Improved diagnostic output: when the build fails because a package cannot be cloned into the build drive, it says which package and the repo source and destination.
Improved caching logic, so that it doesn't depend on network availability as much.
Improved indentation.
## @file
# @ingroup userscripts clientscripts
# Uses information which is defined in the BuildEnvXML.xml to set up a machine
# specific environment, such as path for compilers.
# @todo Document this script.
# Copyright (c) 2009 Symbian Foundation Ltd. All rights reserved.
package BuildEnvXML;
use strict;
use XML::DOM;
use Cwd;
use Exporter;
our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT_OK = qw(&getToolEnvironment &getLastErrorMsg &setDbgFile);
my $sToolEnv = "";
my $sLocalDir = cwd();
my $hParser = XML::DOM::Parser->new();
my $sErrorMsg = "";
my $toolSummary = "";
my $execLog = "";
my $dbgfile = "";
sub getToolEnvironment
my $sBuildEnvXML = shift;
my (@aCat) = @_;
my $hXMLfile = $hParser->parsefile ($sBuildEnvXML);
my $hNodes = $hXMLfile->getElementsByTagName ("context");
my $hSystemTools, my $hP4Tools, my $hCBRTools, my $sCat, my $nNumNodes;
if ($dbgfile ne "")
print "Logging output to file $dbgfile\n";
open DBGFILE, ">>$dbgfile" or die;
$sErrorMsg = "";
$sToolEnv = "";
my $nCatDepth = scalar(@aCat);
subTrace("Context Depth: $nCatDepth\n");
my $nLevel = ($nCatDepth-1);
$sCat = $aCat[$nLevel];
$nNumNodes = $hNodes->getLength;
my $hParentNode, my $sParentId;
for (my $nI = 0; $nI < $nNumNodes ; $nI++)
my $hNode = $hNodes->item ($nI);
my $hId = $hNode->getAttributeNode ("id");
# Discriminating Stages
subTrace("Context found: \"".$hId->getValue()."\"");
if (uc($hId->getValue()) eq uc($sCat))
subTrace("---> requested! analyzing...");
$hParentNode = $hNode->getParentNode;
for (;$nLevel>0;$nLevel--)
$sParentId = $hParentNode->getAttributeNode("id")->getValue;
subTrace("...from Parent context= ".$sParentId);
if ($sParentId ne $aCat[$nLevel-1]){ $nLevel =-1;}
$hParentNode = $hParentNode->getParentNode;
if (($nLevel>-1)&&($hParentNode->getNodeName ne "context"))
$hSystemTools = $hNode->getElementsByTagName ("tool", 0);
$nI = $nNumNodes;
if (!defined $hSystemTools)
subTrace("No Stage found for category $sCat !");
subTrace("Program Terminated.");
subTrace("Number of $sCat tools: ".$hSystemTools->getLength);
for (my $nI = 0; $nI < $hSystemTools->getLength; $nI++)
my $hTool = $hSystemTools->item ($nI);
my $hToolName = $hTool->getAttributeNode ("name");
subTrace("Verifying tool: ".$hToolName->getValue());
my $isToolNotFound = "true";
# Location element
my $hToolLocation = $hTool->getElementsByTagName("location")->item(0);
my $hToolLocationPath, my $hToolLocationStrict;
if (defined $hToolLocation)
$hToolLocationPath = $hToolLocation->getAttributeNode("value");
$hToolLocationStrict = $hToolLocation->getAttributeNode("strict");
subTrace("Expected Location: ".$hToolLocationPath->getValue());
# Verify element
my $hToolVerifys = $hTool->getElementsByTagName("verify");
my $nNumOfVerifys = $hToolVerifys->getLength;
for (my $nZ = 0; $nZ < $nNumOfVerifys; $nZ++)
my $hToolVerify = $hTool->getElementsByTagName("verify")->item($nZ);
my $hToolVerifyVersion = $hToolVerify->getAttributeNode("version");
my $hToolVerifyShowStopper = $hToolVerify->getAttributeNode("showstopper");
subTrace("Expected Version: ".$hToolVerifyVersion->getValue());
subPrint("\nVerifying tool: ".$hToolName->getValue()." (version ".$hToolVerifyVersion->getValue().")\n");
# Tool checks
my $hToolChecks = $hToolVerify->getElementsByTagName("check");
my $nNumOfChecks= $hToolChecks->getLength;
my $nCheckNum;
for (my $nJ = 0; $nJ < $nNumOfChecks; $nJ++)
$nCheckNum = $nJ+1;
subTrace("Check #$nCheckNum:");
subPrint("Check #$nCheckNum");
my $hCheck = $hToolChecks->item($nJ);
my $hCheckCmd = $hCheck->getAttributeNode ("execute");
my $hCheckVar = $hCheck->getAttributeNode ("var");
my $hCheckValues = $hCheck->getAttributeNode ("values");
my $hCheckLog = $hCheck->getAttributeNode ("log");
my $hCheckExclu = $hCheck->getAttributeNode ("exclusive");
my $hCheckName = $hCheck->getAttributeNode ("name");
my $hCheckLocator= $hCheck->getAttributeNode ("locator");
my $hCheckSilent = $hCheck->getAttributeNode ("silent");
my $sCommand, my $sPattern, my $sToolCmd, my $sOut, my $sOutLocal, my $sCheckName;
my $versionFound = "";
my $sMsg = "";
# If Check is exclusive, we will only test this one:
if ($hCheckExclu->getValue() eq "true")
$nJ = $nNumOfChecks;
subTrace("This check is exclusive: the remaining checks will not be tested");
# Preparing system command to execute
if (defined $hCheckCmd)
$sCommand = $hCheckCmd->getValue();
if (defined $hToolLocation)
$sToolCmd= $hToolLocationPath->getValue();
$sCommand =~ s/\%location\%/$sToolCmd/g;
# Execute the command
subTrace("Check cmd: ".$sCommand."");
$sOut = `$sCommand 2>&1`;
$sOutLocal = $sOut;
# Check if tool cannot be found at expected location
if ($sOut =~/(not\srecognized)|(system\scannot\sfind)/)
$sOutLocal = "";
subTrace("Tool cannot be found at location: ".$hToolLocationPath->getValue());
subLogErrorMsg($hToolLocationStrict->getValue(), $hToolName->getValue()." CANNOT BE FOUND IN THE EXPECTED LOCATION: "
if ($hToolLocationStrict->getValue() eq "true")
subTrace("LOCATION STRICT activated, program terminated");
$sMsg .= "[ERROR] wrong location\n";
#return "";
$sMsg .= "[WARNING] wrong location\n";
if ((defined $hToolLocation)&&(defined $hCheckCmd))
$sCommand =~ /(.*)(\\).*$/i;
my $sTmp = $1;
$sTmp =~ s/^\s+//;
$sTmp =~ s/\s+$//;
$sToolEnv = $sTmp.";".$sToolEnv;
subTrace("Tool path OK.");
subTrace("New appender: \"".$sToolEnv."\"");
$isToolNotFound = "false";
# Check if tool can be found with the Environment PATH
$sCommand =~ s/.*(\\)(.*)$/\2/i;
subTrace("Try command from ENV PATH: ".$sCommand);
if (!defined $hCheckName)
$sCheckName = $sCommand;
$sCheckName = $hCheckName->getValue();
subPrint(" [$sCheckName]: ");
$sOut = `$sCommand 2>&1`;
if ($sOut =~/(not\srecognized)|(system\scannot\sfind)/)
$sOut = "";
my $type = "ERROR";
if ($isToolNotFound eq "false") {$type = "WARNING";}
subTrace("$type: ".$hToolName->getValue()." CANNOT BE FOUND IN THE SYSTEM PATH");
subLogErrorMsg($isToolNotFound, $hToolName->getValue()." CANNOT BE FOUND IN THE SYSTEM PATH");
$sMsg .= "[$type] NOT FOUND IN SYSTEM PATH\n";
if ($isToolNotFound eq "true") {next;}
#return "";
{ # Check by verifying an env variable
subPrint(" [".$hCheckVar->getValue()."]: ");
$sCommand = "ECHO %".$hCheckVar->getValue()."%";
subTrace("Check var: ".$hCheckVar->getValue());
$sOut = `$sCommand 2>&1`;
$sOut =~ s/^\s*//;
$sOut =~ s/\s*$//;
# Log the output if necessary
if ($hCheckLog->getValue() eq "true")
subTrace("command: $sCommand");
subTrace("logged output: ");
subLog("Verifying \"".$hToolName->getValue()." [version ".$hToolVerifyVersion->getValue().
"]\" -- check #$nCheckNum:");
subLog("Executing: $sCommand");
# Perform the check against given values
if (defined $hCheckValues)
my $sOutCopy = $sOut;
my $bResultOk = "false";
$sPattern = $hCheckValues->getValue();
if (defined $hCheckLocator)
my $sLocator = $hCheckLocator->getValue();
$sOut =~ s/.*$sLocator.*/\1/msi;
subTrace("Searching in locator: ".$sOut);
$sOutLocal =~ s/.*$sLocator.*/\1/msi;
$sOut =~ s/.*($sPattern).*/\1/smi;
$sOutLocal =~ s/.*($sPattern).*/\1/smi;
# Log the current version found
$versionFound = $sOut.$sOutLocal;
if ($sOut eq $sOutLocal)
$versionFound = $sOut;
elsif (($sOut.$sOutLocal ne $sOut) and ($sOut.$sOutLocal ne $sOutLocal) and ($sOut ne $sOutLocal))
$versionFound = "$sOut or $sOutLocal [Value Mismatch]";
if ($versionFound eq "") {$versionFound = "not found";}
#$sPattern =~ s/(\\|\/|\.|\*|\[|\]|\(|\)|\$|\{|\})/\\\1/g;
#$sPattern = "($sPattern)";
subTrace("Check against pattern: ".$sPattern);
# Check the Environment Variable
if (defined $hCheckVar)
$sOut = $sOutCopy;
my $valueTested = $hCheckVar->getValue();
if ($sOut =~ /%$valueTested%/) {$sOut = "not defined!";}
elsif ( $sOut =~ m/$sPattern/smi )
$bResultOk = "true";
if ($hCheckSilent->getValue() eq "true") { $sOut = "ok. ";}
$versionFound = "$sOut";
} # Or Check the command executed (for version checking...)
elsif ( ( ( $sOut =~ s/.*($sPattern).*/\1/smi ) and (( $sOutLocal =~ s/.*($sPattern).*/\1/smi ) or ($sOutLocal eq "")) ) ||
( ( $sOutLocal =~ s/.*($sPattern).*/\1/smi ) and ($sOut eq "") ) )
$bResultOk = "true";
subTrace("Value OK");
if ($versionFound eq "" || $hCheckSilent->getValue() eq "true") { $versionFound = "ok. ";}
elsif (!defined $hCheckLocator)
$versionFound = "";
# Log the warnings/errors regarding version checking
if ($bResultOk eq "false")
if ($versionFound eq "") { $versionFound = "wrong value. ";}
subLogErrorMsg($hToolVerifyShowStopper->getValue(), $hToolName->getValue()." VALUE INCORRECT");
if ($hToolVerifyShowStopper->getValue() eq "true")
$sMsg .= "[ERROR] WRONG VALUE\n";
subTrace("SHOWSTOPPER RAISED: program should be terminated");
subTrace("No Showstopper, continuing analysis...");
$sMsg .= "[WARNING] Wrong Value\n";
&subPrint ("$versionFound\n$sMsg");
close DBGFILE;
return $sToolEnv;
sub subTrace
my $sString = $_[0];
if ($dbgfile ne "")
print DBGFILE "$sString\n";
sub subPrint
my $sString = $_[0];
$toolSummary .= "$sString";
sub printToolSummary
print $toolSummary."\n";
sub subLog
my $sString = $_[0];
$execLog .= "[LOG] $sString\n";
if ($dbgfile ne "")
print DBGFILE "[LOG] $sString\n";
sub printLog
#print $execLog;
sub subLogErrorMsg
my $isError = shift;
my $msg = shift;
my $type = "WARNING";
if ($isError eq "true") {$type = "ERROR";}
$sErrorMsg = $sErrorMsg."\n[$type] ".$msg;
sub getLastErrorMsg
return $sErrorMsg;
sub setDbgFile
$dbgfile = shift;