author Simon Howkins <>
Thu, 10 Dec 2009 12:01:59 +0000
changeset 825 1de547e13d13
parent 156 3b9cbbf0f484
permissions -rw-r--r--
Updates to make the build environment check more reasonable: Mercurial v1.3 permitted The Java compiler is not a showstopping issue 7-zip can be installed in any location Update to Helium 5 Helium can be installed in PDT 1.*, not necessarily 1.0 Raptor installation path not significant Update to Raptor 2.9.* The Raptor patch to update the bundled version of python is no longer relevant BRAG calculations updated to ignore items not being in the system path, as this just doesn't matter. Overall effect is that the build environment check should pass on a machine that is able to do a build!

#parsewhatlog - parses a whatlog, gives csv output.
use strict;

#<whatlog bldinf='t:/sf/mw/ipappprotocols/sipconnproviderplugins/sipstatemachine/group/bld.inf' mmp='' config='winscw_udeb.whatlog'>
#<export destination='t:/epoc32/rom/include/sipstatemachine.iby' source='t:/sf/mw/ipappprotocols/sipconnproviderplugins/sipstatemachine/group/SipStateMachine.iby'/>
#<whatlog bldinf='t:/sf/os/mm/mmplugins/3gplib/group/bld.inf' mmp='t:/sf/os/mm/mmplugins/3gplib/impl/group/3gpmp4lib.mmp' config='winscw_udeb.whatlog'>
#<whatlog bldinf='t:/sf/mw/messagingmw/messagingfw/msgconf/group/bld.inf' mmp='t:/sf/mw/messagingmw/messagingfw/msgconf/group/messaging_config.mmp' config='winscw_udeb.whatlog'>
#<whatlog bldinf='t:/sf/mw/mmmw/mmmiddlewarefws/mmfw/sounddev/group_pluginsupport/bld.inf' mmp='t:/sf/mw/mmmw/mmmiddlewarefws/mmfw/sounddev/PlatSec/MMPFiles/Sounddevice/aacdecoderconfigci.mmp' config='winscw_udeb.whatlog'>

my $keepgoing = 1;

sub cleanpath($)
  my $str = lc(shift); #drop the case.
  $str =~ s/^\S://; #remove drive letter
  $str =~ s/^\///; # some custom makefiles report aboslute path
  $str =~ s/\\/\//g; #switch the path
  $str =~ s/\/\//\//g;#we have some double slashes in some resources... 
  return $str;
sub ext($)
  my $str = shift;
  $str =~ s/\S+\.//; #may fail...
  return $str;

sub main()
  my $path = shift @ARGV;
#  my @files = glob($path."/*whatlog*WHAT_*compile.log");
  my @files = glob($path."/*whatlog*_*compile.log"); 
  foreach my $filename (@files)
#    print $filename."\n";
sub parsefile($filename)
  my $filename = shift;
  open(FILE,"<$filename") or die "Couldn't open filename\n";
  #I'm using previous formatting stypes from the flm location, bld.inf, makefile, type, target,extension
  print "location,bldinf,makefile,type,target,extension\n";
  my $bldinf = "";
  my $makefile = "";
  my $inrecipe = 0;
  my $linecount = 0;
  while(my $line = <FILE>)
    if($line =~ m/^<whatlog bldinf='(\S+)' mmp='(\S*)' config='\S*'>/) #brittle
      $bldinf = $1;
      $makefile = $2;
    elsif($line =~ m/^<\/whatlog>/)
      $bldinf = "";
      $makefile = "";
    elsif($line =~ m/^<bitmap>(\S+)<\/bitmap>/)
      if($bldinf eq "" || $makefile eq "" && !$keepgoing)
        die "$filename($linecount) bldinf=$bldinf makefile=$makefile: $line\n";
      print "$filename($linecount),".cleanpath($bldinf).",".cleanpath($makefile).",bitmap,".cleanpath($1).",".ext($1)."\n";        
    elsif($line =~ m/^<build>(\S+)<\/build>/)
      if($bldinf eq "" || $makefile eq "" && !$keepgoing)
        die "$filename($linecount) bldinf=$bldinf makefile=$makefile : $line\n";
      print "$filename($linecount),".cleanpath($bldinf).",".cleanpath($makefile).",binary,".cleanpath($1).",".ext($1)."\n";        
    elsif($line =~ m/^<resource>(\S+)<\/resource>/)
      if($bldinf eq "" || $makefile eq "" && !$keepgoing)
        die "$filename($linecount) bldinf=$bldinf makefile=$makefile : $line\n";
      print "$filename($linecount),".cleanpath($bldinf).",".cleanpath($makefile).",resource,".cleanpath($1).",".ext($1)."\n";        
    #<export destination='t:/epoc32/rom/include/sipstatemachine.iby' source='t:/sf/mw/ipappprotocols/sipconnproviderplugins/sipstatemachine/group/SipStateMachine.iby'/>
    elsif($line =~ m/^<export destination='(\S+)' source='(\S+)'\/>/)
      if($bldinf eq "" )
        die "$filename($linecount) bldinf=$bldinf: $line\n";
      print "$filename($linecount),".cleanpath($bldinf).",".cleanpath($2).",export,".cleanpath($1).",".ext($1)."\n";    
  #<recipe name='tem' target='91e4e9b4af8b5c84bbac43a2419a4ce3_RELEASABLES' host='LON-ENGBUILD87' layer='os' component='localesupport' bldinf='t:/sf/os/kernelhwsrv/localisation/localesupport/bld.inf' mmp='' config='winscw_urel.whatlog' platform='WINSCW' phase='BITMAP' source='copy_default.mk_RELEASABLES'>
    elsif($line =~ m/<recipe.+bldinf='(\S+)'.+source='(\S+)'>/)
      $bldinf = $1;
      $makefile = $2;
      $inrecipe = 1;    
    elsif($inrecipe && $line =~ m/^(\S:\S+)/)
      if($bldinf eq "" || $makefile eq "" && !$keepgoing)
        die "$filename($linecount) bldinf=$bldinf makefile=$makefile : $line\n";
      my $str = cleanpath($1);
      print "$filename($linecount),".cleanpath($bldinf).",".cleanpath($makefile).",custom,".cleanpath($str).",".ext($str)."\n";
    elsif($line =~ m/<\/recipe>/)
      $bldinf = "";
      $makefile = "";
      $inrecipe = 0;
  close FILE;