In the S60 device, start HtiAdmin by selecting Menu> RnD Tools > HtiAdmin.
Stop the HTI Framework if it is running by selecting Options > Stop.
Enable Bluetooth connection by selecting Options > Comms > Enable BT comm, and then one of the following:
By BT address to connect to a specified Bluetooth address.
By BT name to connect to a specified Bluetooth name.
Search when starting to select a Bluetooth connection when you start the HTI connection.
Start the HTI Framework by selecting Options > Start.
On the PC, configure and start a Bluetooth serial port service. For instructions on setting up a serial port service on a PC, see the manual of your Bluetooth driver.
Before starting the HTI connection, configure the PC’s Bluetooth serial port service not to use Secure Connection. This means that no pairing or authorization is needed when the phone connects to the PC.
On the PC, open the HTI Connection Carbide.c++ Extension by selecting Carbide > HTI Connection.
Click and select New Connection to create a new connection, or select an existing connection.
Configure the HTI connection to use Serial communication. Click Next and check that the HTI settings correspond to the Bluetooth serial port service configured and started earlier.
(Optional) To test the connection, click Initiate service testing. The test status is shown in the Status pane:
Status not tested
Connection to HTI agent OK, HTI version x.xx
HTI agent in the device is not responding
Connection failed
Click Finish to close the wizard. HTI Connection now starts the Datagateway with the connection you configured. If the Datagateway does not start automatically, start it by clicking . The connection status will be displayed in the status line above the console screen:
Not connected
Testing connection
Trying to connect to <connection name>
Connected to <connection name>
In addition to configuring and starting HTI connections, you can do the following:
To stop the Datagateway, click .
To edit the connection settings, click .
To start a connection after the initial setup, click and select a connection.
To delete a connection, open the Remote Connections view and use the dynamic menu. For details, see Viewing remote connections.