author Simon Howkins <>
Tue, 19 Oct 2010 11:11:40 +0100
changeset 1309 2ea5b5b66973
parent 977 293f16b1c667
permissions -rw-r--r--
Adjusted release tagging, so that it clones from the package source, not dst, and hence it's much less likely that the tagging operation will create multiple heads on the TAGS branch.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<project name="SF-RETRY" default="all" xmlns:hlm="">

    <dirname property="sf.retry.dir" file="${ant.file.SF-RETRY}"/>

    <macrodef name="retry">
        <attribute name="tries" default="3" description="How many times to try the nested script"/>
        <attribute name="uniquename" description="An identifier specific to this thread, or a constant for single-threaded contexts"/>
        <attribute name="failonerror" default="true" description="Set to false to avoid an abort after all attempts"/>
        <element name="sequential" description="The tasks to retry"/>
        <element name="cleanup" optional="true" description="Tasks to run to clean up after a failed try"/>
            <trycatch reference="exception.@{uniquename}.ref" property="exception.@{uniquename}.prop">
                    <math result="newtries.@{uniquename}" operation="-" operand2="@{tries}" operand1="1" datatype="int"/>
                            <equals arg1="${newtries.@{uniquename}}" arg2="0"/>
                            <!-- Clean up ready to try again -->
                            <sleep seconds="1"/>
                            <!-- Recurse (via helper) -->
                            <retry-helper tries="${newtries.@{uniquename}}" uniquename="@{uniquename}" failonerror="@{failonerror}">
                                <istrue value="@{failonerror}"/>
                                    <throw refid="exception.@{uniquename}.ref"/>
    <macrodef name="retry-helper" description="Don't use this directly, use 'retry'">
        <attribute name="tries"/>
        <attribute name="uniquename"/>
        <attribute name="failonerror"/>
        <element name="sequence"/>
        <element name="cleanup-helper"/>
            <retry tries="@{tries}" uniquename="@{uniquename}" failonerror="@{failonerror}">
