sf-run-evalid - minor change to make sure that evalid is run at the root of the build drive, which can stop the MD5s from being generated. (evalid requires dirs to be relative and not absolute)
use strict;
#my $cache = "d:/HG_cache/";
#my $master = "//v800008/Builds01/";
my $cache = shift @ARGV;
my $csv = shift @ARGV;
my $generated = shift @ARGV;
my @recover;
my @nospace;
my $exitcode = 0;
if(defined $cache && defined $generated && defined $csv)
print "Cache:$cache\nIn:$csv\nOut:$generated\n";
# Format the cache directory path
if ( $cache !~ /(.*)[\\\/]$/ )
$cache .= "/";
open(IN, "<$csv") or die "Couldn't open $csv for reading";
open(OUT,">$generated") or die "Couldn't open $generated for writing";
my $header = <IN>;
print OUT $header;
while( my $line = <IN>)
my @args = split(',',$line);
my $repo = shift @args;
my $master = "";
if ( $repo =~ m/^(.*\/)(.*\/(oss|rnd|sfl)\/.*\/)$/i )
$master = $1;
$repo = $2;
if(-d $master.$repo.".hg")
# print "Found:\t".$master.$repo.".hg\n";
my $cmd;
if(-d $cache.$repo.".hg") # update
$cmd = "hg pull -R $cache$repo $master$repo";
else #clone
#taken from the normal clone script...
my @dirs = split ('\/', $cache.$repo);
my $destdir = pop @dirs;
my $path = "";
foreach my $dir (@dirs)
$path = ($path eq "") ? $dir : "$path/$dir";
if (!-d $path)
mkdir $path;
$cmd = "hg clone -U $master$repo $cache$repo";
print OUT $cache.$repo.",".join(',', @args);
print OUT $master.$repo.",".join(',', @args);
$exitcode = 1;
print "Error: cannot find ".$master.$repo.".hg\n";
$exitcode = 1;
close OUT;
close IN;
print "Usage: <cache_path> <source_csv> <generated_csv>";
$exitcode = 1;
foreach my $line (@recover)
print "WARNING: HG Recover: $line\n";
foreach my $line (@nospace)
print "WARNING: No Space: $line\n";
exit $exitcode;
sub cache($cmd)
my $cmd = shift;
print "$cmd\n";
open(CMD, "$cmd 2>&1 |") or die "Couldn't execute $cmd";
while(my $line = <CMD>)
# print $line;
# parse the output for failures. On fail return 0;
if($line =~ m/abort/i)
print $line;
if($line =~ m/hg\s+recover/i)
push(@recover, $cmd);
elsif($line =~ m/No\s+space/i)
push(@nospace, $cmd);
close CMD;
return 0;
close CMD;
return 1;