changeset 382 63fdf0583f67
parent 366 cde2244c8ea6
child 385 065183c4417b
--- a/common/tools/summary/	Wed Aug 19 11:53:12 2009 +0100
+++ b/common/tools/summary/	Wed Aug 26 15:14:59 2009 +0100
@@ -8,12 +8,15 @@
 # Symbian Foundation Ltd - initial contribution.
 # Contributors:
+# Arnaud Lenoir
+# Dario Sestito
 # Description:
 # Generate build summary with BRAG status
 use Getopt::Long;
+use strict;
+# Data used for the script
 my $buildid = '';
 my $basedir = '';
 my $help = 0;
@@ -23,33 +26,615 @@
 	'help!' => \$help
+# Files locations
+# Command to build a package build
+# F:\Dev\mercurial_local\bootstrap>perl --subproj=3k/mw/serviceapi
+ location
+# my package log files directory is: F:\fbf_job\serviceapi_3k.T014\output\logs
+# my platform log files directory is: F:\Dev\fbf_job\platform_MCL.PDK-101\output\logs
+# F:\fbf_job\serviceapi_3k.T014\output\logs
+# console_bootstrap_d+.txt	empty file
+# console_sfbuildall_d+.txt	empty file
+# serviceapi_3k.T014_ant_env.log
+# F:\fbf_project\serviceapi\sf-config
+# console_sfbuildall_32428.txt
+# console_sfprep_32428.txt
+# console_sfsummary_32428.txt
+# F:\Dev\fbf_job\platform_MCL.PDK-101\output\logs
+# platform_MCL.PDK-101_ant_env.log
+# in _ant_env.log
+# Do a search for env.ANT_CMD_LINE_ARGS to find out the type of build done as armv5, winscw, ...
+# If no parameters entered or help selected, display help
 $help = 1 if (!$buildid or !$basedir);
 if ($help)
 	print "Generate build summary with BRAG status\n";
 	print "Usage: perl --buildid=ID --basedir=DIR\n";
+	print "Typical command line from script location: <perl --buildid=serviceapi_3k.T014 --basedir=F:\\fbf_job>\n";
+# End section related to help
+# Determine build number
 $buildid =~ /^([^_]*)_([^.]*)\./;
 my $project = $1;
 my $codeline = $2;
+# Define variable logdir
 my $logdir = "$basedir\\$buildid\\output\\logs";
+# General data information
+print "\$builid = $buildid\n";
+print "\$basedir = $basedir\n";
+print "\$logdir = $logdir\n";
+print "\$project = $project\n";
+print "\$codeline = $codeline\n";
+open(BUILDSUMMARYHTML, ">$logdir\\build_summary.html");	# !!!!! First time we are accessing the file build_summary.html, therefore create it or replace it, AFTR THAT WE NEED TO APPEND IT ONLY!!!!!
+print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "#********** build_summary.html **********#<br/><br/><br/>";
+close(BUILDSUMMARYHTML); # Close file build_summary.html
+# *****************************************************************************
+# Construction "GENERAL STATUS" page in build_summary.html
+# *****************************************************************************
+# Fill html file with buildir data
+open(BUILDSUMMARYHTML, ">>$logdir\\build_summary.html"); # Open build_summary.html in APPEND MODE!
+print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "<br/>#************************************************#<br/><br/>";
+print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "<br/>#********** GENERAL STATUS starts here **********#<br/><br/>";
+print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "buildid_val=$buildid<br/>";
+print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "basedir_val=$basedir<br/>";
+print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "logdir_val=$logdir<br/>";
+print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "project_val=$project<br/>";
+print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "codeline_val=$codeline<br/>";
+# Calculate the number of files in the directory
 opendir(DIR, $logdir);
 my @dir_content = readdir(DIR);
-#my @asSimilarDirs = grep(/^$sBaseName(\.|$)/, @asDirs);
+my $nbfilesinlogdir = scalar(@dir_content);
+print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "nbfilesinlogdir_val=$nbfilesinlogdir<br/>";
+# Define what we tried to build (target, winscw, armv5, TOOLS2, platform, package, ...)
+# Information in the file buildid_ant_env.log that can be found in the log directory
+# F:\Dev\fbf_job\platform_MCL.PDK-101\output\logs
+# platform_MCL.PDK-101_ant_env.log
+# in _ant_env.log
+# Do a search for env.ANT_CMD_LINE_ARGS to find out the type of build done as armv5, winscw, ...
+# Declare any variable that will need to be used globaly otherwise can't be used only between the curly brackets!
+my $antenvlog = "";
+#print "$logdir\\$buildid\_ant\_env\.log\n"; # Test to find out that _ and . need backslash up front to work
+my $antenvlogfile = "$logdir\\$buildid\_ant\_env\.log";
+print "$antenvlogfile\n";
+open (ANTENVLOG, "<$antenvlogfile");
+	local $/=undef; # Technic used to get a file in one unique string accessible via a variable
+	$antenvlog = <ANTENVLOG>;	
+close(ANTENVLOG); # Close file $buildid_ant_env.log
+# List of data to extract from the file $buildid_ant_env.log
+#Fri Aug 14 17:04:54 BST 2009 on the second line of the file
+#base_release.getenv_options=-I tools
+#bom.log=\\\\v800008\\Builds01\\SF_builds\\platform\\builds\\MCL\\platform_MCL.PDK-101/logs/platform_MCL.PDK-101_bom.xml or package		->DONE!!			->1st thing done in this script!! or serviceapi		->DONE!!
+#build.number=PDK-101					->DONE!!
+#build.version=MCL.PDK-101				->DONE!!					->DONE!!	->DONE!!
+#env.ANT_CMD_LINE_ARGS=-Dhelium.dir "C\:\\Symbian\\Tools\\PDT_1.0\\helium" sf-build m\: -Dsf.spec.job.codeline MCL -Dsf.spec.job.number PDK-101 -Dsf.project.location f\:\\\\Dev\\maintools\\build\\config\\foundation -Dsf.spec.job.rootdir f\:\\\\Dev\\fbf_job winscw_udeb.whatlog -Dsf.spec.test.sendpkg.enable false
+#env.USERNAME=arnaudl					->DONE!!
+#publish.dir=\\\\v800008\\Builds01\\SF_builds\\platform\\builds\\MCL\\platform_MCL.PDK-101		->DONE!!				->DONE!!
+#sbs.config=armv5						->DONE!!
+#sf.spec.baseline.enable=true			->DONE!!
+#sf.spec.baseline.getenv_options=-I tools
+#sf.spec.bccheck.baseline.s60.version=5.1	->DONE!!
+#sf.spec.bccheck.enable=false			->DONE!!				->DONE!!	->DONE!!
+#sf.spec.job.codeline=MCL				->Information already available under another name
+#sf.spec.job.number=PDK-101				->Information already available under another name
+#sf.spec.sourcesync.enable=true			->DONE!!
+#sf.spec.test.epocroot=D\:\\ATS3\\winscw_smoketest			->DONE!!
+#sf.spec.toolsbaseline.getenv_options=-i emu						->Any use????
+# Data extraction
+# Type of Line to read is: "env.COMPUTERNAME=UK-ARNAUDL" with a end of line \\n character
+if ($antenvlog =~ /env\.COMPUTERNAME=([^=]*)\n/)
+	print "Computer name is: $1\n";
+	print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "computername_val=$1<br/>";
+	print "Computer name is unknown\n";
+	print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "computername_val=?<br/>";
+if ($antenvlog =~ /env\.USERNAME=([^=]*)\n/)
+	print "User name is: $1\n";
+	print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "username_val=$1<br/>";
+	print "user name is unknown\n";
+	print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "username_val=?<br/>";
+ or package
+if ($antenvlog =~ /build\.family=([^=]*)\n/)
+	print "Build family is: $1\n";
+	print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "buildfamily_val=$1<br/>";
+	print "Build family is unknow\n";
+	print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "buildfamily_val=?<br/>";
+ or serviceapi
+if ($antenvlog =~ /build\.name=([^=]*)\n/)
+	print "Build name is: $1\n";
+	print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "buildname_val=$1<br/>";
+	print "Build name is unknow\n";
+	print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "buildname_val=?<br/>";
+ - Define the server used
+if ($antenvlog =~ /diamonds\.host=([^=]*)\n/)
+	print "Build server used is: $1\n";
+	print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "buildserver_val=$1<br/>";
+	print "Build server used is unknown\n";
+	print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "buildserver_val=?<br/>";
-my $nfiles = scalar(@dir_content);
+if ($antenvlog =~ /build\.version=([^=]*)\n/)
+	print "Build version is: $1\n";
+	print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "buildversion_val=$1<br/>";
+	print "Build version is unknown\n";
+	print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "buildversion_val=?<br/>";
+if ($antenvlog =~ /build\.number=([^=]*)\n/)
+	print "Build number is: $1\n";
+	print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "buildnumber_val=$1<br/>";
+	print "Build number is unknown\n";
+	print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "buildnumber_val=?<br/>";
+if ($antenvlog =~ /core\.build\.version=([^=]*)\n/)
+	print "Core build version is: $1\n";
+	print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "corebuildversion_val=$1<br/>";
+	print "Core build version is unknown\n";
+	print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "corebuildversion_val=?<br/>";
+if ($antenvlog =~ /publish\.dir=([^=]*)\n/)
+	print "Publish directory is: $1\n";
+	print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "publishdir_val=$1<br/>";
+	print "Publish directory is unknown\n";
+	print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "publishdir_val=?<br/>";
+if ($antenvlog =~ /sf\.spec\.baseline\.enable=([^=]*)\n/)
+	print "Baseline retrieval enabled?:: $1\n";
+	print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "baselineretrievalen_val=$1<br/>";
+	print "Baseline retrieval status is unknown\n";
+	print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "baselineretrievalen_val=?<br/>";
+if ($antenvlog =~ /sf\.spec\.sourcesync\.enable=([^=]*)\n/)
+	print "Source code sync enabled?: $1\n";
+	print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "sourcecodesyncen_val=$1<br/>";
+	print "Source code sync status is unknown\n";
+	print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "sourcecodesyncen_val=?<br/>";
+# Smoke tests????? SALT tests????
+if ($antenvlog =~ /sf\.spec\.build\.testcode\.enable=([^=]*)\n/)
+	print "Tests execution enabled?: $1\n";
+	print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "testexecutionen_val=$1<br/>";
+	print "Tests execution status is unknown\n";
+	print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "testexecutionen_val=?<br/>";
+if ($antenvlog =~ /sf\.spec\.test\.host\.name=([^=]*)\n/)
+	print "Tests host server is: $1\n";
+	print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "testhostserver_val=$1<br/>";
+	print "Tests host server is unknown\n";
+	print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "testhostserver_val=?<br/>";
+if ($antenvlog =~ /sf\.spec\.bccheck\.enable=([^=]*)\n/)
+	print "BCC check enabled?: $1\n";
+	print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "bccchecken_val=$1<br/>";
+	print "BCC check status is unknown\n";
+	print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "bccchecken_val=?<br/>";
+if ($antenvlog =~ /sf\.spec\.bccheck\.baseline\.s60\.version=([^=]*)\n/)
+	print "BCC check S60 baseline version used is: $1\n";
+	print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "bccchecks60baselinever_val=$1<br/>";
+	print "BCC check S60 baseline version used is unknown\n";
+	print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "bccchecks60baselinever_val=?<br/>";
-open(FILE, ">$logdir\\build_summary.html");
-print FILE "<html><body>build summary<br/>build id: $buildid<br/>log files: $nfiles</body></html>";
+#sbs.config=armv5 possible values are armv5 (default) and winscw
+if ($antenvlog =~ /sbs\.config=([^=]*)\n/)
+	print "SBS config is: $1\n";
+	print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "sbsconfig_val=$1<br/>";
+	print "SBS config is unknown\n";
+	print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "sbsconfig_val=?<br/>";
+if ($antenvlog =~ /sf\.spec\.sbs\.config=([^=]*)\n/)
+	print "Specific SBS config is: $1\n";
+	print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "specsbsconfig_val=$1<br/>";
+	print "Specific SBS config is unknown\n";
+	print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "specsbsconfig_val=?<br/>";
+if ($antenvlog =~ /sf\.spec\.build\.target=([^=]*)\n/)
+	print "specific build target is: $1\n";
+	print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "specificbuildtarget_val=$1<br/>";
+	print "specific build target is: unknown\n";
+	print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "specificbuildtarget_val=?<br/>";
+# Extract data to define the type build done
+# Find out what is expected to be done and what has been actually done.
+# name="WINS" abldTarget="wins" description="MSVC Compiler"
+# name="WINS_REL" abldTarget="wins urel" description="MSVC Compiler"
+# name="WINS_DEB" abldTarget="wins udeb" description="MSVC Compiler"
+# name="WINSCW" abldTarget="winscw" description="CodeWarrior Compiler"
+# name="WINSCW_REL" abldTarget="winscw urel" description="CodeWarrior Compiler"
+# name="WINSCW_DEB" abldTarget="winscw udeb" description="CodeWarrior Compiler"
+# name="TOOLS" abldTarget="tools" description="MSVC Compiler for Tools"
+# name="TOOLS_REL" abldTarget="tools rel" description="MSVC Compiler for Tools Release mode only"
+# name="TOOLS2" abldTarget="tools2" description="MinGW GCC Compiler for Tools"
+# name="TOOLS2_REL" abldTarget="tools2 rel" description="MinGW GCC Compiler for Tools Release mode only"
+# name="ARMV5" abldTarget="armv5" description="RVCT Compiler"
+# name="ARMV5_REL" abldTarget="armv5 urel" description="RVCT Compiler"
+# name="ARMV5_DEB" abldTarget="armv5 udeb" description="RVCT Compiler"
+# End data extraction from the file $buildid_ant_env.log
+print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "<br/>#********** GENERAL STATUS ends here **********#<br/><br/>";
+close(BUILDSUMMARYHTML); # Close file build_summary.html
+# *****************************************************************************
+# Construction "SUMMARISE" page in build_summary.html
+# *****************************************************************************
+# Build info - Describe the completion of the diffrent steps in the build process
+# Fill html file with buildir data
+open(BUILDSUMMARYHTML, ">>$logdir\\build_summary.html"); # Open build_summary.html in APPEND MODE!
+# Indicates beginning of the SUMMARISE section in the file
+print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "<br/>#*******************************************#<br/><br/>";
+print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "<br/>#********** SUMMARISE starts here **********#<br/><br/>";
+#{ # Used for local $/=undef
+#local $/=undef; # indicates that the file will be put in one variable as one string
+## Find the string "BUILD SUCCESSFUL" in the file console_bootstrap_\d+\.txt
+## 1st open file
+#open (CONSOLEBOOTSTRAP, "<$logdir\\console_bootstrap_\d+\.txt");
+#my $searchconsolebootstrap= <CONSOLEBOOTSTRAP>; # Copy the full file in one string because of /$=undef
+#if ($searchconsolebootstrap =~ /BUILD SUCCESSFUL/){
+#	print "Found string BUILD SUCCESSFUL\n";	
+#	print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "BuildSuccessful_val=Yes<br/>";
+#	}
+#	else {
+#		print "Can't Find string BUILD SUCCESSFUL\n";
+#		print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "BuildSuccessful_val=No<br/>";
+#		}
+#close (CONSOLEBOOTSTRAP); # Close file console_bootstrap_\d+\.txt
+## End - Find the string "BUILD SUCCESSFUL" in the file console_bootstrap_\d+\.txt
+## Check all the intermediate steps of the build process
+## 1st open file console_sfbuildall_\d+\.txt
+#open (CONSOLESFBUILDALL, "<$logdir\\console_sfbuildall_\d+\.txt");
+#my $searchconsolesfbuildall= <CONSOLESFBUILDALL>; # Copy the full file in one string because of /$=undef
+#if ($searchconsolesfbuildall =~ /x/){
+#	print "Found string x\n";	
+#	print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "x=Yes<br/>";
+#	}
+#	else {
+#		print "Can't Find string x\n";
+#		print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "x=No<br/>";
+#		}
+#close (CONSOLESFBUILDALL); # Close file console_sfbuildall_\d+\.txt
+#} # End use for local $/=undef
+# Declare any variable that will need to be used globaly otherwise can't be used only between the curly brackets!
+my $targettimeslog = "";
+{ # Used for local $/=undef
+local $/=undef; # indicates that the file will be put in one variable as one string
+# The file targetTimesLog.csv contains all the information relative to the build process including time needed for each steps (generated by helium script)
+# This file is available whatever the build we want to do (platform or package)
+my $targettimeslogfile = "$logdir\\targetTimesLog\.csv";
+print "$targettimeslogfile\n";
+open (TARGETTIMESLOG, "<$targettimeslogfile");
+	local $/=undef; # Technic used to get a file in one unique string accessible via a variable
+	$targettimeslog = <TARGETTIMESLOG>;
+close (TARGETTIMESLOG); # Close file targetTimesLog.csv
+} # End use for local $/=undef
+# Extract useful data from the file targettimeslog.csv
+# step, time in second to do the operation
+# For sure
+#"^preparation-getenv:$" - the baseline retrieval starts
+if ($targettimeslog =~ /(preparation-getenv[^,]*),(\d+[^,]*)\n/)
+	print "Baseline retrieval started: OK \$1= $1, \$2= $2\n";
+	print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "baselineretrievalstarted_val=yes<br/>baselineretrievalstarted_duration=$2<br/>";
+	print "Baseline retrieval started: NOK \$1= $1, \$2= $2\n";
+	print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "baselineretrievalstarted_val=no<br/>baselineretrievalstarted_duration=?<br/>";
+#"^\s+[exec] .+: done fetching environment$" - the baseline retrieval ends
+#"^sf-prebuild-0:$" - the source code sync starts
+if ($targettimeslog =~ /(sf-prebuild[^,]*),(\d+[^,]*)\n/)
+	print "Source code sync started: OK \$1= $1, \$2= $2\n";
+	print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "sourcecodestarted_val=yes<br/>sourcecodestarted_duration=$2<br/>";
+	print "Source code sync started: NOK \$1= $1, \$2= $2\n";
+	print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "sourcecodestarted_val=no<br/>sourcecodestarted_duration=?<br/>";
+#"^sf-unpack-rnd:$" - source code sync ends
+if ($targettimeslog =~ /(sf-unpack[^,]*),(\d+[^,]*)\n/)
+	print "Source code sync ended: OK \$1= $1, \$2= $2\n";
+	print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "sourcecodeended_val=yes<br/>sourcecodeended_duration=$2<br/>";
+	print "Source code sync ended: NOK \$1= $1, \$2= $2\n";
+	print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "sourcecodeended_val=no<br/>sourcecodeended_duration=?<br/>";
+#"^sf-compile:$" - compilation starts
+if ($targettimeslog =~ /(sf-compile[^,]*),(\d+[^,]*)\n/)
+	print "Compilation startd: OK \$1= $1, \$2= $2\n";
+	print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "commpilationstarted_val=yes<br/>commpilationstarted_duration=$2<br/>";
+	print "Compilation startd: NOK \$1= $1, \$2= $2\n";
+	print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "commpilationstarted_val=no<br/>commpilationstarted_duration=?<br/>";
+#"^sf-postbuild:$" - compilation ends
+if ($targettimeslog =~ /(sf-postbuild[^,]*),(\d+[^,]*)\n/)
+	print "Compilation ended: OK \$1= $1, \$2= $2\n";
+	print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "compilationended_val=yes<br/>compilationended_duration=$2<br/>";
+	print "Compilation ended: NOK \$1= $1, \$2= $2\n";
+	print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "compilationended_val=no<br/>compilationended_duration=?<br/>";
+#"^sf-run-analysis:$" - analysis starts
+if ($targettimeslog =~ /(sf-run-analysis-raptor[^,]*),(\d+[^,]*)\n/)
+	print "Analysis started: OK \$1= $1, \$2= $2\n";
+	print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "analysisstarted_val=yes<br/>analysisstarted_duration=$2<br/>";
+	print "Analysis started: NOK \$1= $1, \$2= $2\n";
+	print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "analysisstarted_val=no<br/>analysisstarted_duration=?<br/>";
+# Maybe????????
+#"^sf-zip-logs:$" - analysis ends
+#"^publish:$" - publication starts
+#"\[copy\] Copying \d+ files to \\\\v800008\\Builds01\\SF_builds\\" - publication ends
+# End - Check all the intermediate steps of the build process
+# Indicates end of the SUMMARISE section in the file
+print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "<br/>#********** SUMMARISE ends here **********#<br/><br/>";
+close(BUILDSUMMARYHTML); # Close build_summary.html
+# End - Build info - Describe the completion of the diffrent steps in the build process
+# *****************************************************************************
+# Construction "DATA BREAKDOWN" page in build_summary.html
+# *****************************************************************************
+# Hyperlink to log files
+open(BUILDSUMMARYHTML, ">>$logdir\\build_summary.html"); # Open build_summary.html in APPEND MODE!
+# Indicates beginning of DATA BREAKDOWN section in the file
+print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "<br/>#************************************************#<br/><br/>";
+print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "<br/>#********** DATA BREAKDOWN starts here **********#<br/><br/>";
+# Get tree for the directory where the log files are (bishare probably the best place???)
+# Should be already exported there, but maybe in a zip file)
+# Extract each file with directory, then create a hyperlink to that file to make sure that user can click on the link and open the file!
+#ex: platform_MCL.PDK-101_summary.log.xml
+#######print FILE "buildid_summary.log.xml=<a class ="hoverlink" href ="file://///$logdir/$buildid_summary.log.xml">$buildid_summary.log.xml<br>";                        
+# example of html hyperlink
+#<a class ="hoverlink" href ="file://///builds01/devbuilds/MasterSF/logs/MSF00159_Symbian_OS_vtb92sf/MSF00159_Symbian_OS_vtb92sf.summary.html#AdvisoryNotesByComponent_Scan for S60 distribution policy files">Scan for S60 distribution policy files (1162) <br></a></td>                        
+#<a class ="hoverlink" href ="file://///builds01/devbuilds/MasterSF/MSF00159_Symbian_OS_vtb92sf/logs/GT.summary.html#errorsByComponent_SBS: Error">SBS: Error (4) <br></a></td>
+#<a class ="hoverlink" href ="file://///builds01/devbuilds/MasterSF/MSF00159_Symbian_OS_vtb92sf/logs/MSF00159_Symbian_OS_vtb92sf_cbr.summary.html#AdvisoryNotesByOverall_Total">Total (1) <br></a></td>
+#<a class ="hoverlink" href="file://///builds01/devbuilds/MasterSF/logs/MSF00159_Symbian_OS_vtb92sf/AutoSmokeTest/EMULATOR/WINSCW/Test Summary Report.htm">WINSCW ( EMULATOR ) </a></td><td>
+# All log files hyperlink have been created, close build_summary.html
+# Indicates end of DATA BREAKDOWN section in the file
+print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "<br/>#********** DATA BREAKDOWN ends here **********#<br/><br/>";
+print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "<br/>#********** summary_build.html ends here ******#<br/><br/>";
+close(BUILDSUMMARYHTML); # Close file build_summary.html
+# *****************************************************************************
+# Final step, copy build_summary.html to \\bishare drive
+# *****************************************************************************
+# Copy html file to bishare
 my $copy_cmd = "copy $logdir\\build_summary.html \\\\bishare\\sf_builds\\$project\\builds\\$codeline\\$buildid";
 print "Exec: $copy_cmd\n";