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     1 #!/usr/bin/perl
     3 # Copyright (c) 2009 Symbian Foundation Ltd
     4 # This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 # under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 # at the URL "".
     8 #
     9 # Initial Contributors:
    10 # Symbian Foundation Ltd - initial contribution.
    11 #   Mike Kinghan,
    12 #
    13 # Contributors:
    14 #   Maciej Seroka,
    15 #
    16 # Description:
    17 #   This is a tool for sending an ATS testdrop to an ATS server.
    19 use strict;
    20 use Getopt::Long;
    21 use File::Copy;
    22 use File::Spec;
    24 my $username = "admin"; # ATS server user name
    25 my $password = "admin"; # ATS server password
    26 my $host;   # ATS server hostname
    27 my $schedule;   # Schedule string for test drop, if any
    28 my $host_drop_path; # Directory path on the ATS server where the test drop will be placed.
    29                     # This must be physically the same path as $local_drop_path, via drive mapping. 
    30 my $local_drop_path; # Local directory path where the test drop will be placed.
    31                     # This must be physically the same path as $host_drop_path, via drive mapping.
    32 my $local_test_pkg; # Local pathname of the test drop (zip or xml file). The test drop will be
    33                     # copied from here to $local_drop_path to make it accessible on the server,
    34                     # unless $local_test_pkg begins with "...". This indicates the test drop is already
    35                     # present in $local_drop_path and does need to be copied there. The remainder
    36                     # following "..." is the filename of the test drop.    
    37 my $help;
    38 my $dev_null = $^O =~ /^MSWin/ ? "nul" : "/dev/null";
    39 my $ats_version; # The version of ATS used for running tests
    40 my $ats_worker_path;
    42 sub usage($);
    43 sub help();
    44 sub usage_error();
    46 my %optmap = (  'host' => \$host,
    47 			    'local-test-pkg' => \$local_test_pkg,
    48 				'host-drop-path' => \$host_drop_path,
    49 				'local-drop-path' =>\$local_drop_path,
    50 				'username' => \$username,
    51 				'password' => \$password,
    52 				'schedule' => \$schedule,
    53 				'ats-version' => \$ats_version,
    54 				'ats-worker-path' => \$ats_worker_path,
    55                 'help' => \$help);
    57 GetOptions(\%optmap,
    58           'host=s',
    59           'local-test-pkg=s',
    60           'host-drop-path=s',
    61           'local-drop-path=s',
    62           'username=s',
    63           'password=s',
    64           'schedule=s',
    65 		  'ats-version=s',
    66 		  'ats-worker-path=s',
    67           'help!') 
    68           or usage_error();
    70 if ($help) {
    71 	help();
    72 }
    74 usage_error(), unless (defined($host) && defined($local_test_pkg) && defined($local_drop_path) && defined($host_drop_path));
    76 # --ats-version is not mandatory.
    77 if (!defined($ats_version)) { # Set ats3 by default
    78 	$ats_version = "ats3" 
    79 }
    81 # --ats-worker-path is not mandatory.
    82 if (!defined($ats_worker_path)) { # Set ats3 by default
    83 	$ats_worker_path = "c:\\apps\\$ats_version\\bin" 
    84 }
    86 my $curl_version = `curl --version 1> $dev_null 2>&1`;
    87 die("Need program \"curl\". Not found"), if ($?);
    88 die("Test drop path \"$local_drop_path\" not found"), unless ( -d "$local_drop_path");
    90 if (lc($ats_version) eq "ats4") {
    91 	$host = "http:\/\/" . $host . ":7780\/ServerService", unless ($host =~ /:\d+$/);
    92 } else {
    93 	$host .= ":8080", unless ($host =~ /:\d+$/);
    94 }
    96 my ($vol,$dir,$pkg);
    97 my $local_test_drop;
    98 my $host_test_drop;
   100 if ($local_test_pkg =~ /^\.\.\.(.+)/ ) { # Local test package name begins with "...". No need to copy. 
   101     $pkg = $1; # Get the filename of the test package.
   102     # Compose the full name of the test drop within the local drop path.
   103     $local_test_drop = File::Spec->catfile($local_drop_path,$pkg);    
   104     die("Test package file \"$local_test_drop\" not found"), unless ( -f "$local_test_drop");        
   105 }
   106 else { # Local test package must be copied to local drop path.
   107     die("Test package file \"$local_test_pkg\" not found"), unless ( -f "$local_test_pkg");
   108     # Compose the full name of the test drop within the local drop path.    
   109     ($vol,$dir,$pkg) = File::Spec->splitpath($local_test_pkg);
   110     $local_test_drop = File::Spec->catfile($local_drop_path,$pkg);
   111     if ( -f "$local_test_drop") {
   112         # A state test drop of the same name exists. Delete.
   113         unlink($local_test_drop) or die("Can't delete stale test drop \"$local_test_drop\". $!");
   114         print("A stale test drop \"$local_test_drop\" existed. Deleted\n");
   115     }
   116     # Copy the test drop to the local drop path.
   117     copy("$local_test_pkg","$local_test_drop")
   118         or die("Cannot copy \"$local_test_pkg\" -> \"$local_test_drop\". $!");
   119 }
   120 # Compose the full name of the test drop within the host drop path.
   121 $host_test_drop = File::Spec->catfile($host_drop_path,$pkg);
   122 # Compose URL to notify server of test drop, requesting run.
   123 my $url;
   124 if (lc($ats_version) eq "ats4") {
   125 	$url ="-Xmx512M -cp  $ats_worker_path\/..\/plugins\/*;$ats_worker_path\/..\/lib\/util.jar -url $host -path $local_test_pkg";
   126 } else {
   127 	$url ="http://$host/ats3/$username&password=$password&testrunpath=$host_test_drop";
   128 	$url .= "&schedule=$schedule", if (defined($schedule));
   129 }
   130 # Post URL to server with cURL.
   131 my $curl_cmd;
   132 if (lc($ats_version) eq "ats4") {
   133 	$curl_cmd = "java $url";
   134 } else {
   135 	$curl_cmd = "curl \"$url\"";
   136 }
   137 my $curl_response = `$curl_cmd 2>&1`;
   138 #die("\nTest drop failed: $!\n"), if ($?);
   139 die("\nTest drop failed: $curl_response\n"), if ($?);
   140 if (lc($ats_version) eq "ats4") {
   141 	print "$curl_response\n";
   142 } else { 
   143 	if ($curl_response =~ /(TEST_RUN_REF_ID=\d+)/) {
   144 		#extract test run id from cURL response.
   145 		print "$1\n";
   146 	}
   147 	else {
   148 		print "$curl_response\n";
   149 		die("Test drop failed\n");
   150 	} 
   151 }
   152 print("Test drop done\n");
   154 exit 0;
   156 sub usage($)
   157 {
   158     my $error = shift;
   159     my $fh = $error == 0 ? *STDOUT : *STDERR;
   160     print $fh "\n" .
   161             "Send a test drop to an ATS server for execution\n" .
   162             "usage:\n" .
   163             " --help\n" .
   164             " --host=HOSTNAME --local-test-pkg=PKGFILE --local-drop-path=LOCALPATH " .
   165                 " --host-drop-path=HOSTPATH " .
   166                 "[--username=ATS3USERNAME] [--password=ATS3PASSWORD] [--schedule=DD.MM.YYYY-HH:MM] [--ats-version=VERSION] [--ats-worker-path=ATSPATH]\n" .
   167             "options:\n" .
   168             "  --help                        Display this help and exit\n" .
   169             "  --host=HOSTAME                HOSTNAME is ATS server\n" .
   170             "  --local-test-pkg=PKGFILE      PKGFILE is the test package.\n" .
   171             "                                If PKGFILE begins \"...\" a filename in LOCALPATH is assumed\n" .
   172             "  --local-drop-path=LOCALPATH   Path to local directory where PKGFILE will be dropped\n" .            
   173             "  --host-drop-path=HOSTPATH     Host directory that is mapped to LOCALPATH.\n" .
   174             "                                Must agree with the properties of the registered device that the test package nominates\n" .
   175             "  --username=ATS3USERNAME       ATS3 user to whome the test will belong. Default=admin\n" .
   176             "  --password=ATS3PASSWORD       Password of ATS3 user. Default=admin\n" .
   177             "  --schedule=DD.MM.YYYY-HH:MM   Date-time at which test is to run. Default=as soon as possible\n" .
   178             "  --ats-version=VERSION         Version of ATS which will be used to run the tests. If not specified ATS3 will be set by default.\n" .
   179             "  --ats-worker-path=ATSPATH     Path to the ATS bin directory. If not specified c:\\apps\\\$ats_version\\bin will set by default.\n";
   180     exit $error;            
   181 }
   183 sub help()
   184 {
   185     usage(0);
   186 }
   188 sub usage_error()
   189 {
   190     usage(1);
   191 }             
   193 # EOF