--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/sf-platform/compile.ant.xml Wed Mar 03 19:46:30 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<project name="SF-COMPILE" xmlns:hlm="http://www.nokia.com/helium">
+ <math result="sf.spec.sbs.numberofjobs" operand1="${env.NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS}" operation="*" operand2="2" datatype="int"/>
+ <!-- compile specified sysdef file. called from sf-compile target in sf-platform/build.xml -->
+ <target name="sf-os-compile">
+ <antcall target="sf-do-compile" inheritAll="false" inheritRefs="true">
+ <param name="sysdef.configurations.list" value="${sf.spec.os.sysdef.clean.configurations.list}" />
+ <reference refid="sf.spec.os.system.definition.files" torefid="system.definition.files" />
+ </antcall>
+ </target>
+ <!-- compile specified sysdef file. called from sf-compile target in sf-platform/build.xml -->
+ <target name="sf-s60-compile">
+ <antcall target="sf-do-compile" inheritAll="false" inheritRefs="true">
+ <param name="sysdef.configurations.list" value="${sf.spec.s60.sysdef.clean.configurations.list}" />
+ <reference refid="sf.spec.s60.system.definition.files" torefid="system.definition.files" />
+ </antcall>
+ </target>
+ <!-- compile sbs.tools.config and sbs.config. tools built only if its not being unpacked first.
+ note: must be called from sf-os/s60-compile targets, as sys model input needed -->
+ <target name="sf-do-compile">
+ <echo message="INFO Using Helium 7 for sf-do-compile"/>
+ <propertyregex property="sf.unpack.tools" override="true" input="${sf.spec.baseline.getenv_options}" regexp="-i tools" select="true" defaultValue="false" casesensitive="false"/>
+ <if> <!-- If tools baseline unpack has not been specified, or its not a "fast" build then try to build them -->
+ <or>
+ <isfalse value="${sf.unpack.tools}"/>
+ <isfalse value="${sf.spec.baseline.enable}"/>
+ <isfalse value="${sf.os.compile.fast}"/>
+ </or>
+ <then>
+ <echo message="INFO Building tools, unpack is not specified"/>
+ <!-- sf.spec.sbs.tools.config param used. do-target-build will decide to build sequentially/together -->
+ <antcall target="sf-do-target-compile" inheritAll="false" inheritRefs="true">
+ <param name="i.sf.spec.sbs.config" value="${sf.spec.sbs.tools.config}" />
+ </antcall>
+ </then>
+ <else>
+ <echo message="INFO Skipping tools build, tools were unpacked from ${sf.spec.baseline.location}"/>
+ </else>
+ </if>
+ <!-- sf.spec.sbs.config param used. do-target-build will decide to build sequentially/together -->
+ <antcall target="sf-do-target-compile" inheritAll="false" inheritRefs="true">
+ <param name="i.sf.spec.sbs.config" value="${sf.spec.sbs.config}" />
+ </antcall>
+ </target>
+ <!-- compile sbs.config list of targets either sequentially or together -->
+ <target name="sf-do-target-compile">
+ <if>
+ <istrue value="${sf.os.compile.iterate}"/>
+ <then>
+ <for list="${i.sf.spec.sbs.config}" delimiter="," param="item.sbs.splitconfig">
+ <sequential>
+ <!-- define sbs args, log name etc -->
+ <hlm:sbsinput id="sf.build">
+ <sbsOptions>
+ <arg line="-c @{item.sbs.splitconfig}"/>
+ <arg line="-k" />
+ <arg line="-j ${sf.spec.sbs.numberofjobs}"/>
+ <arg line="-t ${sf.spec.sbs.retry.limit}"/>
+ <arg line="${sf.spec.sbs.options}"/>
+ <arg name="--filters" value=""${sf.spec.sbs.filter.list}""/>
+ <arg name="--logfile" value="${compile.log.dir}/${build.id}_@{item.sbs.splitconfig}_compile.log" />
+ <arg name="--makefile" value="${compile.log.dir}/${build.id}_@{item.sbs.splitconfig}_Makefile" />
+ </sbsOptions>
+ </hlm:sbsinput>
+ <!-- call helium's compile-main target using the sbsInput args defined above -->
+ <echo message="INFO Iterative compile building target: @{item.sbs.splitconfig}"/>
+ <antcall target="compile-main" inheritAll="false" inheritRefs="true">
+ <param name="build.system" value="${sf.spec.build.system}" />
+ <param name="sbs.inputs.list" value="sf.build"/>
+ </antcall>
+ </sequential>
+ </for>
+ </then>
+ <else>
+ <!-- turn comma separated list into sbs friendly -c list, and _ separated list for friendly log names -->
+ <propertyregex property="i.sf.spec.sbs.config.expanded" override="true" input="${i.sf.spec.sbs.config}" regexp="(,)" replace=" -c " defaultValue="${i.sf.spec.sbs.config}" global="true" casesensitive="false"/>
+ <propertyregex property="i.sf.spec.sbs.config.expanded.logname" override="true" input="${i.sf.spec.sbs.config}" regexp="(,)" replace="_" defaultValue="${i.sf.spec.sbs.config}" global="true" casesensitive="false"/>
+ <echo message="INFO Target : ${i.sf.spec.sbs.config.expanded}"/>
+ <echo message="INFO Logname: ${i.sf.spec.sbs.config.expanded.logname}"/>
+ <!-- TODO: Make this use above compile-main call -->
+ <!-- define sbs args, log name etc -->
+ <hlm:sbsinput id="sf.build">
+ <sbsOptions>
+ <arg line="-c ${i.sf.spec.sbs.config.expanded}"/>
+ <arg line="-k" />
+ <arg line="-j ${sf.spec.sbs.numberofjobs}"/>
+ <arg line="-t ${sf.spec.sbs.retry.limit}"/>
+ <arg line="${sf.spec.sbs.options}"/>
+ <arg name="--filters" value=""${sf.spec.sbs.filter.list}""/>
+ <arg name="--logfile" value="${compile.log.dir}/${build.id}_${i.sf.spec.sbs.config.expanded.logname}_compile.log" />
+ <arg name="--makefile" value="${compile.log.dir}/${build.id}_${i.sf.spec.sbs.config.expanded.logname}_Makefile" />
+ </sbsOptions>
+ </hlm:sbsinput>
+ <!-- call helium's compile-main target using the sbsInput args defined above -->
+ <echo message="INFO Building target(s): ${i.sf.spec.sbs.config.expanded}"/>
+ <antcall target="compile-main" inheritAll="false" inheritRefs="true">
+ <param name="build.system" value="${sf.spec.build.system}" />
+ <param name="sbs.inputs.list" value="sf.build"/>
+ </antcall>
+ </else>
+ </if>
+ </target>