author Simon Howkins <>
Tue, 10 Aug 2010 18:11:17 +0100
changeset 1206 4518bca1baf0
parent 872 17498133d9ad
permissions -rw-r--r--
Improved diagnostic output: when the build fails because a package cannot be cloned into the build drive, it says which package and the repo source and destination. Improved caching logic, so that it doesn't depend on network availability as much. Improved indentation.

# Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
# All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "".
# Initial Contributors:
# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description:
# The SmokeTestSuite package contains subroutines that are needed to build a 
# testdriver test suite.
# This script was born on 18/04/2005

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
package SmokeTestSuite;
use strict;

my $servicename;

# BuildAndPackage: Used to create a test package for remote execution on the ROM
sub BuildAndPackage
	# Build Test Package for $_[0]
	print "\n#\n# Build Test Package for $_[0]\n#\n";
	my $testbuild = SmokeTest::ExecCommand ("$SmokeTest::TestDriverCmd build -p $_[0] -b udeb -s $SmokeTest::TestSuite");

	# now check for results
	$testbuild =~ m/fail\:\s(\d+)\s\%/i;
	if ( ($testbuild =~ m/\*\*error\:/i) || $1 == 100 )
		print "\nREMARK: Smoke Test *** Building the Test failed $!\n";
		#&SmokeTest::DieLog("Error In Smoke Test: Building the Test failed");
		print "\n*** Test Building successful ***\n";	
	my $testpackage = SmokeTest::ExecCommand ("$SmokeTest::TestDriverCmd package -p $_[0] -b udeb -s $SmokeTest::TestSuite --tp $SmokeTest::SmokeTestDir\\$_[0].tpkg");
	print "\n";
	if (($testpackage =~ m/\*\*error/i))
		print "\nREMARK: Smoke Test *** Building the Test Package failed\n\"$1\"\n";
		#&SmokeTest::DieLog("Error In Smoke Test: Building the Test Package failed");
		print "\n*** Building the Test Package successful ***\n";	

# BuildAndPublish: used to build and test the smoketest test suite on an Emulator
sub BuildAndPublish
	my $runid = 0;
	my $buildname;
	# Build Test Suite for $_[0]
	print "\n#\n# Build Test Suite for $_[0]\n#\n";
	my $testbuildwinscw = SmokeTest::ExecCommand ("$SmokeTest::TestDriverCmd build -p $_[0] -b udeb -s $SmokeTest::TestSuite");

	# now check for results
	$testbuildwinscw =~ m/fail\:\s(\d+)\s\%/i;
	if ( ($testbuildwinscw =~ m/\*\*error\:/i) || $1 == 100 )
		print "\nREMARK: Smoke Test *** Building the Test for $_[0] failed $!\n";
		#&SmokeTest::DieLog("Error In Smoke Test: Building the Test failed");
		print "\n*** Test Build successful ***\n";	
	# Run Test Suite for $_[0]
	print "\n";
	print "#\n# Run Test Package for $_[0]\n#\n";
	print "\n";
	SmokeTest::ExecCommand ("$SmokeTest::TestDriverCmd run -p $_[0] -b udeb -s $SmokeTest::TestSuite");
	# Publish results of emulator onto publish server
	print "\n";
	print "#\n# Publish results of emulator onto publish server\n#\n";
	print "\n";
	# Find the correct directory to publish
	my $source = "$SmokeTest::TestDriverDrive\\TestDriver\\Results";
	if (opendir Results, $source)
		my @dirArray = readdir(Results);
		#print "@results";	
		# to remove "." and ".." from this list
		shift @dirArray;
		shift @dirArray;
		if (!scalar(@dirArray))
			print "REMARK: The emulator for $_[0] has an empty $source directory";
			print "\nContents of $source = @dirArray\n";
			$source .= "\\$dirArray[0]"; 
			# dirArray should always have just the one subdir - 0XXXX_Symbian_OS_vX.X
			$buildname = $dirArray[0];
			if (opendir tempDir, "$source")
				# to remove "." and ".." from this list
				@dirArray = readdir(tempDir);
				shift @dirArray;
				shift @dirArray;
				print "\nContents of $source = @dirArray\n";
				foreach my $directory (@dirArray)
					if ($directory =~ /(?:$_[0])/i)
						$source .= "\\$directory";
						# added this to remove udeb/xx
						if (opendir tempDir, "$source")
							# to remove "." and ".." from this list
							@dirArray = readdir(tempDir);
							shift @dirArray;
							shift @dirArray;
							print "\nContents of $source = @dirArray\n";
							foreach my $directory (@dirArray)
								if ($directory =~ /(udeb|urel)/i)
									$source .= "\\$directory";
									if (opendir tempDir, "$source")
										# to remove "." and ".." from this list
										@dirArray = readdir(tempDir);
										shift @dirArray;
										shift @dirArray;
										print "\nContents of $source = @dirArray\n";
										my @iNumericDirList = ();
										foreach my $directory (@dirArray)
											if ($directory =~ /(^[0-9]+)/i)
    											push @iNumericDirList, $directory;
									    @iNumericDirList = sort { $b <=> $a } @iNumericDirList;
									    $runid = $iNumericDirList[0];
                                        $source .= "\\$runid";
				print "\nThe final source directory = $source\n";
				print "REMARK: The emulator for $_[0] has an empty $source directory";
		my $emulatorpublish = "$SmokeTest::PublishServer\\$SmokeTest::ProductType\\$SmokeTest::BuildNum\\logs\\SmokeTest\\Emulator\\$_[0]";
		SmokeTest::ExecCommand ("MKDIR $emulatorpublish"); # or GoNext("$publishlocation\\$name\\");
		SmokeTest::ExecCommand ("XCOPY /C /Y /E $source\\xml $emulatorpublish\\xml\\");
		# Copy runXX_<snapshot>_SymbianOS_vYY.xml/html to <snapshot>_Symbian_OS_vYY.xml/html
		my $xmlfile   = "$source\\run".$runid."_".$buildname."\.xml";
		my $htmlfile  = "$source\\run".$runid."_".$buildname."\.html";
		if (-e $xmlfile)
			SmokeTest::ExecCommand ("COPY $xmlfile $emulatorpublish\\$buildname.xml");
		if (-e $htmlfile)
			SmokeTest::ExecCommand ("COPY $htmlfile $emulatorpublish\\$buildname.html");
		# Publish results of emulator onto logs dir
		print "\n";
		print "#\n# Publish results of emulator onto Logs Dir\n#\n";
		print "\n";
		my $emulatorpublish = "$SmokeTest::LogsDir\\SmokeTest\\Emulator\\$_[0]\\";
		SmokeTest::ExecCommand ("MKDIR $emulatorpublish"); # or GoNext("$publishlocation\\$name\\");
		SmokeTest::ExecCommand ("XCOPY /C /Y /E $source $emulatorpublish");
		print "REMARK: Cannot open dir $source: $!";

# PollServers: Polls all the servers from the Pool and picks out the one with the shortest queue.
sub PollServers
	# Parse ENV and create an array of smoketest servers for $_[0]
	print "\n";
	print "#\n# Parse ENV and create an array of smoketest servers for $_[0]\n#\n";
	print "\n";
	if (($_[0] eq "Lubbock") || ($_[0] eq "LUBBOCK"))
		$SmokeTest::servicename = "RemoteTestDriverLubbock";
	elsif ($_[0] eq "H2")
		$SmokeTest::servicename = "RemoteTestDriverH2";
        elsif ($_[0] eq "H4HRP")
		$SmokeTest::servicename = "RemoteTestDriverH4HRP";
		&SmokeTest::DieLog("Cannot poll serverpool for pool \"$_[0]\"");
	my @servers = split /\#/, $SmokeTest::serverpool;
	if (@servers < 1)
		&SmokeTest::DieLog("*** Error In Smoke Test ***\nNo SmokeTest Servers specified for $_[0]$!\n");
		print "\n*** Retrieved Pool of Smoke Test Servers from ENV for $_[0]***\n";
	# Poll each of the smoke test servers and parse the results
	print "\n";
	print "#\n# Poll each of the smoke test servers and parse the results\n#\n";
	print "\n";
	my %serverlist;
    print "Checking TestDriver Version\n";
    SmokeTest::ExecCommand ("$SmokeTest::TestDriverCmd version");

	foreach my $server (@servers)
		print "Polling Server: $server\n";
        my $masterstatus = SmokeTest::ExecCommand ("$SmokeTest::TestDriverCmd masterstatus --srv //$server/$SmokeTest::servicename");
		my $value = -2;
		if ($masterstatus =~ m/Master: TestDriver is currently (....)/i)
			if ($1 eq 'free')
				#print "Free!\n";
				$value = 0;
				$masterstatus =~ m/are\s+(\w+)\s+jobs/i;
				if ($1 =~ m/\D+/)
					$value = 1;
					$value = $1 + 1;
			# The master is not running a service
			$value = -1;
		$serverlist{$server} = $value;
		print "\n"; 
	# Decide which server to use
	print "\n";
	print "#\n# STEP8 Decide which server to use\n#\n";
	print "\n";
	my $masterserver;
	# Loop through first time only to print out all the available servers
	print "\nAvailable Servers\n";
	foreach my $servername (sort { $serverlist{$a} <=> $serverlist{$b} } keys %serverlist)
		print "\n$servername : number in queue are $serverlist{$servername}\n";
	# Loop through second time to actually select the correct server
	foreach my $servername (sort { $serverlist{$a} <=> $serverlist{$b} } keys %serverlist)
		if ($serverlist{$servername} > -1)
			$masterserver = $servername;
	if (defined $masterserver)
		print "\n*** The Smoke Test Server to be used for $_[0] is $masterserver ***\n";
		print "\nREMARK: Smoke Test *** No available Smoke Test Servers for $_[0] \n";
		#&SmokeTest::DieLog("Error In Smoke Test: No available Smoke Test Servers for $_[0]");
	return $masterserver;

# Usage: RunRemote(Architecture, Testing Board, Server)
sub RunRemote
	my $masterserver = $_[2];
	# Call TestDriver runremote for $_[0]
	print "\n";
	print "#\n# Call TestDriver runremote for $_[0]\n#\n";
	print "\n";
	my $tempZipLocation = "$SmokeTest::SmokeTestDir\\$_[0]\\$_[1]";
	if ($_[3] eq "NAND\\")
		$tempZipLocation .= "\\NAND";
	elsif ($_[3] eq "NAND\(DP\)\\")
                $tempZipLocation .= "\\NAND\(DP\)";

	SmokeTest::ExecCommand ("COPY /Y $tempZipLocation\\sys\$ $SmokeTest::SmokeTestDir\\sys\$");
	# Decide whether this is a platsec ROM or not
	my $platsec;
	if ($SmokeTest::buildNo eq "9.1" || $SmokeTest::buildNo eq "9.2" || $SmokeTest::buildNo eq "9.3" || $SmokeTest::buildNo eq "Future" || $SmokeTest::buildNo eq "9.4" || $SmokeTest::buildNo eq "9.5" || $SmokeTest::buildNo eq "9.6" || $SmokeTest::buildNo eq "tb91")
		$platsec = "ON";
		$platsec = "OFF";
	# calling testdriver for $_[0]
	my $runremote = SmokeTest::ExecCommand ("$SmokeTest::TestDriverCmd runremote -m async -i $SmokeTest::SmokeTestDir --tp $_[0].tpkg -r sys\$ --srv //$masterserver/$SmokeTest::servicename --platsec $platsec --testexec ON");
	# Parse output to get the job number or error
	print "\n";
	print "#\n# Parse output to get the job number or error\n#\n";
	print "\n";
	my $jobid;
	if ($runremote =~ m/job id/i)
		$runremote =~ m/job id: (\d+)/i;
		$jobid = $1;
		print "\n*** Job submitted successfully ***\n\nJob Id = $jobid\n";
		print "\nREMARK: Smoke Test Job Submission failed\n";
		#&SmokeTest::DieLog("Error In Smoke Test: Submitting the Job failed");
	# Create a text file with publish details
	print "\n";
	print "#\n# Create a text file with publish details\n#\n";
	print "\n";
	my $publishstring;
	$publishstring = "Publish: $SmokeTest::PublishServer\\$SmokeTest::ProductType\\$SmokeTest::BuildNum\\logs\\Smoketest\\$_[0]\\$_[1]\\";
	print "$publishstring";
	if ( (defined $SmokeTest::PublishServer) && (defined $SmokeTest::ProductType) && (defined $SmokeTest::BuildNum) )
		open PublishFile, ">$_[0]$_[1].txt" or &SmokeTest::DieLog("Cannot open File $_[0]$_[1].txt: $!\n");
		$publishstring = "$SmokeTest::PublishServer\\$SmokeTest::ProductType\\$SmokeTest::BuildNum\\logs\\Smoketest\\$_[0]\\$_[1]\\";
		if ($_[3] eq "NAND\\")
			$publishstring .= "NAND\\";
		elsif ($_[3] eq "NAND\(DP\)\\")
            $publishstring .= "NAND\(DP\)\\";
		print PublishFile "$publishstring";
		$publishstring = "\n$SmokeTest::PublishServer\\$SmokeTest::ProductType\\logs\\$SmokeTest::BuildNum\\Smoketest\\$_[0]\\$_[1]\\";
		if ($_[3] eq "NAND\\")
			$publishstring .= "NAND\\";
		elsif ($_[3] eq "NAND\(DP\)\\")
                $publishstring .= "NAND\(DP\)\\";
		print PublishFile "$publishstring";
		close PublishFile;
		print "\n*** Publish file created successfully ***\n";
		print "\nREMARK: Smoke Test *** Could not Create Publish File\n$!";
		#&SmokeTest::DieLog("Error In Smoke Test: Could not Create Publish File");
	# Copy This publish file to the correct directory 
	print "\n";
	print "#\n# Copy This publish file to the correct directory \n#\n";
	print "\n";
	###print "\nabout to move /Y $_[0]$_[1].txt \\\\$masterserver\\Jobs\\$jobid\\publish.txt\n";
    SmokeTest::ExecCommand ("MOVE /Y $_[0]$_[1].txt \\\\$masterserver\\Jobs\\$jobid\\publish.txt");
