changeset 679 7e493c0264f3
parent 677 dd6b7decdca2
child 681 eeab5a04dc46
--- a/common/build.xml	Fri Oct 16 14:43:38 2009 +0100
+++ b/common/build.xml	Fri Oct 16 15:06:40 2009 +0100
@@ -466,13 +466,29 @@
-    <target name="sf-zip-content" >
+    <target name="sf-zip-content">
+        <!-- If it's the file we use for everything, and it's not up to date... -->
             <equals arg1="${zip.config.file}" arg2="${sf.common.config.dir}/generated/zip.cfg.xml.ftl"/>
-            <not><available file="${zip.config.file}"/></not>
-          </and>  
+            <not>
+              <and>
+                <uptodate targetfile="${sf.common.config.dir}/generated/zip.cfg.xml.ftl">
+                  <srcfiles dir="${sf.common.config.dir}">
+                    <include name="tools/"/>
+                    <include name="templates/zip.cfg.xml.ftl.template"/>
+                  </srcfiles>
+                </uptodate>
+                <uptodate targetfile="${sf.common.config.dir}/generated/zip.cfg.xml.ftl">
+                  <srcfiles dir="${sf.spec.sourcesync.sourcespecdir}">
+                    <include name="${sf.spec.sourcesync.sourcespecfile}"/>
+                  </srcfiles>
+                </uptodate>
+              </and>
+            </not>
+          </and>
+            <!-- (Re)build the packaging config file -->      
             <runtarget target="sf-preprocess-package-config"/>