Major rework to enable rebuilds of the platform from single sf-build call
- Change the way that sources and system model are selected: now property based
- Split sources.csv to have publicly available http repos only; internal repos are in sources_rnd.csv
- System model output in BOM renamed to system_model.xml rather than canonical_system_definition_{config}.xml to make reuse predictable
- Public property configuration public_override_props.ant.xml now used.
- Fix all exports to run based upon configuration specified (no export configuration makes SBS assume RVCT is being used, which is not available to all)
- MUST be defined and TRUE to enable production build properties, public config is DEFAULT behaviour
## @file
# @ingroup userscripts clientscripts
# Uses information which is defined in the BuildEnvXML.xml to set up a machine
# specific environment, such as path for compilers.
# @todo Document this script.
# Copyright (c) 2009 Symbian Foundation Ltd. All rights reserved.
package BuildEnvXML;
use Getopt::Long;
use BuildEnvXML qw(&getToolEnvironment &getLastErrorMsg);
my $toolenvxml = "";
my $dbgfile = "";
my $sbsconfig = "";
my $toolsconfig = "";
GetOptions ("xml=s" => \$toolenvxml, "dbg:s" => \$dbgfile, "sbs:s" => \$sbsconfig, "tools:s" => \$sbsconfig);
my @contexts = @ARGV;
if ($toolenvxml eq "")
print ("ERROR: XML file cannot be found!\n");
# Checking the SBS config to test only what's necessary for that build
if ($sbsconfig =~ /armv5/i)
push @contexts, "ARMv5";
# Checking the tools config to test only what's necessary for that build
if ($sbsconfig =~ /tools[^2]?(,|$|_)/i)
push @contexts, "tools";
my $sErrMsg;
my $result = 0;
if (-e $dbgfile)
foreach my $context (@contexts){
print "\n\n### Checking $context Tools ###\n";
my $sSystemPath = &getToolEnvironment($toolenvxml, $context);
$sErrMsg = &getLastErrorMsg;
if ($sErrMsg eq "") { $sErrMsg = "\nAll OK.\n";}
if($sErrMsg =~ /ERROR/)
print "\n$context Tools VERIFICATION FAILED:";
print $sErrMsg."\n\n";
$result = -1;
print "\n$context tools VERIFICATION PASSED:";
print $sErrMsg."\n\n";
if ($result ne 0)
print "\n ==> PROGRAM STOPPED!!\n";