changeset 892 24ecf67cba71
parent 890 41f3579ef67e
child 893 f4d702959f07
--- a/common/templates/source-spec.ant.xml.ftl	Mon Feb 08 14:50:19 2010 +0000
+++ b/common/templates/source-spec.ant.xml.ftl	Tue Feb 09 17:49:27 2010 +0000
@@ -7,84 +7,118 @@
 <#assign change_list  = "" />
 <#assign dollar = "$"/>
 <#assign count = 0 />
-<#if ("${ant['sf.spec.sourcesync.archive']}")?? && "${ant['sf.spec.sourcesync.archive']}" == "true">
-  <#assign fast_sync = true />
-  <#assign fast_sync = false />
-<#if ("${ant['sf.spec.sourcesync.bug419']}")?? && "${ant['sf.spec.sourcesync.bug419']}" == "true">
-  <#assign bug419 = true />
-  <#assign bug419 = false />
 <#list data as csv_file>
   <#list csv_file as pkg_detail>
     <target name="sf-prebuild-${count}">
-        <sequential>
-            <!-- create sf\layer dir  -->
-            <mkdir dir="${ant['']}${pkg_detail.dst}"/>
-            <delete dir="${ant['']}${pkg_detail.dst}" failonerror="false" />
-            <!-- Don't use hg archive with tags, as we can have wildcards in the tags... -->
-            <#if fast_sync && ("${pkg_detail.type}"!="tag") > 
-              <!-- Identify the version on the cache first -->
-              <exec executable="hg" dir="${pkg_detail.source}" outputproperty="sf.sourcesync.${count}.checksum">
-                  <arg value="identify"/>
-                  <arg value="-i"/>
-                  <arg value="-r"/>
-                  <arg value="${pkg_detail.pattern}"/>
-              </exec>
-              <!-- hg archive on the version we found -->
-              <exec executable="hg" dir="${pkg_detail.source}">
-                  <arg value="archive"/>
-                  <arg value="-r"/>
-                  <arg value="${dollar}{sf.sourcesync.${count}.checksum}"/>
-                  <arg value="${ant['']}${pkg_detail.dst}"/>
-              </exec>
-            <#else>
-	    <exec executable="hg" dir="${ant['']}/">
-                <arg value="clone"/>
-                <arg value="-U"/>
-                <arg value="${pkg_detail.source}"/>
-                <arg value="${ant['']}${pkg_detail.dst}"/>
-            </exec>
-            <#if bug419 >
-              <exec executable="hg" dir="${ant['']}${pkg_detail.dst}" outputproperty="sf.sourcesync.${count}.checksum">
-                  <arg value="identify"/>
-                  <arg value="-i"/>
-                  <arg value="-r"/>
-                  <arg value="${pkg_detail.pattern}"/>
-              </exec>
-              <exec executable="hg" dir="${ant['']}${pkg_detail.dst}">
-                  <arg value="update"/>
-                  <arg value="-r"/>
-                  <arg value="${dollar}{sf.sourcesync.${count}.checksum}"/>
-              </exec>            
-            <#else>
-            <hlm:scm verbose="true" scmUrl="scm:hg:${pkg_detail.source}">
-                <!--hlm:checkout basedir="${ant['']}${pkg_detail.dst}"/-->
-                <#if "${pkg_detail.type}"=="tag" >
-                <hlm:tags basedir="${ant['']}${pkg_detail.dst}" reference="${dollar}{refid}"/>
-                <hlm:update basedir="${ant['']}${pkg_detail.dst}">
-                <hlm:latestTag pattern="${pkg_detail.pattern}">
-                        <hlm:tagSet refid="${dollar}{refid}" />
-                </hlm:latestTag>
-                </hlm:update>
-                </#if>
-                <#if "${pkg_detail.type}"== "changeset" || "${pkg_detail.type}"=="branch">
-                <hlm:update basedir="${ant['']}${pkg_detail.dst}">
-                     <hlm:tag name="${pkg_detail.pattern}"/>
-                </hlm:update>
-                </#if>
-            </hlm:scm>
-            </#if>
+        <!-- Create sf\layer dir on build dir -->
+        <mkdir dir="${ant['']}${pkg_detail.dst}"/>
+        <delete dir="${ant['']}${pkg_detail.dst}" failonerror="true" />
+        <if>
+            <istrue value="${dollar}{sf.spec.sourcesync.usecache}"/>
+            <then>
+                <!-- Work out cache location from source location -->
+                <propertyregex property="sf.spec.sourcesync.cachelocation.${count}" input="${pkg_detail.source}" regexp="^" casesensitive="false" replace="${dollar}{sf.spec.sourcesync.cachelocation}/Live/"/>
+		<propertyregex property="sf.spec.sourcesync.cachelocation.${count}" input="${pkg_detail.source}" regexp="^${ant['sf.spec.sourcesync.local.development.area']}/" casesensitive="false" replace="${dollar}{sf.spec.sourcesync.cachelocation}/LocalDev/"/>
+            </then>
+        </if>
+        <if>
+            <and>
+                <isset property="sf.spec.sourcesync.cachelocation.${count}"/>
+                <available file="${dollar}{sf.spec.sourcesync.cachelocation.${count}}" type="dir"/>
+            </and>
+            <then>
+                <!-- Package in cache already -->
+		<!-- Clone null revision from source to get the right default repo -->
+                <exec executable="hg" dir="${ant['']}/" failonerror="true">
+                    <arg value="clone"/>
+                    <arg value="-r"/>
+                    <arg value="null"/>
+                    <arg value="${pkg_detail.source}"/>
+                    <arg value="${ant['']}${pkg_detail.dst}"/>
+                </exec>
+                <echo message="Pull from ${dollar}{sf.spec.sourcesync.cachelocation.${count}} to ${ant['']}${pkg_detail.dst}"/>
+                <exec executable="hg" dir="${ant['']}${pkg_detail.dst}/" failonerror="true">
+                    <arg value="pull"/>
+                    <arg value="-f"/>
+                    <arg value="${dollar}{sf.spec.sourcesync.cachelocation.${count}}"/>
+                </exec>
+                <echo message="Pull from ${pkg_detail.source} to ${ant['']}${pkg_detail.dst}"/>
+                <exec executable="hg" dir="${ant['']}${pkg_detail.dst}" failonerror="true">
+                    <arg value="pull"/>
+                    <arg value="${pkg_detail.source}"/>
+                </exec>
+                <!-- Update to required revision -->
+                <exec executable="hg" dir="${ant['']}${pkg_detail.dst}" failonerror="true">
+                    <arg value="update"/>
+                    <arg value="-r"/>
+                    <arg value="${pkg_detail.pattern}"/>
+                </exec>
+                <!-- Record the changeset selected, for the BOM -->
                 <exec executable="hg" dir="${ant['']}${pkg_detail.dst}" outputproperty="sf.sourcesync.${count}.checksum">
-                <arg value="identify"/>
-                <arg value="-i"/>
-            </exec>
-          </#if>  
-        </sequential>
+                    <arg value="identify"/>
+                    <arg value="-i"/>
+                </exec>
+                <forget>
+                    <echo message="Push from ${ant['']}${pkg_detail.dst} to ${dollar}{sf.spec.sourcesync.cachelocation.${count}} in background"/>
+                    <nice newpriority="1"/>
+                    <exec executable="hg" dir="${ant['']}${pkg_detail.dst}" failonerror="false">
+                        <arg value="push"/>
+                        <arg value="-f"/>
+                        <arg value="${dollar}{sf.spec.sourcesync.cachelocation.${count}}"/>
+                    </exec>
+                </forget>
+            </then>
+            <else>
+                <echo message="Clone from ${pkg_detail.source} to ${ant['']}${pkg_detail.dst}"/>
+                <exec executable="hg" dir="${ant['']}/" failonerror="true">
+                    <arg value="clone"/>
+                    <arg value="-U"/>
+                    <arg value="${pkg_detail.source}"/>
+                    <arg value="${ant['']}${pkg_detail.dst}"/>
+                </exec>
+                <!-- Update to required version -->
+                <exec executable="hg" dir="${ant['']}${pkg_detail.dst}" failonerror="true">
+                    <arg value="update"/>
+                    <arg value="-r"/>
+                    <arg value="${pkg_detail.pattern}"/>
+                </exec>
+                <!-- Record the changeset selected, for the BOM -->
+                <exec executable="hg" dir="${ant['']}${pkg_detail.dst}" outputproperty="sf.sourcesync.${count}.checksum">
+                    <arg value="identify"/>
+                    <arg value="-i"/>
+                </exec>
+                <if>
+                    <isset property="sf.spec.sourcesync.cachelocation.${count}"/>
+                    <then>
+                        <forget>
+                            <nice newpriority="1"/>
+                            <!-- Init cache -->
+                            <mkdir dir="${dollar}{sf.spec.sourcesync.cachelocation.${count}}"/>
+                            <delete dir="${dollar}{sf.spec.sourcesync.cachelocation.${count}}" failonerror="true" />
+                            <echo message="Initialise cache at ${dollar}{sf.spec.sourcesync.cachelocation.${count}}"/>
+                            <!-- Clone source to get the right default repo -->
+                            <exec executable="hg" dir="${ant['']}/" failonerror="false">
+                                <arg value="clone"/>
+                                <arg value="-r"/>
+                                <arg value="null"/>
+                                <arg value="${pkg_detail.source}"/>
+                                <arg value="${dollar}{sf.spec.sourcesync.cachelocation.${count}}"/>
+                            </exec>
+                            <echo message="Push from ${ant['']}${pkg_detail.dst} to ${dollar}{sf.spec.sourcesync.cachelocation.${count}} in background"/>
+                            <exec executable="hg" dir="${ant['']}${pkg_detail.dst}" failonerror="false">
+                                <arg value="push"/>
+                                <arg value="-f"/>
+                                <arg value="${dollar}{sf.spec.sourcesync.cachelocation.${count}}"/>
+                            </exec>
+                        </forget>
+                    </then>
+                </if>
+            </else>
+        </if>
     <target name="sf-bom-info-${count}">
@@ -103,11 +137,7 @@
         <echo message="Writing BOM changes since ${dollar}{sf.previous.pdk.tag} for ${pkg_detail.dst}" />
         <echo file="${ant['']}/output/logs/BOM/changes.txt" append="true" message="${dollar}{line.separator}${pkg_detail.source}${dollar}{line.separator}${pkg_detail.dst}${dollar}{line.separator}${dollar}{line.separator}" />
-            <#if fast_sync > 
-              <exec executable="hg" dir="${pkg_detail.source}" output="${ant['']}/output/logs/BOM/changes.txt" append="true">
-            <#else>      		  
-              <exec executable="hg" dir="${ant['']}${pkg_detail.dst}" output="${ant['']}/output/logs/BOM/changes.txt" append="true">
-            </#if>
+            <exec executable="hg" dir="${ant['']}${pkg_detail.dst}" output="${ant['']}/output/logs/BOM/changes.txt" append="true">
                 <arg value="log"/>
                 <arg value="-r"/>
                 <arg value="${dollar}{sf.sourcesync.${count}.checksum}:${dollar}{sf.previous.pdk.tag}"/>
@@ -132,7 +162,7 @@
     <target name="all">
-        <parallel threadsPerProcessor="1">
+        <parallel threadsPerProcessor="1" failonany="true">