Re-apply changes to allow sources.csv to specify a revision by a *local* tag in the web repository.
Uses "hg id" instead of "hg in", so not affected by the aborts we had previously. And no need for an empty repo this time either.
my @asYarpFiles = ();
open(FILE, $ARGV[0]);
while ( <FILE> )
if ( m/^[^,]*,[^,]*,([^,]*)/ )
my $sFile = $1;
chomp $sFile;
# print "$sFile\n";
push(@asYarpFiles, $sFile);
my $nYarpFiles = scalar(@asYarpFiles);
#print "Found $nYarpFiles files to parse\n";
my $nTotalRecipeErrors = 0;
for my $nYarpFile (@asYarpFiles)
my $nRecipeErrors = 0;
# print "Parsing file $nYarpFile...\n";
open(FILE, $nYarpFile);
while ( <FILE> )
if ( m/^Raptor recipe failures:\s+(\d+)$/ )
# print "Raptor recipe failures: $1\n";
$nRecipeErrors = $1;
# print "Recipe errors in $nYarpFile: $nRecipeErrors\n";
$nTotalRecipeErrors += $nRecipeErrors;
#print "Total recipe errors across all files: $nTotalRecipeErrors\n";
print "$nTotalRecipeErrors";