--- a/common/templates/source-spec.ant.xml.ftl Tue Aug 18 13:48:35 2009 +0100
+++ b/common/templates/source-spec.ant.xml.ftl Mon Aug 24 11:01:37 2009 +0100
@@ -7,6 +7,16 @@
<#assign dollar = "$"/>
<#assign count = 0 />
+<#if ("${ant['sf.spec.sourcesync.archive']}")??>
+ <#if "${ant['sf.spec.sourcesync.archive']}" == "true">
+ <#assign fast_sync = true />
+ <#else>
+ <#assign fast_sync = false />
+ </#if>
+ <#assign fast_sync = false />
<!-- remove previous version of BOM file (if exists) -->
<target name="reset-bom-sources-csv">
<delete file="${ant['build.drive']}/output/logs/BOM/sources.csv" quiet="true"/>
@@ -19,17 +29,32 @@
<!-- create sf\layer dir -->
- <delete dir="${ant['build.drive']}${pkg_detail.dst}" failonerror="false"/>
<mkdir dir="${ant['build.drive']}${pkg_detail.dst}"/>
- <delete dir="${ant['build.drive']}${pkg_detail.dst}" failonerror="false"/>
+ <delete dir="${ant['build.drive']}${pkg_detail.dst}" failonerror="false" />
+ <!-- Don't use hg archive with tags, as we can have wildcards in the tags... -->
+ <#if fast_sync && ("${pkg_detail.type}"!="tag") >
+ <!-- Identify the version on the cache first -->
+ <exec executable="hg" dir="${pkg_detail.source}" outputproperty="sf.sourcesync.${count}.checksum">
+ <arg value="identify"/>
+ <arg value="-i"/>
+ <arg value="-r"/>
+ <arg value="${pkg_detail.pattern}"/>
+ </exec>
+ <!-- hg archive on the version we found -->
+ <exec executable="hg" dir="${pkg_detail.source}">
+ <arg value="archive"/>
+ <arg value="-r"/>
+ <arg value="${dollar}{sf.sourcesync.${count}.checksum}"/>
+ <arg value="${ant['build.drive']}${pkg_detail.dst}"/>
+ </exec>
+ <#else>
<exec executable="hg" dir="${ant['build.drive']}">
<arg value="clone"/>
<arg value="-U"/>
<arg value="${pkg_detail.source}"/>
<arg value="${ant['build.drive']}${pkg_detail.dst}"/>
<hlm:scm verbose="true" scmUrl="scm:hg:${pkg_detail.source}">
<!--hlm:checkout basedir="${ant['build.drive']}${pkg_detail.dst}"/-->
<#if "${pkg_detail.type}"=="tag" >
@@ -46,18 +71,18 @@
+ <exec executable="hg" dir="${ant['build.drive']}${pkg_detail.dst}" outputproperty="sf.sourcesync.${count}.checksum">
+ <arg value="identify"/>
+ <arg value="-i"/>
+ </exec>
+ </#if>
<target name="sf-bom-info-${count}">
<!-- record info on source code repo/rev in BOM file -->
- <exec executable="hg" dir="${ant['build.drive']}${pkg_detail.dst}" outputproperty="sf.sourcesync.${count}.checksum">
- <arg value="identify"/>
- <arg value="-i"/>
- </exec>
<echo message="dir ${ant['build.drive']}${pkg_detail.dst} : ${dollar}{sf.sourcesync.${count}.checksum}"/>
<exec executable="cmd" output="${ant['build.drive']}/output/logs/BOM/sources.csv" append="true">
<arg value="/c"/>