Added filter to exclude Hg control files from package zips.
# Copyright (c) 2009 Symbian Foundation Ltd
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "".
# Initial Contributors:
# Symbian Foundation Ltd - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description:
# Adds info form a file to a CSV
use strict;
my $csvfile = shift @ARGV;
my $filelist = shift @ARGV;
if(! -e $csvfile)
die "cannot find $csvfile\n";
if(!-e $filelist)
die "Cannot find $filelist\n";
my %files;
open(FILES,"<$filelist") or die "Couldn't open $filelist\n";
while(my $line = <FILES>)
$line =~ s/\\/\//g;
if($line =~ m/^(.+)\s*:\s(.+\S)\s*$/)
my $group = $1;
my $file = $2;
$file = lc($file);
$files{$file} = $files{$file}.",".$group;
print "Multi:$file".$files{$file}."\n";
$files{$file} = ",".$group;
close FILE;
open(CSV,"<$csvfile") or die "Couldn't open $csvfile\n";
my $resultsfile = $csvfile."_results.csv";
open(RESULTS,">$resultsfile") or die "Couldn't open write to $resultsfile\n";
my $header = <CSV>;
$header =~ s/\n//;
print RESULTS $header.",status\n";
my @fields = split(',',$header);
my $targetindex = 0;
my $counter = 0;
my $bldinfindex = 0;
my %failed;
my %bldinffiles;
foreach my $column (@fields)
if($column =~ m/target/)
$targetindex = $counter;
elsif($column =~ m/bldinf/)
$bldinfindex = $counter;
# print "\ntarget:$targetindex\tbuildinf:$bldinfindex\n";
while(my $line = <CSV>)
$line =~ s/\n//;
@fields = split(',',$line);
my $target = $fields[$targetindex];
$target = lc($target);
my $bldinf = $fields[$bldinfindex];
if(!defined $bldinffiles{$bldinf})
$bldinffiles{$bldinf} = 1;
if(defined $files{$target})
$line = $line.$files{$target};
if($files{$target} =~ m/fail/i)
if(!defined $failed{$bldinf})
$failed{$bldinf} = 1;
print RESULTS $line."\n";
close RESULTS;
close CSV;
foreach my $bldinf (sort(keys %bldinffiles))
if(!defined $failed{$bldinf})
print "OK:\t$bldinf\n";
foreach my $bldinf (sort(keys %failed))
print "Failed:\t$bldinf\n";