Moved the generation of the release metadata entry for the MD5 zip outside of
the parallel section, so it can't co-incide with the zipping of the binaries.
Ensured that any errors generated when merging log files are not just hidden
by putting them in the output file (which will render it not well-formed XML).
# Copyright (c) 2009 Symbian Foundation Ltd
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "".
# Initial Contributors:
# Symbian Foundation Ltd - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description:
# Adds info form a file to a CSV
use strict;
use HTTP::Date;
my $srccsvfile = shift @ARGV;
my $whatlogfile = shift @ARGV;
my @sysmodelfiles = @ARGV;
if(! -e $srccsvfile)
die "cannot find $srccsvfile\n";
if(! -e $whatlogfile)
die "cannot find $whatlogfile\n";
foreach my $sysmodelfile (@sysmodelfiles)
if(! -e $sysmodelfile)
die "cannot find $sysmodelfile\n";
# Search for timestamp threshold in whatlog file
# It corresponds to the first timestamp for which the target was genuinly rebuilt
# Every target that has a timestamp below is considered as not rebuilt properly
open(WHATLOG,"<$whatlogfile") or die "Error: Couldn't open $whatlogfile\n";
my %bldtimes;
my $timestampLimit = 0;
while (my $line = <WHATLOG>)
if($line =~ m/,\s*(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}\s+\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2})\s*$/){
$bldtimes{str2time($1)} = $1;
my $previoustime = 0;
foreach my $decimaltime (sort(keys %bldtimes))
if ($previoustime == 0) {$previoustime = $decimaltime;}
if ( ($decimaltime - (30*60) ) > $previoustime )
$timestampLimit = $bldtimes{$decimaltime};
print "Timestamp Threshold found: $timestampLimit\n";
# Create the Package List from sources.csv
# And assign license type
# Everything that is not found FCL or MCL are considered RND
my @pkgList;
open(SRCCSV,"<$srccsvfile") or die "Error: Couldn't open $srccsvfile\n";
while (my $line = <SRCCSV>)
if ($line =~ m/^source,/) {next;}
if ($line =~ m/^([^,]+),\/([^,]+),/){
my $pkglicense = $1;
my $pkgpath=$2;
if ($pkglicense =~ m/^[^,]+\/(\w+)\/(MCL|FCL)\/\w+/i) {$pkglicense = uc($1);}
else {$pkglicense = "RND";}
push @pkgList, "$pkgpath,$pkglicense";
print "Number of Packages to analyse: $#pkgList\n";
# Create System Definition Component List
my @sysdefcomplist;
foreach my $sysdeffile (@sysmodelfiles)
open(SYSDEF,"<$sysdeffile") or die "Error: Couldn't open $sysdeffile\n";
while (my $line = <SYSDEF>)
if ($line =~ m/(\s*)<!--\s*(<.*?>)\s*-->/) {next;}
if ($line =~m/bldFile=\"([^"]*)"/i)
#push @sysdefcomplist, &getComponentInfo($1);
push @sysdefcomplist, $1;
# For each package in the list, process the whatlog to verify if it's built clean
# And build the final summary log
open(WHATLOG,"<$whatlogfile") or die "Error: Couldn't open $whatlogfile\n";
my @whatlogs = <WHATLOG>;
my @outputList;
foreach my $package (@pkgList)
my $corruptbldinfcount = 0;
# Write a CSV entry for pkgpath, license
my $pkgline = "$package";
# Search whatlog and match -> extract bldfiles -> clean vs not_clean
$package =~ s/,.*//;
foreach my $whatlog (@whatlogs)
if ($whatlog =~ /^[^,]+,($package\/[^,]+),[^,]*,[^,]*,[^,]*,[^,]*(,([^,]*))?(,([^,]*))?/)
my $bldfilepath = $1;
my $status = $3;
my $timestamp = $5;
if (($status =~ /fail/i) || ($status eq "") ||
(($status =~ /untouched/i) and ($timestamp ne "") and (str2time($timestamp) < str2time($timestampLimit))) )
$status = "KO ($status - $timestamp)";
else {$status = "OK"; }
#if ($status =~ /KO/ ) {print "$pkgline,$bldfilepath,$status\n";}
push @outputList, "$pkgline,$bldfilepath,$status\n";
# Write the Full Analysis log
open(OUTPUT,">PkgComponentAnalysisFull.csv") or die "Error: Couldn't open PkgComponentAnalysisFull.csv for writing\n";
print OUTPUT "Package Path (from Sources.csv), License, BldFile (from whatlog), Status\n";
print OUTPUT @outputList;
# Keep only uniq bldfile in the list
# And calculate final status
#my @uniq = keys %{{ map { $_ => 1 } @outputList }};
my %seen = ();
my $value; my $remains; my $status;
foreach my $item (@outputList) {
$item =~ /^([^,]+,[^,]+,([^,]+)),([^,]+)/;
$remains = $1;
$value = $2;
$status = $3;
if ($status ne "OK") {$status = "Bad"};
if ($seen{$value})
$seen{$value} =~ /^[^,]+,([^,]+)/;
my $currentstatus = $1;
if ($currentstatus eq "Bad")
$status = "Bad";
$seen{$value} = "$remains,$status\n";
my @uniq = values(%seen);
# Prepend system model info (block name, component name)
foreach my $line (@uniq)
chomp $line;
if ($line =~ /^[^,]+,[^,]+,([^,]+),/)
my $bldfile = $1;
my $sysmodelinfo = &getSysModelInfo($bldfile);
$line = "$line, $sysmodelinfo\n";
# Write the summary log
open(OUTPUT,">PkgComponentAnalysisSummary.csv") or die "Error: Couldn't open PkgComponentAnalysisSummary.csv for writing\n";
print OUTPUT "Source Path (from Sources.csv), License, BldFile (from whatlog), Status, Package Name, Component Name\n";
print OUTPUT @uniq;
# Status statistics
my $componentOkCount = 0;
my $componentKoCount = 0;
my $totalcompCount = 0;
foreach my $line (@uniq)
if ($line =~ /OK$/) {$componentOkCount++;}
else {$componentKoCount++;}
print "Total number of Components: $totalcompCount\n";
print "Number of Components Cleanly rebuilt: $componentOkCount\n";
print "Number of Components not rebuilt properly: $componentKoCount\n";
sub getSysModelInfo
my $bldfilepath = shift;
# remove prepending sf dir, and trailing bld.inf
$bldfilepath =~ s/^sf\///;
$bldfilepath =~ s/\/bld.inf$//i;
#print "Looking for bldfile path: $bldfilepath ...\n";
my $packageName = "";
my $componentName = "";
MODEL_LOOP: foreach my $sysmodelfile (@sysmodelfiles)
open(SYSFILE,"<$sysmodelfile") or die "Error: Couldn't open $sysmodelfile\n";
my @model_lines = <SYSFILE>;
foreach my $line (@model_lines)
$line =~ s/\\/\//g;
if ($line =~ m/bldFile=\"$bldfilepath"/i)
#print "Component $packageName/$componentName found in model $sysmodelfile\n";
elsif ($line =~ m/<component/)
$line =~m/\slong-name="([^"]*)"/;
$componentName = $1;
elsif ($line=~ m/<\/component/)
$componentName = "";
elsif ($line =~ m/<block/)
$line =~m/\slong-name="([^"]*)"/;
$packageName = $1;
elsif ($line=~ m/<\/block/)
$packageName = "";
# One mode file remains open if match found
if ($packageName ne "") { close(SYSFILE)}
return "$packageName, $componentName";