Improved diagnostic output: when the build fails because a package cannot be cloned into the build drive, it says which package and the repo source and destination.
Improved caching logic, so that it doesn't depend on network availability as much.
Improved indentation.
#!perl -w
# Copyright (c) 2009 Symbian Foundation Ltd
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "".
# Initial Contributors:
# Symbian Foundation Ltd - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description:
# Merge a set of XML files
use strict;
use XML::Parser;
use Getopt::Long;
use FindBin;
use lib "$FindBin::Bin/lib";
use XML::Printer;
# Read option arguments
my $howtoString;
my $xslLink;
my $help;
'xsl=s' => \$xslLink,
'merge=s' => \$howtoString,
'help!' => \$help,
my $wrongArgs = 0;
unless ($help)
$wrongArgs += warn "No merge string specified to indicate how the files should be merged\n" unless defined $howtoString;
$wrongArgs += warn "No files to be merged\n" unless scalar @ARGV;
if ($help || $wrongArgs)
print <<"EOT"; --xsl=brag.xsl --merge=SystemDefinition,systemModel,layer(name),block(name),package(name) sysModel1.xml [model*.xml ...] > output.xml
exit(0 + !$help);
# Hash of tags that should be merged, with optional attribute consideration
my $mergeTags;
foreach my $term (split m{\s*,\s*}, $howtoString)
my ($tag, $attribute) = $term =~ m{(\w+)\((\w+)\)};
$tag ||= $term;
$mergeTags->{$tag} = $attribute;
# Expand wildcards
@ARGV = map { glob $_ } @ARGV;
# Merge all the trees together
my $outTree = mergeMultipleTrees($mergeTags, @ARGV);
# Output total tree
print "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n";
print "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"$xslLink\"?>\n" if $xslLink;
print "\n";
sub mergeMultipleTrees
my $mergeTags = shift or die;
# Create an XML parser
my $parser = new XML::Parser(Style => "Objects") or die;
my $outTree;
# For each XML file to merge...
foreach my $xmlFile (@_)
my $tree = eval { $parser->parsefile($xmlFile) } or die "Failed to parse $xmlFile : $@";
if (!$outTree)
# The first file is taken verbatim
$outTree = $tree;
# Merge into output Tree
mergeTwoTrees($outTree->[0], $tree->[0], $mergeTags);
return $outTree;
sub mergeTwoTrees
my $baseTree = shift or die;
my $extrasTree = shift or die;
my $mergeTags = shift or die;
die ("Trees do not match: ".(ref $baseTree)." vs ".(ref $extrasTree)) unless ref $baseTree eq ref $extrasTree;
return if ref $baseTree eq "main::Characters";
foreach my $extraChild (@{$extrasTree->{Kids}})
# Work out whether this child should be merged with a namesake, or appended
my $mergeIt;
my $extraChildTag = ref $extraChild;
$extraChildTag =~ s{^main::}{};
if (exists $mergeTags->{$extraChildTag})
# Should be merged if there's already one there
# Look for a namesake in the base
$mergeIt = matchTag($baseTree->{Kids}, $extraChild, $mergeTags->{$extraChildTag});
if ($mergeIt)
# Merge children
mergeTwoTrees($mergeIt, $extraChild, $mergeTags);
# Add this child
push @{$baseTree->{Kids}}, $extraChild;
sub matchTag
my $peers = shift;
my $outsider = shift;
my $attr = shift;
foreach my $peer (@$peers)
if (ref $peer eq ref $outsider && (!defined $attr || $peer->{$attr} eq $outsider->{$attr}))
return $peer;
return undef;