Fixed the initial population of the epoc32 tree with rnd bins to deal
with the fact that the zips are in a slightly different location. (cf
the changes made for Bug 350)
Simplified the way in which the setting of sf.spec.package.src.enable
is handled - no need to use it to change the zipping template, just use
it to control which parts of the template we invoke.
my @asYarpFiles = ();
open(FILE, $ARGV[0]);
while ( <FILE> )
if ( m/^[^,]*,[^,]*,([^,]*)/ )
my $sFile = $1;
chomp $sFile;
# print "$sFile\n";
push(@asYarpFiles, $sFile);
my $nYarpFiles = scalar(@asYarpFiles);
#print "Found $nYarpFiles files to parse\n";
my $nTotalRecipeErrors = 0;
for my $nYarpFile (@asYarpFiles)
my $nRecipeErrors = 0;
# print "Parsing file $nYarpFile...\n";
open(FILE, $nYarpFile);
while ( <FILE> )
if ( m/^Raptor recipe failures:\s+(\d+)$/ )
# print "Raptor recipe failures: $1\n";
$nRecipeErrors = $1;
# print "Recipe errors in $nYarpFile: $nRecipeErrors\n";
$nTotalRecipeErrors += $nRecipeErrors;
#print "Total recipe errors across all files: $nTotalRecipeErrors\n";
print "$nTotalRecipeErrors";