sf.spec.bccheck.enable - Disabling BC check as default, as it's not required after every build and can be kicked seperately using 'sf-test-bc-check' target on a clean machine.
<?xml version="1.0"?>+ −
<project name="hg-prep" default="all" xmlns:hlm="http://www.nokia.com/helium">+ −
<property environment="env"/>+ −
+ −
<taskdef name="scm" classname="com.nokia.helium.scm.ant.taskdefs.ScmTask" uri="http://www.nokia.com/helium" />+ −
<typedef name="latestTag" classname="com.nokia.helium.scm.ant.types.LatestTag" uri="http://www.nokia.com/helium" />+ −
<typedef name="tagSet" classname="com.nokia.helium.scm.ant.types.TagSet" uri="http://www.nokia.com/helium" />+ −
+ −
+ −
<target name="all">+ −
+ −
<parallel threadCount="${ant['threads']}">+ −
<#assign refid=0/>+ −
<#list data as d>+ −
<sequential>+ −
<delete dir="${ant['build.drive']}${d.dst}" failonerror="false"/>+ −
<mkdir dir="${ant['build.drive']}${d.dst}"/>+ −
<hlm:scm verbose="true" scmUrl="scm:hg:${d.source}">+ −
<hlm:checkout basedir="${ant['build.drive']}${d.dst}"/>+ −
+ −
<hlm:tags basedir="${ant['build.drive']}${d.dst}" reference="hg.tags.id${refid}"/>+ −
+ −
<hlm:update basedir="${ant['build.drive']}${d.dst}">+ −
<hlm:latestTag pattern="${d.tag}">+ −
<hlm:tagSet refid="hg.tags.id${refid}" />+ −
</hlm:latestTag>+ −
</hlm:update>+ −
</hlm:scm>+ −
</sequential>+ −
<#assign refid=refid + 1/>+ −
</#list>+ −
</parallel>+ −
</target>+ −
+ −
<import file="${ant['helium.dir']}/helium.ant.xml"/> + −
</project>+ −