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    82 <h2>Property group ATS</h2>
    84 <h3>Description </h3>
    85 <p>
    87 </p>
    89 <h3>Properties</h3>
    90 <p> 
    91 <table class="docutils" width="50%">
    92     <tr>
    93         <th class="head">Name</th>
    94         <th class="head">Edit status</th>
    95         <th class="head">Deprecated</th>
    96     </tr>
    97     <tr>
    98         <td colspan="3">User editable properties</td>
    99     </tr>
   100                     <tr>
   101                         <td><a href="" title="<p>The property is needed if you want to get an email from ATS server after the tests are executed. There can be one to many semicolon(s) &#34;;&#34; separated email addresses.</p>" target="classframe"><tt class="docutils literal"></tt></a></td>
   102                         <td><a href="help.html" title="Help" target="classframe">recommended</a></td>
   103                         <td>
   104                         </td>
   105                     </tr>
   106                     <tr>
   107                         <td><a href="" title="<p>Modify the plan name if you have understanding of test.xml file or leave it as it is. Deafault value is &#34;plan&#34;</p>" target="classframe"><tt class="docutils literal"></tt></a></td>
   108                         <td><a href="help.html" title="Help" target="classframe">recommended</a></td>
   109                         <td>
   110                         </td>
   111                     </tr>
   112                     <tr>
   113                         <td><a href="" title="<p>Modify the test-run name if you have understanding of test.xml file or leave it as it is. Deafault value is a string consist of build id, product name, major and minor versions</p>" target="classframe"><tt class="docutils literal"></tt></a></td>
   114                         <td><a href="help.html" title="Help" target="classframe">recommended</a></td>
   115                         <td>
   116                         </td>
   117                     </tr>
   118                     <tr>
   119                         <td><a href="property-ats.ctc.enabled.html" title="<p>Should be &#34;True&#34; if coverage measurement and dynamic analysis (CTC) tool support is to be used by ATS. Deafault value is &#34;False&#34;, the values are case-sensitive.</p>" target="classframe"><tt class="docutils literal">ats.ctc.enabled</tt></a></td>
   120                         <td><a href="help.html" title="Help" target="classframe">recommended</a></td>
   121                         <td>
   122                         </td>
   123                     </tr>
   124                     <tr>
   125                         <td><a href="property-ats.drop.location.html" title="<p>Server location (UNC path) to save the ATS3Drop file, before sending to the ATS. For example: \\trwsem00\some_folder\. In case, ``ats.script.type`` is set to &#34;import&#34;, ATS doesn&#39;t need to have access to ats.drop.location, its value can be any local folder on build machine, for example c:\temp (no network share needed).</p>" target="classframe"><tt class="docutils literal">ats.drop.location</tt></a></td>
   126                         <td><a href="help.html" title="Help" target="classframe">must</a></td>
   127                         <td>
   128                         </td>
   129                     </tr>
   130                     <tr>
   131                         <td><a href="" title="<p>The property is needed if you want to get an email from ATS server after the tests are executed. There can be one to many semicolon(s) &#34;;&#34; separated email addresses.</p>" target="classframe"><tt class="docutils literal"></tt></a></td>
   132                         <td><a href="help.html" title="Help" target="classframe">recommended</a></td>
   133                         <td>
   134                         </td>
   135                     </tr>
   136                     <tr>
   137                         <td><a href="property-ats.flash.images.html" title="<p>List of flash images (.fpsx files) to install on the phone. It is not recommended to set the value manually however, it is possible.</p>" target="classframe"><tt class="docutils literal">ats.flash.images</tt></a></td>
   138                         <td><a href="help.html" title="Help" target="classframe">allowed</a></td>
   139                         <td>
   140                         </td>
   141                     </tr>
   142                     <tr>
   143                         <td><a href="property-ats.flashfiles.minlimit.html" title="<p>Limit of minimum number of flash files to execute ats-test target, otherwise will not be generated. Default value is &#34;2&#34; files.</p>" target="classframe"><tt class="docutils literal">ats.flashfiles.minlimit</tt></a></td>
   144                         <td><a href="help.html" title="Help" target="classframe">recommended</a></td>
   145                         <td>
   146                         </td>
   147                     </tr>
   148                     <tr>
   149                         <td><a href="property-ats.password.html" title="<p>Password for ATS. This password might be different from NOE or HTTP/UNIX password.</p>" target="classframe"><tt class="docutils literal">ats.password</tt></a></td>
   150                         <td><a href="help.html" title="Help" target="classframe">must</a></td>
   151                         <td>
   152                         </td>
   153                     </tr>
   154                     <tr>
   155                         <td><a href="" title="<p>Modify the plan name if you have understanding of test.xml file or leave it as it is. Deafault value is &#34;plan&#34;</p>" target="classframe"><tt class="docutils literal"></tt></a></td>
   156                         <td><a href="help.html" title="Help" target="classframe">recommended</a></td>
   157                         <td>
   158                         </td>
   159                     </tr>
   160                     <tr>
   161                         <td><a href="property-ats.product.hwid.html" title="<p>Product HardWare ID (HWID) attached to ATS. By default the value of HWID is not set.</p>" target="classframe"><tt class="docutils literal">ats.product.hwid</tt></a></td>
   162                         <td><a href="help.html" title="Help" target="classframe">recommended</a></td>
   163                         <td>
   164                         </td>
   165                     </tr>
   166                     <tr>
   167                         <td><a href="" title="<p>Name of the product to be tested. For example: &#34;PRODUCT&#34;</p>" target="classframe"><tt class="docutils literal"></tt></a></td>
   168                         <td><a href="help.html" title="Help" target="classframe">must</a></td>
   169                         <td>
   170                         </td>
   171                     </tr>
   172                     <tr>
   173                         <td><a href="" title="<p>Sets ATS reports store location. Default location is &#34;${publish.dir}/${publish.subdir}&#34;</p>" target="classframe"><tt class="docutils literal"></tt></a></td>
   174                         <td><a href="help.html" title="Help" target="classframe">allowed</a></td>
   175                         <td>
   176                         </td>
   177                     </tr>
   178                     <tr>
   179                         <td><a href="property-ats.script.type.html" title="<p>There are two types of ats script files to send drop to ATS server, &#34;runx&#34; and &#34;import&#34;; only difference is that with &#34;import&#34; ATS doesn&#39;t have to have access rights to file, as it is sent to the system over http and import doesn&#39;t need network shares. If that is not needed &#34;import&#34; should not be used. Default value is &#34;runx&#34; as &#34;import&#34; involves heavy processing on ATS server</p>" target="classframe"><tt class="docutils literal">ats.script.type</tt></a></td>
   180                         <td><a href="help.html" title="Help" target="classframe">recommended</a></td>
   181                         <td>
   182                         </td>
   183                     </tr>
   184                     <tr>
   185                         <td><a href="property-ats.server.html" title="<p>For example: &#34;4fio00105&#34; or &#34;;. Default server port is &#34;8080&#34;, but it is not allowed between intra and Noklab. Because of this we need to define server port as 80. The host can be different depending on site and/or product.</p>" target="classframe"><tt class="docutils literal">ats.server</tt></a></td>
   186                         <td><a href="help.html" title="Help" target="classframe">must</a></td>
   187                         <td>
   188                         </td>
   189                     </tr>
   190                     <tr>
   191                         <td><a href="" title="<p>Sets target platform for compiling test components. Default value is &#34;armv5 urel&#34;.</p>" target="classframe"><tt class="docutils literal"></tt></a></td>
   192                         <td><a href="help.html" title="Help" target="classframe">recommended</a></td>
   193                         <td>
   194                         </td>
   195                     </tr>
   196                     <tr>
   197                         <td><a href="property-ats.test.timeout.html" title="<p>To set test commands execution time limit on ATS3 server, in seconds. Default value is &#34;60&#34;.</p>" target="classframe"><tt class="docutils literal">ats.test.timeout</tt></a></td>
   198                         <td><a href="help.html" title="Help" target="classframe">recommended</a></td>
   199                         <td>
   200                         </td>
   201                     </tr>
   202                     <tr>
   203                         <td><a href="" title="<p>Modify the test-run name if you have understanding of test.xml file or leave it as it is. Deafault value is a string consist of build id, product name, major and minor versions</p>" target="classframe"><tt class="docutils literal"></tt></a></td>
   204                         <td><a href="help.html" title="Help" target="classframe">recommended</a></td>
   205                         <td>
   206                         </td>
   207                     </tr>
   208                     <tr>
   209                         <td><a href="property-ats.trace.enabled.html" title="<p>Should be &#34;True&#34; if tracing is needed during the tests running on ATS3. Deafault value is &#34;False&#34;, the values are case-sensitive.</p>" target="classframe"><tt class="docutils literal">ats.trace.enabled</tt></a></td>
   210                         <td><a href="help.html" title="Help" target="classframe">recommended</a></td>
   211                         <td>
   212                         </td>
   213                     </tr>
   214                     <tr>
   215                         <td><a href="property-ats.username.html" title="<p>Username for ATS server. This is NOT the NOE or HTTP/UNIX username.</p>" target="classframe"><tt class="docutils literal">ats.username</tt></a></td>
   216                         <td><a href="help.html" title="Help" target="classframe">must</a></td>
   217                         <td>
   218                         </td>
   219                     </tr>
   220                     <tr>
   221                         <td><a href="property-enabled.aste.html" title="<p>Value must be set to execute ats-aste target. for example, &#39;value=&#34;1&#34;&#39;</p>" target="classframe"><tt class="docutils literal">enabled.aste</tt></a></td>
   222                         <td><a href="help.html" title="Help" target="classframe">must</a></td>
   223                         <td>
   224                         </td>
   225                     </tr>
   226                     <tr>
   227                         <td><a href="property-enabled.ats.html" title="<p>Value must be set to execute ats-test target. for example, &#39;value=&#34;1&#34;&#39;</p>" target="classframe"><tt class="docutils literal">enabled.ats</tt></a></td>
   228                         <td><a href="help.html" title="Help" target="classframe">must</a></td>
   229                         <td>
   230                         </td>
   231                     </tr>
   232                     <tr>
   233                         <td><a href="property-eunit.test.package.html" title="<p>The EUnit package name to be unzipped on the environment, for executing EUnit tests.&#34;</p>" target="classframe"><tt class="docutils literal">eunit.test.package</tt></a></td>
   234                         <td><a href="help.html" title="Help" target="classframe">recommended</a></td>
   235                         <td>
   236                         </td>
   237                     </tr>
   238                     <tr>
   239                         <td><a href="property-eunitexerunner.flags.html" title="<p>Flags for EUnit exerunner can be set by setting the value of this variable. The default flags are set to &#34;/E S60AppEnv /R Off&#34;.</p>" target="classframe"><tt class="docutils literal">eunitexerunner.flags</tt></a></td>
   240                         <td><a href="help.html" title="Help" target="classframe">must</a></td>
   241                         <td>
   242                         </td>
   243                     </tr>
   244                     <tr>
   245                         <td><a href="property-exclude.test.layers.html" title="<p>Comma seperated excluded test layers. The test components (mentioned in the excluded test layers) will not be included in the ATS test drops</p>" target="classframe"><tt class="docutils literal">exclude.test.layers</tt></a></td>
   246                         <td><a href="help.html" title="Help" target="classframe">allowed</a></td>
   247                         <td>
   248                         </td>
   249                     </tr>
   250                     <tr>
   251                         <td><a href="property-skip.ats.sending.html" title="<p>Skips sending drop package file to ATS/ASTE after its creation.</p>" target="classframe"><tt class="docutils literal">skip.ats.sending</tt></a></td>
   252                         <td><a href="help.html" title="Help" target="classframe">allowed</a></td>
   253                         <td>
   254                         </td>
   255                     </tr>
   256     <tr>
   257         <td colspan="3">Internal properties</td>
   258     </tr>
   259                     <tr>
   260                         <td><a href="property-ats.aste.drop.file.html" title="<p>Path for creation of the drop file during the build. Default is</p>" target="classframe"><tt class="docutils literal">ats.aste.drop.file</tt></a></td>
   261                         <td><a href="help.html" title="Help" target="classframe">discouraged</a></td>
   262                         <td>
   263                         </td>
   264                     </tr>
   265                     <tr>
   266                         <td><a href="property-ats.drop.file.html" title="<p>Path for creation of the drop file during the build. Default is</p>" target="classframe"><tt class="docutils literal">ats.drop.file</tt></a></td>
   267                         <td><a href="help.html" title="Help" target="classframe">discouraged</a></td>
   268                         <td>
   269                         </td>
   270                     </tr>
   271                     <tr>
   272                         <td><a href="property-drop.file.counter.html" title="<p>Drop package file counter. Updates its value automatically when a new drop file is created for ATS.</p>" target="classframe"><tt class="docutils literal">drop.file.counter</tt></a></td>
   273                         <td><a href="help.html" title="Help" target="classframe">never</a></td>
   274                         <td>
   275                         </td>
   276                     </tr>
   277 </table>
   278 </p>
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