author Simon Howkins <>
Thu, 10 Dec 2009 12:01:59 +0000
changeset 825 1de547e13d13
parent 288 58affcc6c40e
permissions -rw-r--r--
Updates to make the build environment check more reasonable: Mercurial v1.3 permitted The Java compiler is not a showstopping issue 7-zip can be installed in any location Update to Helium 5 Helium can be installed in PDT 1.*, not necessarily 1.0 Raptor installation path not significant Update to Raptor 2.9.* The Raptor patch to update the bundled version of python is no longer relevant BRAG calculations updated to ignore items not being in the system path, as this just doesn't matter. Overall effect is that the build environment check should pass on a machine that is able to do a build!

# Copyright (c) 2009 Symbian Foundation Ltd
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "".
# Initial Contributors:
# Symbian Foundation Ltd - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Matt Davies <>
# Description:
# YARP - Yet Another Recipe Parser
# This tool parses Raptor logs looking for failures, and writes a CSV file of the results
# Usage:
# perl <logfile> <csvfile>
# Notes:
# Currently it won't tell you any info about why it fails, with the exception of arm licence issues.
# XML::Simple leaks memory, so there is now a manual parsing mode which is enabled by the '$manualparsing' global variable.
# Writing output to a file is hacked in, so it's not too pretty.

use strict;
use XML::Simple;
use Data::Dumper;

my @header = qw(line layer component name armlicence platform phase code bldinf mmp target source);
my $manualparsing = 1; #XML::Simple leaks memory. Manual parsing doesn't, but may not be as robust if Raptor changes it's output...


sub main()
  my $filename = shift @ARGV;
  my $output = shift @ARGV;
  open(OUT,">$output") or die "Coudn't open $output\n";
  foreach my $key (@header)
    print OUT $key.",";
  print OUT "\n";

  close OUT;
sub scandir()
  my $path = shift @ARGV;
  my @files = glob($path."/*compile.log");
  foreach my $filename (@files)
#    print $filename."\n";
sub  parsefile($filename)
    my $filename = shift;
#    print "Scanning $filename\n";
    open(FILE,"<$filename") or die "Couldn't open filename\n";
    my $recipe = undef;
    my %attempts;
    my %licenceattempts;
    my $counter = 0;
    my $licence = 0;
    my $failures = 0;

    while( my $line = <FILE>)
      if(defined $recipe)
        if(defined $recipe->{'content'})
          my $ref = $recipe->{'content'}; 
          push(@$ref, $line);
      if($line =~ m/^<recipe\s+(\S.+)>/)
        $recipe = parseline($line."</recipe>");
        $recipe->{'line'} = $counter;
        my @content;
        push(@content, $line);
        $recipe->{'content'} = \@content;
#        print Dumper($recipe);
      elsif($line =~ m/<\/recipe>/)
        if(defined $recipe)
#          if($recipe->{'exit'} !~ m/ok/)
          if($recipe->{'exit'} =~ m/failed/)
#            if($recipe->{'target'} =~ m/\S:epoc32\//i) 
#               && $recipe->{'target'} !~ m/\S:epoc32\/build/i)

        $recipe = undef;
      elsif($line =~ m/Error:\sC3397E:\s/) #ARM Licence error code...
        if(defined $recipe)
          $recipe->{'armlicence'} = 1;
      elsif($line =~ m/(<status\s.+\/>)/)
        my $status = parseline($1);
        if(defined $recipe)
          $recipe->{'exit'} = $status->{'exit'};
          $recipe->{'attempt'} = $status->{'attempt'};
          if(defined $status->{'code'})
            $recipe->{'code'} = $status->{'code'}; 
          if(!defined $attempts{$status->{'attempt'}})
              $attempts{$status->{'attempt'}} = 0;
          $attempts{$status->{'attempt'}} = $attempts{$status->{'attempt'}} + 1;
          if(defined $recipe->{'armlicence'})
            if(!defined $licenceattempts{$status->{'attempt'}})
                $licenceattempts{$status->{'attempt'}} = 0;
            $licenceattempts{$status->{'attempt'}} = $licenceattempts{$status->{'attempt'}} + 1;
  close FILE;
  print OUT "\n\nSummaries\n\n";
  print OUT "Raptor recipe failures: $failures\n";
  foreach my $attempt (sort keys %attempts)
    print OUT "Overall attempts: $attempt,".$attempts{$attempt}.",\n";
  foreach my $attempt (sort keys %licenceattempts)
    print OUT "ARM Licence Fail attempts: $attempt,".$licenceattempts{$attempt}.",\n";
  print OUT "Total ARM Licence failures,$licence\n";

sub DumpRecipe($)
  my $recipe = shift;
  foreach my $key (@header)
    if(defined $recipe->{$key})
      print OUT $recipe->{$key};
    print OUT ",";
  print OUT "\n";
  my $content = $recipe->{'content'};
  for my $line (@$content)
    print $line;
  #print Dumper($recipe);


sub parseline($line)
  my $line = shift;
#  print "\t$line\n";
  my $val;
    my $strippedline;    
    if($line =~ m/<\S+(.+)\/>/)
      $strippedline = $1;
    elsif($line =~ m/<\S+(.+)>\s*<\/\S+>/)
      $strippedline = $1;
#    print $strippedline."\n";
    my @stuff = split('\s+', $strippedline);
    my %results;
    foreach my $pair (@stuff)
#      print $pair."\n";
      if($pair =~ m/^(\S+)=\'(\S+)\'$/)
    $val = \%results;
    $val = XMLin($line);
  return $val; 