changeset 840 3b9cc38657db
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/common/tools/test/pckg_status/scripts/	Tue Jan 12 17:18:11 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,445 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2009 Symbian Foundation Ltd
+# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+# at the URL "".
+# Script name:
+# Initial Contributors:
+# Symbian Foundation Ltd - initial contribution.
+# Contributors:
+# Arnaud Lenoir <>
+# Created 30/11/2009
+# Description:
+# Task 286 - Package test status prep - Compile a global view for all packages that we want to analyse
+# Parameters passed:
+#	Param1: Path to the file containing the directories to check for test status
+#	Param2: Path to the directory containing the source code to analyse (generate a file)
+#	Param3: Path to the directory where DB will be published
+# Modules necessary to run this script
+use Getopt::Long;
+use strict;
+use Text::CSV;
+# Parameters passed to this script
+my $help;
+my $source_path_to_analyse;
+my $dirs_file_path_to_analyse;
+my $source_csv_path_to_analyse;
+my $publication_directory_path;
+my $pattern_file_path;
+# Variables
+my @tab_package_extraction;
+my @tab_package_extraction_S2;
+my @tab_package_extraction_S3;
+my $system_cmd;
+# Constantes declaration
+my $default_publication_directory_path = "\.\\results";
+my $default_pattern_file_path = ".\\pckg_test_status_patterns.csv";
+my $pckg_dir_paths_file_name = "pckg_test_status_paths.txt";
+my $pckg_dir_paths_file_name_S2 = "pckg_test_status_paths_S2.txt";
+my $pckg_dir_paths_file_name_S3 = "pckg_test_status_paths_S3.txt";
+my $all_pckgs_from_source_csv= "all_pckgs_from_source_csv.txt";
+my $pckg_definition_pattern = "package_definition*.xml";
+my $pckg_definition_pattern_S2 = "package_definition.xml";
+my $pckg_definition_pattern_S3 = "package_definition_*.xml";
+my $pckg_definition_extraction_pattern = "(^[\\w\\W]+)\\package_definition";
+my $csv_status_file_name = "packages_tests_supported_status.csv";
+my $nb_arg_passed = scalar(@ARGV);
+	print "No arguments/parameters passed then print help!\n";
+	helpme();
+my %optmap = (  'source_path_to_analyse' => \$source_path_to_analyse,
+			    'dirs_file_path_to_analyse' => \$dirs_file_path_to_analyse,
+			    'publication_directory_path' => \$publication_directory_path,
+				'source_csv_path_to_analyse' => \$source_csv_path_to_analyse,
+			    'pattern_file_path' => \$pattern_file_path,
+                'help' => \$help);
+		  'source_path_to_analyse=s',
+		  'dirs_file_path_to_analyse=s',
+		  'publication_directory_path=s',
+		  'source_csv_path_to_analyse=s',
+		  'pattern_file_path=s',
+          'help');
+print "The value for help is: <$help>\n";
+print "source_path_to_analyse: <$source_path_to_analyse>\n";
+print "dirs_file_path_to_analyse: <$dirs_file_path_to_analyse>\n";
+print "publication_directory_path: <$publication_directory_path>\n";
+print "source_csv_path_to_analyse: <$source_csv_path_to_analyse>\n";
+print "pattern_file_path: <$pattern_file_path>\n";
+if ($help)
+	print "We want to print the help\n";
+	helpme();
+	print "\nIt's from here that the real work starts!\n";
+# Check if we need default values for some of the parameters
+# Publication directory
+if (!defined($publication_directory_path))
+	print "No publication_directory_path passed as argument, therefore use default path\n";
+	$publication_directory_path = $default_publication_directory_path;
+	print "publication_directory_path = <$publication_directory_path>\n";
+# Check if we have a directory use for publishing. If not create it
+print "Check if $publication_directory_path exist or not!\n";
+if (!(-d $publication_directory_path))
+	print "The directory $publication_directory_path, doesn't exist, therefore we create it\n";
+	$system_cmd = "mkdir $publication_directory_path";	
+	print "Exec: $system_cmd\n";
+	system($system_cmd);
+# We are going to packages type of tests supported in a csv file and before to do that we are going to make sure that if a file exist, then we rename it.
+# File will be renamed before .csv with date & time in the format:
+# year-month-day@hour-minute
+# Eg: packages_tests_supported_status-2009-12-11@10-57.csv
+my $csv_status_file_path = "$publication_directory_path\\$csv_status_file_name";
+print "The full path for the csv packages tests status file is: $csv_status_file_path\n";
+if(-f $csv_status_file_path)
+	print "the file exists, we need to rename it to allow a new file to be created with new data\n";
+	my $date;
+	my $time;
+	open (GETTIME,"time /t |");
+	$time = <GETTIME>;
+	chomp($time);
+	open (GETDATE,"date /t |");
+	$date = <GETDATE>;
+	chomp($date);
+	print "date is <$date>\n";
+	print "time is <$time>\n";
+	$time =~ s/:/-/g;
+	$date =~ m~([0-9]+)\/([0-9]+)\/([0-9]+)~;
+	print "$3-$2-$1\n";
+	$date = "$3-$2-$1";
+	print "date is <$date>\n";
+	print "time is <$time>\n";
+	my $csv_status_file_path_renamed = $csv_status_file_name;
+	print "Current file name: $csv_status_file_path_renamed\n";	
+	$csv_status_file_path_renamed =~ s/\.csv/\-$date\@$time.csv/;
+	print "Renamed file name: $csv_status_file_path_renamed\n";
+	# Rename file to be saved and to use new one to work with.
+	$system_cmd = "rename $csv_status_file_path $csv_status_file_path_renamed";	
+	print "Exec: $system_cmd\n";
+	system($system_cmd);
+	print "The file doesn't exist, we are starting from scratch! Nothing else to do!\n";
+# Define Pacakge list & path by searching for "package_definition*.xml" file.
+# The directory having that file is considerated as the short package name.
+# Store list in a file? DB? or table?
+if (defined($source_csv_path_to_analyse))
+	print "We have been given the path to a source.csv file to extract all the packages to be used\n";
+	if(!(-f $source_csv_path_to_analyse))
+	{
+		print "The file $source_csv_path_to_analyse doesn't exist! Please provide a new path!";
+		exit(0);
+	}
+	open (CSVFILE, "$source_csv_path_to_analyse");
+	my @local_tab = <CSVFILE>;
+	# Need to discard the first line of the file
+	print "local_tab[0]=<$local_tab[0]>\n";
+	$local_tab[0] = undef;
+	print "local_tab[0]=<$local_tab[0]> has been removed as garbage for us\n";
+	my $nb_packgs_in_csv = 0;
+	# Extract package names
+	foreach my $line (@local_tab)
+	{
+		#Typical line: <E:\hgcache\mercurial_master_prod/sfl/MCL/sf/app/contentcontrol/,/sf/app/contentcontrol,changeset,8cb47bc684d4,layers.sysdef.xml>
+		#print "Line from file is: $line\n";
+		#if($line =~ m;,(/sf/[\w\/_]+),;) # Use for the second column of the csv file
+		if($line =~ m;([\w\W]+)\/,\/sf;) # Use for the first column of the csv file
+		{
+			#print "We have detected $1\n";
+			my $transform = $1;
+			$transform =~ s/\//\\/ig;
+			#print "transformed to: $transform\n";
+			$tab_package_extraction[$nb_packgs_in_csv++] = $transform;
+		}
+	}
+	print "# of packages is: <$nb_packgs_in_csv>\n";
+	close (CSVFILE);
+	# Save data in a file to be reused later on.
+	my $file2use = "$publication_directory_path\\$all_pckgs_from_source_csv";
+	print "File to open=$file2use\n";
+	open(SAVINGDATAFILE,">$file2use");
+	foreach my $val2save (@tab_package_extraction)
+	{
+		print SAVINGDATAFILE "$val2save\n";
+	}
+elsif (defined($dirs_file_path_to_analyse))
+	print "Use the file <$dirs_file_path_to_analyse> that contains the directories to scan\n";
+	open(FILEWITHPCKGPATHS,"$dirs_file_path_to_analyse");
+	my $count_line = 0;
+	{
+		#print "$_";
+		$tab_package_extraction[$count_line] = $_;
+		#print "tab_package_extraction[$count_line]=$tab_package_extraction[$count_line]\n";
+		$count_line++;
+	}
+	my $total_pckg_found = scalar(@tab_package_extraction);
+	print "nb of packages found in $dirs_file_path_to_analyse is: <$total_pckg_found>\n";
+elsif (defined($source_path_to_analyse))
+	print "Use the directory \\sf that contains the code to scan\n";
+	generate_file_with_path_2_pckgs($source_path_to_analyse);
+	print "No parameters <source_path_to_analyse> or <dirs_file_path_to_analyse> or <source_csv_path_to_analyse> passed, therefore can't work\n";
+	helpme();
+# Patterns file used
+if (!defined($pattern_file_path))
+	print "No specific patterns file has been passed as parameters, therefore we use default patterns file\n";
+	$pattern_file_path = $default_pattern_file_path;
+	print "pattern_file_path = <$pattern_file_path>\n";
+# End check if default values are necessary
+print "\n\n";
+# Call script to extract test data from each packge.
+# foreach package in the list, call script with right parameters
+# will automatically fill the DB with the right info	
+# May need to remove trailing \n using chomp($path2passed);
+foreach my $path2passed (@tab_package_extraction)
+	#print "Remove trailing \\n for each line\n";
+	chomp($path2passed);
+	#print "The path we pass is: <$path2passed>\n";
+	$system_cmd = " --package_path=$path2passed --pattern_file_path=$pattern_file_path --publication_directory_path=$publication_directory_path";	
+	print "Exec: $system_cmd\n";
+	system($system_cmd);
+# Create / update the global DB files.
+# Can be adding all the smaller files generated to a bigger unigue file
+# Use XSLT using all the xml files generated?
+# End of the script
+# Functions section
+# If no parameters entered or help selected, display help
+sub helpme
+	print "\nfct: helpme\n";
+	print "\n";
+	print "Usage:\n";
+	print " --help\n";
+	print " --dirs_file_path_to_analyse=I:\\Task-286\\Scripts\\pckg_test_status_paths.txt --publication_directory_path=.\\result\n";
+	print " --source_path_to_analyse=I:\\sf --publication_directory_path=.\\result --pattern_file_path=I:\\Task-286\\Scripts\\pckg_test_status_patterns.csv\n";
+	print " --source_csv_path_to_analyse=I:\\sf --publication_directory_path=.\\result --pattern_file_path=I:\\Task-286\\Scripts\\pckg_test_status_patterns.csv\n";
+	print "Options:\n";
+	print "--help:\t\t\t\t display this help and exit\n";
+	print "--dirs_file_path_to_analyse:\t path to a file that contains the path to the directories containing package_definition.xml\n";
+	print "--source_path_to_analyse:\t path of the root of the source code \\sf\n";
+	print "--publication_directory_path:\t is the path to the directory where the results will be published (optional)\n";
+	print "--source_csv_path_to_analyse:\t is path to sources.csv file in case packages haven't got a package_definition.xml (optional)\n";
+	print "\t\t\t\t default value is $default_publication_directory_path\n";
+	print "--pattern_file_path:\t is the path to file that contain the patterns to be search for (optional)\n";
+	print "\t\t\t\t default value is $default_pattern_file_path\n";
+	exit(0);
+# End section related to help
+# This function is called with the path to the directory \\sf and then we scan for all the directories / packages that contains package_definition*.xml
+# Result should be a file with something like this: "I:\sf\os\kernelhwsrv"
+# Parameter passed is the path to the directory \\sf
+sub generate_file_with_path_2_pckgs
+	my ($path_2_dir_sf_2_analyse) = @_;
+	my @tab_package_definition_list;
+	print "The path to the \\sf directory we want to analyse is: <$path_2_dir_sf_2_analyse>\n";
+	print "The pattern used to find out the root directory for a pacakge is: <$pckg_definition_pattern>\n";
+	# Ananlyse directories for package_definition*.xml
+	# Find a way to parse all the directories and get results as fast as possible
+	# something like <dir I:\sf\package_definition*.xml /s/b>
+	print "\n";
+	open(FINDPCKDEFPATHS,"dir $path_2_dir_sf_2_analyse\\$pckg_definition_pattern /s/b |");
+	my $local_ctr = 0;
+	{
+		print "$_";
+		$tab_package_definition_list[$local_ctr] = $_;
+		#print "tab_package_definition_list[$local_ctr]=$tab_package_definition_list[$local_ctr]\n";
+		$local_ctr++;
+	}
+	my $total_pckg_def_files_found = scalar(@tab_package_definition_list);
+	print "nb of $pckg_definition_pattern found in $path_2_dir_sf_2_analyse are: <$total_pckg_def_files_found>\n";
+	print "\n";
+	my $local_ctr1=0;
+	my $local_ctr2=0;
+	my $local_ctr3=0;
+	# What to extract
+	#I:\sf\adaptation\qemu\package_definition.xml
+	#I:\sf\adaptation\qemu\package_definition_2.0.1.xml
+	# Anything before the last \\, whcih should not be included!
+	foreach my $val (@tab_package_definition_list)
+	{		
+		if ($val =~ m#(^[\w\W]+)\\package_definition#i)
+		#if ($val =~ m,$pckg_definition_extraction_pattern,i)
+		{
+			#print "Value to analyse is: $val\n";
+			#print "Managed to extract: $1\n";
+			$tab_package_extraction[$local_ctr1] = $1;
+			#print "tab_package_extraction[$local_ctr1]=$tab_package_extraction[$local_ctr1]\n";
+			$local_ctr1++;
+		}
+		#print "\n";
+		# Create tables for S^2 & S^3 package_definition.xml file
+		# Store them in a table and save it in 2 different files
+		#S^2
+		if ($val =~ m#(^[\w\W]+)\\package_definition.xml#i)
+		{
+			#print "Value to analyse is: $val\n";
+			#print "Managed to extract: $1\n";
+			$tab_package_extraction_S2[$local_ctr2] = $1;
+			#print "tab_package_extraction_S2[$local_ctr2]=$tab_package_extraction_S2[$local_ctr2]\n";
+			$local_ctr2++;
+		}
+		#S^3
+		if ($val =~ m#(^[\w\W]+)\\package_definition_#i)
+		{
+			#print "Value to analyse is: $val\n";
+			#print "Managed to extract: $1\n";
+			$tab_package_extraction_S3[$local_ctr3] = $1;
+			#print "tab_package_extraction_S3[$local_ctr3]=$tab_package_extraction_S3[$local_ctr3]\n";
+			$local_ctr3++;
+		}
+	}
+	# Eliminate duplicates packages paths!
+	my %seen;
+	for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#tab_package_extraction ; )
+	{
+    splice @tab_package_extraction, --$i, 1
+        if $seen{$tab_package_extraction[$i++]}++;
+	}
+	#print "Sorted out table:\n @tab_package_extraction\n";
+	# Save data in a file that will be reused later on
+	# Create a new file everytime. Save old one if exist with date and time?
+	print "Path to the file where data will be saved is called: <$publication_directory_path>\n";
+	print "File name where data will be saved is called: <$pckg_dir_paths_file_name>\n";
+	my $data_2_save_file_path = "$publication_directory_path\\$pckg_dir_paths_file_name";
+	my $path2save;
+	print "The path to the file to write to is: <$data_2_save_file_path>\n";
+	# Save generic table in a file
+	# Open the file
+	open(FILE2SAVEDATA, ">$data_2_save_file_path");
+	foreach $path2save (@tab_package_extraction)
+	{
+		print FILE2SAVEDATA "$path2save\n";
+	}
+	# Close the file
+	# Save generic table for S^2 in a file
+	$data_2_save_file_path = "$publication_directory_path\\$pckg_dir_paths_file_name_S2";
+	print "The path to the file to write to is: <$data_2_save_file_path>\n";
+	# Open the file
+	open(FILE2SAVEDATA, ">$data_2_save_file_path");
+	foreach $path2save (@tab_package_extraction_S2)
+	{
+		print FILE2SAVEDATA "$path2save\n";
+	}
+	# Save generic table for S^3 in a file
+	$data_2_save_file_path = "$publication_directory_path\\$pckg_dir_paths_file_name_S3";
+	print "The path to the file to write to is: <$data_2_save_file_path>\n";
+	# Open the file
+	open(FILE2SAVEDATA, ">$data_2_save_file_path");
+	foreach $path2save (@tab_package_extraction_S3)
+	{
+		print FILE2SAVEDATA "$path2save\n";
+	}
+	# Close the file