author Simon Howkins <>
Tue, 10 Aug 2010 18:11:17 +0100
changeset 1206 4518bca1baf0
parent 358 61571c10c5d0
permissions -rw-r--r--
Improved diagnostic output: when the build fails because a package cannot be cloned into the build drive, it says which package and the repo source and destination. Improved caching logic, so that it doesn't depend on network availability as much. Improved indentation.

## @file
# @ingroup userscripts clientscripts
# Uses information which is defined in the BuildEnvXML.xml to set up a machine
# specific environment, such as path for compilers. 
# @todo Document this script.
# Copyright (c) 2009 Symbian Foundation  Ltd. All rights reserved.

package BuildEnvXML;

use Getopt::Long;
use BuildEnvXML qw(&getToolEnvironment &getLastErrorMsg);

my $toolenvxml = "";
my $dbgfile = "";
my $sbsconfig = "";
my $toolsconfig = "";

GetOptions ("xml=s" => \$toolenvxml, "dbg:s" => \$dbgfile, "sbs:s" => \$sbsconfig, "tools:s" => \$sbsconfig); 

my @contexts = @ARGV;

if ($toolenvxml eq "")
	print ("ERROR: XML file cannot be found!\n");

# Checking the SBS config to test only what's necessary for that build
if ($sbsconfig =~ /armv5/i)
	push @contexts, "ARMv5";

# Checking the tools config to test only what's necessary for that build
if ($sbsconfig =~ /tools[^2]?(,|$|_)/i)
	push @contexts, "tools";

my $sErrMsg;
my $result = 0;

if (-e $dbgfile)


foreach my $context (@contexts){
	print "\n\n### Checking $context Tools ###\n";
	my $sSystemPath = &getToolEnvironment($toolenvxml, $context);

	$sErrMsg = &getLastErrorMsg;
	if ($sErrMsg eq "") { $sErrMsg = "\nAll OK.\n";}
	if($sErrMsg =~ /ERROR/)
		print "\n$context Tools VERIFICATION FAILED:";
		print $sErrMsg."\n\n";
		$result = -1;
		print "\n$context tools VERIFICATION PASSED:";
		print $sErrMsg."\n\n";
if ($result ne 0)
	print "\n ==> PROGRAM STOPPED!!\n";