Added creation of zips of zips of OSS packages (though these are not yet published in a PDK release).
Updated names of zips of zips of SFL packages to avoid clashing with the ideal long term name of the zips of zips of OSS packages.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<#assign raptor_count=0/>
<#list raptor_summary as raptor_item>
<#assign raptor_count=raptor_count+1 />
<total severity="error">${ant['sf.job.totalyarperrors']}</total>
<total severity="warning">0</total>
<total severity="warning_rvct_bad">${raptor_count}</total>
<total severity="warning_rvct_other">0</total>
<total severity="codescanner_high">0</total>
<total severity="codescanner_medium">0</total>
<total severity="codescanner_low">0</total>
<#list files as f>
<name>Raptor summary</name>