
-            <li><a href="view_console.htm">Console</a></li>
+            <li><a href="../projects/views/view_carbide_portal.htm">Carbide.c++ Portal</a></li>
+            <li><a href="../projects/views/view_console.htm">Console</a></li>
             <li><a href="../debugger/debug/viewing_debug.htm">Debug</a></li>
             <li><a href="view_disassembly.htm">Disassembly</a></li>
-            <li><a href="view_executables.htm">Executables</a></li>
+            <li><a href="../projects/views/view_executables.htm">Executables</a></li>
             <li><a href="view_expressions.htm">Expressions</a></li>
             <li><a href="view_memory.htm">Memory</a></li>
             <li><a href="view_module.htm">Modules</a></li>
-            <li><a href="view_proj_explorer.htm">Project Explorer</a></li>
+            <li><a href="../projects/views/view_proj_explorer.htm">Project Explorer</a></li>
             <li><a href="view_registers.htm">Registers</a></li>
-            <li><a href="trk/view_remote_connection.htm">Remote Connections</a></li>
+            <li><a href="../projects/remote_conn/view_remote_connection.htm">Remote Connections</a></li>
             <li><a href="view_signals.htm">Signals</a></li>
-            <li><a href="view_symbian_kernel.htm">Symbian OS Data</a></li>
+            <li><a href="view_symbian_kernel.htm">Symbian Data</a></li>
             <li><a href="view_variables.htm">Variables</a></li>
--- a/core/	Sat Oct 02 12:36:21 2010 -0500
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   <li><a href="../../projects/launch/page_file_transfer.htm">File Transfer Pane </a></li>
   <li><a href="../../projects/launch/page_executables.htm">Executables Pane</a></li>
   <li><a href="../../projects/launch/page_installation.htm">Installation Pane </a></li>
-  <li><a href="../../projects/launch/page_rom_log.htm">ROM Log</a> (<i>Symbian OS Device only</i>)  </li>
+  <li><a href="../../projects/launch/page_rom_log.htm">ROM Log</a> (<i>Symbian Device only</i>)  </li>
   <li><a href="PLUGINS_ROOT/org.eclipse.cdt.doc.user/reference/cdt_u_run_dbg_srce.htm">Source</a>&#8212;specifies the location of source files used when debugging a C or C++ application</li>
   <li><a href="PLUGINS_ROOT/org.eclipse.cdt.doc.user/reference/cdt_u_run_dbg_comm.htm">Common</a>&#8212;specifies the location to store your run configuration, how to access it and what perspective to open when running an application</li>
--- a/core/	Sat Oct 02 12:36:21 2010 -0500
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 <body >
 <h2>Install Extensions  view</h2>
 <p>The <strong>Install Extensions</strong> view enables the user to locate and install Carbide plug-ins into a core Carbide.c++ installation. The Install Extensions view links to an online site that lists  available plug-ins for installation. Plug-ins are grouped by type for </p>
-<p>The <strong>Install Extensions</strong> view appears as part of the <a href="../concepts/CarbidePerspective.html">C/C++ Perspective</a>. It can be added to a perspective by clicking <strong>Window &gt; Show View &gt; Install Extensions</strong>.</p>
+<p>The <strong>Install Extensions</strong> view appears as part of the <a href="../projects/views/perspective_carbide.htm">C/C++ Perspective</a>. It can be added to a perspective by clicking <strong>Window &gt; Show View &gt; Install Extensions</strong>.</p>
 <p align="center"><img src="images/view_install_extensions.png" width="491" height="426"></p>
 <p class="figure">Figure 1. Install Extensions  view</p>
 <p>Click on the <img src="images/icon_show_overview.png" alt="Show Overview icon" width="18" height="18" align="absmiddle"> (Show Overview) icon to show an information popup with additional information on the selected plug-in.</p>
-<p align="center"><img src="images/view_show_overview_popup.png" width="748" height="402"></p>
+<p align="center"><img src="images/view_show_overview_popup.png" width="748" height="349"></p>
 <p class="figure">Figure 2. Install Extensions Plug-in Information popup </p>
 <h5>Table 1 <span class="figure">Install Extensions</span> view&mdash;items </h5>
 <table width="83%"  border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
 <h5>Related references </h5>
-  <li><a href="../concepts/CarbidePerspective.html">Carbide C/C++ perspective</a></li>
+  <li><a href="../projects/views/perspective_carbide.htm">Carbide C/C++ perspective</a></li>
   <li><a href="../tasks/installing_extensions.htm">Installing Extensions</a></li>
 <div id="footer">Copyright &copy; 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). All rights reserved. <br>
--- a/core/	Sat Oct 02 12:36:21 2010 -0500
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 <body >
 <h2>Modules View</h2>
-<p>The <b>Modules</b> view displays a list of modules loaded while debugging your program. The listed modules can be selected to show related information. You can open the Modules view in the <a href="../concepts/CarbidePerspective.html">Carbide C/C++</a> perspective by selecting <b>Window &gt; Show view &gt; Other...</b>, then expand the Debug folder and select Modules. In the <a href="perspective_debug.htm">Debug</a> perspective select <b>Window &gt; Show view &gt; Modules</b>.</p>
+<p>The <b>Modules</b> view displays a list of modules loaded while debugging your program. The listed modules can be selected to show related information. You can open the Modules view in the <a href="../projects/views/perspective_carbide.htm">Carbide C/C++</a> perspective by selecting <b>Window &gt; Show view &gt; Other...</b>, then expand the Debug folder and select Modules. In the <a href="perspective_debug.htm">Debug</a> perspective select <b>Window &gt; Show view &gt; Modules</b>.</p>
 <p>The Modules view is only loaded during a debug session and closes when the debug session ends. Select the running man icon to list the Type, Symbols, and Symbols file for the executable. Select the stack of books icon to list the Type, Symbols, Symbols file, and Base address for the shared library. </p>
 <p>Figure 1 shows the Modules view.</p>
 <p align="center"><img src="../images/views/view_module.png" width="595" height="181" /></p>
--- a/core/	Sat Oct 02 12:36:21 2010 -0500
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 <script language="JavaScript" src="PLUGINS_ROOT/"></script>
 <body >
-<h2>Symbian OS Data view: Chunks</h2>
-<p>The <img src="../images/command_link.png" border="0" alt="" /> <a class="command-link" href='javascript:executeCommand("org.eclipse.ui.views.showView(")'>Symbian OS Data</a> view displays the processes and threads for the suspended debug session based on the selection in the <a href="../debugger/debug/viewing_debug.htm">Debug</a> view. Read-only data is displayed for ARM build configurations. Data to be viewed includes:</p>
+<h2>Symbian Data view: Chunks</h2>
+<p>The <img src="../images/command_link.png" border="0" alt="" /> <a class="command-link" href='javascript:executeCommand("org.eclipse.ui.views.showView(")'>Symbian Data</a> view displays the processes and threads for the suspended debug session based on the selection in the <a href="../debugger/debug/viewing_debug.htm">Debug</a> view. Read-only data is displayed for ARM build configurations. Data to be viewed includes:</p>
     <li><a href="view_sym_os_data_overview.htm">Overview</a></li>
     <li><a href="view_sym_os_data_process.htm">Processes</a></li>
@@ -25,9 +25,9 @@
 <p>The Chunks tab (Figure 4) provides a flat list of corresponding kernel objects. The list will display &ldquo;sortable&rdquo; attributes of that type of object in columns. The &ldquo;sortable attribute&rdquo; means you can sort the list by that attribute. For example, you may want to sort the list by the owning process name. Sort the list of any column by clicking on the column header.</p>
 <p class="note"> <b>NOTE</b> Chunks data is not available during CODA debugging.</p>
 <p align="center"><img src="images/view_symbianOS_chunks.png" width="530" height="278" alt="" /></p>
-<p class="figure">Figure 4. Chunks Pane of Symbian OS View</p>
+<p class="figure">Figure 4. Chunks Pane of Symbian View</p>
 <h3><a name="attach" id="attach"></a>Attaching to a Process</h3>
-<p>If <span class="note">you double click on a thread item in the Thread tab, or right-click and choose <b>Debug</b>, the owning process of the thread will be attached.</span> The thread with an attached process will appear in bold. You can also select a thread and click the bug icon in the Symbian OS Data toolbar. You can also view properties for the attached process by clicking the &quot;Show properties of the selected item&quot; icon () in the Symbian OS Data toolbar or right-click the thread and choose <b>Properties</b>.</p>
+<p>If <span class="note">you double click on a thread item in the Thread tab, or right-click and choose <b>Debug</b>, the owning process of the thread will be attached.</span> The thread with an attached process will appear in bold. You can also select a thread and click the bug icon in the Symbian Data toolbar. You can also view properties for the attached process by clicking the &quot;Show properties of the selected item&quot; icon () in the Symbian Data toolbar or right-click the thread and choose <b>Properties</b>.</p>
 <p class="note"><b>NOTE </b>If an executable is not part of a project in the workspace use the Executables view to import an executable to make it visible to the debugger. Once included in the Executables list, the symbolics for that executable can be loaded and breakpoints resolved and hit. Open a source file in an editor view or use the <a href="view_breakpoints.htm">Breakpoints</a> view to verify that the executable breakpoints have been <a href="../concepts/breakpoints.htm">resolved</a>. </p>
 <p class="note"><b>IMPORTANT</b> In stop mode debugging when debugging multiple processes at the same time, selecting a process in the <a href="../debugger/debug/viewing_debug.htm">Debug</a> pane and clicking <b>Terminate</b> disconnects the attached process on the board, leaving  all other processes running. It does not terminate the debug session.  However, if there is only one debug process  when you click <b>Terminate</b> the CPU is  suspended until the next debug session.</p>
 <p class="note"><b>WARNING</b> Detaching from a system process or any process not initiated by the program you are attempting to debug may cause the device to stop working, forcing a restart of the device. </p>
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
 <h5>Other  references</h5>
   <li><a href="../debugger/debug/viewing_debug.htm">Debug view</a></li>
-  <li><a href="../tasks/debugger/view_symbian_kernel_set.htm">Setting Symbian OS View Refresh Rate</a><br />
+  <li><a href="../tasks/debugger/view_symbian_kernel_set.htm">Setting Symbian View Refresh Rate</a><br />
 <div id="footer">Copyright &copy; 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). All rights reserved. <br>License: <a href=""></a></div>
--- a/core/	Sat Oct 02 12:36:21 2010 -0500
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 <script language="JavaScript" src="PLUGINS_ROOT/"></script>
 <body >
-<h2>Symbian OS Data view: Libraries</h2>
-<p>The <img src="../images/command_link.png" border="0" alt="" /> <a class="command-link" href='javascript:executeCommand("org.eclipse.ui.views.showView(")'>Symbian OS Data</a> view displays the processes and threads for the suspended debug session based on the selection in the <a href="../debugger/debug/viewing_debug.htm">Debug</a> view. Read-only data is displayed for ARM build configurations. </p>
+<h2>Symbian Data view: Libraries</h2>
+<p>The <img src="../images/command_link.png" border="0" alt="" /> <a class="command-link" href='javascript:executeCommand("org.eclipse.ui.views.showView(")'>Symbian Data</a> view displays the processes and threads for the suspended debug session based on the selection in the <a href="../debugger/debug/viewing_debug.htm">Debug</a> view. Read-only data is displayed for ARM build configurations. </p>
 <p>Data to be viewed includes:</p>
     <li><a href="view_sym_os_data_overview.htm">Overview</a></li>
@@ -22,12 +22,12 @@
 <p class="note"><b>NOTE</b>  Information for the Chunks and Libraries tabs is not available when debugging with the CODA debug agent.</p>
 <h2><a name="Library" id="Library"></a>Libraries Tab</h2>
-<p> The Libraries pane (Figure 5) in the Symbian OS view provides  information on libraries in the Symbian OS residing on the target.</p>
+<p> The Libraries pane (Figure 5) in the Symbian view provides  information on libraries in the Symbian residing on the target.</p>
 <p class="note"> <b>NOTE</b> Library data is not available during CODA debugging.</p>
 <p align="center"><img src="images/view_symbianOS_Lib.png" width="531" height="278" alt="" /></p>
-<p class="figure">Figure 5. Libraries Pane of Symbian OS view</p>
+<p class="figure">Figure 5. Libraries Pane of Symbian view</p>
 <h3><a name="attach" id="attach"></a>Attaching to a Process</h3>
-<p>If <span class="note">you double click on a thread item in the Thread tab, or right-click and choose <b>Debug</b>, the owning process of the thread will be attached.</span> The thread with an attached process will appear in bold. You can also select a thread and click the bug icon in the Symbian OS Data toolbar. You can also view properties for the attached process by clicking the &quot;Show properties of the selected item&quot; icon () in the Symbian OS Data toolbar or right-click the thread and choose <b>Properties</b>.</p>
+<p>If <span class="note">you double click on a thread item in the Thread tab, or right-click and choose <b>Debug</b>, the owning process of the thread will be attached.</span> The thread with an attached process will appear in bold. You can also select a thread and click the bug icon in the Symbian Data toolbar. You can also view properties for the attached process by clicking the &quot;Show properties of the selected item&quot; icon () in the Symbian Data toolbar or right-click the thread and choose <b>Properties</b>.</p>
 <p class="note"><b>NOTE </b>If an executable is not part of a project in the workspace use the Executables view to import an executable to make it visible to the debugger. Once included in the Executables list, the symbolics for that executable can be loaded and breakpoints resolved and hit. Open a source file in an editor view or use the <a href="view_breakpoints.htm">Breakpoints</a> view to verify that the executable breakpoints have been <a href="../concepts/breakpoints.htm">resolved</a>. </p>
 <p class="note"><b>IMPORTANT</b> In stop mode debugging when debugging multiple processes at the same time, selecting a process in the <a href="../debugger/debug/viewing_debug.htm">Debug</a> pane and clicking <b>Terminate</b> disconnects the attached process on the board, leaving  all other processes running. It does not terminate the debug session.  However, if there is only one debug process  when you click <b>Terminate</b> the CPU is  suspended until the next debug session.</p>
 <p class="note"><b>WARNING</b> Detaching from a system process or any process not initiated by the program you are attempting to debug may cause the device to stop working, forcing a restart of the device. </p>
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
 <h5>Other  references</h5>
   <li><a href="../debugger/debug/viewing_debug.htm">Debug view</a></li>
-  <li><a href="../tasks/debugger/view_symbian_kernel_set.htm">Setting Symbian OS View Refresh Rate</a><br />
+  <li><a href="../tasks/debugger/view_symbian_kernel_set.htm">Setting Symbian View Refresh Rate</a><br />
 <div id="footer">Copyright &copy; 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). All rights reserved. <br>License: <a href=""></a></div>
--- a/core/	Sat Oct 02 12:36:21 2010 -0500
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 <script language="JavaScript" src="PLUGINS_ROOT/"></script>
 <body >
-<h2>Symbian OS Data view: Overview</h2>
-<p>The <img src="../images/command_link.png" border="0" alt="" /> <a class="command-link" href='javascript:executeCommand("org.eclipse.ui.views.showView(")'>Symbian OS Data</a> view displays the processes and threads for the suspended debug session based on the selection in the <a href="../debugger/debug/viewing_debug.htm">Debug</a> view. Read-only data is displayed for ARM build configurations. To open the Symbian OS Data view select<b> Window &gt; Show View &gt; Symbian OS Data</b> when the <a href="perspective_debug.htm">Debug</a> perspective is visible or select <b>Window &gt; Show View &gt; Other...</b>, then expand the Carbide.c++ folder and select <b>Symbian OS Data</b> when the <a href="../concepts/CarbidePerspective.html">Carbide C/C++ perspective</a> is visible. Click <b>Ok</b> to display the Symbian OS Data window (Figure 1).</p>
-<p class="note"><b>NOTE</b> The Symbian OS Data view works with the debugger and will only display data during a live debug session. The Symbian OS Data view is not supported for emulator debugging, and will not show anything during emulator debug.</p>
-<p>The <b>Symbian OS Data</b> view reveals kernel data in the Symbian OS running on the device being debugged. The kernel data displayed is always that of the device with the currently selected thread or process in <a href="../debugger/debug/viewing_debug.htm">Debug</a> view. If you are debugging two devices at the same time, the content of the view will change when focus is switched from a thread on one device to a thread on another device. The kernel data includes more than just processes and threads. </p>
-<p>For the stop mode debugger and the crash debugger, all the data listed above is supported. For the Application and Symbian OS Device debuggers, the chunks and libraries views are not supported. The Symbian OS Data view is not supported for the emulator debugger and will show nothing during an emulator debug session. During a stop mode debug session or a CODA debug session, you are able to select a process or a thread in the Symbian OS Data view and attach the debugger to it for source level debugging if the binary  is listed in the <a href="view_executables.htm">Executables</a> view. Binaries listed in the Executable view can be source level debugged. Binaries  not listed in the Executables view can only be assembly code debugged in the <a href="view_disassembly.htm">Disassembly</a> view.</p>
+<h2>Symbian Data view: Overview</h2>
+<p>The <img src="../images/command_link.png" border="0" alt="" /> <a class="command-link" href='javascript:executeCommand("org.eclipse.ui.views.showView(")'>Symbian Data</a> view displays the processes and threads for the suspended debug session based on the selection in the <a href="../debugger/debug/viewing_debug.htm">Debug</a> view. Read-only data is displayed for ARM build configurations. To open the Symbian Data view select<b> Window &gt; Show View &gt; Symbian Data</b> when the <a href="perspective_debug.htm">Debug</a> perspective is visible or select <b>Window &gt; Show View &gt; Other...</b>, then expand the Carbide.c++ folder and select <b>Symbian Data</b> when the <a href="../projects/views/perspective_carbide.htm">Carbide C/C++ perspective</a> is visible. Click <b>Ok</b> to display the Symbian Data window (Figure 1).</p>
+<p class="note"><b>NOTE</b> The Symbian Data view works with the debugger and will only display data during a live debug session. The Symbian Data view is not supported for emulator debugging, and will not show anything during emulator debug.</p>
+<p>The <b>Symbian Data</b> view reveals kernel data in the Symbian running on the device being debugged. The kernel data displayed is always that of the device with the currently selected thread or process in <a href="../debugger/debug/viewing_debug.htm">Debug</a> view. If you are debugging two devices at the same time, the content of the view will change when focus is switched from a thread on one device to a thread on another device. The kernel data includes more than just processes and threads. </p>
+<p>For the stop mode debugger and the crash debugger, all the data listed above is supported. For the Application and Symbian Device debuggers, the chunks and libraries views are not supported. The Symbian Data view is not supported for the emulator debugger and will show nothing during an emulator debug session. During a stop mode debug session or a CODA debug session, you are able to select a process or a thread in the Symbian Data view and attach the debugger to it for source level debugging if the binary  is listed in the <a href="../projects/views/view_executables.htm">Executables</a> view. Binaries listed in the Executable view can be source level debugged. Binaries  not listed in the Executables view can only be assembly code debugged in the <a href="view_disassembly.htm">Disassembly</a> view.</p>
 <p class="note"><b>NOTE</b> Any executable must be included in the <b>Executables</b> view before it can be debugged. </p>
-<p>When the <a href="pref_carb_debugger.htm">Time interval for auto-refreshing OS View</a> option is enabled (which is on by default except for crash debugger), the data in the Symbian OS Data view will be auto-refreshed. Note that &quot;auto-refresh&quot; has a different meaning in different debuggers. During a stop mode debug session, the view will refresh data whenever the debugged program on the device is stopped and shows data as stale (greyed out) when the program is running. During a CODA debug session, the View will refresh data at a time interval regardless of whether the debugged program is stopped or not. The time interval is specified by an option in the Carbide.c++ global preference panel, which is five seconds by default.</p>
+<p>When the <a href="pref_carb_debugger.htm">Time interval for auto-refreshing OS View</a> option is enabled (which is on by default except for crash debugger), the data in the Symbian Data view will be auto-refreshed. Note that &quot;auto-refresh&quot; has a different meaning in different debuggers. During a stop mode debug session, the view will refresh data whenever the debugged program on the device is stopped and shows data as stale (greyed out) when the program is running. During a CODA debug session, the View will refresh data at a time interval regardless of whether the debugged program is stopped or not. The time interval is specified by an option in the Carbide.c++ global preference panel, which is five seconds by default.</p>
 <p>When auto-refresh is turned off, the debugger will not automatically refresh data in the View and will show the data as stale (greyed out). However you can manually refresh the data by clicking on the &quot;Refresh&quot; button in the View. Usually you may want to turn off the auto-refresh if you think it is slowing down your debug operations such as stepping.</p>
-<h3>Symbian OS Data pages
+<h3>Symbian Data pages
-<p>The Symbian OS Data view consists of five tabs. Each tabbed pane is described below. In all panes, the <b>Name Filter</b> field is a standard Eclipse UI control that allows you to find an item by filtering out items by name using wildcards (*, ?) and camel case naming conventions. Camel case refers to using mixed case multiple names merged together  in coding like <span class="code">SecInvInit</span> and <span class="code">DosServer</span>. In all panes, you can select an item and view its properties (attributes). In panes with columns you can click a column title to toggle between ascending and descending sorting. </p>
+<p>The Symbian Data view consists of five tabs. Each tabbed pane is described below. In all panes, the <b>Name Filter</b> field is a standard Eclipse UI control that allows you to find an item by filtering out items by name using wildcards (*, ?) and camel case naming conventions. Camel case refers to using mixed case multiple names merged together  in coding like <span class="code">SecInvInit</span> and <span class="code">DosServer</span>. In all panes, you can select an item and view its properties (attributes). In panes with columns you can click a column title to toggle between ascending and descending sorting. </p>
 <p>Data to be viewed includes:</p>
     <li><a href="view_sym_os_data_overview.htm">Overview</a></li>
@@ -33,8 +33,8 @@
 <p>This tab (shown in Figure 1) provides a tree view of ownership  of all processes, threads, and chunks in the OS. 
   In contrast, the other tabs provide a flat list of corresponding kernel objects such as process, thread, chunk, library, etc.</p>
 <p align="center"><img src="images/view_symbianOSkernel.png" width="602" height="300" alt="" /></p>
-<p class="figure">Figure 1. Symbian OS Data view</p>
-<h5>Table 1 - Symbian OS Data view toolbar buttons </h5>
+<p class="figure">Figure 1. Symbian Data view</p>
+<h5>Table 1 - Symbian Data view toolbar buttons </h5>
 <table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0"
   <tr valign="top">
@@ -78,26 +78,26 @@
 <p>The Processes tab (Figure 2) provides a flat list of corresponding kernel objects. 
 Click a column title to sort the list by the title attribute in alternating ascending and descending order. For example, you may choose to sort the process list by Name, ID, or by Priority. </p>
 <p align="center"><img src="images/view_symbianOS_PTC.png" width="602" height="291" alt="" /></p>
-<p class="figure">Figure 2. Processes Pane of Symbian OS View</p>
+<p class="figure">Figure 2. Processes Pane of Symbian View</p>
 <p>The process(es) being debugged will be shown in bold font. You can debug (attach debugger to) any process in the Processes tab by selecting it and clicking the &quot;Debug&quot; button or just by double clicking on it. In that case a new process item will show up in the Debug View if the process is not being debugged. Otherwise, you will get a message saying it's already under debug.</p>
 <h4><a name="threads" id="threads"></a>Threads</h4>
 <p>The Threads tab (Figure 3) provides a flat list of corresponding kernel objects. The list will display &ldquo;sortable&rdquo; attributes of that type of object in columns. The &ldquo;sortable attribute&rdquo; means you can sort the list by that attribute. For example, you may want to sort the list by the owning process name. Sort the list of any column by clicking on the column header. The thread(s) being debugged will be shown in bold font.</p>
 <p class="note"><b>NOTE</b> You can debug (attach debugger to) any thread in the Thread tab by double clicking on it or selecting it and clicking the Debug button. In that case, a new thread item will show up in Debug view if the thread is not being debugged.</p>
 <p align="center"><img src="images/view_symbianOS_threads.png" width="602" height="291" alt="" /></p>
-<p class="figure">Figure 3. Threads Pane of Symbian OS View</p>
+<p class="figure">Figure 3. Threads Pane of Symbian View</p>
 <h4><a name="chunks" id="chunks"></a>Chunks</h4>
 <p>Chunks are an area of contiguous linear memory. It is the unit of memory allocation where a region of RAM is mapped into contiguous logical addresses. Chunks are allocated during boot for such things as the Kernel's data and stack.</p>
 <p>The Chunks tab (Figure 4) provides a flat list of corresponding kernel objects. The list will display &ldquo;sortable&rdquo; attributes of that type of object in columns. The &ldquo;sortable attribute&rdquo; means you can sort the list by that attribute. For example, you may want to sort the list by the owning process name. Sort the list of any column by clicking on the column header.</p>
 <p class="note"> <b>NOTE</b> Chunks data is not available during CODA debugging.</p>
 <p align="center"><img src="images/view_symbianOS_chunks.png" width="530" height="278" alt="" /></p>
-<p class="figure">Figure 4. Chunks Pane of Symbian OS View</p>
+<p class="figure">Figure 4. Chunks Pane of Symbian View</p>
 <h4><a name="Library" id="Library"></a>Libraries Tab</h4>
-<p> The Libraries pane (Figure 5) in the Symbian OS view provides  information on libraries in the Symbian OS residing on the target.</p>
+<p> The Libraries pane (Figure 5) in the Symbian view provides  information on libraries in the Symbian residing on the target.</p>
 <p class="note"> <b>NOTE</b> Library data is not available during CODA debugging.</p>
 <p align="center"><img src="images/view_symbianOS_Lib.png" width="531" height="278" alt="" /></p>
-<p class="figure">Figure 5. Libraries Pane of Symbian OS View</p>
+<p class="figure">Figure 5. Libraries Pane of Symbian View</p>
 <h3><a name="attach" id="attach"></a>Attaching to a Process</h3>
-<p>If <span class="note">you double click on a thread item in the Thread tab, or right-click and choose <b>Debug</b>, the owning process of the thread will be attached.</span> The thread with an attached process will appear in bold. You can also select a thread and click the bug icon in the Symbian OS Data toolbar. You can also view properties for the attached process by clicking the &quot;Show properties of the selected item&quot; icon () in the Symbian OS Data toolbar or right-click the thread and choose <b>Properties</b>.</p>
+<p>If <span class="note">you double click on a thread item in the Thread tab, or right-click and choose <b>Debug</b>, the owning process of the thread will be attached.</span> The thread with an attached process will appear in bold. You can also select a thread and click the bug icon in the Symbian Data toolbar. You can also view properties for the attached process by clicking the &quot;Show properties of the selected item&quot; icon () in the Symbian Data toolbar or right-click the thread and choose <b>Properties</b>.</p>
 <p class="note"><b>NOTE </b>If an executable is not part of a project in the workspace use the Executables view to import an executable to make it visible to the debugger. Once included in the Executables list, the symbolics for that executable can be loaded and breakpoints resolved and hit. Open a source file in an editor view or use the <a href="view_breakpoints.htm">Breakpoints</a> view to verify that the executable breakpoints have been <a href="../concepts/breakpoints.htm">resolved</a>. </p>
 <p class="note"><b>IMPORTANT</b> In stop mode debugging when debugging multiple processes at the same time, selecting a process in the <a href="../debugger/debug/viewing_debug.htm">Debug</a> pane and clicking <b>Terminate</b> disconnects the attached process on the board, leaving  all other processes running. It does not terminate the debug session.  However, if there is only one debug process  when you click <b>Terminate</b> the CPU is  suspended until the next debug session.</p>
 <p class="note"><b>WARNING</b> Detaching from a system process or any process not initiated by the program you are attempting to debug may cause the device to stop working, forcing a restart of the device. </p>
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@
 <h5>Other  references</h5>
   <li><a href="../debugger/debug/viewing_debug.htm">Debug view</a></li>
-  <li><a href="../tasks/debugger/view_symbian_kernel_set.htm">Setting Symbian OS View Refresh Rate</a><br />
+  <li><a href="../tasks/debugger/view_symbian_kernel_set.htm">Setting Symbian View Refresh Rate</a><br />
 <div id="footer">Copyright &copy; 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). All rights reserved. <br>License: <a href=""></a></div>
--- a/core/	Sat Oct 02 12:36:21 2010 -0500
+++ b/core/	Wed Oct 06 10:31:32 2010 -0500
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@
 <script language="JavaScript" src="PLUGINS_ROOT/"></script>
 <body >
-<h2>Symbian OS Data view: Process</h2>
-<p>The <img src="../images/command_link.png" border="0" alt="" /> <a class="command-link" href='javascript:executeCommand("org.eclipse.ui.views.showView(")'>Symbian OS Data</a> view displays the processes and threads for the suspended debug session based on the selection in the <a href="../debugger/debug/viewing_debug.htm">Debug</a> view. Read-only data is displayed for ARM build configurations. Data to be viewed includes:</p>
+<h2>Symbian Data view: Process</h2>
+<p>The <img src="../images/command_link.png" border="0" alt="" /> <a class="command-link" href='javascript:executeCommand("org.eclipse.ui.views.showView(")'>Symbian Data</a> view displays the processes and threads for the suspended debug session based on the selection in the <a href="../debugger/debug/viewing_debug.htm">Debug</a> view. Read-only data is displayed for ARM build configurations. Data to be viewed includes:</p>
     <li><a href="view_sym_os_data_overview.htm">Overview</a></li>
     <li><a href="view_sym_os_data_process.htm">Processes</a></li>
@@ -23,12 +23,12 @@
 <p>The Processes tab (Figure 2) provides a flat list of corresponding kernel objects. 
 Click a column title to sort the list by the title attribute in alternating ascending and descending order. For example, you may choose to sort the process list by Name, ID, or by Priority. </p>
 <p align="center"><img src="images/view_symbianOS_PTC.png" width="602" height="291" alt="" /></p>
-<p class="figure">Figure 2. Processes Pane of Symbian OS view</p>
+<p class="figure">Figure 2. Processes Pane of Symbian view</p>
 <p>The process(es) being debugged will be shown in bold font. You can debug (attach debugger to) any process in the Processes tab by selecting it and clicking the &quot;Debug&quot; button or just by double clicking on it. In that case a new process item will show up in the Debug View if the process is not being debugged. Otherwise, you will get a message saying it's already under debug.</p>
 <h4>Other  references</h4>
   <li><a href="../debugger/debug/viewing_debug.htm">Debug view</a></li>
-  <li><a href="../tasks/debugger/view_symbian_kernel_set.htm">Setting Symbian OS View Refresh Rate</a><br />
+  <li><a href="../tasks/debugger/view_symbian_kernel_set.htm">Setting Symbian View Refresh Rate</a><br />
 <div id="footer">Copyright &copy; 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). All rights reserved. <br>License: <a href=""></a></div>
--- a/core/	Sat Oct 02 12:36:21 2010 -0500
+++ b/core/	Wed Oct 06 10:31:32 2010 -0500
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@
 <script language="JavaScript" src="PLUGINS_ROOT/"></script>
 <body >
-<h2>Symbian OS Data view: Threads</h2>
-<p>The <img src="../images/command_link.png" border="0" alt="" /> <a class="command-link" href='javascript:executeCommand("org.eclipse.ui.views.showView(")'>Symbian OS Data</a> view displays the processes and threads for the suspended debug session based on the selection in the <a href="../debugger/debug/viewing_debug.htm">Debug</a> view. Read-only data is displayed for ARM build configurations. Data to be viewed includes:</p>
+<h2>Symbian Data view: Threads</h2>
+<p>The <img src="../images/command_link.png" border="0" alt="" /> <a class="command-link" href='javascript:executeCommand("org.eclipse.ui.views.showView(")'>Symbian Data</a> view displays the processes and threads for the suspended debug session based on the selection in the <a href="../debugger/debug/viewing_debug.htm">Debug</a> view. Read-only data is displayed for ARM build configurations. Data to be viewed includes:</p>
   <li><a href="view_sym_os_data_overview.htm">Overview</a></li>
   <li><a href="view_sym_os_data_process.htm">Processes</a></li>
@@ -23,11 +23,11 @@
 <p>The Threads tab (Figure 3) provides a flat list of corresponding kernel objects. The list will display &ldquo;sortable&rdquo; attributes of that type of object in columns. The &ldquo;sortable attribute&rdquo; means you can sort the list by that attribute. For example, you may want to sort the list by the owning process name. Sort the list of any column by clicking on the column header. The thread(s) being debugged will be shown in bold font.</p>
 <p class="note"><b>NOTE</b> You can debug (attach debugger to) any thread in the Thread tab by double clicking on it or selecting it and clicking the Debug button. In that case, a new thread item will show up in Debug view if the thread is not being debugged.</p>
 <p align="center"><img src="images/view_symbianOS_threads.png" width="602" height="291" alt="" /></p>
-<p class="figure">Figure 3. Threads Pane of Symbian OS view</p>
+<p class="figure">Figure 3. Threads Pane of Symbian view</p>
 <h4>Other  references</h4>
   <li><a href="../debugger/debug/viewing_debug.htm">Debug view</a></li>
-  <li><a href="../tasks/debugger/view_symbian_kernel_set.htm">Setting Symbian OS View Refresh Rate</a><br />
+  <li><a href="../tasks/debugger/view_symbian_kernel_set.htm">Setting Symbian View Refresh Rate</a><br />
 <div id="footer">Copyright &copy; 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). All rights reserved. <br>License: <a href=""></a></div>
--- a/core/	Sat Oct 02 12:36:21 2010 -0500
+++ b/core/	Wed Oct 06 10:31:32 2010 -0500
@@ -9,17 +9,17 @@
 <script language="JavaScript" src="PLUGINS_ROOT/"></script>
 <body >
-<h2>Symbian OS Data view</h2>
-<p>The <img src="../images/command_link.png" border="0" alt="" /> <a class="command-link" href='javascript:executeCommand("org.eclipse.ui.views.showView(")'>Symbian OS Data</a> view displays the processes and threads for the suspended debug session based on the selection in the <a href="../debugger/debug/viewing_debug.htm">Debug</a> view. Read-only data is displayed for ARM build configurations. To open the Symbian OS Data view select<b> Window &gt; Show View &gt; Symbian OS Data</b> when the <a href="perspective_debug.htm">Debug</a> perspective is visible or select <b>Window &gt; Show View &gt; Other...</b>, then expand the Carbide.c++ folder and select <b>Symbian OS Data</b> when the <a href="../concepts/CarbidePerspective.html">Carbide C/C++ perspective</a> is visible. Click <b>Ok</b> to display the Symbian OS Data window (Figure 1).</p>
-<p class="note"><b>NOTE</b> The Symbian OS Data view works with the debugger and will only display data during a live debug session. The Symbian OS Data view is not supported for emulator debugging, and will not show anything during emulator debug.</p>
-<p>The <b>Symbian OS Data</b> view reveals kernel data in the Symbian OS running on the device being debugged. The kernel data displayed is always that of the device with the currently selected thread or process in <a href="../debugger/debug/viewing_debug.htm">Debug</a> view. If you are debugging two devices at the same time, the content of the view will change when focus is switched from a thread on one device to a thread on another device. The kernel data includes more than just processes and threads. </p>
-<p>For the stop mode debugger and the crash debugger, all the data listed above is supported. For the Application and Symbian OS Device debuggers, the chunks and libraries views are not supported. The Symbian OS Data view is not supported for the emulator debugger and will show nothing during an emulator debug session. During a stop mode debug session or a CODA debug session, you are able to select a process or a thread in the Symbian OS Data view and attach the debugger to it for source level debugging if the binary  is listed in the <a href="view_executables.htm">Executables</a> view. Binaries listed in the Executable view can be source level debugged. Binaries  not listed in the Executables view can only be assembly code debugged in the <a href="view_disassembly.htm">Disassembly</a> view.</p>
+<h2>Symbian Data view</h2>
+<p>The <img src="../images/command_link.png" border="0" alt="" /> <a class="command-link" href='javascript:executeCommand("org.eclipse.ui.views.showView(")'>Symbian Data</a> view displays the processes and threads for the suspended debug session based on the selection in the <a href="../debugger/debug/viewing_debug.htm">Debug</a> view. Read-only data is displayed for ARM build configurations. To open the Symbian Data view select<b> Window &gt; Show View &gt; Symbian Data</b> when the <a href="perspective_debug.htm">Debug</a> perspective is visible or select <b>Window &gt; Show View &gt; Other...</b>, then expand the Carbide.c++ folder and select <b>Symbian Data</b> when the <a href="../projects/views/perspective_carbide.htm">Carbide C/C++ perspective</a> is visible. Click <b>Ok</b> to display the Symbian Data window (Figure 1).</p>
+<p class="note"><b>NOTE</b> The Symbian Data view works with the debugger and will only display data during a live debug session. The Symbian Data view is not supported for emulator debugging, and will not show anything during emulator debug.</p>
+<p>The <b>Symbian Data</b> view reveals kernel data in the Symbian running on the device being debugged. The kernel data displayed is always that of the device with the currently selected thread or process in <a href="../debugger/debug/viewing_debug.htm">Debug</a> view. If you are debugging two devices at the same time, the content of the view will change when focus is switched from a thread on one device to a thread on another device. The kernel data includes more than just processes and threads. </p>
+<p>For the stop mode debugger and the crash debugger, all the data listed above is supported. For the Application and Symbian Device debuggers, the chunks and libraries views are not supported. The Symbian Data view is not supported for the emulator debugger and will show nothing during an emulator debug session. During a stop mode debug session or a CODA debug session, you are able to select a process or a thread in the Symbian Data view and attach the debugger to it for source level debugging if the binary  is listed in the <a href="../projects/views/view_executables.htm">Executables</a> view. Binaries listed in the Executable view can be source level debugged. Binaries  not listed in the Executables view can only be assembly code debugged in the <a href="view_disassembly.htm">Disassembly</a> view.</p>
 <p class="note"><b>NOTE</b> Any executable must be included in the <b>Executables</b> view before it can be debugged. </p>
-<p>When the <a href="pref_carb_debugger.htm">Time interval for auto-refreshing OS View</a> option is enabled (which is on by default except for crash debugger), the data in the Symbian OS Data view will be auto-refreshed. Note that &quot;auto-refresh&quot; has a different meaning in different debuggers. During a stop mode debug session, the view will refresh data whenever the debugged program on the device is stopped and shows data as stale (greyed out) when the program is running. During a CODA debug session, the View will refresh data at a time interval regardless of whether the debugged program is stopped or not. The time interval is specified by an option in the Carbide.c++ global preference panel, which is five seconds by default.</p>
+<p>When the <a href="pref_carb_debugger.htm">Time interval for auto-refreshing OS View</a> option is enabled (which is on by default except for crash debugger), the data in the Symbian Data view will be auto-refreshed. Note that &quot;auto-refresh&quot; has a different meaning in different debuggers. During a stop mode debug session, the view will refresh data whenever the debugged program on the device is stopped and shows data as stale (greyed out) when the program is running. During a CODA debug session, the View will refresh data at a time interval regardless of whether the debugged program is stopped or not. The time interval is specified by an option in the Carbide.c++ global preference panel, which is five seconds by default.</p>
 <p>When auto-refresh is turned off, the debugger will not automatically refresh data in the View and will show the data as stale (greyed out). However you can manually refresh the data by clicking on the &quot;Refresh&quot; button in the View. Usually you may want to turn off the auto-refresh if you think it is slowing down your debug operations such as stepping.</p>
-<h3>Symbian OS Data pages
+<h3>Symbian Data pages
-<p>The Symbian OS Data view consists of five tabs. Each tabbed pane is described below. In all panes, the <b>Name Filter</b> field is a standard Eclipse UI control that allows you to find an item by filtering out items by name using wildcards (*, ?) and camel case naming conventions. Camel case refers to using mixed case multiple names merged together  in coding like <span class="code">SecInvInit</span> and <span class="code">DosServer</span>. In all panes, you can select an item and view its properties (attributes). In panes with columns you can click a column title to toggle between ascending and descending sorting. </p>
+<p>The Symbian Data view consists of five tabs. Each tabbed pane is described below. In all panes, the <b>Name Filter</b> field is a standard Eclipse UI control that allows you to find an item by filtering out items by name using wildcards (*, ?) and camel case naming conventions. Camel case refers to using mixed case multiple names merged together  in coding like <span class="code">SecInvInit</span> and <span class="code">DosServer</span>. In all panes, you can select an item and view its properties (attributes). In panes with columns you can click a column title to toggle between ascending and descending sorting. </p>
 <p>Data to be viewed includes:</p>
   <li><a href="#overview">Overview</a></li>
@@ -33,8 +33,8 @@
 <p>This tab (shown in Figure 1) provides a tree view of ownership  of all processes, threads, and chunks in the OS. 
   In contrast, the other tabs provide a flat list of corresponding kernel objects such as process, thread, chunk, library, etc.</p>
 <p align="center"><img src="images/view_symbianOSkernel.png" width="602" height="300" alt="" /></p>
-<p class="figure">Figure 1. Symbian OS Data view</p>
-<h5>Table 1 - Symbian OS Data view toolbar buttons </h5>
+<p class="figure">Figure 1. Symbian Data view</p>
+<h5>Table 1 - Symbian Data view toolbar buttons </h5>
 <table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0"
   <tr valign="top">
@@ -78,26 +78,26 @@
 <p>The Processes tab (Figure 2) provides a flat list of corresponding kernel objects. 
 Click a column title to sort the list by the title attribute in alternating ascending and descending order. For example, you may choose to sort the process list by Name, ID, or by Priority. </p>
 <p align="center"><img src="images/view_symbianOS_PTC.png" width="602" height="291" alt="" /></p>
-<p class="figure">Figure 2. Processes Pane of Symbian OS View</p>
+<p class="figure">Figure 2. Processes Pane of Symbian View</p>
 <p>The process(es) being debugged will be shown in bold font. You can debug (attach debugger to) any process in the Processes tab by selecting it and clicking the &quot;Debug&quot; button or just by double clicking on it. In that case a new process item will show up in the Debug View if the process is not being debugged. Otherwise, you will get a message saying it's already under debug.</p>
 <h4><a name="threads" id="threads"></a>Threads</h4>
 <p>The Threads tab (Figure 3) provides a flat list of corresponding kernel objects. The list will display &ldquo;sortable&rdquo; attributes of that type of object in columns. The &ldquo;sortable attribute&rdquo; means you can sort the list by that attribute. For example, you may want to sort the list by the owning process name. Sort the list of any column by clicking on the column header. The thread(s) being debugged will be shown in bold font.</p>
 <p class="note"><b>NOTE</b> You can debug (attach debugger to) any thread in the Thread tab by double clicking on it or selecting it and clicking the Debug button. In that case, a new thread item will show up in Debug view if the thread is not being debugged.</p>
 <p align="center"><img src="images/view_symbianOS_threads.png" width="602" height="291" alt="" /></p>
-<p class="figure">Figure 3. Threads Pane of Symbian OS View</p>
+<p class="figure">Figure 3. Threads Pane of Symbian View</p>
 <h4><a name="chunks" id="chunks"></a>Chunks</h4>
 <p>Chunks are an area of contiguous linear memory. It is the unit of memory allocation where a region of RAM is mapped into contiguous logical addresses. Chunks are allocated during boot for such things as the Kernel's data and stack.</p>
 <p>The Chunks tab (Figure 4) provides a flat list of corresponding kernel objects. The list will display &ldquo;sortable&rdquo; attributes of that type of object in columns. The &ldquo;sortable attribute&rdquo; means you can sort the list by that attribute. For example, you may want to sort the list by the owning process name. Sort the list of any column by clicking on the column header.</p>
 <p class="note"> <b>NOTE</b> Chunks data is not available during CODA debugging.</p>
 <p align="center"><img src="images/view_symbianOS_chunks.png" width="530" height="278" alt="" /></p>
-<p class="figure">Figure 4. Chunks Pane of Symbian OS View</p>
+<p class="figure">Figure 4. Chunks Pane of Symbian View</p>
 <h4><a name="Library" id="Library"></a>Libraries Tab</h4>
-<p> The Libraries pane (Figure 5) in the Symbian OS view provides  information on libraries in the Symbian OS residing on the target.</p>
+<p> The Libraries pane (Figure 5) in the Symbian view provides  information on libraries in the Symbian residing on the target.</p>
 <p class="note"> <b>NOTE</b> Library data is not available during CODA debugging.</p>
 <p align="center"><img src="images/view_symbianOS_Lib.png" width="531" height="278" alt="" /></p>
-<p class="figure">Figure 5. Libraries Pane of Symbian OS View</p>
+<p class="figure">Figure 5. Libraries Pane of Symbian View</p>
 <h3><a name="attach" id="attach"></a>Attaching to a Process</h3>
-<p>If <span class="note">you double click on a thread item in the Thread tab, or right-click and choose <b>Debug</b>, the owning process of the thread will be attached.</span> The thread with an attached process will appear in bold. You can also select a thread and click the bug icon in the Symbian OS Data toolbar. You can also view properties for the attached process by clicking the &quot;Show properties of the selected item&quot; icon () in the Symbian OS Data toolbar or right-click the thread and choose <b>Properties</b>.</p>
+<p>If <span class="note">you double click on a thread item in the Thread tab, or right-click and choose <b>Debug</b>, the owning process of the thread will be attached.</span> The thread with an attached process will appear in bold. You can also select a thread and click the bug icon in the Symbian Data toolbar. You can also view properties for the attached process by clicking the &quot;Show properties of the selected item&quot; icon () in the Symbian Data toolbar or right-click the thread and choose <b>Properties</b>.</p>
 <p class="note"><b>NOTE </b>If an executable is not part of a project in the workspace use the Executables view to import an executable to make it visible to the debugger. Once included in the Executables list, the symbolics for that executable can be loaded and breakpoints resolved and hit. Open a source file in an editor view or use the <a href="view_breakpoints.htm">Breakpoints</a> view to verify that the executable breakpoints have been <a href="../concepts/breakpoints.htm">resolved</a>. </p>
 <p class="note"><b>IMPORTANT</b> In stop mode debugging when debugging multiple processes at the same time, selecting a process in the <a href="../debugger/debug/viewing_debug.htm">Debug</a> pane and clicking <b>Terminate</b> disconnects the attached process on the board, leaving  all other processes running. It does not terminate the debug session.  However, if there is only one debug process  when you click <b>Terminate</b> the CPU is  suspended until the next debug session.</p>
 <p class="note"><b>WARNING</b> Detaching from a system process or any process not initiated by the program you are attempting to debug may cause the device to stop working, forcing a restart of the device. </p>
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@
 <h5>Other  references</h5>
   <li><a href="../debugger/debug/viewing_debug.htm">Debug view</a></li>
-  <li><a href="../tasks/debugger/view_symbian_kernel_set.htm">Setting Symbian OS View Refresh Rate</a><br />
+  <li><a href="../tasks/debugger/view_symbian_kernel_set.htm">Setting Symbian View Refresh Rate</a><br />
 <div id="footer">Copyright &copy; 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). All rights reserved. <br>License: <a href=""></a></div>
--- a/core/	Sat Oct 02 12:36:21 2010 -0500
+++ b/core/	Wed Oct 06 10:31:32 2010 -0500
@@ -12,23 +12,23 @@
 <p>  Here are all the views available within the Carbide IDE and debugging environments.</p>
 <h4>Carbide C/++ perspective views:</h4>
-    <li><a href="view_carbide_portal.htm">Carbide Portal</a> view</li>
-    <li><a href="view_executables.htm">Executables</a> view</li>
-    <li><a href="view_proj_explorer.htm">Project Explorer </a>view</li>
-    <li><a href="trk/view_remote_connection.htm">Remote Connections</a> view</li>
-    <li><a href="view_sym_proj_nav.htm">Symbian Project Navigator</a> view</li>
+    <li><a href="../projects/views/view_carbide_portal.htm">Carbide Portal</a> view</li>
+    <li><a href="../projects/views/view_executables.htm">Executables</a> view</li>
+    <li><a href="../projects/views/view_proj_explorer.htm">Project Explorer </a>view</li>
+    <li><a href="../projects/remote_conn/view_remote_connection.htm">Remote Connections</a> view</li>
+    <li><a href="../projects/views/view_sym_proj_nav.htm">Symbian Project Navigator</a> view</li>
 <h4>Debug perspective views:</h4>
     <li><a href="view_breakpoints.htm">Breakpoints</a> view</li>
-    <li><a href="view_console.htm">Console</a> view</li>
+    <li><a href="../projects/views/view_console.htm">Console</a> view</li>
     <li><a href="../debugger/debug/viewing_debug.htm">Debug</a> view</li>
     <li><a href="view_disassembly.htm">Disassembly</a> view</li>
     <li><a href="view_expressions.htm">Expressions</a> view</li>
     <li><a href="view_memory.htm">Memory</a> view</li>
     <li><a href="view_module.htm">Modules</a> view</li>
     <li><a href="view_registers.htm">Registers</a> view</li>
-    <li><a href="view_symbian_kernel.htm">Symbian OS Data</a> view</li>
+    <li><a href="view_symbian_kernel.htm">Symbian Data</a> view</li>
     <li><a href="view_signals.htm">Signels</a> view</li>
     <li><a href="view_variables.htm">Variables</a> view</li>
--- a/core/	Sat Oct 02 12:36:21 2010 -0500
+++ b/core/	Wed Oct 06 10:31:32 2010 -0500
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
 <p>The tabs shown in the <b>Debug</b> dialog vary depending upon the  type of launch configuration highlighted in the configurations list. See <a href="../projects/launch/launch_configs_overview.htm">Launch Configuration Overview</a> for more information on the various launch configuration types. </p>
 <p>Click <b>Debug</b> to start a new debug session using the selected launch configuration. </p>
 <p align="center" class="figure"><img src="images/wnd_debug_overview.png" alt="Debug window" width="864" height="471"></p>
-<p align="center" class="figure"> Figure 1 - Debug dialog (Symbian OS Emulation configuration shown)</p>
+<p align="center" class="figure"> Figure 1 - Debug dialog (Symbian Emulation configuration shown)</p>
 <h5>Table 1. Debug dialog &mdash; common items</h5>
 <table width="94%"  border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
--- a/core/	Sat Oct 02 12:36:21 2010 -0500
+++ b/core/	Wed Oct 06 10:31:32 2010 -0500
@@ -1,106 +1,108 @@
 <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
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   <title>Carbide.c++ Release Notes</title>
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-<h2>Carbide.c++ Release Notes 3.0.0</h2>
-<p>The Carbide.c++  is a comprehensive development tool suite for Symbian OS that is based on the Eclipse framework. The C++ Development Toolkit (CDT), provides the foundation for project and build tools management, as well as the primary interface for the debugger to communicate with the IDE. </p>
-<p>This is a collection of important information concerning last-minute
-  changes and other topics that deserve special attention.&nbsp;Please
-  read these notes carefully before using the Carbide tools so you
-  understand the current limitations and workarounds for known
-  issues. </p>
-  <li><a href="#whatsNew">What's new </a></li>
-  <li><a href="bugs_fixed.htm">K</a><a href="#issues">nown issues</a></li>
-  <li><a href="bugs_fixed.htm">Bug Fixes</a></li>
-  <li><a href="#support">Technical support</a> </li>
-<h3><a name="whatsNew" id="whatsNew"></a>What's New in 3.0.0 </h3>
-<p>The following features for Symbian  development are provided within Carbide.c++:</p>
-    <li><b>Eclipse 3.6 </b>&#8212; The Eclipse 3.6 project (Helios) provides the foundation, or integration platform, on which  Carbide.c++  is built. New features include: Breakpoint detail pane for editing properties, Expression View Columns, Rectangular cut/paste, Synchronize View for applying patches. See <a href="PLUGINS_ROOT/org.eclipse.platform.doc.user/whatsNew/platform_whatsnew.html">What's New in 3.6</a> for more information.</li>
-    <li><b>CDT 7.0 </b>&#8212; The final version of CDT is included as part of the Helios release. New Disassembly view with unlimited scrolling et al, new Templates view, compiler error/warning output highlighting, Regular Expression Error parser, Save build log to file, new key binding for &quot;Run last make target&quot;. See the <a href="">CDT 7.0 News and Noteworthy</a> page for more information. </li>
-    <li><strong>Eclipse Debugger for C/C++</strong><strong> </strong>&mdash; Carbide now uses the <strong>Eclipse Debugger for C/C++</strong> (EDC) as the default device debugger. EDC provided an entirely new Debug view with all of the standard debug features like variables, breakpoints, watchpoints, disassembly, and all the other views required to run a debugging session. In addition, EDC provides the framework to add new debug features like snapshots.</li>
-    <li><b>TCF Debug Agents</b> &ndash; Using Eclipse&rsquo;s Target Configuration Framework, a new set of debug agents are used with the new EDC debugger to provide a completely new end-to-end debug environment. </li>
-    <li><b>Plug-n-Play Debug Discovery</b> &ndash; a new method where Carbide can detect a debug target (phone device, PlatSim, etc) and automatically connect and configure the target so debugging can be initiated.</li>
-    <li><b>Snapshots</b> &ndash; Save the state of a debug session for later review. Multiple snapshots are stored in a debug album to be shared with others or used for comparing different debug sessions.</li>
-    <li><b>New SDK Manager</b> &ndash; Now automatically adds Symbian SDKs found on subst'ed drives and will link corresponding internally installed Qt SDKs. There are only two properties for SDKs now, the unique ID and location - no more messing around with OS or SDK versions!</li>
-    <li><b>Improved Raptor support</b> &ndash; The Build Configuration Filter selects which platforms are visible when creating new projects or build configurations. This preference panel populates the build configurations when importing new projects. Users can now create their own custom variants for any Raptor build alias.</li>
-    <li><b>CODA</b> replaces <b>TRK</b> as the debug agent on remote devices. CODA (Carbide On-device Debug Agent) uses the TCF interface to provide improved communication support between the Carbide debugger and the remote device. Can be downloaded and installed using the Install Remote Agents tab in the New Connection dialog. Requires both Carbide.c++ 3.x and EDC.</li>
-    <li><b>New Carbide.c++ portal view</b> &ndash; The new <a href="reference/view_carbide_portal.htm">Carbide.c++ Portal</a> view provides easier access to
-        <ul>
-            <li> Welcome and getting started information including videos, blogs, and much more</li>
-            <li>Installing and updating Symbian SDKs using the SDK Manager</li>
-            <li>Customizing the Carbide workspace to better suit your needs</li>
-            <li>Support information</li>
-        </ul>
-        </li>
-    <li><strong>Streamlined UI</strong> &mdash; Carbide's UI has been streamlined and minimized to a core set of functionality, mainly that of creating Symbian projects, building and debugging them. Context menus have been reworked to show a minimum set of options. If your favorite option is missing, you can use the <strong>Capability</strong> preference panel or the <strong>Customize Perspective</strong> dialog to add favorite commands back onto the context menus.</li>
-<ul><li><strong>Performance improvements</strong>  &mdash; We continue to address known performance issues as they reveal themselves. This release provides improvements for:
+  <h2>Carbide.c++ Release Notes 3.0.0</h2>
+  <p>The Carbide.c++ is a comprehensive development tool suite for Symbian that is based on the Eclipse framework. The C++ Development Toolkit (CDT), provides the foundation for project and build tools management, as well as the primary interface for the debugger to communicate with the IDE.</p>
+  <p>This is a collection of important information concerning last-minute changes and other topics that deserve special attention. Please read these notes carefully before using the Carbide tools so you understand the current limitations and workarounds for known issues.</p>
+  <ul>
+    <li><a href="#whatsNew">What's new</a></li>
+    <li><a href="#issues">Known issues</a></li>
+    <li><a href="#bugs_fixed.htm">Bug Fixes</a></li>
+    <li><a href="#support">Technical support</a></li>
+  </ul>
+  <h3><a name="whatsNew" id="whatsNew"></a>What's New in 3.0.0</h3>
+  <p>The following features for Symbian development are provided within Carbide.c++:</p>
+  <ul>
+    <li><strong>Eclipse 3.6</strong> - The Eclipse 3.6 project (Helios) provides the foundation, or integration platform, on which Carbide.c++ is built. New features include: Breakpoint detail pane for editing properties, Expression View Columns, Rectangular cut/paste, Synchronize View for applying patches. See <a href="PLUGINS_ROOT/org.eclipse.platform.doc.user/whatsNew/platform_whatsnew.html">What's New in 3.6</a> for more information.</li>
+    <li><strong>CDT 7.0</strong> - The final version of CDT is included as part of the Helios release. New Disassembly view with unlimited scrolling et al, new Templates view, compiler error/warning output highlighting, Regular Expression Error parser, Save build log to file, new key binding for "Run last make target". See the <a href="">CDT 7.0 News and Noteworthy</a> page for more information.</li>
+    <li><strong>Eclipse Debugger for C/C++</strong> - Carbide now uses the <strong>Eclipse Debugger for C/C++</strong> (EDC) as the default device debugger. EDC provided an entirely new Debug view with all of the standard debug features like variables, breakpoints, watchpoints, disassembly, and all the other views required to run a debugging session. In addition, EDC provides the framework to add new debug features like snapshots.</li>
+    <li><strong>TCF Debug Agents</strong> - Using Eclipse's Target Configuration Framework, a new set of debug agents are used with the new EDC debugger to provide a completely new end-to-end debug environment.</li>
+    <li><strong>Plug-n-Play Debug Discovery</strong> - a new method where Carbide can detect a debug target (phone device, PlatSim, etc) and automatically connect and configure the target so debugging can be initiated.</li>
+    <li><strong>Snapshots</strong> - Save the state of a debug session for later review. Multiple snapshots are stored in a debug album to be shared with others or used for comparing different debug sessions.</li>
+    <li><strong>New SDK Manager</strong> - Now automatically adds Symbian SDKs found on subst'ed drives and will link corresponding internally installed Qt SDKs. There are only two properties for SDKs now, the unique ID and location - no more messing around with OS or SDK versions!</li>
+    <li><strong>Improved Raptor support</strong> - The Build Configuration Filter selects which platforms are visible when creating new projects or build configurations. This preference panel populates the build configurations when importing new projects. Users can now create their own custom variants for any Raptor build alias.</li>
+    <li><strong>CODA</strong> replaces <strong>TRK</strong> as the debug agent on remote devices. CODA (Carbide On-device Debug Agent) uses the TCF interface to provide improved communication support between the Carbide debugger and the remote device. Can be downloaded and installed using the Install Remote Agents tab in the New Connection dialog. Requires both Carbide.c++ 3.x and EDC.</li>
+    <li>
+      <strong>New Carbide.c++ portal view</strong> - The new <a href="projects/views/view_carbide_portal.htm">Carbide.c++ Portal</a> view provides easier access to
+      <ul>
+        <li>Welcome and getting started information including videos, blogs, and much more</li>
+        <li>Installing and updating Symbian SDKs using the SDK Manager</li>
+        <li>Customizing the Carbide workspace to better suit your needs</li>
+        <li>Support information</li>
+      </ul>
+    </li>
+    <li><strong>Streamlined UI</strong> - Carbide's UI has been streamlined and minimized to a core set of functionality, mainly that of creating Symbian projects, building and debugging them. Context menus have been reworked to show a minimum set of options. If your favorite option is missing, you can use the <strong>Capability</strong> preference panel or the <strong>Customize Perspective</strong> dialog to add favorite commands back onto the context menus.</li>
+  </ul>
+  <ul>
+    <li>
+      <strong>Performance improvements</strong> - We continue to address known performance issues as they reveal themselves. This release provides improvements for:
+      <ul>
+        <li><strong>Cached SDK and SBS builds</strong> - once your SDKs and build configurations are set up subsequent Carbide launches are faster.</li>
+        <li><strong>Stack frames</strong> - in the Debug view stack frames were displayed once the symbol tables were completely read. For large symbol files this sometimes slowed down the display and hence the ability to continue debugging. Now the Debug view will show a subset of stack frames after a set time and update the remainder once it has finished scanning the symbol file.</li>
+        <li><strong>Executables view</strong> - eliminated several use cases that forced the Executables list to update too frequently.</li>
+        <li><strong>Large symbol tables</strong> supported - The Carbide symbol reader has been rewritten to provide faster access to symbols and to handle very large symbol files (larger than 10GB).</li>
+      </ul>
+    </li>
+    <li>The Variables view and debug hover provides smart formatting for:
-          <li><b>Cached SDK and SBS builds</b> &ndash; once your SDKs and build configurations are set up subsequent Carbide launches are faster.</li>
-          <li><strong>Stack frames</strong> &mdash; in the Debug view stack frames were displayed once the symbol tables were completely read. For large symbol files this sometimes slowed down the display and hence the ability to continue debugging. Now the Debug view will show a subset of stack frames after a set time and update the remainder once it has finished scanning the symbol file.</li>
-          <li><strong>Executables view</strong>   &mdash; eliminated several use cases that forced the Executables list to update too frequently.</li>
-          <li><strong>Large symbol tables</strong> supported &mdash; The Carbide symbol reader has been rewritten to provide faster access to symbols and to handle very large symbol files (larger than 10GB).</li>
-        </ul>
-  </li>
-  <li>The Variables view and debug hover provides  smart formatting for:
-      <ul>
-          <li>Symbian data types and descriptors</li>
-          <li>Qt data types:  <span class="code">QString</span>, <span class="code">QByteArray</span>, <span class="code">QSet</span>, <span class="code">QHash</span>, <span class="code">QMap</span>, <span class="code">QVector</span>, <span class="code">QList</span>, <span class="code">QLinkedList</span> and <span class="code">Qvariant</span>.</li>
+        <li>Symbian data types and descriptors</li>
+        <li>Qt data types: <span class="code">QString</span>, <span class="code">QByteArray</span>, <span class="code">QSet</span>, <span class="code">QHash</span>, <span class="code">QMap</span>, <span class="code">QVector</span>, <span class="code">QList</span>, <span class="code">QLinkedList</span> and <span class="code">Qvariant</span>.</li>
-  </li>
+    </li>
+  </ul>
+  <h4><a name="new270" id="new270"></a>2.7.0</h4>
+  <ul>
+    <li>The Leavescan plug-in has been deprecated and is no longer included in Carbide.c++ releases. Use Codescanner to replace the Leavescan functionality.</li>
-<h4><a name="new270" id="new270"></a>2.7.0 </h4>
-  <li>The Leavescan plug-in has been deprecated and is no longer included in  Carbide.c++ releases. Use Codescanner to replace the Leavescan functionality.</li>
-<h4><a name="new260" id="new2"></a>2.6.0 </h4>
-    <li><b>GCCE 4.0 </b> supported &mdash; required for future SBSv2 releases.</li>
-    <li><b>Symbian^3 </b>supported &mdash; new templates and improvements required for the public Symbian^3 SDK.</li>
-    <li><b>Known Issues in v2.6.0</b>: 
-        <p>GCCE4 support requires using a SBSv2 build alias (<span class="code">-c</span> parameter) of <span class="code">armv5_udeb_gcce</span> or <span class="code">armv5_urel_gcce</span>. As of this writing, these aliases were not available in the SDK or SBSv2, but will appear in some future version. Carbide versions prior to 2.6 do not support GCCE4.</p>
-        <p>Users should consult the SDK documentation for GCCE and SBSv2 issues and installation requirements.</p>
-        <p>TRK: If you install the TRK app onto your phone's flash memory (Mass Storage) a Remote Connection may not find the TRK-service even though TRK is already connected to your PC.         Workaround: Uninstall TRK then reinstall it onto your PHONE memory (C-drive). The TRK service should now be &quot;Available&quot;.</p>
+  <h4><a name="new260" id="new260"></a>2.6.0</h4>
+  <ul>
+    <li><strong>GCCE 4.0</strong> supported - required for future SBSv2 releases.</li>
+    <li><strong>Symbian^3</strong> supported - new templates and improvements required for the public Symbian^3 SDK.</li>
+    <li>
+      <strong>Known Issues in v2.6.0</strong>:
+      <p>GCCE4 support requires using a SBSv2 build alias (<span class="code">-c</span> parameter) of <span class="code">armv5_udeb_gcce</span> or <span class="code">armv5_urel_gcce</span>. As of this writing, these aliases were not available in the SDK or SBSv2, but will appear in some future version. Carbide versions prior to 2.6 do not support GCCE4.</p>
+      <p>Users should consult the SDK documentation for GCCE and SBSv2 issues and installation requirements.</p>
+      <p>TRK: If you install the TRK app onto your phone's flash memory (Mass Storage) a Remote Connection may not find the TRK-service even though TRK is already connected to your PC. Workaround: Uninstall TRK then reinstall it onto your PHONE memory (C-drive). The TRK service should now be "Available".</p>
-<h4><a name="new250" id="new"></a>2.5.0</h4>
-  <li><b>Plug-and-Play (PnP) On-device Debugging </b> supported &mdash; debugging a target device just got easier. Using a USB cable, connect the PC to the target device, then launch Carbide.c++. Carbide locates the connected device and creates a remote connection setup to communicate with it. Build the program and launch it on the device to start the debugging session. </li>
-  <li><b>PnP Phone Launch Wizard</b> - If the project does not already have a launch configuration, the PnP Launch Wizard makes it easy to create one for <a href="projects/launch/launch_phone.htm">phones</a>. In addition the new <a href="projects/launch/launch_configs_overview.htm">Configure Launch Configuration</a> dialog provides a quick summary of the remote connection for easy review and modification.</li>
-  <li><b>Carbide  automatically detects TRK on target phones and devices</b> - Carbide  now detects the presence of either Application or System TRK on a connected device when TRK 3.2.6 or later are installed. Earlier TRK versions  do not support this recognition feature.</li>
-  <li><b>TRK improvements</b> - TRK continues to evolve and now includes these improvements:
-    <ul>
-        <li>Both Application and System TRK v3.2.6 support PnP debugging. Update and install  using the <b>Help &gt; On Device Connections &gt; Install Remote Agents</b> pane in the <b>New Connection</b> dialog.</li>
-      <li><span class="code">VERSION3</span> command now supported</li>
-    </ul>
-  </li>
-  <li><b>RVCT 4.0 (ARMv5)</b> builds and some limited debugging is supported</li>
-  <li><b>Symbian ^3 SDK</b> now supported</li>
-<h3><a name="issues" id="issues"></a>Known issues</h3>
-<p>Workarounds for known issues: </p>
-    <li><strong>Qt issues</strong> &mdash; If Qt does not seem to be working as expected, be sure to run the <span class="code">\configuration\qt\register_plugins.bat</span> file to properly register the Qt plugins. This is especially important if you installed Carbide using a zip file and not an installer.</li>
-    <li><strong>USB issues</strong>  &mdash; There are known problems with some USB configurations. We are working to resolve these asap.</li>
-<h3><a name="support" id="support"></a>Technical support </h3>
-<p>The following support services are available:</p>
-<ul><li>Visit the <a href="">Symbian Foundation</a> for Carbide.c++ and Symbian development information </li>
-<div id="footer">Copyright &copy; 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). All rights reserved. <br>License: <a href=""></a></div>
+  </ul>
+  <h4><a name="new250" id="new250"></a>2.5.0</h4>
+  <ul>
+    <li><strong>Plug-and-Play (PnP) On-device Debugging</strong> supported - debugging a target device just got easier. Using a USB cable, connect the PC to the target device, then launch Carbide.c++. Carbide locates the connected device and creates a remote connection setup to communicate with it. Build the program and launch it on the device to start the debugging session.</li>
+    <li><strong>PnP Phone Launch Wizard</strong> - If the project does not already have a launch configuration, the PnP Launch Wizard makes it easy to create one for <a href="projects/launch/launch_phone.htm">phones</a>. In addition the new <a href="projects/launch/launch_configs_overview.htm">Configure Launch Configuration</a> dialog provides a quick summary of the remote connection for easy review and modification.</li>
+    <li><strong>Carbide automatically detects TRK on target phones and devices</strong> - Carbide now detects the presence of either Application or System TRK on a connected device when TRK 3.2.6 or later are installed. Earlier TRK versions do not support this recognition feature.</li>
+    <li>
+      <strong>TRK improvements</strong> - TRK continues to evolve and now includes these improvements:
+      <ul>
+        <li>Both Application and System TRK v3.2.6 support PnP debugging. Update and install using the <strong>Help &gt; On Device Connections &gt; Install Remote Agents</strong> pane in the <strong>New Connection</strong> dialog.</li>
+        <li><span class="code">VERSION3</span> command now supported</li>
+      </ul>
+    </li>
+    <li><strong>RVCT 4.0 (ARMv5)</strong> builds and some limited debugging is supported</li>
+    <li><strong>Symbian ^3 SDK</strong> now supported</li>
+  </ul>
+  <h3><a name="issues" id="issues"></a>Known issues</h3>
+  <p>Workarounds for known issues:</p>
+  <ul>
+    <li><strong>Qt issues</strong> - If Qt does not seem to be working as expected, be sure to run the <span class="code">\configuration\qt\register_plugins.bat</span> file to properly register the Qt plugins. This is especially important if you installed Carbide using a zip file and not an installer.</li>
+    <li><strong>USB issues</strong> - There are known problems with some USB configurations. We are working to resolve these asap.</li>
+  </ul>
+  <h3><a name="support" id="support"></a>Technical support</h3>
+  <p>The following support services are available:</p>
+  <ul>
+    <li>Visit the <a href="">Symbian Foundation</a> for Carbide.c++ and Symbian development information</li>
+  </ul>
+  <div id="footer">
+    Copyright © 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). All rights reserved.<br>
+    License: <a href=""></a>
+  </div>
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/core/	Sat Oct 02 12:36:21 2010 -0500
+++ b/core/	Wed Oct 06 10:31:32 2010 -0500
@@ -1,27 +1,27 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
-	<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
-	<title>Developer Resources</title>
-    <link href="../book.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<h2>Developer Resources</h2>
-<p>The following developer references provide information on the S60 SDKs, Symbian SDKs, APIs, and a host of other useful sources. Visit them  to enhance your Symbian knowledge.</p>
- <p class="note"><b>NOTE</b> WINS (Visual Studio)
-   SDKs are not supported. If you want to do emulation debugging you need a WINSCW SDK.</p>
- <ul>
-   <li>Symbian Developer (<a href=""></a>) </li>
-   <li>Symbian Foundation (<a href=""></a>) </li>
-   <li><a href="">Forum Nokia</a></li>
-   <li><a href=""> Carbide.c++ IDE and plug-ins</a> discussion forum</li>
-   <li><a href="">newlc</a> - a Symbian OS C++ developer portal</li>
-   <li><a href="">allaboutsymbian</a> - a community site and portal for phones running the Symbian OS</li>
- </ul>
-<div id="footer">Copyright &copy; 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). All rights reserved. <br>License: <a href=""></a></div>
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
+	<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
+	<title>Developer Resources</title>
+    <link href="../book.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
+<h2>Developer Resources</h2>
+<p>The following developer references provide information on the S60 SDKs, Symbian SDKs, APIs, and a host of other useful sources. Visit them  to enhance your Symbian knowledge.</p>
+ <p class="note"><b>NOTE</b> WINS (Visual Studio)
+   SDKs are not supported. If you want to do emulation debugging you need a WINSCW SDK.</p>
+ <ul>
+   <li>Symbian Developer (<a href=""></a>) </li>
+   <li>Symbian Foundation (<a href=""></a>) </li>
+   <li><a href="">Forum Nokia</a></li>
+   <li><a href=""> Carbide.c++ IDE and plug-ins</a> discussion forum</li>
+   <li><a href="">newlc</a> - a Symbian C++ developer portal</li>
+   <li><a href="">allaboutsymbian</a> - a community site and portal for phones running the Symbian</li>
+ </ul>
+<div id="footer">Copyright &copy; 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). All rights reserved. <br>License: <a href=""></a></div>
\ No newline at end of file
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 	   <li><a href="AddingClasses.html">Adding Classes </a></li>
 	   <li><a href="ImportingProjects.html">New Class Wizard </a></li>
-	   <li><a href="projects/prj_adding_symbian_class.htm">Adding Symbian OS Class Wizard </a></li>
+	   <li><a href="projects/prj_adding_symbian_class.htm">Adding Symbian Class Wizard </a></li>
 <div id="footer">Copyright &copy; 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). All rights reserved. <br>License: <a href=""></a></div>
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 <link rel="StyleSheet" href="../../book.css" type="text/css"/>
-<h2>Creating New Symbian OS C++ Projects</h2>
+<h2>Creating New Symbian C++ Projects</h2>
   <div class="Bodytext">
     <p>New  projects are created using the <b>New Project Wizard</b>. Carbide includes a number of templates that make creating projects for different SDKs and executables quick and easy.</p>
-    <p class="note"><b>NOTE</b> You must have  at least one recognized SDK installed before you can create a project. See the <a href="../reference/pref_carb_symbian_sdk.htm">Symbian SDKs panel</a> to determine if the installed SDKs are recognized by Carbide.c++ IDE. If the SDK you have is not recognized, you may still be able to <a href="sdks/sdk_add.htm">add</a> it to the Discovered Symbian OS SDK list.</p>
+    <p class="note"><b>NOTE</b> You must have  at least one recognized SDK installed before you can create a project. See the <a href="../reference/pref_carb_symbian_sdk.htm">Symbian SDKs panel</a> to determine if the installed SDKs are recognized by Carbide.c++ IDE. If the SDK you have is not recognized, you may still be able to <a href="sdks/sdk_add.htm">add</a> it to the Discovered Symbian SDK list.</p>
     <p class="note"><b>NOTE</b> When creating or importing projects the sources and SDK must be on the same drive. This is due to many of the internal SDK tools using an implicit working drive to calculate paths (e.g. \epoc32\tools). Avoid spaces in SDK paths since this will also cause problems.</p>
     <div class="step">
-    <h3>Creating New Symbian OS C++ Projects</h3>
+    <h3>Creating New Symbian C++ Projects</h3>
-      <li class="step">Select <b>File &gt; New &gt; Symbian OS C++ Project</b> to invoke the <b>New Project</b> wizard.</li>
+      <li class="step">Select <b>File &gt; New &gt; Symbian C++ Project</b> to invoke the <b>New Project</b> wizard.</li>
         <p><img src="images/new_proj_step1.png" width="548" height="120" alt="" ></p>
-        <li>The <b class="step">New Symbian OS C++ Project</b> wizard appears. Select a template to create a project that matches the intended final application.</li>
+        <li>The <b class="step">New Symbian C++ Project</b> wizard appears. Select a template to create a project that matches the intended final application.</li>
       <p>A project template provides the initial source files and project settings appropriate for the chosen project type. A brief description of each template appears below the list. The project type determines the type of program that you are writing.</p>
       <p class="note"><b>NOTE</b> If the selected template requires user input, additional wizard pages will collect data from the user before creating the project.</p>
       <p>Checkmark the <b>Filter templates based on enabled SDKs</b> option to only list  SDKs enabled in the <a href="../reference/pref_carb_symbian_sdk.htm">Symbian SDKs panel</a>. Uncheck this option to list  SDKs that can be used with Carbide. Click <b>Next</b>.</p>
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
       <li>Select the <b>SDKs and Build Configurations</b>. </li>
       <p>Checkmark the <b>Filter SDKs based on selected template</b> option to only show  build configurations based on the selected SDK template, or uncheck to show all enabled SDKs and their related build configurations.</p>
       <p align="center"><img src="images/new_proj_step4.png" width="525" height="503" alt="" ></p>
-      <p class="Image">The Symbian OS SDKs wizard page shows a tree of the SDKs and the type of builds available within that SDK. Select a single SDK
+      <p class="Image">The Symbian SDKs wizard page shows a tree of the SDKs and the type of builds available within that SDK. Select a single SDK
         if the program you are developing is for just one version of a platform,
       or select multiple SDKs to build the program for multiple build platforms or SDK versions.</p>
       <p> The build configuration allows you to specify the compiler(s) to
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
         notice and Target Type for console EXEs.</p>
   <p>Application UID (or UID3) is used to uniquely identify the binary (EXE or DLL) within the system. The purpose of UID 3 is to prevent one executable from interfering the operation of another executable.</p>
-      <p>    A Vendor ID (VID) is a unique identifier for the organization that is supplying the program. In versions of Symbian OS with platform security, a program can read a VID at runtime to check that a binary comes from a particular source. In most cases, the VID should be zero, meaning that source of the executable is not required for any security checks.</p>
+      <p>    A Vendor ID (VID) is a unique identifier for the organization that is supplying the program. In versions of Symbian with platform security, a program can read a VID at runtime to check that a binary comes from a particular source. In most cases, the VID should be zero, meaning that source of the executable is not required for any security checks.</p>
       <p style="font-weight: normal;">UID 2 is a unique identifier number that identifies the type of interface that the
           project implements. The values are defined by Symbian</p>
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
       <p>Accept the defaults or enter the names for Include and Source folders to be created under the project root directory. Generated files will be copied to these directories.</p>
       <li> Click <b>Finish</b> to create the project.</li>
-      <p>This generates the necessary files for the project based on the template selected and show them in the <a href="../reference/view_proj_explorer.htm">Project Explorer</a> view.</p>
+      <p>This generates the necessary files for the project based on the template selected and show them in the <a href="../projects/views/view_proj_explorer.htm">Project Explorer</a> view.</p>
       <p align="center"><img src="images/new_proj_step7.png" width="224" height="267" alt="" > </p>
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     <li><a href="projects/prj_build.htm">Building Projects</a></li>
     <li><a href="projects/prj_debug_config.htm">Creating a Launch Configuration</a></li>
-    <li><a href="start/carbide_debugging.htm">Debugging a Symbian OS Program</a> </li>
+    <li><a href="start/carbide_debugging.htm">Debugging a Symbian Program</a> </li>
 <div id="footer">Copyright &copy; 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). All rights reserved. <br>License: <a href=""></a></div>
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    <div class="Bodytext">
-		The command-line Symbian OS toolchain requires that projects are
+		The command-line Symbian toolchain requires that projects are
 	 defined with these formats:</p>
-	   <li>Symbian OS-specific project file formats (bld.inf)</li>
-	   <li>Symbian OS executable files (.exe)</li>
+	   <li>Symbian-specific project file formats (bld.inf)</li>
+	   <li>Symbian executable files (.exe)</li>
 	 <p>The primary purpose of bld.inf files is to
 		        group together closely associated projects, such as a GUI application and a
 		        engine DLL used by that application.</p>
-		The Symbian OS plug-ins allow you to import projects defined with these
+		The Symbian plug-ins allow you to import projects defined with these
 		formats into the workbench. This is useful if:</p> 
@@ -33,8 +33,8 @@
-     <h3>Projects for Symbian OS 9.3+ </h3>
-     <p>Versions of Symbian OS 9.3+ devkits include extensive use of <span class="code">PRJ_EXTENSIONS</span> and <span class="code">PRJ_TESTEXTENSIONS</span>. These top-level entries are extension makefile templates whose names are later filled in with target names, sources, and options. The intent is to make source editing easier and dependency checking possible during a build. </p>
+     <h3>Projects for Symbian 9.3+ </h3>
+     <p>Versions of Symbian 9.3+ devkits include extensive use of <span class="code">PRJ_EXTENSIONS</span> and <span class="code">PRJ_TESTEXTENSIONS</span>. These top-level entries are extension makefile templates whose names are later filled in with target names, sources, and options. The intent is to make source editing easier and dependency checking possible during a build. </p>
      <p>Currently if you  import a bld.inf file but are not importing all of the components and one of these extensions are found:</p>
        <li>a warning appears at the top of the wizard page</li>
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
 	   Click File &gt; Import... to get a list of available import wizards</li> 
-		<li>Select Symbian OS &gt; Symbian OS Bld.inf file and click Next to go to the Import Bld.inf page
+		<li>Select Symbian &gt; Symbian Bld.inf file and click Next to go to the Import Bld.inf page
 		    <div class="Figure"></div>
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
 			 Type the location of the bld.inf file to import, or browse to the file using the Browse button. </li>
 		  <p class="Image"><img src="../reference/images/import_bld_inf_02.png" alt="Select bld.inf file to import" width="573" height="550"></p>
-		  <p class="note"><strong>NOTE</strong> Depending upon which SDKs are installed, you may see both SBSv1 and SBSv2 builders available. It is recommended that SBSv2 be the primary choice as SBSv1 has been deprecated for future Symbian OS development.</p>
+		  <p class="note"><strong>NOTE</strong> Depending upon which SDKs are installed, you may see both SBSv1 and SBSv2 builders available. It is recommended that SBSv2 be the primary choice as SBSv1 has been deprecated for future Symbian development.</p>
 		  <p class="Image">SBSv2   works with recent versions of Symbian^3 and Symbian ^4 SDKs. Both  SBSv1 and SBSv2 are GNU make based build systems. SBSv1 uses Perl to generate make files,  while SBSv2 uses Python. Select the appropriate builder for your project.</p>
 		  <p class="note"><strong>NOTE</strong> Choose SBSv2 whenever possible as SBSv1 is being phased out.</p>
 	     When building for  SBSv2, the builder will set <span class="code">EPOCROOT</span> to the absolute path (including drive  letter) to the kit for the active build configuration.&nbsp; It will also add the path to the sbs bin  directory to the start of the <span class="code">PATH</span> variable.&nbsp;  This is derived from the <span class="code">SBS_HOME</span> environment variable.
@@ -93,13 +93,13 @@
              <li>.cproject - an xml file that provides additional project information </li>
              <li>.settings folder - contains files that provide build configuration and preference settings </li>
-         <p>The root directory is a path to the root of your project. All necessary tool components, developer libraries, and information about the SDK are stored in subdirectories under this root. The whole path leading to the SDK root directory must be declared to the Windows system via the Environment Variables settings. The variable name is <span class="code">EPOCROOT</span> and the variable value is the full path where a Symbian OS SDK is installed in the Windows system.</p>
+         <p>The root directory is a path to the root of your project. All necessary tool components, developer libraries, and information about the SDK are stored in subdirectories under this root. The whole path leading to the SDK root directory must be declared to the Windows system via the Environment Variables settings. The variable name is <span class="code">EPOCROOT</span> and the variable value is the full path where a Symbian SDK is installed in the Windows system.</p>
          <p>The root directory should contain all project related files that you want to work with in Carbide. The default directory is calculated by parsing the bld.inf file and mmp file(s).</p>
          <p class="Image"><img src="../reference/images/import_bld_inf_05.png" alt="" width="573" height="550"  border="0" /></p>
          <li> Click Finish to import the project
-                 wizard creates the project in the <a href="../reference/view_proj_explorer.htm">Project Explorer</a> view, where it can be built and edited as normal. If the wizard is unable to read the project files, then the page
+                 wizard creates the project in the <a href="../projects/views/view_proj_explorer.htm">Project Explorer</a> view, where it can be built and edited as normal. If the wizard is unable to read the project files, then the page
                  describes the error that occurred. If an error occurs, you must fix the project file, and then
              re-import the bld.inf.</p>
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 	 This section describes the steps for adding and modifying bitmap resources (MBM)  of an
 	 existing project.  </p>
-	 Note that the Symbian OS plug-ins do not provide a graphical editor for the
-	 Symbian OS resource (.rss) file format. Files of this type though
-	 can be created and edited as text files. Any .rss files in a project are built using the Symbian OS
+	 Note that the Symbian plug-ins do not provide a graphical editor for the
+	 Symbian resource (.rss) file format. Files of this type though
+	 can be created and edited as text files. Any .rss files in a project are built using the Symbian
   resource compiler.</p>
 <li><a href="Multi-BitmapFile.html">Creating an MBM File</a></li>
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 <h2>Creating an MBM File</h2>
-		Symbian OS programs typically store bitmaps for application icons or
-		other purposes in the Symbian OS multi-bitmap (MBM) file format, as described
+		Symbian programs typically store bitmaps for application icons or
+		other purposes in the Symbian multi-bitmap (MBM) file format, as described
 		in <a href="../concepts/MBMDefWizard.html">MBM File</a>. The Edit MBM/MIF Contents or Edit MBM Contents window allows you to create an MBM file.</p>
 	 <div class="step">
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
-		 In the <a href="../reference/view_sym_proj_nav.htm">Symbian Project Navigato</a>r view double-click  a .mmp file (Figure 1) to open the <b>MMP Editor</b> (Figure 2).
+		 In the <a href="../projects/views/view_sym_proj_nav.htm">Symbian Project Navigato</a>r view double-click  a .mmp file (Figure 1) to open the <b>MMP Editor</b> (Figure 2).
 	      <p align="center"><img src="projects/images/AIF_editor_mmp_symprojnav.png" width="271" height="261" /></p>
 		   <p align="center" class="figure">Figure 1- MMP File </p>
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    <h2>Run Mode Projects </h2>
 	 <p>The topics include:</p>
-	   <li><a href="start/carbide_example_trk.htm">Run Mode Debug Example (Symbian OS Device (Install SIS)) </a></li>
+	   <li><a href="start/carbide_example_trk.htm">Run Mode Debug Example (Symbian Device (Install SIS)) </a></li>
 	   <li><a href="trk/trk_troubleshooting.htm">Troubleshooting</a></li>
 <div id="footer">Copyright &copy; 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). All rights reserved. <br>License: <a href=""></a></div>
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 	   <li><a href="debugger/stop_mode_debug.htm">Stop Mode Debug Example </a></li>
 	   <li><a href="../reference/ROM_build_settings.html">Building a ROM Image File</a></li>
        <li><a href="../concepts/arm_registers.htm">ARM Registers</a></li>
-       <li><a href="../reference/view_symbian_kernel.htm">Symbian OS Data View  </a></li>
+       <li><a href="../reference/view_symbian_kernel.htm">Symbian Data View  </a></li>
 <div id="footer">Copyright &copy; 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). All rights reserved. <br>License: <a href=""></a></div>
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 <h2>Working with SDKs</h2>  
   <p>The SDK support provided in the workbench allows the developer to choose
-		which of the installed SDKs to work with. From the chosen SDK, Symbian OS
+		which of the installed SDKs to work with. From the chosen SDK, Symbian
 		plug-ins pick-up information such as header files, import libraries,
    documentation and other SDK specific information.</p>
   <p>You can add and manage SDKs in the Symbian SDKs panel. The <a href="../reference/pref_carb_symbian_sdk.htm">Symbian SDKs</a> preference panel lists all available SDKs and allows you to rescan system drives for newly installed and supported SDKs.</p>
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-	 This section explains how to work with Symbian OS C++ projects with the
+	 This section explains how to work with Symbian C++ projects with the
 	 help of the tools provided. 
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 <body >
 <h2>Setting Breakpoints</h2>
 <p>Use the <b>Set Breakpoint</b> command (<span class="code">Ctrl+Shift+B</span>) to set a breakpoint. A regular breakpoint suspends program execution. The debugger executes the line of source code that contains the regular breakpoint.</p>
-<p class="note"><strong>TIP</strong> If you find that a breakpoint is not being hit, verify that the EXE or DLL is listed in the <a href="../../reference/view_executables.htm">Executables</a> view. </p>
-<p class="note"><strong>TIP</strong> If debugging a server launched by a client, you must attach to the server  process using the <a href="../../reference/view_symbian_kernel.htm">Symbian OS Data</a> view in order to hit the breakpoints in the server. Alternately, you can launch the server and  client as two independent EXEs using the same COM port and debug them that way. </p>
+<p class="note"><strong>TIP</strong> If you find that a breakpoint is not being hit, verify that the EXE or DLL is listed in the <a href="../../projects/views/view_executables.htm">Executables</a> view. </p>
+<p class="note"><strong>TIP</strong> If debugging a server launched by a client, you must attach to the server  process using the <a href="../../reference/view_symbian_kernel.htm">Symbian Data</a> view in order to hit the breakpoints in the server. Alternately, you can launch the server and  client as two independent EXEs using the same COM port and debug them that way. </p>
 <p>Figure 1 shows some source code and the marker bar to the left of the source code. The selected line shows the breakpoint dot that appears in the marker bar when a breakpoint is set.</p>
 <p align="center"><img src="images/breakpoints_marker_bar.png" width="582" height="230" /></p>
 <p class="figure">Figure 1 - Setting Breakpoints in an editor view </p>
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 <h2>Creating Carbide Tools</h2>
-<p>Carbide.c++ provides a host of functionality when it comes to designing, writing, compiling, and debugging Symbian OS based applications for mobile devices. In addition there are tools for evaluating your applications performance, memory, and energy usage to make them run faster and use less resources. </p>
+<p>Carbide.c++ provides a host of functionality when it comes to designing, writing, compiling, and debugging Symbian based applications for mobile devices. In addition there are tools for evaluating your applications performance, memory, and energy usage to make them run faster and use less resources. </p>
 <p>However, while there are a lot of tools included with Carbide.c++ you may have ideas of your own that you'd like to develop and use. Since Carbide is based upon Eclipse, a highly extensible open framework, you can develop  tools and employ them inside the Carbide  environment where they can operate alongside   the standard tools. Best of all, you can do this all within the famliiar Carbide IDE. </p>
 <p>To effectively write Carbide tool plug-ins you will need:</p>
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 <body >
 <h2>Customizing Carbide: Toolbars and Menus</h2>
-<p> You can customize which commands appear on toolbars and menus using the <img src="../../images/command_link.png" border="0" alt="" /> <a class="command-link" href='javascript:executeCommand("org.eclipse.ui.views.showView(")'>Customize Perspective</a> dialog. For purposes of customizing Carbide there are two perspectives of interest, the <a href="../../concepts/CarbidePerspective.html">Carbide C/C++</a> perspective where project management and editing occurs and the <a href="../../reference/perspective_debug.htm">Debug</a> perspective used for debugging a project.</p>
+<p> You can customize which commands appear on toolbars and menus using the <img src="../../images/command_link.png" border="0" alt="" /> <a class="command-link" href='javascript:executeCommand("org.eclipse.ui.views.showView(")'>Customize Perspective</a> dialog. For purposes of customizing Carbide there are two perspectives of interest, the <a href="../../projects/views/perspective_carbide.htm">Carbide C/C++</a> perspective where project management and editing occurs and the <a href="../../reference/perspective_debug.htm">Debug</a> perspective used for debugging a project.</p>
 <p>Click <strong>Window &gt; Customize Perspectve...</strong> to open the <strong>Customize Perspective</strong> dialog which allows you to customize the current perspective. There are four tabs enabling you to customize the Carbide commands in multiple ways. The tabs include:</p>
     <li><a href="#toolbar">Toolbar Visibility</a></li>
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     <li><strong>GNU</strong> (<em>Eclipse</em>) &ndash; Based on the code style used in for the GNU Coding Standards used by the GNU project.</li>
     <li><strong>K&amp;R</strong> (<em>Eclipse</em>) &ndash; Based on the code style used in <em>The C Programming Language</em> by Kernighan and Ritchie.</li>
     <li><strong>S60</strong> &ndash; Based on the code style used in Nokia S60 source code examples.</li>
-    <li><strong>Symbian OS</strong> (<em>default</em>) &ndash; Based on the code style used in Symbian source code examples.</li>
+    <li><strong>Symbian</strong> (<em>default</em>) &ndash; Based on the code style used in Symbian source code examples.</li>
     <li><strong>Qt</strong> &ndash; Based on the code style used in the Qt source code examples.</li>
     <li><strong>Whitesmiths</strong> (<em>Eclipse</em>) &ndash; Based on the code style used in documentation for the first commercial C compiler, the Whitesmith's Compiler.</li>
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   <p>All of the following requirements are required to build, communicate, and control programs on a phone or target device.</p>
     <li>Install <a href="../trk/trk_install_pcsuite.htm">PC Suite</a> or <a href="">Ovi Suite</a> on your PC to ensure the correct drivers are installed for connecting to the phone or target device.</li>
-    <li>Install the correct version of <a href="run_mode_debug_01.htm">Perl</a> on your PC to support Symbian OS builds</li>
+    <li>Install the correct version of <a href="run_mode_debug_01.htm">Perl</a> on your PC to support Symbian builds</li>
     <li>Install a supported <a href="run_mode_debug_02.htm">SDK</a> and make sure its the default</li>
     <li><a href="run_mode_debug_03.htm">Configure</a> the environmental variables</li>
     <li>(Optional) <a href="run_mode_debug_04.htm">Setup</a> a virtual drive to use Techview and Cust Kits</li>
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 <body >
 <h2>Installing Perl</h2>
-<p><a href="">Perl</a> is a high-level, general-purpose, interpreted, dynamic programming language which many Symbian OS build utilities and commands require.</p>
+<p><a href="">Perl</a> is a high-level, general-purpose, interpreted, dynamic programming language which many Symbian build utilities and commands require.</p>
 <div class="step">
 <h4><a name="runPerl" id="runPerl"> </a>Installing Perl</h4>
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 <body >
 <h2>Installing an SDK</h2>
-<p>To create projects to create and develop Symbian OS programs at least one Software Development Kit (SDK) must be installed and recognized by Carbide.</p>
+<p>To create projects to create and develop Symbian programs at least one Software Development Kit (SDK) must be installed and recognized by Carbide.</p>
 <div class="step">
 <h4><a name="runSDK" id="runSDK"> </a>Installing an SDK</h4>
 <p>Download the following SDKs from Nokia at: <a href=""></a>.</p>
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 <div class="step">
 <h4><a name="runSISX" id="runSISX"> </a>Install the SISX File on the Target Device</h4>
-<p>CODA (Carbide On-device Debug Agent)  is delivered to the target device as a SISX file. It can be used with all Symbian OS launch configurations that require an on-device agent.</p>
+<p>CODA (Carbide On-device Debug Agent)  is delivered to the target device as a SISX file. It can be used with all Symbian launch configurations that require an on-device agent.</p>
-    <li>Symbian OS Device (Install SIS)&mdash; supports application debugging only and available to developers creating applications for devices. Developers do not have access to system level routines, system ROM, and other user application code. User cannot modify the LR and SR registers, and must use a SIS file to debug an application.</li>
-    <li>Symbian OS Device&mdash; supports both application and limited ROM debugging; including application executables and limited ROM based components (no device drivers). Also available to original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) for device creation and customization.</li>
+    <li>Symbian Device (Install SIS)&mdash; supports application debugging only and available to developers creating applications for devices. Developers do not have access to system level routines, system ROM, and other user application code. User cannot modify the LR and SR registers, and must use a SIS file to debug an application.</li>
+    <li>Symbian Device&mdash; supports both application and limited ROM debugging; including application executables and limited ROM based components (no device drivers). Also available to original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) for device creation and customization.</li>
   <h5>Installing using Bluetooth</h5>
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 <h4>Related references</h4>
   <li><a href="../../reference/panel_debug_exceptions.htm">Debug</a> perspective </li>
-  <li><a href="../../reference/view_executables.htm">Executables</a> view</li>
-  <li><a href="../../reference/view_symbian_kernel.htm">Symbian OS Data</a> view</li>
+  <li><a href="../../projects/views/view_executables.htm">Executables</a> view</li>
+  <li><a href="../../reference/view_symbian_kernel.htm">Symbian Data</a> view</li>
   <li><a href="../../reference/view_registers.htm">Registers</a> view</li>
   <li><a href="../../reference/view_breakpoints.htm">Breakpoint</a> view    </li>
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   <li>Create project or <a href="../ImportingProjects.html">Import</a> the project's bld.inf file into Carbide.c++</li>
 <li><a href="../projects/prj_build.htm">Build</a> your Project  using an ARM compiler</li>
 <li>Build ROM if required</li>
-<li>Create a <b>Symbian OS Simulator</b> <a href="../../projects/launch/wiz_new_launch_config.htm">launch configuration</a></li>
+<li>Create a <b>Symbian Simulator</b> <a href="../../projects/launch/wiz_new_launch_config.htm">launch configuration</a></li>
 <li><a href="work_debug_act_debug.htm">Launch</a> the debugger</li>
-<p>With stop mode debugging  you can use the Carbide.c++ IDE  to  debug any target type within the Symbian OS.</p>
+<p>With stop mode debugging  you can use the Carbide.c++ IDE  to  debug any target type within the Symbian.</p>
 <h5>Related Tasks</h5>
   <li><a href="stop_mode_debug_precond.htm">Stop Mode On-Device Debugging Preconditions</a></li>
--- a/core/	Sat Oct 02 12:36:21 2010 -0500
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@@ -13,10 +13,10 @@
 <ul><li>Create project or <a href="../ImportingProjects.html">Import</a> the project's bld.inf file into Carbide.c++</li>
 <li><a href="../projects/prj_build.htm">Build</a> your Project  using an ARM compiler</li>
 <li>Build ROM if required</li>
-<li>Create a <b>Symbian OS Simulator</b> <a href="../../projects/launch/wiz_new_launch_config.htm">launch configuration</a></li>
+<li>Create a <b>Symbian Simulator</b> <a href="../../projects/launch/wiz_new_launch_config.htm">launch configuration</a></li>
 <li><a href="work_debug_act_debug.htm">Launch</a> the debugger</li>
-<p>With stop mode debugging  you can use the Carbide.c++ IDE  to  debug any target type within the Symbian OS.</p>
+<p>With stop mode debugging  you can use the Carbide.c++ IDE  to  debug any target type within the Symbian.</p>
 <h5>Related references</h5>
   <li><a href="stop_mode_debug_precond.htm">Stop Mode On-Device Debugging Preconditions</a></li>
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 <body >
-<h2>Setting Symbian OS Data View Refresh Rate</h2>
-<p>A global preference option in the  Preferences window of Carbide.c++ allows a user to change the time interval for auto-refreshing kernel data in the Symbian OS View.</p>
+<h2>Setting Symbian Data View Refresh Rate</h2>
+<p>A global preference option in the  Preferences window of Carbide.c++ allows a user to change the time interval for auto-refreshing kernel data in the Symbian View.</p>
 <div class="step">
   <h4>To set the refresh rate</h4>
@@ -18,17 +18,17 @@
     <li>Enter a time interval from 3 to 600 seconds for kernel data to be refreshed. 20 seconds is the default.</li>
   <p align="center"><img src="images/setinterval_symOS_view.png" width="701" height="536" /> </p>
-  <p align="center" class="figure">Figure 1. Symbian OS Kernel Data Refresh Rate </p>
+  <p align="center" class="figure">Figure 1. Symbian Kernel Data Refresh Rate </p>
 <h5>Related concepts</h5>
-  <li><a href="../../reference/view_symbian_kernel.htm">Symbian OS Kernel View</a></li>
+  <li><a href="../../reference/view_symbian_kernel.htm">Symbian Kernel View</a></li>
   <li><a href="../../concepts/working_with_debugger.htm">Working with the Debugger </a></li>
 <h5>Related references </h5>
   <li><a href="../../debugger/debug/viewing_debug.htm">Debug View</a></li>
-  <li><a href="../../reference/view_symbian_kernel.htm">Symbian OS View Window</a></li>
+  <li><a href="../../reference/view_symbian_kernel.htm">Symbian View Window</a></li>
 <div id="footer">Copyright &copy; 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). All rights reserved. <br>License: <a href=""></a></div>
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 	 This section explains the different tasks that can be performed using the
-	 Symbian OS plug-ins for Eclipse. It provides step-by-step instructions for
+	 Symbian plug-ins for Eclipse. It provides step-by-step instructions for
 	 performing each task. 
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 	 Next, program creation is described. This can be done either by creating a
-	 new project through a wizard, or by importing an existing Symbian OS project
+	 new project through a wizard, or by importing an existing Symbian project
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
 	 You can then add and build code in the project. This is mostly done using
 	 the standard CDT tools and techniques. The plug-ins through also offer special
-	 support for the Symbian OS specific file formats  and multi-bitmap files (MBM), as described in <i>Modifying
+	 support for the Symbian specific file formats  and multi-bitmap files (MBM), as described in <i>Modifying
 	 Resources</i>.  </p>
 <li><a href="WorkingwithSDKs.html">Working with SDKs</a></li>
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 <h2>Installing Extensions</h2>
-<p>Use the <strong>Install Extensions</strong> page in the <a href="../reference/view_carbide_portal.htm">Carbide Portal</a> view to find, select, download, and install Carbide extensions to your work environment.</p>
+<p>Use the <strong>Install Extensions</strong> page in the <a href="../projects/views/view_carbide_portal.htm">Carbide Portal</a> view to find, select, download, and install Carbide extensions to your work environment.</p>
 <div class="step">
     <h4><strong>Installing one or more extension</strong>s</h4>
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 <h4>Other references</h4>
-    <li><a href="../reference/view_carbide_portal.htm">Carbide Portal</a></li>
+    <li><a href="../projects/views/view_carbide_portal.htm">Carbide Portal</a></li>
 <div id="footer">Copyright &copy; 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). All rights reserved. <br>License: <a href=""></a></div>
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 <body >
 <h2>Attaching  to a Process</h2>
-  <p>Use a <b>Symbian OS Attach to Process</b> launch configuration to attach the debugger to an already running Symbian OS process or thread on a target device. This is useful for debugging DLLs where the main process is unknown or for servers running in RAM in a client-server relationship where the client relies on the presence of the server process to operate.</p>
-  <p>One common debugging DLL use case is when the developer doesn't know which process calls the DLL. This makes it difficult to debug the DLL because you doesn't know which process to attach to nor start. Carbide enables DLL debugging  by simply attaching the DLL to any running process as long as the DLL is included in the <a href="../../reference/view_executables.htm">Executables</a> view.</p>
-  <p>You can also attach to a process in the <a href="../../reference/view_symbian_kernel.htm">Symbian OS Data</a> view when debugging.</p>
-  <p class="note"><b>NOTE</b> You cannot attach to a process running on the emulator. It must be a target device running the Symbian OS and the CODA software.</p>
+  <p>Use a <b>Symbian Attach to Process</b> launch configuration to attach the debugger to an already running Symbian process or thread on a target device. This is useful for debugging DLLs where the main process is unknown or for servers running in RAM in a client-server relationship where the client relies on the presence of the server process to operate.</p>
+  <p>One common debugging DLL use case is when the developer doesn't know which process calls the DLL. This makes it difficult to debug the DLL because you doesn't know which process to attach to nor start. Carbide enables DLL debugging  by simply attaching the DLL to any running process as long as the DLL is included in the <a href="../../projects/views/view_executables.htm">Executables</a> view.</p>
+  <p>You can also attach to a process in the <a href="../../reference/view_symbian_kernel.htm">Symbian Data</a> view when debugging.</p>
+  <p class="note"><b>NOTE</b> You cannot attach to a process running on the emulator. It must be a target device running the Symbian and the CODA software.</p>
   <p>When attempting to find a process the debugger  uses the UID3  to locate the process. </p>
   <div class="step">
     <h4>Attaching to any Running Process</h4>
-      <li>In the <a href="../../reference/view_executables.htm">Executables</a> view, click the Import an executable file icon (<img src="../../images/icons/btn_import_executables.png" alt="Import an executable icon" width="18" height="15" align="absmiddle">) to add an executable to the Executables view for debugging.
-          <p>The executable added appears in the <a href="../../reference/view_proj_explorer.htm">Project Explorer</a> view under an <b>Executables</b> project. This group includes all executables listed in the <b>Executables</b> view that are not linked to any project in the workspace.</p>
+      <li>In the <a href="../../projects/views/view_executables.htm">Executables</a> view, click the Import an executable file icon (<img src="../../images/icons/btn_import_executables.png" alt="Import an executable icon" width="18" height="15" align="absmiddle">) to add an executable to the Executables view for debugging.
+          <p>The executable added appears in the <a href="../../projects/views/view_proj_explorer.htm">Project Explorer</a> view under an <b>Executables</b> project. This group includes all executables listed in the <b>Executables</b> view that are not linked to any project in the workspace.</p>
           <p align="center"><img src="../projects/images/attach_to_process_proj_explorer.png" alt="Project Explorer Executables project" width="267" height="267"></p>
           <p class="figure">Figure 1 -<b> Executables list in Project Explorer view</b></p>
           <p class="note"><b>NOTE</b> The executable must include symbolics in order for debugging to work.</p>
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
       <p align="center"><img src="images/sos_processes_choose_thread.png" width="300" height="375" /></p>
       <p class="figure">Figure 3 -<b> Attach to Process</b> window </p>
       <li>Select a process, click OK.</li>
-      <p>In this example we've linked the <span class="code">prefs.dll</span> program to the process <span class="code">BlackFlag.exe</span> on the device. The <b>Attach to Process </b>dialog closes. Open the <a href="../../reference/view_symbian_kernel.htm">Symbian OS Data</a> view to show the process and thread information.</p>
+      <p>In this example we've linked the <span class="code">prefs.dll</span> program to the process <span class="code">BlackFlag.exe</span> on the device. The <b>Attach to Process </b>dialog closes. Open the <a href="../../reference/view_symbian_kernel.htm">Symbian Data</a> view to show the process and thread information.</p>
       <p class="note"><b>NOTE</b> Terminating an Attach to Process session actually kills the process on the device. This means you must restart the process on the device in order to attach to it again. </p>
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
   <li><a href="../../debugger/debug/viewing_debug.htm">Debug View</a></li>
   <li><a href="../../reference/wnd_debug_configuration.htm">Debug Window </a></li>
-  <li><a href="../../reference/view_symbian_kernel.htm">Symbian OS View</a> </li>
+  <li><a href="../../reference/view_symbian_kernel.htm">Symbian View</a> </li>
   <li><a href="../projects/prj_debug_dlls_any_process.htm">Debugging DLLs with any Process</a></li>
 <div id="footer">Copyright &copy; 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). All rights reserved. <br>License: <a href=""></a></div>
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-<h2>Adding Symbian OS Classes</h2>
-<p>Use the <b>New Symbian OS C++ Class</b> wizard to add Symbian  templated classes to a project. </p>
+<h2>Adding Symbian Classes</h2>
+<p>Use the <b>New Symbian C++ Class</b> wizard to add Symbian  templated classes to a project. </p>
 <div class="step">
-  <h4>Adding a Symbian OS C++ Class to a Project </h4>
+  <h4>Adding a Symbian C++ Class to a Project </h4>
   <ol class="figure">
-    <li>Right-click the project name and select the New  &gt; Symbian OS C++ Class menu item.</li>
-    <p>The  <b>New Symbian OS C++ Class</b> wizard appears showing the <b>Select project</b> page (Figure 1).</p>
+    <li>Right-click the project name and select the New  &gt; Symbian C++ Class menu item.</li>
+    <p>The  <b>New Symbian C++ Class</b> wizard appears showing the <b>Select project</b> page (Figure 1).</p>
     <p align="center"><img src="images/wiz_new_sos_class_01.png" width="624" height="500" /></p>
-    <p class="figure">Figure 1 - Symbian OS C++ Class wizard window</p>
+    <p class="figure">Figure 1 - Symbian C++ Class wizard window</p>
     <li>Select the project to add the new class to, then click Next.</li>
     <p>The <b>Name and Location</b> page appears (Figure 2). </p>
     <p align="center"><img src="images/wiz_new_sos_class_02.png" width="624" height="500"></p>
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 <body >
 <h2>Building Projects and Symbian Components </h2>
 <p>Building projects consists of a new sbs-based build system (Raptor) that wraps build functionality around existing SDK build tools which invoke <span class="code">makmake</span> commands (e.g. <span class="code">bldmake bldfiles</span> and <span class="code">sbs build</span>).</p>
-<p> The plug-ins provide extra functionality to set up suitable build configurations for Symbian OS C++ projects.  The initial selection of a build configuration is done when you create a project, as described in <a href="../CreatingNewProjects.html">Creating New Projects</a>. You can later <a href="prj_set_build_tgt.htm">change</a> the Active Build Configuration. A command is available (<b>Project &gt; <a href="../../reference/menus/build_all_targets.htm">Build All Configurations</a></b>) to build all the selected build configurations in a batch.</p>
-<p> Building Symbian OS C++ projects can involve the use of Symbian OS specific tools, such as the Symbian OS resource compiler. For detailed information on such tools, see the documentation for the SDK that you are using.</p>
+<p> The plug-ins provide extra functionality to set up suitable build configurations for Symbian C++ projects.  The initial selection of a build configuration is done when you create a project, as described in <a href="../CreatingNewProjects.html">Creating New Projects</a>. You can later <a href="prj_set_build_tgt.htm">change</a> the Active Build Configuration. A command is available (<b>Project &gt; <a href="../../reference/menus/build_all_targets.htm">Build All Configurations</a></b>) to build all the selected build configurations in a batch.</p>
+<p> Building Symbian C++ projects can involve the use of Symbian specific tools, such as the Symbian resource compiler. For detailed information on such tools, see the documentation for the SDK that you are using.</p>
 <p>You build  projects to process the source files that comprise a program and
   generate object code. The compiler flags syntax errors in the source files. Use the  <a href="../../reference/ProjectPreferences.html">Properties for &lt;project_name&gt;</a> dialog to control how the project is built. The following methods build a project:</p>
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
       dependencies present.</p>
   <p>Projects are also built if you make a change to it and then click <b>Debug</b>. It may be useful to automatically save modified resources before a manual build process by enabling the <b>Save automatically before build</b> option in the <b>Window &gt; Preferences &gt; General &gt;</b> <img src="../../images/command_link.png" width="16" height="12"> <a class="command-link" href='javascript:executeCommand("org.eclipse.ui.window.preferences(preferencePageId=org.eclipse.ui.preferencePages.Workbench)")'> Workspace</a> preference panel. </p>
   <p class="note"><b>NOTE</b> If you want to turn off building before launching, uncheck the <b>Build (if required) before launching</b> option in the <b>Window &gt; Preferences &gt; Run/Debug &gt;<img src="../../images/command_link.png" width="16" height="12"> <a class="command-link" href='javascript:executeCommand("org.eclipse.ui.window.preferences(preferencePageId=org.eclipse.debug.ui.LaunchingPreferencePage)")'> Launching</a></b> preference panel.</p>
-  <p>When performing a build, output is displayed in the <a href="../../reference/view_console.htm">Console</a> view. If you do not want to clear the console before each build you need to uncheck the option <b>Always clear console before building</b> in the <b>Build Console</b> panel. This option is enabled by default. You can access this panel by selecting <b>Window &gt; Preferences &gt; C/C++ &gt; Build &gt; <img src="../../images/command_link.png" width="16" height="12"> <a class="command-link" href='javascript:executeCommand("org.eclipse.ui.window.preferences(preferencePageId=org.eclipse.cdt.ui.preferneces.CBuildConsolePreferernces)")'> Build Console</a></b> preference panel (figure 4).</p>
+  <p>When performing a build, output is displayed in the <a href="../../projects/views/view_console.htm">Console</a> view. If you do not want to clear the console before each build you need to uncheck the option <b>Always clear console before building</b> in the <b>Build Console</b> panel. This option is enabled by default. You can access this panel by selecting <b>Window &gt; Preferences &gt; C/C++ &gt; Build &gt; <img src="../../images/command_link.png" width="16" height="12"> <a class="command-link" href='javascript:executeCommand("org.eclipse.ui.window.preferences(preferencePageId=org.eclipse.cdt.ui.preferneces.CBuildConsolePreferernces)")'> Build Console</a></b> preference panel (figure 4).</p>
   <p align="center"><img src="images/build_console.png" alt="Build Console" width="630" height="214" /></p>
   <p align="left" class="figure">Figure 4 - Build Console preference panel</p>
   <p>Not clearing the console is useful when you are performing multiple builds, such as a regular project build, building a project package (.pkg) file, and building a ROM image. For example, if you do not clear the console before each build, then a subsequent build will not overwrite information from a previous build.</p>
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
     <li><a href="../../reference/menus/compile_source.htm">Compile Source</a></li>
     <li><a href="../CreatingNewProjects.html">Creating Projects</a></li>
     <li><a href="prj_debug_config.htm">Creating a Launch Configuration</a></li>
-    <li><a href="../start/carbide_debugging.htm">Debugging a Symbian OS Program</a></li>
+    <li><a href="../start/carbide_debugging.htm">Debugging a Symbian Program</a></li>
     <li><a href="../../reference/menus/build_symbian_comp.htm">Build Symbian Component</a></li>
     <li><a href="../../reference/menus/clean_symbian_comp.htm">Clean Symbian Component</a></li>
     <li><a href="../../reference/menus/build_pkg_file.htm">Build Package (.pkg) File</a></li>
--- a/core/	Sat Oct 02 12:36:21 2010 -0500
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@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
     <li><a href="../CreatingNewProjects.html">Creating Projects</a></li>
     <li><a href="prj_debug_config.htm">Creating a Launch Configuration</a></li>
-    <li><a href="../start/carbide_debugging.htm">Debugging a Symbian OS Program</a> </li>
+    <li><a href="../start/carbide_debugging.htm">Debugging a Symbian Program</a> </li>
   <div id="footer">Copyright &copy; 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). All rights reserved. <br>License: <a href=""></a></div>
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 <body >
 <h2>Cleaning Projects</h2>
-<p>In the <a href="../../reference/view_proj_explorer.htm">Project Explorer</a> or <a href="../../reference/view_sym_proj_nav.htm">Symbian Project Navigator</a> views you can select a project, right-click and select <b>Clean Project</b> (<span class="code">CTRL+SHIFT+-</span>) to remove the object and make files, and output files. The files that are removed by this command include all the intermediate files created during compilation and all the executables and import libraries created by the linker.</p>
+<p>In the <a href="../../projects/views/view_proj_explorer.htm">Project Explorer</a> or <a href="../../projects/views/view_sym_proj_nav.htm">Symbian Project Navigator</a> views you can select a project, right-click and select <b>Clean Project</b> (<span class="code">CTRL+SHIFT+-</span>) to remove the object and make files, and output files. The files that are removed by this command include all the intermediate files created during compilation and all the executables and import libraries created by the linker.</p>
 <p>If you select a project and select the menu option <b>Project &gt; Clean...</b> the <b>Clean</b> dialog  appears (Figure 1). You can clean all projects or select individual projects to clean within the workspace. This method of cleaning projects  performs the same operations as the <b>Clean Project</b> context menu option. If the <b>Start a build immediately</b> option is selected, then the selected project(s) are rebuilt after the clean operation.</p>
 <p align="center"><img src="images/clean.png" width="500" height="440" /></p>
 <p class="figure">Figure 1 - Clean project options</p>
--- a/core/	Sat Oct 02 12:36:21 2010 -0500
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   <li>For non-Platform Security SDKs (pre-OS 9.x), <span class="code">makesis</span> is called</li>
-<p>Depending upon which tool is used, you will  need to complete some entries in the <a href="../../reference/build_properties/pane_build_config_sis.htm">SIS Builder</a> pane of the Carbide Build Configurations panel of the project Properties dialog box. You can access this pane by selecting a project in the <a href="../../reference/view_proj_explorer.htm">Project Explorer</a> view and select <b>Project &gt; Properties</b> <strong>&gt; Carbide.c++ &gt; </strong><b>Carbide Build Configurations</b>. Fill in the necessary information to add PKG files to the project for downloading. </p>
+<p>Depending upon which tool is used, you will  need to complete some entries in the <a href="../../reference/build_properties/pane_build_config_sis.htm">SIS Builder</a> pane of the Carbide Build Configurations panel of the project Properties dialog box. You can access this pane by selecting a project in the <a href="../../projects/views/view_proj_explorer.htm">Project Explorer</a> view and select <b>Project &gt; Properties</b> <strong>&gt; Carbide.c++ &gt; </strong><b>Carbide Build Configurations</b>. Fill in the necessary information to add PKG files to the project for downloading. </p>
 <table width="88%"  border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
     <th width="19%" scope="col">Tool</th>
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
     <td><b>SIS Builder </b></td>
     <td><p>Use the <b>Add</b> control to add one or more SIS or PKG files to the project up to the maximum number Carbide supports. Note that the <b>SIS Builder</b> pane operates on a build configuration level. You will need to add files in this pane for every build configuration in the project. </p>
-      <p>In addition, any PKG file added here is picked up by the <a href="../../projects/launch/page_installation.htm">Installation</a> tab in Symbian OS Device (Install SIS) configurations. However, as only one SIS file can be debugged at a time you must specify which SIS/PKG file to install for debugging purposes. This is handy if you have both a developer SIS file and a certified SIS file that you want to remain in sync during development. Both are always built but you only need to debug one. </p>
+      <p>In addition, any PKG file added here is picked up by the <a href="../../projects/launch/page_installation.htm">Installation</a> tab in Symbian Device (Install SIS) configurations. However, as only one SIS file can be debugged at a time you must specify which SIS/PKG file to install for debugging purposes. This is handy if you have both a developer SIS file and a certified SIS file that you want to remain in sync during development. Both are always built but you only need to debug one. </p>
       <p><img src="images/sis_builder_tab.png" width="573" height="203" /></p>
     <p class="figure">Figure 1 - SIS Builder tab </p></td>
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   <p align="center"><img src="images/wnd_launch_configuration_blank.png" width="709" height="455" alt="Undefined launch configuration"/> </p>
   <p class="figure">Figure 1 - Initial blank Debug launch configuration window</p>
-  <li>Select a type of launch configuration (for example, Symbian OS Emulation), then click the New launch configuration icon to create a new
+  <li>Select a type of launch configuration (for example, Symbian Emulation), then click the New launch configuration icon to create a new
     configuration of that type.
     <p>A new configuration appears in the Configuration list under the
       appropriate section  using the project name and target to create the configuration name.</p>
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
       <li>Source (<i>Eclipse</i>) </li>
       <li>Common (<i>Eclipse</i>) </li>
-    <p>To debug something outside of the workspace, be sure to import the binary into the <a href="../../reference/view_executables.htm">Executables</a> view. </p>
+    <p>To debug something outside of the workspace, be sure to import the binary into the <a href="../../projects/views/view_executables.htm">Executables</a> view. </p>
   <li>Click Debug
     <p>The IDE launches the executable. If the launch configuration is set to change perspective, it  switches to the specified perspective. </p>
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 <h2>Debugging DLLs</h2>
 <p>A binary that you want to debug must be built with symbolic information (a .sym file). You can debug a DLL just as you would any other executable with full support of the Carbide debugger. Basically, the following situations can occur: </p>
-  <li>If the DLL appears in the <a href="../../reference/view_executables.htm">Executables</a> view it can be debugged. Just <a href="../breakpoints/pgm_bp_setting.htm">set</a> breakpoints inside the DLL sources before you start the debug session. The next time  the  project is debugged, the DLL is loaded and made  available for debugging.</li>
+  <li>If the DLL appears in the <a href="../../projects/views/view_executables.htm">Executables</a> view it can be debugged. Just <a href="../breakpoints/pgm_bp_setting.htm">set</a> breakpoints inside the DLL sources before you start the debug session. The next time  the  project is debugged, the DLL is loaded and made  available for debugging.</li>
   <p class="note"><b class="note">NOTE</b> Breakpoints inside a DLL are not  <a href="../../concepts/breakpoints.htm">resolved</a> until the DLL is loaded into memory by the calling binary. </p>
-  <li>If the DLL is not built by the project you can import the DLL by  clicking the<b> Import an executable file</b> icon (<img src="../../images/icons/btn_import_executables.png" width="18" height="15" align="absmiddle">) in the <a href="../../reference/view_executables.htm">Executables</a> view. Then, set your  breakpoints and start the  debug session.</li>
+  <li>If the DLL is not built by the project you can import the DLL by  clicking the<b> Import an executable file</b> icon (<img src="../../images/icons/btn_import_executables.png" width="18" height="15" align="absmiddle">) in the <a href="../../projects/views/view_executables.htm">Executables</a> view. Then, set your  breakpoints and start the  debug session.</li>
 <p> You can use the <a href="../../reference/view_module.htm">Modules</a> view to determine if a particular DLL or binary is loaded and available for debugging.</p>
 <h5>Other references</h5>
-  <li><a href="../../reference/view_executables.htm">Executables</a> view  </li>
+  <li><a href="../../projects/views/view_executables.htm">Executables</a> view  </li>
   <li><a href="../../concepts/breakpoints.htm">Breakpoints</a> </li>
   <li><a href="../../concepts/autotargeting.htm">Auto-targeting Executables</a></li>
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 <body >
 <h2>Debugging in ROM</h2>
-<p>You will see symbolic information for other components when  you are debugging  in ROM using Symbian OS Device  if those components were built with symbolic information and the ROM Log file is specified. If a function in the stack crawl is in a ROM module and the IDE is able to find a file containing symbolic information for that module, the IDE will load it automatically and display function names. The IDE will also allow source level debugging and let you set breakpoints in this module. </p>
+<p>You will see symbolic information for other components when  you are debugging  in ROM using Symbian Device  if those components were built with symbolic information and the ROM Log file is specified. If a function in the stack crawl is in a ROM module and the IDE is able to find a file containing symbolic information for that module, the IDE will load it automatically and display function names. The IDE will also allow source level debugging and let you set breakpoints in this module. </p>
 <p>Some issues to pay attention to  when debugging include: </p>
-  <li>In Symbian OS Device you must specify the ROM log file in the <a href="../../projects/launch/page_rom_log.htm">ROM Log</a> tab of the <b>Symbian OS Device</b> or <b>Symbian OS Device (Attach to Process)</b> launch configurations</li>
+  <li>In Symbian Device you must specify the ROM log file in the <a href="../../projects/launch/page_rom_log.htm">ROM Log</a> tab of the <b>Symbian Device</b> or <b>Symbian Device (Attach to Process)</b> launch configurations</li>
-  <p class="note"><b>NOTE</b> You cannot debug ROM DLLs using Symbian OS Device (Install SIS). </p>
+  <p class="note"><b>NOTE</b> You cannot debug ROM DLLs using Symbian Device (Install SIS). </p>
 <div id="footer">Copyright &copy; 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). All rights reserved. <br>License: <a href=""></a></div>
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 <body >
 <h2>Preprocessing Files </h2>
-<p>In the <a href="../../reference/view_proj_explorer.htm">Project Explorer</a> or <a href="../../reference/view_sym_proj_nav.htm">Symbian Project Navigator</a> views you can preprocess source files (.c, .cpp, .cia), header files (.h), and resource files (.rss) by right-clicking the source file and then selecting the <b>Preprocess</b> command. Use the <a href="../../reference/pref_carb_preprocess.htm">Preprocess</a> preference panel to specify the preprocessor settings. </p>
+<p>In the <a href="../../projects/views/view_proj_explorer.htm">Project Explorer</a> or <a href="../../projects/views/view_sym_proj_nav.htm">Symbian Project Navigator</a> views you can preprocess source files (.c, .cpp, .cia), header files (.h), and resource files (.rss) by right-clicking the source file and then selecting the <b>Preprocess</b> command. Use the <a href="../../reference/pref_carb_preprocess.htm">Preprocess</a> preference panel to specify the preprocessor settings. </p>
 <p>When preprocessing resource files that use more than one language, the <b>Select Language</b> dialog appears asking you to select the language to preprocess. </p>
 <p align="center"><img src="images/menu_preprocessing.png" width="409" height="471"></p>
 <p class="figure">Figure 1 - Selecting a source file to preprocess </p>
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 <h2>Creating a PKG  File</h2>
-<p>After creating a project for the application you are developing for a device,  you will need to create a .pkg file if you are using Symbian OS Device (Install SIS). A .pkg file contains all the files that will need to be downloaded to the device.   Once a .pkg file is available, you can add it to a project, and the IDE will use it and additional information entered in the <a href="../../reference/build_properties/pane_build_config_sis.htm">SIS Builder</a> pane  to create an application's .sis installation file. By default, when creating a project, the .pkg file is located in the project's <b>sis</b> folder.</p>
+<p>After creating a project for the application you are developing for a device,  you will need to create a .pkg file if you are using Symbian Device (Install SIS). A .pkg file contains all the files that will need to be downloaded to the device.   Once a .pkg file is available, you can add it to a project, and the IDE will use it and additional information entered in the <a href="../../reference/build_properties/pane_build_config_sis.htm">SIS Builder</a> pane  to create an application's .sis installation file. By default, when creating a project, the .pkg file is located in the project's <b>sis</b> folder.</p>
 <p>A minimal .pkg file consists of the following lines:</p>
   <li>Header &mdash; provides the following information on a single line:
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 <div class="step">
   <h4>Viewing  SDK Properties </h4>
-    <li>Select an SDK in the Symbian OS SDKs list  in the <a href="../../reference/pref_carb_symbian_sdk.htm">Symbian SDKs</a> preference panel </li>
+    <li>Select an SDK in the Symbian SDKs list  in the <a href="../../reference/pref_carb_symbian_sdk.htm">Symbian SDKs</a> preference panel </li>
     <li>Click Properties
         <p>The <b>SDK Properties </b> dialog (Figure 1) appears. You can now review the OS version.</p>
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 <link rel="StyleSheet" href="../../../book.css" type="text/css"/>
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-<h2>Debugging a Symbian OS Program</h2>
-<p>Use the Carbide.c++ debugger to debug a compiled Symbian OS program in an emulator or on-device. The same process works for other emulators and target devices as well.</p>
+<h2>Debugging a Symbian Program</h2>
+<p>Use the Carbide.c++ debugger to debug a compiled Symbian program in an emulator or on-device. The same process works for other emulators and target devices as well.</p>
 <p class="note"><b>NOTE</b> This example uses the Symbian Emulator included with the Symbian^3 SDK. The steps are identical for on-device debugging, although a <span class="code">.sym</span> file is not needed for emulator builds.</p>
 <div class="step">
-  <h4>Debugging a Symbian OS program</h4>
+  <h4>Debugging a Symbian program</h4>
 <p class="note"><b>NOTE</b> You can only debug compiled programs. Use the <a href="../projects/prj_build.htm">Build Project</a> command to compile project sources into a binary file if you do not already have an executable in the project. A symbolics (<span class="code">.sym</span>) file is also required for debugging on a target device. Ensure that a <span class="code">.sym</span> file has been created. If you are importing an existing application, you may have to rebuild the application and create a related <span class="code">.sym</span> file. Make sure a <span class="code">.sym</span> file has been created in the output directory.</p>
     <li>Set a breakpoint in the MyProject program</li>
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 <h2>Deploying Programs to Devices</h2>
 <p>Once you have completed the program and tested it with the emulator, it&#8217;s possible to create a <a href="../projects/prj_new_build_config.htm">new</a> build configuration for your device, <a href="../projects/prj_build.htm">build</a> it, then create a <span class="code">.sis</span> file and deploy it to a device.</p>
 <p>To upload a valid <span class="code">.sis</span> file to the target device you need software that communicates with the target device from your PC. Every Symbian phone ships with this connectivity software, which we will refer to generically as Symbian Connect. The actual name for the software is vendor dependent, so refer to your phone&rsquo;s documentation for the name.</p>
-<p>For example, most phones from Nokia that use  Symbian OS  come with <a href="">Ovi&nbsp;Suite</a><a href=",,72014,00.html"></a>, which allows you to synchronize and transfer data between your compatible phone and a compatible PC via a compatible data cable or a wireless connection. </p>
+<p>For example, most phones from Nokia that use  Symbian  come with <a href="">Ovi&nbsp;Suite</a><a href=",,72014,00.html"></a>, which allows you to synchronize and transfer data between your compatible phone and a compatible PC via a compatible data cable or a wireless connection. </p>
 <p> Essentially, the Symbian Connect program provides a method of connecting a PC to the target device via USB, IrDA, Bluetooth, or other serial connection. Once you make a connection, you can upload your <span class="code">.sis</span> file to the target device and install the program. </p>
 <p class="note"><b>NOTE</b> A simple guide is provided to show the basic steps necessary to upload a .sis file to a target device. The actual steps required by the specific Symbian Connect program that ships with the SDK you are using may differ, so always refer to that phone &rsquo;s documentation for details.</p>
 <div class="step">
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   <li>Using a <a href="carbide_debugging.htm">debugger</a> to interactively control the program in the emulator </li>
 <p>Follow the steps to successfully create the HelloCarbide program and debug it on the S60 Emulator. </p>
-<p class="note"><b>NOTE</b> There must be at least one recognized SDK installed before you can create a project. See the <a href="../../reference/pref_carb_symbian_sdk.htm">Symbian SDKs panel</a> to determine if the installed SDKs are recognized by Carbide.c++ IDE. If the SDK you have installed is not recognized, you may still be able to <a href="../sdks/sdk_add.htm">add</a> it to the Discovered Symbian OS SDK list.</p>
+<p class="note"><b>NOTE</b> There must be at least one recognized SDK installed before you can create a project. See the <a href="../../reference/pref_carb_symbian_sdk.htm">Symbian SDKs panel</a> to determine if the installed SDKs are recognized by Carbide.c++ IDE. If the SDK you have installed is not recognized, you may still be able to <a href="../sdks/sdk_add.htm">add</a> it to the Discovered Symbian SDK list.</p>
 <div id="footer">Copyright &copy; 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). All rights reserved. <br>License: <a href=""></a></div>
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-<h2>Run Mode Debug Example (Symbian OS Device (Install SIS)) </h2>
-<p>This example shows how to create and build an application and debug it on a device using the Symbian OS Device (Install SIS) on-device debug agent. The majority of steps are identical to the ones used to create a program and debug in an emulator, with some minor variations.</p>
+<h2>Run Mode Debug Example (Symbian Device (Install SIS)) </h2>
+<p>This example shows how to create and build an application and debug it on a device using the Symbian Device (Install SIS) on-device debug agent. The majority of steps are identical to the ones used to create a program and debug in an emulator, with some minor variations.</p>
 <div class="step">
-  <h4>Debugging a Run-mode Project using Symbian OS Device (Install SIS) </h4>
+  <h4>Debugging a Run-mode Project using Symbian Device (Install SIS) </h4>
     <li>Import the Bld.inf to create a project using the Import wizard </li>
     <p>In this example we are importing a project called Music, a complex project that includes several EXEs (MusicPlayer, MusicShop, MusicVisualizer). For the import, we select an ARM target.</p>
     <li>Go to the project Properties page and in the Carbide Build Configuration panel specify the PKG file in the <a href="../../reference/build_properties/pane_build_config_sis.htm">SIS Builder</a> tab </li>
     <li>Build the project (Ctrl+B) </li>
-    <li>Verify that all the binaries built by the project appear  in the <a href="../../reference/view_executables.htm">Executables</a> view. </li>
+    <li>Verify that all the binaries built by the project appear  in the <a href="../../projects/views/view_executables.htm">Executables</a> view. </li>
     <p class="note"><b>NOTE</b> The symbolics are automatically loaded for the binaries that appear in the Executables view.</p>
     <li>Set  <a href="../breakpoints/pgm_bp_setting.htm">breakpoints</a> in the project source files </li>
     <p>In this example we will set one breakpoint in two different EXEs. The first is set in the file called <span class="code">MCEngine.cpp</span> (MCServer.exe) and the second is set in  <span class="code">MPlayerAppUI.cpp</span> (MusicPlayer.exe). </p>
     <li>Click the Debug icon (<img src="../../projects/images/icon_debug.png" width="17" height="16" align="absmiddle">) to launch the <a href="../../projects/launch/wiz_new_launch_config.htm">New Launch Configuration</a> wizard
       <ol type="a">
-        <li>Select the Symbian OS Device (Install SIS) Launch Configuration from the Launch Types page, then click Next</li>
+        <li>Select the Symbian Device (Install SIS) Launch Configuration from the Launch Types page, then click Next</li>
         <p align="center"><img src="../trk/images/trk_launch_types.png" width="438" height="533"></p>
         <p class="figure">Figure 1 - Launch Types page showing selection </p>
         <li>If you have more than one executable, select the Main Executable in the Executable Selection page of the wizard, then click Next</li>
@@ -59,12 +59,12 @@
-  <p>In addition, you can click the <a href="../../reference/view_symbian_kernel.htm">Symbian OS Data View</a> to examine the processes running on the devise during the debug session. </p>
+  <p>In addition, you can click the <a href="../../reference/view_symbian_kernel.htm">Symbian Data View</a> to examine the processes running on the devise during the debug session. </p>
 <h5>Related references</h5>
   <li><a href="../trk/trk_troubleshooting.htm">On-device Debugging Troubleshooting</a></li>
-  <li><a href="../../reference/view_symbian_kernel.htm">Symbian OS View</a></li>
+  <li><a href="../../reference/view_symbian_kernel.htm">Symbian View</a></li>
 <div id="footer">Copyright &copy; 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). All rights reserved. <br>License: <a href=""></a></div>
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 <body >
 <h2>Run Mode Overview </h2>
-<p>This example shows how to create and build an application and debug it on a device using the Symbian OS Device (Install SIS) on-device debug agent. Click this link to the <img src="../../images/command_link.png" width="16" height="12" /> <a class="command-link" href='javascript:executeCommand("org.eclipse.ui.cheatsheets.openCheatSheet(")'>HelloCarbide</a> cheatsheet that provides links to detailed steps. The majority of steps are identical to the ones used to create a program and debug in an emulator, with some minor variations.</p>
+<p>This example shows how to create and build an application and debug it on a device using the Symbian Device (Install SIS) on-device debug agent. Click this link to the <img src="../../images/command_link.png" width="16" height="12" /> <a class="command-link" href='javascript:executeCommand("org.eclipse.ui.cheatsheets.openCheatSheet(")'>HelloCarbide</a> cheatsheet that provides links to detailed steps. The majority of steps are identical to the ones used to create a program and debug in an emulator, with some minor variations.</p>
 <p>See the <a href="carbide_example_trk.htm">Run Mode Debug Example</a> for a walkthrough of the following steps which include:</p>
   <li>Verify that your SDK or customer kit is recognized in the <a href="../../reference/pref_carb_symbian_sdk.htm">Symbian SDKs panel</a>.</li>
   <li>Create a project by <a href="../ImportingProjects.html">importing</a> a Bld.inf  </li>
-  <li>Verify that all the symbolics for the binaries are visible in the <a href="../../reference/view_executables.htm">Executables</a> view</li>
+  <li>Verify that all the symbolics for the binaries are visible in the <a href="../../projects/views/view_executables.htm">Executables</a> view</li>
   <li><a href="../projects/prj_creating_sis_file.htm">Manage</a> the project's PKG file, being sure to:
-      <li><a href="../projects/working_with_sis_pkg_files.htm">Create</a> a PKG file for the application (if using Symbian OS Device (Install SIS))</li>
+      <li><a href="../projects/working_with_sis_pkg_files.htm">Create</a> a PKG file for the application (if using Symbian Device (Install SIS))</li>
       <li><a href="../../reference/build_properties/pane_build_config_sis.htm">Include</a> the PKG file as part of the project in the SIS Builder pane of your project Properties </li>
       <li><a href="../../reference/build_properties/wnd_sis_properties.htm">Specify</a> application keys (if not a self-signing application) in the SIS Properties dialog </li>
   <li><a href="../projects/prj_build.htm">Build</a> the project using a target for on-device build configuration (GCCE or ARM) </li>
   <li>Start the CODA software on the device</li>
-  <li><a href="../projects/prj_debug_config.htm">Create</a> a Symbian OS Device (Install SIS) <a href="../trk/trk_carbide_setup.htm">launch configuration</a> to provide additional information to the debugger</li>
+  <li><a href="../projects/prj_debug_config.htm">Create</a> a Symbian Device (Install SIS) <a href="../trk/trk_carbide_setup.htm">launch configuration</a> to provide additional information to the debugger</li>
   <li>Launch the <a href="carbide_debugging.htm">debugger</a> to interactively control the program on the  device</li>
 <p class="note"><b>NOTE</b> Carbide will install the SISX file on the device prior to launching the debugger.</p>
 <p>At this point you can open sources files from the <b>Executables</b> view or project view in order to set breakpoints.</p>
 <h5>Related tasks</h5>
-  <li><a href="../processes/attach_to_process.htm">Attaching to a Symbian OS Process </a></li>
+  <li><a href="../processes/attach_to_process.htm">Attaching to a Symbian Process </a></li>
 <h5>Related references</h5>
   <li><a href="../trk/trk_troubleshooting.htm">On-device Debugging Troubleshooting</a></li>
-  <li><a href="../../reference/view_symbian_kernel.htm">Symbian OS View</a></li>
+  <li><a href="../../reference/view_symbian_kernel.htm">Symbian View</a></li>
 <div id="footer">Copyright &copy; 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). All rights reserved. <br>License: <a href=""></a></div>
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 <h2>System Requirements</h2>
-<p>You use the Carbide.c++ IDE in conjunction with a recognized SDK to develop Symbian OS software.</p>
+<p>You use the Carbide.c++ IDE in conjunction with a recognized SDK to develop Symbian software.</p>
 <p> In practice, whether you use an SDK, a developer kit (DevKit), or both depends on the edition of
     Carbide.c++ you have (see Table 1). Further, if you use an OS devkit,
   it must use SBSv2.</p>
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
     <th scope="row">Other Software </th>
-    <td><p>A Symbian OS SDK and Perl:</p>
+    <td><p>A Symbian SDK and Perl:</p>
           <li>Nokia Qt SDK
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 <body >
 <h2>Updating Carbide.c++</h2>
 <p>Updates to Carbide.c++ current features are available using the <b class="step">Install New Software</b><b> </b>feature. This feature now makes use of the P2 provisioning system released in Eclipse 3.4 which provides a more robust updating mechanism for  currently installed features as well as the adding of new ones to the Carbide environment.</p>
-<p>Carbide is a collection of difference software projects combined into a working  environment for Symbian OS C/C++ development. At its base Carbide uses Eclipse and  CDT projects from <a href=""></a>. We then modify some of these base plug-ins to work with our Carbide plug-ins. This is important  to know as any updates to those modified base plug-ins may cause Carbide  not to work as intended. </p>
+<p>Carbide is a collection of difference software projects combined into a working  environment for Symbian C/C++ development. At its base Carbide uses Eclipse and  CDT projects from <a href=""></a>. We then modify some of these base plug-ins to work with our Carbide plug-ins. This is important  to know as any updates to those modified base plug-ins may cause Carbide  not to work as intended. </p>
 <p class="note"><span class="style2"><b>IMPORTANT</b> We recommend that you  not install any updates for Carbide.c++ features except for those provided by Nokia via Install New Software. Replacing any standard Eclipse plugin with an updated version from a non-Nokia update site  can result in Carbide.c++ no longer working as intended.</span></p>
 <div class="step">
   <h4>Installing Carbide Updates</h4>
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 <h2>Launch Configuration Setup</h2>
-<p>To communicate between the Carbide.c++ debugger and the <a href="../../concepts/trk.htm">on-device debug agent</a>, using either Symbian OS Device (Install SIS) or Symbian OS Device, you must <a href="../projects/prj_debug_config.htm">define</a> a debug <a href="../../projects/launch/launch_configs_overview.htm">launch configuration</a> that matches the installed debug agent. The two configurations available include:</p>
+<p>To communicate between the Carbide.c++ debugger and the <a href="../../concepts/trk.htm">on-device debug agent</a>, using either Symbian Device (Install SIS) or Symbian Device, you must <a href="../projects/prj_debug_config.htm">define</a> a debug <a href="../../projects/launch/launch_configs_overview.htm">launch configuration</a> that matches the installed debug agent. The two configurations available include:</p>
-  <li><b>Symbian OS Device (Install SIS) </b>&#8212; used to run or debug applications on a target device using  CODA (Carbide On-device Debug Agent).  CODA is an application that runs on released phones and allows you to debug your executables. The debugger will download a Symbian OS installation file to the phone and install it prior to launching.</li>
-  <li><b>Symbian OS Device</b> &#8212; used to run or debug applications or ROM code on a target device using CODA.  CODA is an application that runs on reference boards and prototype phones and allows you to debug your executables. The debugger will download files to the phone prior to launching.</li>
+  <li><b>Symbian Device (Install SIS) </b>&#8212; used to run or debug applications on a target device using  CODA (Carbide On-device Debug Agent).  CODA is an application that runs on released phones and allows you to debug your executables. The debugger will download a Symbian installation file to the phone and install it prior to launching.</li>
+  <li><b>Symbian Device</b> &#8212; used to run or debug applications or ROM code on a target device using CODA.  CODA is an application that runs on reference boards and prototype phones and allows you to debug your executables. The debugger will download files to the phone prior to launching.</li>
 <p>By default, you can click the <b>Debug</b> icon (<img src="../../projects/images/icon_debug.png" width="17" height="16" align="absmiddle">) in the toolbar to launch the <a href="../../projects/launch/wiz_new_launch_config.htm">New Launch Configuration Wizard</a>. This   creates a launch configuration for the project based on project information and any additional input required, like COM port selection. It is the recommended method for creating new launch configurations. Or, use the <a href="../../projects/launch/page_main.htm">Debug</a> window to create a customized  launch configuration. </p>
 <p align="center"><img src="../../reference/images/wnd_trk_debug_config.png" width="823" height="640" /></p>
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
     <li>Choose the Run &gt; Debug As menu item </li>
     <p>The <a href="../../reference/wnd_debug_configuration.htm">Debug</a> window appears.</p>
     <li>Select a Configuration type for on-device debugging and click New</li>
-    <p>Choose the <b>Symbian OS Device </b> or<b> Symbian OS Device (Install SIS)</b> configuration based on which debug agent is installed on the device, then click <b>New</b>. A new debug launch configuration appears in the Configuration list and the Main tab appears. </p>
+    <p>Choose the <b>Symbian Device </b> or<b> Symbian Device (Install SIS)</b> configuration based on which debug agent is installed on the device, then click <b>New</b>. A new debug launch configuration appears in the Configuration list and the Main tab appears. </p>
     <li>Enter the required information</li>
     <p>For  debug launch configurations using  CODA, the following   pages require review and possible option settings:</p>
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     <p align="center"><img src="images/wnd_bluetooth_config_services.png" width="460" height="437" /></p>
     <p class="figure">Figure 2. Bluetooth Configuration windows Local Services panel </p>
     <li>Click OK to close the Bluetooth Configuration window</li>
-    <li>Download the Symbian OS Device (Install SIS) or Symbian OS Device SISX file to the device</li>
+    <li>Download the Symbian Device (Install SIS) or Symbian Device SISX file to the device</li>
   <h5>Related concepts</h5>
--- a/core/	Sat Oct 02 12:36:21 2010 -0500
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   <li>CA-53 </li>
-<p>Carbide uses plug-and-play (PnP) to create a remote connection  for the phone or target device once it's plugged in. Once a remote connection is created the <a href="../../reference/trk/view_remote_connection.htm">Remote Connections</a> view appears  in Carbide. In addition, the current available connection is shown  in the  workspace's lower-right trim area. </p>
+<p>Carbide uses plug-and-play (PnP) to create a remote connection  for the phone or target device once it's plugged in. Once a remote connection is created the <a href="../../projects/remote_conn/view_remote_connection.htm">Remote Connections</a> view appears  in Carbide. In addition, the current available connection is shown  in the  workspace's lower-right trim area. </p>
 <p align="center"><img src="../../reference/images/trim_remote_conns.png" width="212" height="44"></p>
 <p class="figure">Figure 1. Current available connection shown in workspace trim area</p>
 <p class="note"><b>NOTE</b> PC Suite or Ovi Suite must be installed on your PC for the following steps to work.</p>
--- a/core/	Sat Oct 02 12:36:21 2010 -0500
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 <body >
 <h2>Installing On-device Debug Agents using Bluetooth </h2>
-<p>Use Bluetooth to install the on-device debug agent, either <b>Symbian OS Device (Install SIS)</b> or <b>Symbian OS Device</b>, as a SISX file, to enable on-target debugging. The installation location of the  on-device debug agent will vary based on the phone. Symbian OS Device (Install SIS) is usable on both consumer and RnD versions of the device. Symbian OS Device is only usable on RnD devices.</p>
+<p>Use Bluetooth to install the on-device debug agent, either <b>Symbian Device (Install SIS)</b> or <b>Symbian Device</b>, as a SISX file, to enable on-target debugging. The installation location of the  on-device debug agent will vary based on the phone. Symbian Device (Install SIS) is usable on both consumer and RnD versions of the device. Symbian Device is only usable on RnD devices.</p>
 <p>On some phones  it will be the <b>Installed</b> folder, on others it may be in <b>My Own </b>folder. Refer to the documentation that came with the phone to learn where installed programs are stored. </p>
 <p class="note"><b>NOTE</b> The following example shows how to install the SISX file from a PC running Windows XP SP2 using an internal Bluetooth device. The actions to install the SISX file may be different on your version of Windows. Refer to the OS documentation for information on transferring a file via a Bluetooth connection.</p>
 <div class="step">
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
   <h5>Related references</h5>
-  <li><a href="../../reference/trk/wnd_on_device_setup.htm">On-Device Connections </a></li>
+  <li><a href="../../projects/remote_conn/wnd_on_device_setup.htm">On-Device Connections </a></li>
   <li><a href="../../projects/launch/page_main.htm">Debug Window (On-device Debugging) Overview</a></li>
 <h5>Related tasks</h5>
--- a/core/	Sat Oct 02 12:36:21 2010 -0500
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 <h5>Related reference</h5>
-  <li><a href="../../reference/trk/wnd_on_device_setup.htm">On-Device Connections </a></li>
+  <li><a href="../../projects/remote_conn/wnd_on_device_setup.htm">On-Device Connections </a></li>
   <li><a href="../../projects/launch/page_main.htm">Debug Window (On-device Debugging) Overview</a></li>
 <h5>Related tasks</h5>
--- a/core/	Sat Oct 02 12:36:21 2010 -0500
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 <h5>Related reference</h5>
-  <li><a href="../../reference/trk/wnd_on_device_setup.htm">On-Device Connections </a></li>
+  <li><a href="../../projects/remote_conn/wnd_on_device_setup.htm">On-Device Connections </a></li>
   <li><a href="../../projects/launch/page_main.htm">Debug Window (On-device Debugging) Overview</a></li>
 <h5>Related tasks</h5>
--- a/core/	Sat Oct 02 12:36:21 2010 -0500
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 <body >
 <h2>Installing an On-device Debug Agent </h2>
-<p>To use any version of the on-device debug agent on a target device it must be installed. We highly recommend using the  <a href="../../reference/trk/wnd_on_device_setup.htm">On-Device Connections</a> dialog to help connect and verify that the latest version of CODA (Carbide On-device Debug Agent) 4.x is installed on the device, especially to support plug-and-play (PnP) connections. </p>
+<p>To use any version of the on-device debug agent on a target device it must be installed. We highly recommend using the  <a href="../../projects/remote_conn/wnd_on_device_setup.htm">On-Device Connections</a> dialog to help connect and verify that the latest version of CODA (Carbide On-device Debug Agent) 4.x is installed on the device, especially to support plug-and-play (PnP) connections. </p>
 <p>Refer to the <a href="trk_connection_bluetooth.htm">Bluetooth Connection Setup</a> page for more information on using Bluetooth or the <a href="trk_connection_usb.htm">USB Connection Setup</a> page if using USB.</p>
 <h5>Related references </h5>
-  <li><a href="../../reference/trk/wnd_on_device_setup.htm">On-Device Connections</a></li>
+  <li><a href="../../projects/remote_conn/wnd_on_device_setup.htm">On-Device Connections</a></li>
   <li><a href="../../concepts/trk.htm">On-Device Debugging </a></li>
   <li><a href="../../projects/launch/page_main.htm">Debug Window (On-device Debugging) Overview</a></li>
--- a/core/	Sat Oct 02 12:36:21 2010 -0500
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 <h5>Related references </h5>
   <li><a href="../../projects/launch/page_main.htm">Debug Window (On-device Debugging) Overview</a></li>
-  <li><a href="../../reference/trk/wnd_on_device_setup.htm">On-Device Connections </a></li>
+  <li><a href="../../projects/remote_conn/wnd_on_device_setup.htm">On-Device Connections </a></li>
   <li><a href="../../concepts/trk.htm">On-device Debugging </a></li>
 <div id="footer">Copyright &copy; 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). All rights reserved. <br>License: <a href=""></a></div>
--- a/core/	Sat Oct 02 12:36:21 2010 -0500
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     <li>Verify that your system has the following:
-        <li>A current Symbian OS SDK is installed</li>
+        <li>A current Symbian SDK is installed</li>
         <li>Perl is installed</li>
         <li>RVCT or GCCE compiler</li>
         <li>USB  support on your PC </li>
         <li>Nokia Ovi/PC Suite (or equivilent software) for connecting and installing applications to the device </li>
-    <li>Download and install the current CODA SISX file using the <a href="../../reference/trk/wnd_on_device_setup.htm">On-Device Connections</a> dialog</li>
+    <li>Download and install the current CODA SISX file using the <a href="../../projects/remote_conn/wnd_on_device_setup.htm">On-Device Connections</a> dialog</li>
     <p>If CODA is not install, use the <a href="../../projects/launch/wiz_new_launch_config.htm">On-Device Connections &gt; New Connection Wizard &gt; Install remote agents</a> pane.</p>
     <li>Specify the communication method with the on-target device during the debug session</li>
-  <p>Start CODA on the device. During startup of CODA on the device you must specify the communication method the on-device agent uses to debug the device. Currently, those methods include <a href="trk_connection_usb.htm">USB</a> or a null serial cable. For USB, A USB cable must connect the PC to the device and a valid serial port assigned. Use <a href="../../reference/trk/wnd_on_device_setup.htm">On-Device Connections</a> dialog to make the identification and connection setup quick and easy. </p>
+  <p>Start CODA on the device. During startup of CODA on the device you must specify the communication method the on-device agent uses to debug the device. Currently, those methods include <a href="trk_connection_usb.htm">USB</a> or a null serial cable. For USB, A USB cable must connect the PC to the device and a valid serial port assigned. Use <a href="../../projects/remote_conn/wnd_on_device_setup.htm">On-Device Connections</a> dialog to make the identification and connection setup quick and easy. </p>
 <h5>Related concepts</h5>
--- a/core/	Sat Oct 02 12:36:21 2010 -0500
+++ b/core/	Wed Oct 06 10:31:32 2010 -0500
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   <p>The location of the CODA (Carbide On-device Debug Agent) software varies based on the phone. On some phones  it will be the <span class="code">Installed</span>, <span class="code">Applications</span>, or the <span class="code">My Own</span> folder. Refer to the documentation that came with the phone to learn where installed programs are stored.</p>
     <li>Make sure CODA (Carbide On-device Debug Agent) is present on the device<br />
-        <p>To install CODA see <a href="../../reference/trk/wnd_new_conn_install_tab.htm">Install Remote Agents</a> tab in the <b>New Connections</b> dialog.</p>
+        <p>To install CODA see <a href="../../projects/remote_conn/wnd_new_conn_install_tab.htm">Install Remote Agents</a> tab in the <b>New Connections</b> dialog.</p>
     <li>Launch the CODA program on the device</li>
     <li>Verify the connection is working on the device and within Carbide
--- a/core/	Sat Oct 02 12:36:21 2010 -0500
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   <p>Check that Carbide.c++ and your USB Virtual COM port or BT Serial Port agree on the port settings.</p>
-  <li>Use the <a href="../../reference/trk/wnd_on_device_setup.htm">On-Device Connections</a> dialog to quickly  determine if you can communicate with the device in the <strong>Test Connection</strong> pane </li>
+  <li>Use the <a href="../../projects/remote_conn/wnd_on_device_setup.htm">On-Device Connections</a> dialog to quickly  determine if you can communicate with the device in the <strong>Test Connection</strong> pane </li>
   <li>Open your Bluetooth or USB cable's connection settings: Start &gt; Settings &gt; Control panel &gt; System &gt; Hardware &gt; Device Manager. In the Device Manager dialog, click open the Ports directory, then you will see all the com ports available on the machine. Here you will be able to see the COM port for Bluetooth or USB. Sometimes you will have two COM ports for Bluetooth, so you might have to try specifying either of them. </li>
-  <li>In the Carbide tools, <a href="../projects/prj_debug_config.htm">open</a> the launch configuration associated with the target device and verify that you have specified the correct launch configuration for TRK. For example, the launch configuration should be either Symbian OS Device (Install SIS) or Symbian OS Device configuration. </li>
+  <li>In the Carbide tools, <a href="../projects/prj_debug_config.htm">open</a> the launch configuration associated with the target device and verify that you have specified the correct launch configuration for TRK. For example, the launch configuration should be either Symbian Device (Install SIS) or Symbian Device configuration. </li>
   <li>In the Carbide tools, <a href="../projects/prj_debug_config.htm">open</a> the launch configuration associated with the target device. In the Connections tab make sure you specify the same COM port number as in the device manager. For Bluetooth, if two ports are listed in the device manager, then you need to try to both, to see which one works. For USB, don't select the COM port assigned to the serial port. Always select the COM port assigned to the virtual COM port ID for the phone that is specified in the Device Manager. </li>
   <li>Make sure the settings in these two dialogs are the same and that the launch configuration settings refer to the right COM port. You shouldn't have to touch the other settings, but they're Data Bits: 8; Parity: None; Stop Bits: 1; Flow Control: None. </li>