change baseline for symbian^4 package builds back to symbian4_FCL.single.725 as 812 is winscw only :(
#!perl -w
# Copyright (c) 2009 Symbian Foundation Ltd
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "".
# Initial Contributors:
# Symbian Foundation Ltd - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description:
# Populates the template for packaging src and binaries in the build
use strict;
use FindBin;
use lib "$FindBin::Bin/lib";
use Text::CSV;
require XML::Simple;
# Raw inputs come in as parameters to the script
# TODO: Use a proper option parsing module
my $sourcesCSV = shift or die "First arg must be source csv file";
my $template = shift or die "Second arg must be template file";
my $ftl = shift or die "Third arg must be output file";
my $rndExcludes = shift or die "Fourth arg must be rnd-excludes file";
# Load CSV
open my $csvText, "<", $sourcesCSV or die "Unable to open sources.csv from $sourcesCSV";
my $csv = Text::CSV->new();
my @keys;
my @packages;
while (my $line = <$csvText>)
chomp $line;
next unless $line;
unless ($csv->parse($line))
my $err = $csv->error_input();
die "Failed to parse line '$line': $err";
if (! @keys)
# First line - note the column names
@keys = $csv->fields();
# Already got the keys, so get the data
my %package;
# Read into a hash slice
@package{@keys} = $csv->fields();
push @packages, \%package;
close $csvText;
# This controls how the XML parsing decides what should be tags and what should be attributes
# It's been worked out mostly by trial and error :-(
my $keyAttr = { config => "name", name => "set"};
# Load template
my $xml = XML::Simple->new();
my $zipConfig = $xml->XMLin($template, keyattr => $keyAttr);
my @allRndFiles;
my $miscCount = 0;
# For each package in CSV...
foreach my $package (@packages)
warn "Warning: Package $package->{dst} does not appear on the local system\n" unless -d $package->{dst};
$package->{dst} =~ s{^/}{}g;
if ($package->{source} =~ m{/(sfl|oss)/(MCL|FCL)/(sf|utilities|sftools|interim)/(([^/]+)/)?([^/]+)?})
my ($license, $codeline, $thingy, $layer, $packageName) = ($1, $2, $3, $5, $6);
# $thingy is the part of the path after the codeline. For
# platform packages, it's "sf". For the utilities package, it's
# "sftools", or "utilities, depending on the URL used to
# obtain it.
# I can't think of anything to describe this item, hence $thingy
if ($thingy eq "utilities")
$layer = "tools";
$packageName = "utilities";
elsif ($thingy eq "sftools")
$layer = "tools";
elsif ($thingy eq "interim")
if ($layer eq "QEMU")
$packageName = $layer;
$layer = "adaptation";
warn "ERROR: Don't know how to deal with interim package $layer\n";
elsif (!defined $packageName)
push @{$zipConfig->{config}->{config}->{src}->{config}->{$license}->{config}},
set =>
name => "name",
value=> join "_", "src", $license, $layer, $packageName,
name => "include",
value => "$package->{dst}/**",
$zipConfig->{config}->{config}->{"src-by-layer"}->{config}->{$license."-$layer"} =
set =>
name => "name",
value => join "_", "src", $license, $layer,
name => "include",
value => join "_", "src", $license, $layer, "*.zip",
elsif ($package->{source} =~ m{/rnd/([^/]+)/([^/]+)})
# RnD repository
my $licenseType = $1;
my $binName="bin_$1_$2";
my $srcName="src_$1_$2";
my $postbuildName = "binaries_$2";
my $config = "rnd";
if ($licenseType eq "internal")
$binName = "binaries_$2_prebuild";
$config = "rnd-internal";
# Create a zip object
push @{$zipConfig->{config}->{config}->{$config}->{config}},
set =>
name => "root.dir",
value=> "\${}/$package->{dst}",
name => "name",
value=> "$binName",
name => "include",
value=> "epoc32/**",
name => "include",
value=> "*.txt",
# Enumerate all the files on the local disk that are in this repository
(my $dosCompatibleDst = $package->{dst}) =~ s{/}{\\}g;
my @files = `dir /b/s/a-d $dosCompatibleDst 2> nul:`;
next unless @files;
# Add the files to the global list of items to be excluded in the binary zips
foreach (@files)
my @srcFiles = grep { !m{^epoc32/} and !m{^[^/]+\.txt$}i and !m{^\.hg} } @files;
if (@srcFiles)
# Create a zip object for the source
push @{$zipConfig->{config}->{config}->{$config}->{config}},
set =>
name => "root.dir",
value=> "\${}/$package->{dst}",
name => "name",
value=> "$srcName",
name => "include",
value=> "**",
name => "exclude",
value=> "epoc32/**",
name => "exclude",
value=> ".hg/**",
name => "exclude",
value=> ".hg_archival.txt",
@files = grep {
} @files;
push @allRndFiles, @files;
if ($licenseType eq "internal")
# Add a zip object to zip this package from the epoc tree in the postbuild phase
push @{$zipConfig->{config}->{config}->{"rnd-postbuild"}->{config}},
name => $postbuildName,
set =>
name => "name",
value=> $postbuildName,
# Turn the array of files into an array of inclusion hashes
(map { {name => "include", value => $_ } } @files),
(my $dest2 = $package->{dst}) =~ s{[\\/]}{_slash_}g;
push @{$zipConfig->{config}->{config}->{src}->{config}->{misc}->{config}},
set =>
name => "name",
value=> "src_misc_$dest2"."_$miscCount",
name => "include",
value => "$package->{dst}/**",
warn "Warning: Cannot determine license for '$package->{source}' - it will be packaged as 'src_misc_$dest2"."_$miscCount'\n";
# Turn the RnD source inclusion lists into a binary exclusion list
my @excludes = map { {name => "exclude", value => "$_"} } @allRndFiles;
push @{$zipConfig->{config}->{config}->{bin}->{config}->{set}}, @excludes;
$xml->XMLout($zipConfig, OutputFile => $ftl, XMLDecl => 1, RootName => 'build', keyattr => $keyAttr);
# Output all rnd files into exclude list for later
open my $fh, ">", $rndExcludes or die "Cannot write exlude file!";
foreach (@allRndFiles)
print $fh "$_\n";
close $fh;