Moved invocation of sf-brag-to-diamonds, so it's right at the end of the postbuild (apart from publishing zipped logs).
This avoids the possibility of a build abort when parallel threaqds are trying to a) convert a log file into a brag file, and b) merge all brag files ready to determine the brag status.
It also makes more sense - don't calculate or send the BRAGG status until the build is on the cusp of completion.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<project name="SF-TRUCLEAN" default="all" xmlns:hlm="">
<#assign target_depends=""/>
<#assign count=0/>
<#assign dollar="$"/>
<#list data as pkg_detail>
<#if pkg_detail.sysdef != "">
<target name="sf-truclean-${count}">
<propertyregex override="yes" property="package" input="${pkg_detail.dst}" regexp=".*sf[\\\/]([^\\^\/]+)[\\\/]([^\\^\/]+)" replace="\1/\2"/>
<echo message="Calling truclean script for package ${dollar}{package}"/>
<exec executable="perl" dir="${ant['']}/" failonerror="false" output="${ant['build.log.dir']}/truclean.log">
<arg value="${ant['sf.common.config.dir']}/tools/raptor/"/>
<arg value="--packageexpr=${dollar}{package}"/>
<arg value="--releaseablesdir=${ant['']}/build_info/logs/releaseables"/>
<#if (count==0)>
<#assign target_depends="${target_depends}"+"sf-truclean-${count}"/>
<#if (count>0)>
<#assign target_depends="${target_depends}"+","+"sf-truclean-${count}"/>
<#assign count=count+1/>
<target name="all" depends="${target_depends}"/>