Replaced ats3_testdrop with ats_testdrop to handle sending test drops to ATS4 server
use strict;
my $lowercase = 1;
my $useoutputfiles = 1;
my $path = shift @ARGV;
my $outputpath = shift @ARGV;
sub main()
print "Running in lower case mode!\n";
my @listfiles = glob($path."listdir*");
my $gt_base;
my $gt_clean;
my $gt_main;
my $s60_base;
my $s60_clean;
my $s60_main;
foreach my $file (@listfiles)
if($file =~ m/s60/)
if($file =~ m/baseline/)
$s60_base = parsefile($file);
elsif($file =~ m/clean.log/)
$s60_clean = parsefile($file);
elsif($file =~ m/main.log/)
$s60_main = parsefile($file);
if($file =~ m/baseline/)
$gt_base = parsefile($file);
elsif($file =~ m/clean.log/)
$gt_clean = parsefile($file);
elsif($file =~ m/main.log/)
$gt_main = parsefile($file);
my $gt_try = diff($gt_base, $gt_clean);
my $gt_fail = diff($gt_base, $gt_main);
my $gt_built = diff($gt_try, $gt_fail);
# printgroup($gt_fail,'fail');
# printgroup($gt_built,'built');
my $s60_try = diff($s60_base, $s60_clean);
my $s60_fail = diff($s60_base, $s60_main);
my $s60_built = diff($s60_try, $s60_fail);
my $s60_add = diff($s60_main,$s60_base);
my $gt_add = diff($gt_main,$gt_base);
my $try = union($gt_try,$s60_try); # All the stuff we try to build
my $untouched = diff($gt_base,$try); # all the stuff we didn't try.
my $uptodate = finduptodate($path); # this is a bit dicey, 'cos it might get deleted/rebuilt by another part...
my $exported = findexported($path);
$untouched = diff($untouched,union($exported,$uptodate));
printgroup($untouched,"untouched"); # 'clean' doesn't remove headers if they are 'uptodate'
#here's where the fun begins...
my $rebuildfail = intersect(union($gt_built,$gt_add), $s60_fail); #everything built in GT, minus stuff that failed in S60
my $rebuilt = intersect($gt_built, $s60_built); # everything built in both
my $built = diff(diff(union($gt_built, $s60_built),$rebuilt),$rebuildfail); # everything built, minus rebuilt, minus rebuildfail
my $fail = diff(union($gt_fail,$s60_fail),$rebuildfail); #everyhting that failed, minus the rebuild failures
my $added = diff(diff(union($gt_add,$s60_add),$exported),$rebuildfail); #all the stuff that got added, minus the stuff that filaed to rebuild
$uptodate = diff($uptodate,union(union($added,$built),$exported)); #remove all stuff in other categories...'uptodate' was added late in the program
printgroup($uptodate,"uptodate"); # uptodate list isn't that good at the moment...put it last.
sub printgroup($$)
my $group = shift;
my $label = shift;
foreach my $key (sort keys %$group)
print $label." : ".$key."\t".$group->{$key}."\n";
my $filename = $outputpath."results_$label.log";
open(FILE,">$filename") or die "Couldn't open $filename\n";
foreach my $key (sort keys %$group)
print FILE $key."\n";
close FILE;
sub diff($s1,$s2)
my $s1 = shift;
my $s2 = shift;
my %r;
foreach my $key (keys %$s1)
if(!defined $s2->{$key})
$r{$key} = $s1->{$key};
return \%r;
sub intersect($s1,$s2)
my $s1 = shift;
my $s2 = shift;
my %r;
foreach my $key (keys %$s1)
if(defined $s2->{$key})
$r{$key} = $s2->{$key};
return \%r;
sub union($s1,$s2)
my $s1 = shift;
my $s2 = shift;
my %r;
foreach my $key (keys %$s1)
$r{$key} = $s1->{$key};
foreach my $key (keys %$s2) #lazy
$r{$key} = $s2->{$key};
return \%r;
sub finduptodate($path)
my $path = shift;
my @files = glob($path."*compile.log");
my %results;
foreach my $file (@files)
print "Reading $file\n";
open(FILE,"<$file") or die "Cannot open $file\n";
while( my $line = <FILE>)
if($line =~ m/<info>Up-to-date:\s+(.+)<\/info>/)
my $str = $1;
$str =~ s/^\S:\///;
$str = lc($str);
$results{$str} = "";
# print $str;
close FILE;
return \%results;
sub findexported($)
my $path = shift;
my @files = glob($path."*compile.log");
my %results;
foreach my $file (@files)
print "Reading $file\n";
open(FILE,"<$file") or die "Cannot open $file\n";
while( my $line = <FILE>)
#<info>Copied u:/sf/app/conntools/emulatorlan/data/s60_32_default_snaps.xml to u:/epoc32/winscw/c/s60_32_default_snaps.xml</info>
if($line =~ m/<info>Copied\s+(\S+)\s+to\s+(\S+)<\/info>/)
my $str = $2; #we want the destination, not the source...
$str =~ s/^\S:\///;
$str = lc($str);
$results{$str} = "";
close FILE;
return \%results;
sub parsefile($file)
my $file = shift;
# my @results;
my %results;
print "Reading $file\n";
open(FILE,"<$file") or die "Couldn't open $file\n";
while(my $line = <FILE>)
$line =~ s/\n//;
if($line =~ m/\S+/)
if( $line !~/^epoc32/ ) #latest lists sometimes don't have this...
$line = "epoc32/".$line;
if( $line !~/epoc32\/build\// ) #ignore epoc32/build
$line = lc($line);
$results{$line} = "";
# $results{$line} = $file; #debugging
# push(@results,$line)
close FILE;
# return \@results;
return \%results;