2009-06-22 fturovic Updated links to point to SFO instead of FN as well as minor edits
2009-06-22 fturovic Minor edits to message strings for clarity
2009-06-22 fturovic Build Options added to index
2009-06-22 fturovic Build Options context help added
2009-06-22 fturovic Updated New Launch Config and Launch Config Main pages
2009-06-22 dadubrow [Bug 9322] Set help ID on control, not contents
2009-06-22 dadubrow [Bug 9282] Add creation stats reporting
2009-06-19 timkelly fix a restore defaults glitch
2009-06-19 timkelly add initial engineering support for SBSv2 single file compilation.
2009-06-19 dadubrow Turn off reference project tests until someone begins working on UI designer code since they need to be updated to work with latest versions of SDKs on build server.
2009-06-18 stechong Fix for Bug 8513.
2009-06-18 fturovic BRANDING minor edits to color settings to match SFO colors
2009-06-18 fturovic minor edits to release notes
2009-06-18 fturovic Removed period from discover customization option
2009-06-18 fturovic merge
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