2010-06-02 timkelly return proper display name for SBSv2 configs until we start using project .cproject data to store config names C3_BUILDER_WORK
2010-06-02 stechong Merge commit. C3_BUILDER_WORK
2010-06-02 stechong New SDK preference page and SDK scanning mechanism; fix for Bug 10634. C3_BUILDER_WORK
2010-06-02 timkelly more ISymbianBuildCOntext refactoring to get SBSv1 & SBSv2 working to origianl state C3_BUILDER_WORK
2010-06-02 timkelly some work to keep SBSv2 alive while refactoring C3_BUILDER_WORK
2010-06-01 timkelly first pass refactoring ICarbideBuildConfiguration, removing implementation of ISymbianBuildContext. C3_BUILDER_WORK
2010-05-28 cawthron copy default branch to C3_BUILDER_WORK branch so they are equal C3_BUILDER_WORK
2010-05-28 Ed Swartz Add temporary "USB (TCF)" connection type for accessing the target-side Symbian TCF agent.
2010-05-28 timkelly merge commit
2010-05-28 timkelly fix 11390
2010-05-28 fturovic added v3.0 whats new items
2010-05-27 timkelly misc test tweaks to get running on hudson.
2010-05-27 timkelly fix bug 11390 RCL_2_4
2010-05-27 timkelly fix bug 11353 (uncaught exception when parsing version info from buildinfo.txt)
2010-05-27 timkelly fix bug 11353 (uncaught exception when parsing version info from buildinfo.txt) RCL_2_4
2010-05-27 fturovic Removed unused images from manual
2010-05-27 fturovic Added copyright and version info to splash screen
2010-05-26 wpaul removed one more reference to the bug reporter feature.
2010-05-26 cawthron remove com.nokia.carbide.bugreport.source
2010-05-26 chpeckha fix missing activity3 - category binding
2010-05-25 chpeckha Rework capabilities with categories and activities that will eventually go into CDT - made easier to move into CDT plugins
2010-05-25 fturovic updated graphics for 3.0 beta release
2010-05-25 dadubrow change icon
2010-05-25 wpaul removed capability to hide Qt project creation wizards - they are now disabled in trolltech plugins themselves. RCL_2_4
2010-05-25 wpaul removed capability to hide Qt project creation wizards - they are now disabled in trolltech plugins themselves.
2010-05-25 chpeckha put all symbian build commands under a sub-menu for context menus only to make context menu smaller
2010-05-25 cawthron add discovery folder to com.nokia.carbide.discovery.directory
2010-05-25 wpaul bumped feature versions to 3.0. (bug #10923)
2010-05-25 wpaul add project validation to our launch types as it's not done by CDT with us passing the DONT_CHECK_PROGRAM flag.
2010-05-24 cawthron write .branch.txt to make the new head
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