--- a/common/tools/brag/sbsToBrag.pl Tue Dec 01 13:09:02 2009 +0000
+++ b/common/tools/brag/sbsToBrag.pl Mon Nov 16 16:27:32 2009 +0000
@@ -50,7 +50,9 @@
exit (0);
-my $context;
+my $recipeContext;
+my $errorContext;
sub StartTag
my $expat = shift;
@@ -59,11 +61,15 @@
if ($tagName eq "recipe")
- $context = {%attrib};
+ $recipeContext = {%attrib};
elsif ($tagName eq "status")
- $context->{"exit"} = $attrib{"exit"};
+ $recipeContext->{"exit"} = $attrib{"exit"};
+ }
+ elsif ($tagName eq "error")
+ {
+ $errorContext = {%attrib};
sub EndTag
@@ -73,54 +79,53 @@
if ($tagName eq "recipe")
- die unless $context;
+ die unless $recipeContext;
- if ($context->{"exit"} ne "ok")
+ if ($recipeContext->{"exit"} ne "ok")
# Create a more readable error message
my %errorIdToDetail = (
- tem => {message => "Failed to execute '$context->{source}' invoked via $context->{bldinf}", severity => "major"},
- msvctoolscompile => {message => "Failed to compile $context->{source}", severity => "minor"},
- compile => {message => "Failed to compile $context->{source}", severity => "minor"},
- compile2object => {message => "Failed to compile $context->{source}", severity => "minor"},
- win32compile2object => {message => "Failed to compile $context->{source}", severity => "minor"},
- tools2lib => {message => "Failed to build library $context->{target}", severity => "minor"},
- ar => {message => "Failed to build library $context->{target}", severity => "minor"},
- win32archive => {message => "Failed to build library $context->{target}", severity => "minor"},
- win32def2lib => {message => "Failed to build DLL entry point library $context->{target}", severity => "minor"},
- "link" => {message => "Failed to create symbols for $context->{target}", severity => "minor"},
- postlink => {message => "Failed to link $context->{target}", severity => "minor"},
- win32stageonelink => {message => "Failed to link $context->{target} (stage 1)", severity => "minor"},
- win32stagetwolink => {message => "Failed to link $context->{target}", severity => "minor"},
- win32simplelink => {message => "Failed to link $context->{target}", severity => "minor"},
- win32processexports => {message => "Failed to export $context->{source} to $context->{target}", severity => "minor"},
- tracecompile => {message => "Trace compile failure for $context->{target}", severity => "unknown"},
- extension_makefile => {message => "Failed within an extension makefile connected to $context->{bldinf}", severity => "major"},
+ tem => {message => "Failed to execute '$recipeContext->{source}' invoked via $recipeContext->{bldinf}", severity => "major"},
+ msvctoolscompile => {message => "Failed to compile $recipeContext->{source}", severity => "minor"},
+ compile => {message => "Failed to compile $recipeContext->{source}", severity => "minor"},
+ compile2object => {message => "Failed to compile $recipeContext->{source}", severity => "minor"},
+ win32compile2object => {message => "Failed to compile $recipeContext->{source}", severity => "minor"},
+ tools2lib => {message => "Failed to build library $recipeContext->{target}", severity => "minor"},
+ ar => {message => "Failed to build library $recipeContext->{target}", severity => "minor"},
+ win32archive => {message => "Failed to build library $recipeContext->{target}", severity => "minor"},
+ win32def2lib => {message => "Failed to build DLL entry point library $recipeContext->{target}", severity => "minor"},
+ "link" => {message => "Failed to create symbols for $recipeContext->{target}", severity => "minor"},
+ postlink => {message => "Failed to link $recipeContext->{target}", severity => "minor"},
+ win32stageonelink => {message => "Failed to link $recipeContext->{target} (stage 1)", severity => "minor"},
+ win32stagetwolink => {message => "Failed to link $recipeContext->{target}", severity => "minor"},
+ win32simplelink => {message => "Failed to link $recipeContext->{target}", severity => "minor"},
+ win32processexports => {message => "Failed to export $recipeContext->{source} to $recipeContext->{target}", severity => "minor"},
+ tracecompile => {message => "Trace compile failure for $recipeContext->{target}", severity => "unknown"},
+ extension_makefile => {message => "Failed within an extension makefile connected to $recipeContext->{bldinf}", severity => "major"},
-# die $context->{name} unless exists $errorIdToDetail{$context->{name}};
- my $message = $errorIdToDetail{$context->{name}}->{message} || "Unknown failure tag '$context->{name}' ($context->{source} -> $context->{target})";
- $context->{severity} = $errorIdToDetail{$context->{name}}->{severity} || "unknown";
+ my $message = $errorIdToDetail{$recipeContext->{name}}->{message} || "Unknown failure tag '$recipeContext->{name}' ($recipeContext->{source} -> $recipeContext->{target})";
+ $recipeContext->{severity} = $errorIdToDetail{$recipeContext->{name}}->{severity} || "unknown";
# Obtain a step object
- my $step = ToBrag::ensureStep($buildPhase, $context->{config});
+ my $step = ToBrag::ensureStep($buildPhase, $recipeContext->{config});
# Also create empty <failures> tags with severities in a sensible order
ToBrag::ensureFailureSet($step, "critical");
ToBrag::ensureFailureSet($step, "major");
ToBrag::ensureFailureSet($step, "minor");
# Obtain a failures object
- my $failureSet = ToBrag::ensureFailureSet($step, $context->{severity});
+ my $failureSet = ToBrag::ensureFailureSet($step, $recipeContext->{severity});
# Now create the failure itself, and add it to this failure set
my $failureItem = bless {
Kids => [ bless { Kids => [ bless { Text => $message }, "Characters" ]}, "effect" ],
}, "failure";
- if ($context->{component})
+ if ($recipeContext->{component})
- $context->{bldinf} =~ s{^\w:(/sf/.*?/.*?)/.*$}{$1};
- $failureItem->{package} = $context->{bldinf};
+ $recipeContext->{bldinf} =~ s{^\w:(/sf/.*?/.*?)/.*$}{$1};
+ $failureItem->{package} = $recipeContext->{bldinf};
- my @causes = grep { $_ && ! m/^\+ / } split("\n", $context->{Chars});
+ my @causes = grep { $_ && ! m/^\+ / } split("\n", $recipeContext->{Chars});
@causes = map { " $_" } @causes;
if (@causes)
@@ -135,15 +140,68 @@
push @{$failureSet->{Kids}}, $failureItem, $ToBrag::xmlNewline;
- $context = undef;
+ $recipeContext = undef;
+ }
+ elsif ($tagName eq "error")
+ {
+ die unless $errorContext;
+ # Add error to output tree
+ my $severity = "unknown";
+ my @messageInterpretation = (
+ {regexp => qr{Cannot process schema version .* of file}, severity => "critical"},
+ {regexp => qr{No bld\.inf found at}, severity => "major"},
+ {regexp => qr{^Preprocessor exception}, severity => "major"},
+ {regexp => qr{No such file or directory$}, severity => "major"},
+ {regexp => qr{Can't find mmp file}, severity => "minor"},
+ {regexp => qr{The make-engine exited with errors}, severity => "critical"},
+ {regexp => qr{tool '.+?' from config '.*' did not return version '.*' as required\.}, severity => "critical"},
+ {regexp => qr{Unknown build configuration '.*'}, severity => "critical"},
+ {regexp => qr{No build configurations given}, severity => "critical"},
+ {regexp => qr{Source of export does not exist:}, severity => "minor"},
+ {regexp => qr{Could not export}, severity => "minor"},
+ {regexp => qr{Could not export}, severity => "minor"},
+ {regexp => qr{Source zip for export does not exist:}, severity => "minor"},
+ );
+ foreach (@messageInterpretation)
+ {
+ if ($errorContext->{Chars} =~ $_->{regexp})
+ {
+ $severity = $_->{severity};
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ # Obtain a step object
+ my $step = ToBrag::ensureStep($buildPhase, "Raptor Initialisation");
+ # Also create empty <failures> tags with severities in a sensible order
+ ToBrag::ensureFailureSet($step, "critical");
+ ToBrag::ensureFailureSet($step, "major");
+ ToBrag::ensureFailureSet($step, "minor");
+ # Obtain a failures object
+ my $failureSet = ToBrag::ensureFailureSet($step, $severity);
+ # Now create the failure itself, and add it to this failure set
+ my $failureItem = bless {
+ Kids => [ bless { Kids => [ bless { Text => $errorContext->{Chars} }, "Characters" ]}, "effect" ],
+ }, "failure";
+ push @{$failureSet->{Kids}}, $failureItem, $ToBrag::xmlNewline;
+ $errorContext = undef;
sub Text
- if ($context)
+ if ($recipeContext)
- $context->{Chars} .= $_;
+ $recipeContext->{Chars} .= $_;
+ }
+ elsif ($errorContext)
+ {
+ $errorContext->{Chars} .= $_;