Moved the generation of the release metadata entry for the MD5 zip outside of
the parallel section, so it can't co-incide with the zipping of the binaries.
Ensured that any errors generated when merging log files are not just hidden
by putting them in the output file (which will render it not well-formed XML).
# Copyright (c) 2009 Symbian Foundation Ltd
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "".
# Initial Contributors:
# Symbian Foundation Ltd - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description:
# Raptor parser module.
# Extract, analyzes and dumps raptor warnings i.e. content of <warning> tags from a raptor log file
package RaptorWarning;
use strict;
use RaptorCommon;
our $reset_status = {};
my $buildlog_status = {};
my $buildlog_warning_status = {};
$reset_status->{name} = 'reset_status';
$reset_status->{next_status} = {buildlog=>$buildlog_status};
$buildlog_status->{name} = 'buildlog_status';
$buildlog_status->{next_status} = {warning=>$buildlog_warning_status};
$buildlog_status->{on_start} = 'RaptorWarning::on_start_buildlog';
$buildlog_warning_status->{name} = 'buildlog_warning_status';
$buildlog_warning_status->{next_status} = {};
$buildlog_warning_status->{on_start} = 'RaptorWarning::on_start_buildlog_warning';
$buildlog_warning_status->{on_end} = 'RaptorWarning::on_end_buildlog_warning';
$buildlog_warning_status->{on_chars} = 'RaptorWarning::on_chars_buildlog_warning';
my $filename = '';
my $failure_item = 0;
my $characters = '';
my $CATEGORY_RAPTORWARNING = 'raptor_warning';
my $CATEGORY_RAPTORWARNING_MISSINGFLAGABIV2 = 'missing_enable_abiv2_mode';
sub process
my ($text, $component, $phase, $recipe, $file, $line) = @_;
my $severity = '';
my $subcategory = '';
if ($text =~ m,missing flag ENABLE_ABIV2_MODE,)
$severity = $RaptorCommon::SEVERITY_MINOR;
RaptorCommon::dump_fault($category, $subcategory, $severity, $component, $phase, $recipe, $file, $line);
else # log everything by default
RaptorCommon::dump_fault($category, $subcategory, $severity, $component, $phase, $recipe, $file, $line);
sub on_start_buildlog
$filename = "$::basedir/raptor_warning.txt";
if (!-f$filename)
print "Writing warnings file $filename\n";
open(FILE, ">$filename");
sub on_start_buildlog_warning
open(FILE, ">>$filename");
sub on_chars_buildlog_warning
my ($ch) = @_;
#print "on_chars_buildlog_warning\n";
$characters .= $ch->{Data};
#print "characters is now -->$characters<--\n";
sub on_end_buildlog_warning
#print "on_end_buildlog_warning\n";
$characters =~ s,^[\r\n]*,,;
$characters =~ s,[\r\n]*$,,;
if ($characters =~ m,[^\s^\r^\n],)
if ($failure_item == 0 and -f "$filename")
open(FILE, "$filename");
local $/ = undef;
my $filecontent = <FILE>;
$failure_item = $1 if ($filecontent =~ m/.*---failure_item_(\d+)/s);
open(FILE, ">>$filename");
print FILE "---failure_item_$failure_item\---\n";
print FILE "$characters\n\n";
process($characters, '', '', '', "raptor_warning.txt", $failure_item);
$characters = '';