author MattD <>
Fri, 16 Oct 2009 14:57:32 +0100
changeset 684 6d65abb8bba1
parent 654 b64b5a0f8662
child 752 1f07674ec99f
permissions -rw-r--r--
sf-run-evalid - minor change to make sure that evalid is run at the root of the build drive, which can stop the MD5s from being generated. (evalid requires dirs to be relative and not absolute)

#!perl -w
# Copyright (c) 2009 Symbian Foundation Ltd
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "".
# Initial Contributors:
# Symbian Foundation Ltd - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description:
# Generate the BRAG-compatible XML summary of the Raptor log from Yarp analysis

use strict;

use FindBin;
use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../lib";

use Getopt::Long;
use Text::CSV;

if (!@ARGV)
	warn "Generate an XML summary of the Raptor build from a Yarp CSV file\n";
	warn "Eg: aYarpFile.csv [*_yarp.csv ...]\n";

# Start to build structure to be output as XML (same format as XML::Parser would create for us)
my $xmlNewline = bless { Text => "\n" }, "Characters";
my $buildPhase = bless { name => "Build", Kids => [ $xmlNewline ] }, "phase";
my $buildStatus =
		Kids =>
	}, "buildStatus"

@ARGV = map { glob $_ } @ARGV;

foreach my $yarpCSV (@ARGV)
	# Read Yarp CSV File
	unless (open(CSV, $yarpCSV))
		warn "ERROR: Unable to open $yarpCSV to process. Skipping.\n";

	my $csv = Text::CSV->new();
	my @keys = ();
	while (my $line = <CSV>)
		chomp $line;
		unless ($csv->parse($line))
			my $err = $csv->error_input();
			warn "WARNING: Failed to parse $yarpCSV line $. as CSV '$line': $err  Skipping\n";

		if (!@keys)
			@keys = $csv->fields();

		my @values = $csv->fields();
		last unless $values[0];
		unless (scalar @values == scalar @keys)
			warn "WARNING: line does not match expected format at $yarpCSV line $.. Skipping\n";
		# Populate the hash using a hash slice
		my $failure = {};
		@{$failure}{@keys} = @values;
		$failure->{platform} = lc $failure->{platform};
		# Work out the package
		$failure->{package} = $failure->{bldinf};
		$failure->{package} =~ s{[A-Z]:}{}i;
		$failure->{package} =~ s{^(/sf/.*?/.*?)/.*}{$1}i;
		# Create a more readable error message
		my %errorIdToDetail = (
			tem => {message => "Failed to process $failure->{source}", severity => "major"},
			msvctoolscompile => {message => "Failed to compile $failure->{source}", severity => "minor"},
			compile => {message => "Failed to compile $failure->{source}", severity => "minor"},
			compile2object => {message => "Failed to compile $failure->{source}", severity => "minor"},
			win32compile2object => {message => "Failed to compile $failure->{source}", severity => "minor"},
			tools2lib => {message => "Failed to build library $failure->{target}", severity => "minor"},
			ar => {message => "Failed to build library $failure->{target}", severity => "minor"},
			win32archive => {message => "Failed to build library $failure->{target}", severity => "minor"},
			"link" => {message => "Failed to create symbols for $failure->{target}", severity => "minor"},
			postlink => {message => "Failed to link $failure->{target}", severity => "minor"},
			win32stageonelink => {message => "Failed to link $failure->{target} (stage 1)", severity => "minor"},
			win32stagetwolink => {message => "Failed to link $failure->{target}", severity => "minor"},
			win32simplelink => {message => "Failed to link $failure->{target}", severity => "minor"},
			win32processexports => {message => "Failed to export $failure->{source} to $failure->{target}", severity => "minor"},
			tracecompile => {message => "Trace compile failure for $failure->{target}", severity => "unknown"},
			extension_makefile => {message => "Failed to process an extension makefile connected to $failure->{bldinf}", severity => "major"},
#		die $failure->{name} unless exists $errorIdToDetail{$failure->{name}};
		my $message = $errorIdToDetail{$failure->{name}}->{message} || "Unknown failure tag '$failure->{name}' ($failure->{source} -> $failure->{target})";
		$failure->{severity} = $errorIdToDetail{$failure->{name}}->{severity} || "unknown";

		# Look through the steps to see if we already have one to match this platform
		my $step;
		foreach (@{$buildPhase->{Kids}})
			next unless ref $_ eq "step";
			if ($_->{name} eq $failure->{platform})
				$step = $_;
		unless ($step)
			# First item found for this platform - create step entry
			$step = bless { name => $failure->{platform}, Kids => [ $xmlNewline ] }, "step";
			push @{$buildPhase->{Kids}}, $step, $xmlNewline;
			# Also create empty <failures> tags with severities in a sensible order
			foreach my $severity (qw{critical major minor})
				my $failureSet = bless { level => $severity, Kids => [ $xmlNewline ] }, "failures";
				push @{$step->{Kids}}, $failureSet, $xmlNewline;
		# Look through the sets of failures in this step to see if we hve one which matches this severity
		my $failureSet;
		foreach (@{$step->{Kids}})
			next unless ref $_ eq "failures";
			if ($_->{level} eq $failure->{severity})
				$failureSet = $_;
		unless ($failureSet)
			# First item found at this severity - create failures entry
			$failureSet = bless { level => $failure->{severity}, Kids => [ $xmlNewline ] }, "failures";
			push @{$step->{Kids}}, $failureSet, $xmlNewline;
		# Now create the failure itself, and add it to this failure set
		my $failureItem = bless {
#			href => "",
			"package" => $failure->{package},
			Kids => [ bless { Text => $message }, "Characters" ],
		}, "failure";
		push @{$failureSet->{Kids}}, $failureItem, $xmlNewline;
# Print XML
print "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n";
print "<?xml-stylesheet type='text/xsl' href='brag.xsl'?>\n";
print "\n";


sub printTree
	my $tree = shift or die;
	die unless ref $tree;

	my $tagName = ref $tree;
	$tagName =~ s{^main::}{};
	if ($tagName eq "Characters")
		print $tree->{Text};
	print "<$tagName";

	foreach my $attr (
		sort {
			my $order = "name level start stop href";
			my $ixA = index $order, $a;
			my $ixB = index $order, $b;
			die "$a $b" if $ixA + $ixB == -2;
			$ixA - $ixB;
		grep {
			! ref $tree->{$_}
		keys %$tree)
		print " $attr=\"$tree->{$attr}\"";

	my $children = $tree->{Kids} || [];
	if (scalar @$children)
		print ">";
		foreach my $child (@$children)
		print "</$tagName";
		print "/"

	print ">";