author Simon Howkins <>
Tue, 10 Aug 2010 18:11:17 +0100
changeset 1206 4518bca1baf0
parent 958 72efe73cb3cf
permissions -rw-r--r--
Improved diagnostic output: when the build fails because a package cannot be cloned into the build drive, it says which package and the repo source and destination. Improved caching logic, so that it doesn't depend on network availability as much. Improved indentation.

#!perl -w
# Copyright (c) 2009 Symbian Foundation Ltd
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "".
# Initial Contributors:
# Symbian Foundation Ltd - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description:
# Populates the template for packaging src and binaries in the build

use strict;

use FindBin;
use lib "$FindBin::Bin/lib";
use Text::CSV;
require XML::Simple;

# Raw inputs come in as parameters to the script
# TODO: Use a proper option parsing module
my $sourcesCSV = shift or die "First arg must be source csv file";
my $template = shift or die "Second arg must be template file";
my $ftl = shift or die "Third arg must be output file";
my $rndExcludes = shift or die "Fourth arg must be rnd-excludes file";

# Load CSV
open my $csvText, "<", $sourcesCSV or die "Unable to open sources.csv from $sourcesCSV";
my $csv = Text::CSV->new();
my @keys;
my @packages;
while (my $line = <$csvText>)
	chomp $line;
	next unless $line;
	unless ($csv->parse($line))
		my $err = $csv->error_input();
		die "Failed to parse line '$line': $err";

	if (! @keys)
		# First line - note the column names
		@keys =  $csv->fields();
		# Already got the keys, so get the data
		my %package;
		# Read into a hash slice
		@package{@keys} = $csv->fields();
		push @packages, \%package;
close $csvText;

# This controls how the XML parsing decides what should be tags and what should be attributes
# It's been worked out mostly by trial and error :-(
my $keyAttr = { config => "name", name => "set"};
# Load template
my $xml = XML::Simple->new();
my $zipConfig = $xml->XMLin($template, keyattr => $keyAttr);
my @allRndFiles;
my $miscCount = 0;

# For each package in CSV...
foreach my $package (@packages)
	warn "Warning: Package $package->{dst} does not appear on the local system\n" unless -d $package->{dst};
	$package->{dst} =~ s{^/}{}g;
	if ($package->{source} =~ m{/(sfl|oss)/(MCL|FCL)/(sf|utilities|sftools|interim)/(([^/]+)/)?([^/]+)?})
		my ($license, $codeline, $thingy, $layer, $packageName) = ($1, $2, $3, $5, $6);
		# $thingy is the part of the path after the codeline. For
		# platform packages, it's "sf". For the utilities package, it's
		# "sftools", or "utilities, depending on the URL used to
		# obtain it.
		# I can't think of anything to describe this item, hence $thingy
		if ($thingy eq "utilities")
			$layer = "tools";
			$packageName = "utilities";
		elsif ($thingy eq "sftools")
			$layer = "tools";
		elsif ($thingy eq "interim")
			if ($layer eq "QEMU")
				$packageName = $layer;
				$layer = "adaptation";
				warn "ERROR: Don't know how to deal with interim package $layer\n";
				goto MISC_PACKAGE;
		elsif (!defined $packageName)
  		push @{$zipConfig->{config}->{config}->{src}->{config}->{$license}->{config}},
  			set =>
  					name => "name",
  					value=> join "_", "src", $license, $layer, $packageName,
  					name => "include",
  					value => "$package->{dst}/**",
		$zipConfig->{config}->{config}->{"src-by-layer"}->{config}->{$license."-$layer"} =
			set => 
					name => "name",
					value => join "_", "src", $license, $layer,
					name => "include",
					value => join "_", "src", $license, $layer, "*.zip",
	elsif ($package->{source} =~ m{/rnd/([^/]+)/([^/]+)})
		# RnD repository
		my $licenseType = $1;
		my $binName="bin_$1_$2";
		my $srcName="src_$1_$2";
		my $postbuildName = "binaries_$2";
		my $config = "rnd";
		if ($licenseType eq "internal")
			$binName = "binaries_$2_prebuild";
			$config = "rnd-internal";
		# Create a zip object
		push @{$zipConfig->{config}->{config}->{$config}->{config}},
			set =>
					name => "root.dir",
					value=> "\${}/$package->{dst}",
					name => "name",
					value=> "$binName",
					name => "include",
					value=> "epoc32/**",
					name => "include",
					value=> "*.txt",
		# Enumerate all the files on the local disk that are in this repository
		(my $dosCompatibleDst = $package->{dst}) =~ s{/}{\\}g;
		my @files = `dir /b/s/a-d $dosCompatibleDst 2> nul:`;
		next unless @files;
		# Add the files to the global list of items to be excluded in the binary zips
		foreach (@files)
		my @srcFiles = grep { !m{^epoc32/} and !m{^[^/]+\.txt$}i and !m{^\.hg} } @files;
		if (@srcFiles)
			# Create a zip object for the source
			push @{$zipConfig->{config}->{config}->{$config}->{config}},
				set =>
						name => "root.dir",
						value=> "\${}/$package->{dst}",
						name => "name",
						value=> "$srcName",
						name => "include",
						value=> "**",
						name => "exclude",
						value=> "epoc32/**",
						name => "exclude",
						value=> ".hg/**",
						name => "exclude",
						value=> ".hg_archival.txt",
		@files = grep {
		} @files;
		push @allRndFiles, @files;

		if ($licenseType eq "internal")
			# Add a zip object to zip this package from the epoc tree in the postbuild phase
			push @{$zipConfig->{config}->{config}->{"rnd-postbuild"}->{config}},
				name => $postbuildName,
				set =>
						name => "name",
						value=> $postbuildName,
					# Turn the array of files into an array of inclusion hashes
					(map { {name => "include", value => $_ } } @files),
		(my $dest2 = $package->{dst}) =~ s{[\\/]}{_slash_}g;
		push @{$zipConfig->{config}->{config}->{src}->{config}->{misc}->{config}},
			set =>
					name => "name",
					value=> "src_misc_$dest2"."_$miscCount",
					name => "include",
					value => "$package->{dst}/**",
		warn "Warning: Cannot determine license for '$package->{source}' - it will be packaged as 'src_misc_$dest2"."_$miscCount'\n";

# Turn the RnD source inclusion lists into a binary exclusion list
my @excludes = map { {name => "exclude", value => "$_"} } @allRndFiles;
push @{$zipConfig->{config}->{config}->{bin}->{config}->{set}}, @excludes;

$xml->XMLout($zipConfig, OutputFile => $ftl, XMLDecl => 1, RootName => 'build', keyattr => $keyAttr);

# Output all rnd files into exclude list for later
open my $fh, ">", $rndExcludes or die "Cannot write exlude file!";
foreach (@allRndFiles)
	print $fh "$_\n";
close $fh;