New script which parses raptor logs directly to produce a BRAG summary.
New version of XML structure accommodates causes of failure as well as the effect of the failure, and deals with excessive error messages.
New structure also avoids a potential problem (bug?, questionable feature?) that both IE and firefox exhibit.
Some simplifications of brag utilities module.
#!perl -w## Copyright (c) 2009 Symbian Foundation Ltd# This component and the accompanying materials are made available# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"# which accompanies this distribution, and is available# at the URL "".## Initial Contributors:# Symbian Foundation Ltd - initial contribution.## Contributors:## Description:# Generate the BRAG-compatible XML summary of the Raptor log from the CSV output of the raptor parseruse strict;use FindBin;use lib "$FindBin::Bin";use XML::Parser;#use Getopt::Long;use ToBrag;my $raptorLogGlob = shift or die "First argument must be raptor XML log to read\n";shift and die "Only one argument please\n";@ARGV = glob $raptorLogGlob;# Start to build structure to be output as XML (same format as XML::Parser would create for us)my ($doc, $buildStatus) = ToBrag::createDocumentAndRoot("buildStatus");# Obtain a phase objectmy $buildPhase = ToBrag::ensureChild($buildStatus, "phase", "name", "Build");# Parse the Raptor logs# (Use XML::Parser in "Stream" mode so we don't have to hold all the data in memory at the same time)my $xml = XML::Parser->new(Style => "Stream", Pkg => "main");foreach my $log (@ARGV){ $xml->parsefile($log);}print "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n";print "<?xml-stylesheet type='text/xsl' href='brag.xsl'?>\n";ToBrag::printTree($doc->[0]);print "\n";exit (0);my $context;sub StartTag{ my $expat = shift; my $tagName = shift; my %attrib = %_; if ($tagName eq "recipe") { $context = {%attrib}; } elsif ($tagName eq "status") { $context->{"exit"} = $attrib{"exit"}; }}sub EndTag{ my $expat = shift; my $tagName = shift; if ($tagName eq "recipe") { die unless $context; if ($context->{"exit"} ne "ok") { # Create a more readable error message my %errorIdToDetail = ( tem => {message => "Failed to execute '$context->{source}' invoked via $context->{bldinf}", severity => "major"}, msvctoolscompile => {message => "Failed to compile $context->{source}", severity => "minor"}, compile => {message => "Failed to compile $context->{source}", severity => "minor"}, compile2object => {message => "Failed to compile $context->{source}", severity => "minor"}, win32compile2object => {message => "Failed to compile $context->{source}", severity => "minor"}, tools2lib => {message => "Failed to build library $context->{target}", severity => "minor"}, ar => {message => "Failed to build library $context->{target}", severity => "minor"}, win32archive => {message => "Failed to build library $context->{target}", severity => "minor"}, "link" => {message => "Failed to create symbols for $context->{target}", severity => "minor"}, postlink => {message => "Failed to link $context->{target}", severity => "minor"}, win32stageonelink => {message => "Failed to link $context->{target} (stage 1)", severity => "minor"}, win32stagetwolink => {message => "Failed to link $context->{target}", severity => "minor"}, win32simplelink => {message => "Failed to link $context->{target}", severity => "minor"}, win32processexports => {message => "Failed to export $context->{source} to $context->{target}", severity => "minor"}, tracecompile => {message => "Trace compile failure for $context->{target}", severity => "unknown"}, extension_makefile => {message => "Failed within an extension makefile connected to $context->{bldinf}", severity => "major"}, );# die $context->{name} unless exists $errorIdToDetail{$context->{name}}; my $message = $errorIdToDetail{$context->{name}}->{message} || "Unknown failure tag '$context->{name}' ($context->{source} -> $context->{target})"; $context->{severity} = $errorIdToDetail{$context->{name}}->{severity} || "unknown"; # Obtain a step object my $step = ToBrag::ensureStep($buildPhase, $context->{config}); # Also create empty <failures> tags with severities in a sensible order ToBrag::ensureFailureSet($step, "critical"); ToBrag::ensureFailureSet($step, "major"); ToBrag::ensureFailureSet($step, "minor"); # Obtain a failures object my $failureSet = ToBrag::ensureFailureSet($step, $context->{severity}); # Now create the failure itself, and add it to this failure set my $failureItem = bless { Kids => [ bless { Kids => [ bless { Text => $message }, "Characters" ]}, "effect" ], }, "failure"; if ($context->{component}) { $context->{bldinf} =~ s{^\w:(/sf/.*?/.*?)/.*$}{$1}; $failureItem->{package} = $context->{bldinf}; } my @causes = grep { $_ && ! m/^\+ / } split("\n", $context->{Chars}); @causes = map { " $_" } @causes; if (@causes) { my @reportedCauses = @causes[0 .. min($#causes, 49)]; my $causesItem = bless { Kids => [ bless { Text => join "\n", @reportedCauses }, "Characters" ] }, "causes"; push @{$failureItem->{Kids}}, $causesItem; my $unreportedCauses = scalar @causes - scalar @reportedCauses; $failureItem->{unreported_causes} = $unreportedCauses; } push @{$failureSet->{Kids}}, $failureItem, $ToBrag::xmlNewline; } $context = undef; }}sub Text{ s/^\n*//; if ($context) { $context->{Chars} .= $_; }}sub min{ return ($_[0] < $_[1]) ? $_[0] : $_[1] ;}