changeset 764 d00048f1b036
parent 763 5fdd5e70280d
child 765 2892c791ce6c
--- a/common/tools/raptor/	Fri Nov 13 14:15:28 2009 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,311 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2009 Symbian Foundation Ltd
-# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-# at the URL "".
-# Initial Contributors:
-# Symbian Foundation Ltd - initial contribution.
-# Contributors:
-# Description:
-# Generate an HTML summary of the Raptor build from the output of the raptor parser
-use strict;
-use FindBin;
-use lib $FindBin::Bin;
-use Getopt::Long;
-my $raptorbitsdir = 0;
-my $outputdir = '.';
-my $help = 0;
-	'raptorbitsdir=s' => \$raptorbitsdir,
-	'outputdir=s' => \$outputdir,
-	'help!' => \$help
-$help = 1 if (!$raptorbitsdir);
-if ($help)
-	print "Generate an HTML summary of the Raptor build from a summary.csv file\n";
-	print "Usage: perl --raptorbitsdir=DIR [--outputdir=DIR]\n";
-	exit(0);
-$outputdir = "$outputdir/html";
-system("rd /S /Q $outputdir") if (-d $outputdir);
-mkdir ($outputdir);
-my $raptor_errors = {};
-my $raptor_warnings = {};
-my $raptor_unreciped = {};
-my $general_failures_num_by_severity = {};
-my $general_failures_by_category_severity = {};
-my $recipe_failures_num_by_severity = {};
-my $recipe_failures_by_package_severity = {};
-#my $severities = {};
-my @severities = ('critical', 'major', 'minor', 'unknown');
-my $csv_file = "$raptorbitsdir/summary.csv";
-my $csv_linenum = 0;
-open(CSV, $csv_file);
-	$csv_linenum ++;
-	my $line = $_;
-	if ($line =~ /([^,]*),([^,]*),([^,]*),([^,]*),([^,]*),([^,]*),([^,]*),([^,]*),([^,]*)/)
-	{
-		my $failure = {};
-		$failure->{category} = $1;
-		$failure->{subcategory} = $2;
-		$failure->{severity} = $3;
-		$failure->{config} = $4;
-		$failure->{component} = $5;
-		$failure->{phase} = $6;
-		$failure->{recipe} = $7;
-		$failure->{file} = $8;
-		$failure->{linenum} = $9;
-		my $failure_package = '';
-		if (!$failure->{category})
-		{
-			print "WARNING: summary line without a category at $csv_file line $csv_linenum. Skipping\n";
-			next;
-		}
-		if ($failure->{category} =~ m,^recipe_failure$,i and !$failure->{component})
-		{
-			print "WARNING: recipe_failure with component field empty at $csv_file line $csv_linenum. Skipping\n";
-			next;
-		}
-		if ($failure->{component})
-		{
-			if ($failure->{component} =~ m,/((os|mw|app|tools|ostools|adaptation)/[^/]*),)
-			{
-				$failure_package = $1;
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				print "WARNING: summary line with wrong component path at $csv_file line $csv_linenum. Skipping\n";
-				next;
-			}
-		}
-		$failure->{subcategory} = 'uncategorized' if (!$failure->{subcategory});
-		$failure->{severity} = 'unknown' if (!$failure->{severity});
-		# populate severities dynamically.
-		#$severities->{$failure->{severity}} = 1;
-		# put failure items into their category container
-		if ($failure->{category} =~ /^raptor_(error|warning|unreciped)$/i)
-		{
-			$general_failures_num_by_severity->{$failure->{category}} = {} if (!defined $general_failures_num_by_severity->{$failure->{category}});
-			my $general_failure = $general_failures_num_by_severity->{$failure->{category}};
-			if (!defined $general_failure->{$failure->{severity}})
-			{
-				$general_failure->{$failure->{severity}} = 1;
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				$general_failure->{$failure->{severity}} ++;
-			}
-			$general_failures_by_category_severity->{$failure->{category}} = {} if (!defined $general_failures_by_category_severity->{$failure->{category}});
-			$general_failures_by_category_severity->{$failure->{category}}->{$failure->{severity}} = [] if (!defined $general_failures_by_category_severity->{$failure->{category}}->{$failure->{severity}});
-			push(@{$general_failures_by_category_severity->{$failure->{category}}->{$failure->{severity}}}, $failure);
-		}
-		elsif ($failure->{category} =~ /^recipe_failure$/i)
-		{
-			$recipe_failures_num_by_severity->{$failure_package} = {} if (!defined $recipe_failures_num_by_severity->{$failure_package});
-			my $package_failure = $recipe_failures_num_by_severity->{$failure_package};
-			if (!defined $package_failure->{$failure->{severity}})
-			{
-				$package_failure->{$failure->{severity}} = 1;
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				$package_failure->{$failure->{severity}} ++;
-			}
-			$recipe_failures_by_package_severity->{$failure_package} = {} if (!defined $recipe_failures_by_package_severity->{$failure_package});
-			$recipe_failures_by_package_severity->{$failure_package}->{$failure->{severity}} = [] if (!defined $recipe_failures_by_package_severity->{$failure_package}->{$failure->{severity}});
-			push(@{$recipe_failures_by_package_severity->{$failure_package}->{$failure->{severity}}}, $failure);
-		}
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		print "WARNING: line does not match expected format at $csv_file line $csv_linenum. Skipping\n";
-	}
-my $aggregated_html = "$outputdir/index.html";
-open(AGGREGATED, ">$aggregated_html");
-print AGGREGATED "<table border='1'>\n";
-my $tableheader = "<tr><th>category</th>";
-for (@severities) { $tableheader .= "<th>$_</th>"; }
-$tableheader .= "</tr>";
-print AGGREGATED "$tableheader\n";
-for my $category (keys %{$general_failures_num_by_severity})
-	print_category_specific_summary($category, $general_failures_by_category_severity->{$category});
-	my $categoryline = "<tr><td><a href='$category.html'>$category</a></td>";
-	for (@severities)
-	{
-		my $failuresbyseverity = 0;
-		$failuresbyseverity = $general_failures_num_by_severity->{$category}->{$_} if (defined $general_failures_num_by_severity->{$category}->{$_});
-		$categoryline .= "<td>$failuresbyseverity</td>";
-	}
-	$categoryline .= "</tr>";
-	print AGGREGATED "$categoryline\n";
-print AGGREGATED "</table>\n";
-print AGGREGATED "<br/>\n";
-print AGGREGATED "<table border='1'>\n";
-$tableheader = "<tr><th>package</th>";
-for (@severities) { $tableheader .= "<th>$_</th>"; }
-$tableheader .= "</tr>";
-print AGGREGATED "$tableheader\n";
-for my $package (keys %{$recipe_failures_num_by_severity})
-	print_package_specific_summary($package, $recipe_failures_by_package_severity->{$package});
-	my $packagesummaryhtml = $package;
-	$packagesummaryhtml =~ s,/,_,;
-	$packagesummaryhtml .= ".html";
-	my $packageline = "<tr><td><a href='$packagesummaryhtml'>$package</a></td>";
-	for (@severities)
-	{
-		my $failuresbyseverity = 0;
-		$failuresbyseverity = $recipe_failures_num_by_severity->{$package}->{$_} if (defined $recipe_failures_num_by_severity->{$package}->{$_});
-		$packageline .= "<td>$failuresbyseverity</td>";
-	}
-	$packageline .= "</tr>";
-	print AGGREGATED "$packageline\n";
-print AGGREGATED "</table>\n";
-sub print_category_specific_summary
-	my ($category, $failures_by_severity) = @_;
-	my $filenamebase = $category;
-	$filenamebase =~ s,/,_,;
-	open(SPECIFIC, ">$outputdir/$filenamebase.html");
-	print SPECIFIC "FAILURES FOR CATEGORY $category<br/>\n";
-	for my $severity (@severities)
-	{
-		if (defined $failures_by_severity->{$severity})
-		{
-			print SPECIFIC "<br/>".uc($severity)."<br/>\n";
-			print SPECIFIC "<table border='1'>\n";
-			# $subcategory, $severity, $component, $phase, $recipe, $file, $line
-			my $tableheader = "<tr><th>category</th><th>configuration</th><th>log snippet</th></tr>";
-			print SPECIFIC "$tableheader\n";
-			for my $failure (@{$failures_by_severity->{$severity}})
-			{
-				my $failureline = "<tr><td>$failure->{subcategory}</td>";
-				$failureline .= "<td>$failure->{config}</td>";
-				$failureline .= "<td><a href='$filenamebase\_failures.html#failure_item_$failure->{linenum}'>item $failure->{linenum}</a></td>";
-				$failureline .= "</tr>";
-				print SPECIFIC "$failureline\n";
-			}
-			print SPECIFIC "</table>\n";
-			print SPECIFIC "<br/>\n";
-		}
-	}
-	close(SPECIFIC);
-sub print_package_specific_summary
-	my ($package, $failures_by_severity) = @_;
-	my $filenamebase = $package;
-	$filenamebase =~ s,/,_,;
-	open(SPECIFIC, ">$outputdir/$filenamebase.html");
-	print SPECIFIC "FAILURES FOR PACKAGE $package<br/>\n";
-	for my $severity (@severities)
-	{
-		if (defined $failures_by_severity->{$severity})
-		{
-			print SPECIFIC "<br/>".uc($severity)."<br/>\n";
-			print SPECIFIC "<table border='1'>\n";
-			# $subcategory, $severity, $component, $phase, $recipe, $file, $line
-			my $tableheader = "<tr><th>category</th><th>configuration</th><th>component</th><th>phase</th><th>recipe</th><th>log snippet</th></tr>";
-			print SPECIFIC "$tableheader\n";
-			for my $failure (@{$failures_by_severity->{$severity}})
-			{
-				my $failureline = "<tr><td>$failure->{subcategory}</td>";
-				$failureline .= "<td>$failure->{config}</td>";
-				$failureline .= "<td>$failure->{component}</td>";
-				$failureline .= "<td>$failure->{phase}</td>";
-				$failureline .= "<td>$failure->{recipe}</td>";
-				$failureline .= "<td><a href='$filenamebase\_failures.html#failure_item_$failure->{linenum}'>item $failure->{linenum}</a></td>";
-				$failureline .= "</tr>";
-				print SPECIFIC "$failureline\n";
-			}
-			print SPECIFIC "</table>\n";
-			print SPECIFIC "<br/>\n";
-		}
-	}
-	close(SPECIFIC);
-sub translate_detail_files_to_html
-	opendir(DIR, $raptorbitsdir);
-	my @failurefiles = readdir(DIR);
-	closedir(DIR);	
-	@failurefiles = grep(/\.txt$/, @failurefiles);
-	for my $file (@failurefiles)
-	{
-		$file =~ /(.*)\.txt$/;
-		my $filenamebase = $1;
-		my $filecontent = '';
-		open(FILE, "$raptorbitsdir/$file");
-		{
-			local $/=undef;
-			$filecontent = <FILE>;
-		}
-		close(FILE);
-		$filecontent =~ s,---(failure_item_\d+)---,<a name="$1">---$1---</a>,g;
-		$filecontent = "<pre>$filecontent</pre>";
-		open(FILE, ">$outputdir/$filenamebase\_failures.html");
-		print FILE $filecontent;
-		close(FILE);
-	}