Adjusted release tagging, so that it clones from the package source, not dst, and hence it's
much less likely that the tagging operation will create multiple heads on the TAGS branch.
my @asYarpFiles = ();
open(FILE, $ARGV[0]);
while ( <FILE> )
if ( m/^[^,]*,[^,]*,([^,]*)/ )
my $sFile = $1;
chomp $sFile;
# print "$sFile\n";
push(@asYarpFiles, $sFile);
my $nYarpFiles = scalar(@asYarpFiles);
#print "Found $nYarpFiles files to parse\n";
my $nTotalRecipeErrors = 0;
for my $nYarpFile (@asYarpFiles)
my $nRecipeErrors = 0;
# print "Parsing file $nYarpFile...\n";
open(FILE, $nYarpFile);
while ( <FILE> )
if ( m/^Raptor recipe failures:\s+(\d+)$/ )
# print "Raptor recipe failures: $1\n";
$nRecipeErrors = $1;
# print "Recipe errors in $nYarpFile: $nRecipeErrors\n";
$nTotalRecipeErrors += $nRecipeErrors;
#print "Total recipe errors across all files: $nTotalRecipeErrors\n";
print "$nTotalRecipeErrors";