author Simon Howkins <>
Fri, 12 Feb 2010 11:54:33 +0000
changeset 895 5b76b79b6713
parent 206 62976b2583f7
permissions -rw-r--r--
Add missing / Avoids potential problem of it not seeing an existing cache, depending on the CWD on the cache drive at the point the target is running (which could be anything really).

my @asYarpFiles = ();
open(FILE, $ARGV[0]);
while ( <FILE> )
	if ( m/^[^,]*,[^,]*,([^,]*)/ )
		my $sFile = $1;
		chomp $sFile;
#		print "$sFile\n";
		push(@asYarpFiles, $sFile);
my $nYarpFiles = scalar(@asYarpFiles);
#print "Found $nYarpFiles files to parse\n";

my $nTotalRecipeErrors = 0;
for my $nYarpFile (@asYarpFiles)
	my $nRecipeErrors = 0;
#	print "Parsing file $nYarpFile...\n";
	open(FILE, $nYarpFile);
	while ( <FILE> )
		if ( m/^Raptor recipe failures:\s+(\d+)$/ )
#			print "Raptor recipe failures: $1\n";
			$nRecipeErrors = $1;
#	print "Recipe errors in $nYarpFile: $nRecipeErrors\n";
	$nTotalRecipeErrors += $nRecipeErrors;
#print "Total recipe errors across all files: $nTotalRecipeErrors\n";

print "$nTotalRecipeErrors";