changeset 99 2c7b53b5228f
parent 98 aa585d28e584
child 100 c222f4b27ad7
--- a/common/tools/ats/wshTestRunX.vbs	Mon May 18 11:39:37 2009 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-' WScript that will invoke the test run execute functionality at ATS3 web server without installing any ATS3
-' specific programs on the local PC.
-' Password must be given in encrypted format and the path to test drop must be in URLEncoded
-' Usage cscript wshRunX.vbs <username> <password> <server hostname> <path to>
-' Get the command line arguments
-set args = WScript.Arguments
-' Check that all arguments have been specified
-Set objShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
-Set env = objShell.Environment("Process")
-' Invoke the web application and write the result to stdOut
-WScript.StdOut.Write doTestRunX(env("ats3.username"), env("ats3.password"), env(""), URLEncode( env("ats3.pathToDrop") ), URLEncode( env("ats3.schedule") ))
-' Quit the script
-Function checkEnvVars(env)
-	if env("ats3.username") = "" then
-		WScript.Echo "Environment variable ats3.username not specified"
-		WScript.Quit 1
-	elseif env("ats3.password") = "" then
-		WScript.Echo "Environment variable ats3.password not specified"
-		WScript.Quit 1
-	elseif env("") = "" then
-		WScript.Echo "Environment variable not specified"
-		WScript.Quit 1		
-	elseif env("ats3.pathToDrop") = "" then
-		WScript.Echo "Environment variable ats3.pathToDrop not specified"
-		WScript.Quit 1	
-	end if
-End Function
-' Invoke the ATS3 web application in given host with the specified username, password and file path
-Function doTestRunX(uname, password, hostName, pathToDrop, schedule)
-    On Error Resume Next
-	'If the given hostname contain port, use it otherwise use the default 8080
-        if(InStr(1, hostName, ":", VBTEXTCOMPARE) = 0) then
-        	hostName = hostName & ":8080"
-        end if    
-	Set objxmlHTTP = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
-	Call"GET", "http://" & hostName & "/ats3/" & uname & "&password=" & password & "&testrunpath=" & pathToDrop & "&schedule=" & schedule, False)
-	objxmlHTTP.Send()
-	If Err.Number <> 0 Then
-		WScript.Echo "Error sending data to server: " + hostName
-    	WScript.Quit 1
-	End if		
-    if objxmlHTTP.status = 200 then
-    	doTestRunX = objxmlHTTP.ResponseText
-    else
-        WScript.Echo "Error importing test run: " + objxmlHTTP.ResponseText
-    	WScript.Quit 1
-	end if
-End Function
-Function URLEncode(data)
-	data = replace(data,"\","/")
-	data = replace(data,"$","%24")
-	data = replace(data,"&","%26")
-	data = replace(data,"+","%2B")
-	data = replace(data,",","%2C")
-	data = replace(data,"/","%2F")
-	data = replace(data,":","%3A")
-	data = replace(data,";","%3B")
-	data = replace(data,"=","%3D")
-	data = replace(data,"?","%3F")
-	data = replace(data,"@","%40")
-	URLEncode = data
-End Function
\ No newline at end of file